Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 502 Avoiding the enemy's edge

Chapter 502 Avoiding the enemy's edge

Duoduo naturally recognized that it was the return of Daqing Tanma.However, seeing that hurried look, his heart tensed up, and before he had time to think about it, he could already see Tan Ma's expression clearly, panic?anxious?Or still afraid?
At this time, the galloping Tan Ma didn't seem to know that he had become the focus of everyone's attention. He just looked at the banner of Duoduo and galloped towards him. When he got close, he reined in his horse and stopped sharply. He got up, but he didn’t care at all when he went to explore the horse. He rolled the saddle and fell off the horse. He knelt down, raised his head, and said loudly: "Your Highness, countless warships of the Ming army were found by the sea!"

Upon hearing this, Doduo immediately frowned and shouted, "Explore again!"

He knew that this was Tan Ma's report at the first time, so there was only a preliminary enemy situation, otherwise, if he waited to find out the detailed enemy situation before reporting, the major event would be delayed.

"Cha!" Tanma got the order, immediately stood up, took a few steps back, then flew on the horse and left in a hurry.

Seeing this scene, all Jianlu knew that there must be an emergency, and it was not good news.Judging from Tan Ma Lai's place, it might be that the Ming army has moved.

But they don't know the scale of the movement, is it the Gaizhou Ming army's change or something else?Therefore, most of the Jianlu looked at each other and guessed in a low voice.

Seeing Doduo's frown, I turned my head and looked at the trench work that was about to be completed, then looked down at the pen and paper in my hand, and finally looked up at Doduo, comfortingly said: "Your Highness, you have no worries, even if there is movement on the sea , but the Ming army has to land and rest, and then it will take two or three days to rush to Yaozhou Station. If the Ming army dares to come in a hurry, I will wait for work in the Qing Dynasty. Maybe it is God's credit to His Highness Already!"

Generally speaking, this is indeed the case. The Ming army came across the sea by boat, so they have to rest for a day, right?Otherwise, how to fight?

It's also to blame that Tanma didn't make it clear, but only said that he came from the sea.But in fact, Jianlu can't be blamed for visiting the horse.Jianlu knew nothing about matters at sea.Naturally, they didn't know that the Ming army had already built a pier on the other side of Lianyun Island Pass, landed from a place they couldn't see, and had already rested on the island.

If the Ming army landed and waited for the ship from the shore of the island, then their rewards would naturally be correct.Sometimes, the details of the war are like this, and it is not wrong to say something wrong, but the impact is very important.

After listening to Ning, Duoduo nodded with a gloomy face, looked up at the trench operation, and suddenly asked sharply, "If the king orders the attack to start now, is this trench available?"

Hearing this, I knew that he wanted to take down Yaozhou Station with some casualties before the Ming army rushed over.

He can understand this feeling.Not only because of the lack of success, but also because the Qing Dynasty has not won a battle against the Ming army for a long time.Therefore, he didn't dare to be negligent, and thought for a while and said, "Your Highness, you can drive to the other side of the trench immediately. After the trench is dug wide, if you charge again, the casualties will be smaller than before."

Hearing this, Duoduo did not hesitate, and immediately ordered to attack Yaozhou Station.

When the military order was passed down, Jianlu, who was digging the ditch, began to dig on both sides, trying to make the exit bigger, so that more Qing warriors could rush out at once.In addition, the messengers rushed back to the camp immediately, and the soldiers who wanted to lie dead in the camp rushed over to join the battle immediately after eating their stomachs.

At Yaozhou Station, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

However, compared to the nervousness of the Jianlu, the Ming army in the Yaozhou post was much more relaxed.Naturally, Li Guo would not miss the anomaly of Jianlu's scouting horses. Seeing this, he knew it well, and immediately sent an order quietly: "Reinforcements will arrive soon, and victory is at hand!"

"Drive... drive..."

The sound of horse hooves sounded again at Yaozhou Station. This time, it wasn't a few scouting horses, but a group of Jianlu scouting horses appeared from the direction of Gaizhou, and galloped towards where Prince Yu's banner was.And along the way, they were no longer just rushing in silence, but shouting something loudly.

The Jianlu cavalry army, who cut off the back road of Yaozhou Post, was the first to hear the shouts of those probing horses, and it could be seen that they immediately became nervous.

The original battle against Yaozhou Station had nothing to do with them, it was just to prevent the Ming army from Yaozhou Station from escaping back to Gaizhou, so their expressions were very relaxed and leisurely, and even many Jian captives did not ride horses. Breaking through, it will not be too late for them to mount their horses and intercept them.

However, at this moment, all the Jian prisoners got on their horses in a panic, and immediately began to gather and move closer to each other, as if they were facing a big enemy.

Seeing this scene, although Li Guo didn't hear what Jianlu Tanma was shouting, he was more certain in his heart that it was the reinforcements from the capital that the governor had said before!

After confirming this, he immediately called Li Dingguo, told him about the situation, and asked him to prepare for it.And a general order was issued to ask the artillery to start preparing.

Duo Duo naturally also saw the nervousness of the cavalry over there, and suddenly, in his mind, the words of Duo Ergun's urging flashed, asking him to pay attention to the movements of the Ming emperor and the hussars battalion .

Just as he was thinking, he heard the sound of galloping scouting horses: "The Hussar Battalion of the Ming Dynasty came ashore and gathered to kill... The Hussar Battalion of the Ming Dynasty came ashore and gathered to kill..."

Hearing this, after Ning Wan, I was shocked and said to Duoduo quickly: "Your Highness, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is full of tricks, and the hussar battalion is fierce. It is important to avoid the enemy's sharp edge!"

He was afraid that Duoduo would be tough if he hadn't suffered under the emperor of Ming Dynasty.Dorgon has been admonishing him ten thousand times, and if something happens, he will be questioned!
With a "snap", the horsewhip heard the sound, and hit Ning Wan on my shoulder, making him grin his teeth and be a little dazed at the same time.

"Do you think this king is as stupid as you are?" Duoduo snarled with a ferocious face, and then he didn't bother me, and immediately began to issue military orders, dispatch troops and generals, and assemble the whole army to meet the enemy .

At this time, he was naturally very angry.Seeing that the Yaozhou Station can be defeated, and it is very likely that the Yaozhou Station can be defeated, at this juncture, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty came to make trouble, not to mention him, even if Yuetuo, Haoge and others were there, they would definitely Very angry, and not reconciled!

After receiving Duduo's military order, the broken cavalry immediately turned around and prepared to join the infantry.Tens of thousands of horses gallop past Yaozhou Station.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, the Ming army at Yaozhou Post even "played music to see them off".

Although this cavalry army did not pass by the Yaozhou post, at least Yaozhou post was on the official road.The Jianlu Cavalry Army and Yaozhou Station kept a distance and circled back, and it was impossible to go as far as five or six miles away.This place, that could be that wide.

In the past, the Jianlu cavalry army must have passed by in batches.But at this time, it was Gaizhou, where the famous hussar battalion of the Ming Dynasty was coming, and the Jianlu cavalry army was in a hurry to go back to join the infantry, and they were a little flustered. The threat of the Yaozhou Yi Ming army subconsciously reduced.

Therefore, when the cannons sounded, the Jianlu Cavalry Army signaled that the Yaozhou Post Ming Army came from a tiger with sharp teeth.However, it was too late for them to wake up. At the same time as the cannon sounded, the iron bullets rushed towards them.

Li Chao had expected that the Jianlu cavalry army would withdraw and made corresponding arrangements. The Hongyi cannon and other heavy artillery were secretly moving to this side or their muzzles were turned to this side. In the first wave of attack, there were more than 20 iron bombs. bomb.

The iron bullets shot in a straight line, and anything blocking it, whether it was a man or a horse, was torn apart.Everyone can see that there are more than a dozen cracks abruptly appearing in the torrent of the cavalry, as if someone swung a knife to cut off the flow.

The dismembered corpses of the men and horses hindered the follow-up cavalry. For a while, a lot of people turned their backs on their backs, making the Jianlu cavalry, which had retreated in chaos, suddenly become more chaotic.

Seeing this scene, Li Guo couldn't help but regret and said: "It's a pity that the range of the flintlock guns and bows and arrows is not enough, otherwise, this cavalry army will be half disabled!"

"How about going to charge for a while at the end?" Li Dingguo immediately asked for his order after hearing this.

Li Guo heard this, but shook his head and said: "The emperor's army will be here soon, don't make trouble!"

"The last general obeys orders!" Li Dingguo listened, without arguing, he immediately agreed, and then went to pay attention to Jianlu's movements.

This time, the shelling had limited damage to Jianlu, but it dealt a huge blow to Jianlu's morale.Especially when the Ming cavalry attacked, it was even more obvious.

Duoduo was deploying, preparing to fight a good battle with the Hussar Battalion of the Ming Dynasty who came to help, when he suddenly saw such an episode, his face immediately became as ugly as possible.Turning his head to look at the infantry under him, he saw that everyone seemed to be in a panic, even the most elite white armored soldiers had serious expressions on their faces, so he knew that he wanted to fight first I'm afraid it's going to be yellow.

At this moment, another scout horse galloped over and reported to Doduo in a panic: "Your Highness, the Hussar Battalion of the Ming Dynasty is suspected to have rested at the Lianyun Island Pass. The meaning of exhaustion. Now there are about [-] cavalry in the front line, about [-] miles away from Yaozhou Station."

As soon as he heard this, Duduo didn't hesitate for a moment and immediately sent an order to withdraw his troops and retreated to the camp.

However, the retreat of the army, especially the infantry, cannot be said to be withdrawn immediately.The hussars battalion obviously arrived faster than Jianlu's scouting horses expected. The sound of rumbling horseshoes was like thunder rolling from the sky. Immediately, the demons and ghosts in the world were frightened and fled away.

In just a short while, in the south of Yaozhou Station, two large camps that had not been cleaned up were discarded there, while in the north of Yaozhou Station, a field of shovels, hoes, and planks for laying trenches were thrown away.If you are careful, you can still find among these sundries, there are overturned inkstones, discarded brushes and the like.

Seeing the valiant and heroic appearance of the comrades in the hussars battalion galloping on horseback, all the soldiers of the Ming army in Yaozhou station cheered together.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


This voice resounded in the sky above Yaozhouyi!
The soldiers of the Hussar Battalion continued to gallop forward, but when they passed by the Yaozhou Station, they all straightened up on their horses and saluted in return with military salutes!
Not long after, thousands of cavalry from the hussar battalion galloped and roared past.It's as if, now, in this world, everything belongs to Daming!

An hour later, the remaining hussar battalion soldiers also escorted Emperor Chongzhen to Yaozhou post.

Seeing the emperor's guard of honor, immediately, no matter whether it was the soldiers of the Dongjiang Army who rarely saw the emperor, or the soldiers of the chariot camp who hadn't seen the emperor for a year, they all greeted the emperor on horseback with their most fanatical excitement.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

An emperor who can lead the army to fight and win the battle is far more loved by the soldiers in the army than the emperor who has been sitting in the Forbidden City all his life.

The shouts of tens of thousands of people gather together and spread far and wide.Even the Jianlu in the Jianlu camp five or six miles away knew all about it. The Ming emperor had arrived!
If it was changed to before, Jianlu might be excited that the Ming emperor came to the battlefield, and they would imagine that if they could capture the Ming emperor, then they would have made a great contribution to the sky.

But nowadays, not many Jianlu have such unrealistic fantasies anymore.Emperor Chongzhen must win every battle, and every victory must be a big victory in the past, which has already made them feel jealous.This point is not only for Dorgon, but also for ordinary Jianlu.

Even if Duoduo, who had never fought against Emperor Chongzhen, hadn't experienced the power of Emperor Chongzhen, at this moment, hearing the fanatical cheers from a distance, and thinking of Dorgon's ten thousand warnings, he also had a dignified expression.The first thing he did was to order his subordinates to immediately report to Shengjing: to inform the regent that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty had appeared at Yaozhou Station with his Imperial Forest Army!
At this time, at Yaozhou Station, Emperor Chongzhen rode a war horse and stood in front of the trench dug by Jianlu. Negative, mainly depends on the person.

Trenches against firearms should have never appeared in this era.However, it is now in front of my eyes.Daming's artillery, for the attack through the trench, the lethality is really reduced to the minimum.But fortunately, the military power of Daming, including the three major battalions under the Dongjiang Army plus Yumajian and the reorganized Beijing Camp, is actually stronger than that of Jianlu.Then in the future, it will be Daming who will attack and Jianlu who will defend.As for siege, artillery is still very useful!In other words, it is actually the best use of artillery, not for defense!
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen looked at the Jianlu camp in the distance, and said with a sneer in his heart: "If I didn't want to lose too much, I wouldn't have killed you slowly! This battle, I'm here, take care of you!" It's a cat or a dog, I want you to taste it, I have a golden finger!"

 Thanks to book friends 20180831213149759 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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