Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 496 Let You Be the Regent of Uncle

Chapter 496 Let You Be the Regent of Uncle

After a while, Duduo suppressed his anger, stared at Wu Keshan, who was not showing any weakness, and was also looking back at him, and said almost word by word: "The Horqin clan and my Qing Dynasty are one body of honor and disgrace. If the Qing Dynasty loses It’s impossible for the Ming Dynasty to let your Horqin people go. The war is imminent, and this king doesn’t want to hear about this situation again, how about it?”

It is clear that Duduo has taken a step back.

Seeing him like this, Wu Keshan did not continue, because he also did not have the confidence to continue fighting Duoduo.Besides, he also thinks that Duduo is right.With the relationship between the Horqin tribe and the Qing royal family, the Ming Kingdom would definitely not let them go, at least he, Wu Keshan, would never let them go.

Therefore, he also took a step back: "Next time I send out troops, I will personally lead them. If anyone hesitates to surrender to the enemy, I will deal with it myself!"

Having said all that, there is nothing more to say.


Before midnight, more than 2000 of the [-] cavalry sent out came back and reported to Duduo that Yaozhou Station had fallen. It was confirmed that the Ming army was invading in a large scale. The force consisted of the Gaizhou Ming army and the Dongjiang army.As for the number of troops, it remains to be verified.

When Doduo heard this, he immediately became worried.In the past, the Dongjiang Army had never fought with the Yulin Army in Gaizhou.It appears now, which means that the Ming Dynasty has used all its troops in Liaodong.

Having reached this conclusion, he finally ordered the start of the city's battle preparations.In addition, a messenger was sent to report to Shengjing urgently.

Although there are three thousand cavalry troops on the Ming army side, there are at least more than 1 cavalry troops on the Jianlu side.The cavalry forces on both sides were not of the same level at all.

However, the Jianlu were limited by food and supplies, and they could not afford to dispatch large-scale cavalry every time for long-term scouting battles. Therefore, in terms of scouting battles between the two sides, the Ming army actually always had the upper hand.

But once the war really starts now, apart from the sudden increase of the Ming cavalry army to [-] cavalry troops on the first day, which caught the Jianlu cavalry army by surprise, on the second day, Yaozhou Station will be full of Jianlu cavalry. The traces of the cavalry are gone.The difference in numbers caused the Ming cavalry to retreat to Yaozhou Station.

At this time, the Yaozhou post was supported by the vans of the car camp, and the imperial forest army in Jianlu's mouth had received professional civil engineering training, and they had the engineering shovel passed down to Emperor Chongzhen in their hands. It was just one night and one morning. Before the Jianlu Cavalry Army appeared in Yaozhou Station on a large scale, it had already expanded Yaozhou Station, which was more than three times larger.

Of course, in such a short period of time, it was impossible to build a tall city wall. Instead, trenches, parapets, horse barriers, etc., coupled with the Ming army's large number of artillery and firearms, formed a simple but effective defensive position.The grain and grass supplies transported in the sidecars were all stored in the original Yaozhou Station.

The cavalry army of Jianlu in the distance, as far as the eye can see, is full of soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, hiding in the tortoise shell, which makes all of them look gloomy.

Duduo, who came over after hearing the news, frowned even more. He is the commander, so he naturally knew the strength of the army in his hands. In fact, he actually overestimated it, but even so, he looked He knew that if he wanted to take this Yaozhou station, he would have to pay at least two or three times the loss, and this would be based on the absence of reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty.

"Your Highness, the Ming army here at Yaozhou Station has about [-] infantry troops from the Dongjiang Army, [-] cavalry troops, and about [-] chariot soldiers and horses from the Imperial Forest Army of the Ming Dynasty, and [-] cavalry troops." The leader of Jianlu had roughly figured out the strength of the Ming army, and he was telling Duoduo, "My servant guesses that this is just the forward of the Ming army. Otherwise, with this strength, it is impossible to attack my Haizhou idea!"

Speaking of this, seeing Doduo look back and turn to look at him, he continued to report: "But the scouts sent to Gaizhou have returned, saying that the Ming army in Gaizhou is waiting in full force, but there is no sign of continuing to send troops. "

After hearing this, Duoduo turned his head to look at Yaozhou Station. After staring at it for a while, he suddenly murmured to himself, "Isn't it possible? Attack Haizhou?"

If this is the case, it can explain why there are only less than [-] Ming troops, but there is no sign of continuing to send troops in the future.

After finishing speaking, Duduo's expression suddenly turned ferocious, and he shouted sternly: "Do you really think that our Qing army is made of clay?"

It's just that the Ming army, which was less than 2, dared to build and expand the Yaozhou post so blatantly under the nose when they knew that the Qing army had more than [-]. This is really unprecedented!

You know, in the past, if the Ming army dared to leave a strong city like Ning Jin, it would definitely end up being wiped out by the Qing Dynasty.Now, although he admits that the Ming army is indeed stronger than before, the arrogance to this point is beyond his tolerance.

If it was Dorgon, or Azig and others, they might not be so angry after having tasted the strength of the Ming army.Even if it was Yue Tuo who had fought solidly against Lu Xiangsheng outside Pyongyang, he would never dare to underestimate the strength of the Ming army.

However, Duoduo has never faced the current Ming army head-on, so he doesn't know how powerful the current Ming army is!I was used to being arrogant before, so how could I endure this kind of thing that humiliated him right under his nose.

Therefore, after he complained bitterly, he did not recklessly order an attack. He was not that stupid.

Duduo returned to Haizhou that day, used his reserves of grain and grass supplies, and began to mobilize troops. He sent [-] cavalry troops, divided into two battalions, stationed between Yaozhouyi and Gaizhou, with the intention of blocking Yaozhouyi's Ming army. The retreat route also prevents Gaizhou Ming army from reinforcing Yaozhou Post.

In addition, another thousand cavalry troops were sent to disperse dozens of miles around Yaozhouyi and Gaizhou, especially along the coastline, to monitor the emergence of new reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty.

After finishing these, he ordered the construction of military equipment such as chariots, and was ready to wait until the energy of the Ming army in Yaozhou Yi was exhausted, and take the initiative to launch a war when he saw the opportunity, annihilate the incoming army, and deal a severe blow to the Ming army.


In the Chongzheng Palace in Shengjing City, Dorgon rushed back immediately after inspecting the farmland in the Liaohe Plain.He didn't dare to leave for too long, otherwise he wouldn't know when the regent would be eliminated.

After reporting the situation on the Liaodong Plain, everyone in Shengjing City breathed a sigh of relief.They all praised the regent for his wisdom and martial prowess. It seemed that the problems that plagued the Qing Dynasty were finally solved.

However, this situation made Fan Wencheng and others secretly jealous.Because the idea they came up with, judging from the current results, is not ideal.

First of all, the fishing teams scattered all over the place. The fish caught every day really depends on God’s face. When they are unlucky, they are not even enough to meet the fishing team’s own rations.With luck, there will be more.But in the end, it is a drop in the bucket to solve the current food shortage situation in the Qing Dynasty.

And the trade with Ezo is just like fishing. The food and supplies that can be exchanged are actually extremely limited.Generally speaking, the land of Ezo is not rich either. They all live in a world where there is no one meal and no next meal.Only those leaders have the strength to wear silk and satin to show off their status.

In addition, the Qing Dynasty did not have a fleet to cross the sea to the Ezo Land, which made their idea of ​​​​robbery only remain in the plan.In fact, even if you put a lot of effort into building a ship, you might lose money if you try to grab the Ezo land.

Therefore, Fan Wencheng suggested to Dorgon that he could send cavalry troops to raid North Korea from time to time, which might lead to more gains.

Regarding this point, Dorgon was sure, and also ordered that the cavalry sent to North Korea should not kill people indiscriminately in the future.As long as you don't resist, don't kill them all.Keep them, so you may be able to harvest more food in the coming year.

All in all, as far as the current situation is concerned, the situation in the Qing Dynasty is finally better than before.As long as it lasts until the autumn harvest, it will only take a few months, and the food shortage in the Qing Dynasty can be alleviated a lot.Wait a few more years, open up wasteland and farm more in the north, and it is estimated that they will no longer have to worry about food rations.

Of course, Dorgon actually knew it in his heart.The food crisis will be alleviated. On the one hand, it is true that Kong Youde has contributed a lot. On the other hand, the population of Liaodong has decreased a lot. Not to mention the Han slaves who escaped, the number of troops annihilated by the Ming army alone is about [-] , and there were also many Manchurians killed by the Ming army.Counting this back and forth, it is a lot of missing mouths to eat!
"Thanks to the regent's hard work day and night, my Qing Dynasty was able to recover." Bumbutai took the little emperor to the Chongzheng Palace on this day, and praised Dorgon in public.

These words made Hauge feel particularly uncomfortable. Looking at the radiant Bumbutai, he couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "What's the matter? Who doesn't know about such nonsense?"

The so-called world has no impenetrable walls. There have been some rumors about Dorgon and Bumbutai.But now that Dorgon is in full swing, and Bumbutai is fully supporting him, even a reckless man like Haoge knows that he can't confront Dorgon head-on, otherwise, he will definitely be punished by them.

While he was thinking about it, he heard Bumbutai continue to say: "I believe that the merits of the regent are obvious to all. After careful consideration, I have made the regent my uncle's regent. Who agrees and who opposes? I Want to hear what you think?"

As soon as he heard this, Hauge immediately became anxious.It was not enough for his grandma to be the regent, but now he has to be the regent for his uncle. Isn't this too blatant?
Just when he was about to speak out to object, Azig was the first to stand up and respond: "The regent has worked hard and has done a great job. We can easily solve the problem of food shortage in the Qing Dynasty. I agree with you!"

When Hauge heard this, he immediately turned his head to look at him, feeling angry in his heart. It was indeed a son of a mother. This must have been found by Dorgon in advance, and he has already taken refuge in him, right?

So, he immediately turned his head to look at Yue Tuo, but saw that Yue Tuo bowed his head and remained silent, and did not object.Immediately, he knew, maybe even Yue Tuo had been approached by Dorgon beforehand, maybe some dirty deal was reached!

He is the eldest son of Huang Taiji, and the little emperor is his younger brother. If Dorgon is named his uncle and regent, it means that he also has to call Dorgon his uncle. Such a title does not understand anything about the little emperor. , it may not matter.But Hauge was three years older than Dorgon, so how could he be willing to call Dorgon his daddy by adding the word uncle to the title of Prince Regent?
Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at Dorgon, and saw that he was staring at him, so he twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a sneer, and when he was about to object, he heard hurried footsteps from outside the hall, and at the same time, the servant led An anxious tone came: "Prince Yu of Haizhou urgent report!"

Haizhou has come to report urgently. Needless to say, there must be a war.

Therefore, in the Chongzheng Hall, whether it was Dorgon or Hauge and others, they were all attracted by the urgent report and immediately looked at the entrance of the hall.For the time being, no one has taken care of Dorgon's appointment as the uncle's regent.

Needless to say, the urgent report arrived in Dorgon's hands first. After reading it quickly, he immediately frowned and said, "The Gaizhou Ming Army and the Dongjiang Army are aggressively invading. It is estimated that Yaozhou Station will not be able to defend it! But Prince Yu didn't ask for help, but just reported the situation to Shengjing."

Dodo didn't ask for help, which means he should be able to handle it.After reaching this conclusion, most people in the Chongzheng Hall breathed a sigh of relief.

Bu Mu Butai praised first: "Uncle King Regent deserves to have the foresight to let Prince Yu station in Haizhou, like a mainstay, the Ming army must not make any waves!"

This statement was tantamount to directly confirming Dorgon's title, which made Hauge very dissatisfied.Don't you still want to listen to whoever is in favor and who is against?I haven’t even spoken yet!
When he was about to refute, Dorgon frowned and said: "There is no detailed information about the Ming army in this memorial. I am a little worried. Suddenly, especially at this time, the Ming army launched an offensive." , Could it be that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty had some conspiracy?"

To be honest, Dorgon was indeed very afraid of Emperor Chongzhen.

This fear was not because he had been captured by Emperor Chongzhen, but because he had also met Emperor Chongzhen himself, which left a deep impression on him.In addition, he has been summarizing all the news about Emperor Chongzhen.Including the Battle of Guihua City, as well as the previous Golden State Battle, the Battle of the Grassland and so on.

He found that Emperor Chongzhen would either not act, but if he did, it would definitely be a major blow to the Qing Dynasty.However, every time Emperor Chongzhen made a move, he was silent, hiding in the dark, and suddenly slashed Da Qing fiercely, very sinister.

At this time, he was very worried that Duoduo would fall into Emperor Chongzhen's calculations.

"Hehe, what conspiracy and tricks can the emperor of the Ming Dynasty have?" Hearing his words at this time, Haug finally had a chance to make use of the topic, and said loudly, "Isn't it possible that you were captured by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty before, and you are a shadow of a snake. Bar?"

It was rare to say an idiom, and Hauge felt that he described it very well, so he stared at Dorgon proudly, and thought to himself: Let you be the uncle and regent!
 My back hurts. After putting on the plaster, I found it hurts even more. I dare not even sneeze. Today I just stand up and write. This old waist is really bad.

(End of this chapter)

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