Chapter 495
After hearing this, Cao Bianjiao said indifferently: "So what if I escaped to North Korea, I can just come and catch a turtle in an urn!"

"Ah...haha..." He Renlong was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

In the past two years, when He Renlong laughed heartily, there were more and more times!
At this moment, a personal guard suddenly came over quickly, and reported to the two of them: "The governor's boat will arrive at Lianyun Island Pass soon, order the two generals to go over to discuss matters!"

Lianyun Island was originally an isolated island on the coast of Gaizhou, covering an area of ​​about 3.75 square kilometers.It leans against the sea on one side and is surrounded by rivers on three sides.However, because the mountains control the river and sea fortresses and the land restricts the border defenses, it has become a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

Not to mention far away, at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, a great war took place here.Wu Li and Zhang Liangzuo, commanders of the Gaizhou Guard, set up an ambush to attack the remnants of the Northern Yuan Naha Clan, which had tens of thousands of soldiers, and nearly wiped out the entire army.At one time, it was also one of the earliest shipping terminals in Northeast China.

At this time, when Cao Bianjiao and He Renlong heard that Lu Xiangsheng was going to Lianyundao Pass, they immediately glanced at each other and saw that the other party was a little excited and seemed to want to go together.

"Let's go, maybe the fight will start!" He Renlong waved his hand, turned around and left in a hurry.

Regarding this point, Cao Bianjiao also agreed. As he followed up, he also said: "It won't be long before the autumn harvest is here in Liaodong. Before that, we must take action. Believe it or not, maybe the emperor's decree has arrived. ?”

"It's possible, it doesn't matter, anyway, let's fight if there is a war, or else you will be sick!" He Renlong was impatient, and walked faster and faster while talking.

When Cao Bianjiao saw him, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, and left quickly.He is no exception, and he is also looking forward to beating Jianlu as soon as possible!

About half an hour later, both Cao Bianjiao and He Renlong arrived at Lianyun Island Pass.Before they got to the island, they felt something was wrong.As soon as they landed on the island, they saw that it was Li Guo from the Guan Ning Army who came to greet them both. Suddenly, unexpectedly, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, He Renlong couldn't bear his temper, and asked quickly: "You are all here, is this?" Is there going to be a big fight?"

Previously, Li Guo had been guarding Lushun and was the main general responsible for land defense.Now, due to his meritorious service, he has been promoted to deputy general, which is commonly known as deputy general.Hearing He Renlong's question, he smiled and said, "Yeah, if I don't come over and fight Jianlu together, when will I be promoted to the rank of commander, right?"

Upon hearing this, He Renlong immediately burst out laughing.

The two of them are still fellow villagers.He Renlong is known as He Crazy, and Li Guo is known as a Tiger, both of whom are from the fierce future.In the past, he was an enemy, an official, and a thief.The two sides have also played against each other too many times.Now that they are all officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, they will naturally cherish each other as comrades in fighting against Jianlu.

"Please!" Li Guo turned around, and with respect, he stretched out his hand as a signal to take them to see Governor Lu.

Along the way, all I could see were the elites of the Dongjiang Army, the original old thieves. They were packing up their armaments while speaking with a Qin accent. This made He Renlong feel very friendly.

Not long after, they arrived at the largest building on Lianyun Island. According to legend, the Dragon King Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty, where Lu Xiangsheng's interim Governor Xingyuan was located.

When He Renlong and Cao Bianjiao went in together and saw Lu Xiangsheng, they saw that he was looking at a hanging map of Liaodong, and they immediately stepped forward to salute in unison.

Hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng waved his hand as a signal, then let the two of them approach, pointed at the map and asked, "Is this place still in Jianlu's hands?"

Cao Bianjiao listened and took a closer look, but it was the Yaozhou Station between Gaizhou and Haizhou, which happened to be in the middle of the two states, about sixty miles apart.

So, he immediately nodded and replied: "It's still in Jianlu's hands, but we don't want to fight, otherwise, it's just this post station, which can be easily defeated!"

Yaozhou Station is two miles and three hundred steps around, with two gates in the north and south.The main purpose is to undertake the transfer between Gaizhou and Haizhou. It is not like Anshan Station, which is a dangerous place between the two mountains.Therefore, Cao Bianjiao is confident that he can easily take down this Yaozhou station.

After hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, if that's the case, then take down the Yaozhou post before the emperor arrives."

"Ah..." Cao Bianjiao and He Renlong couldn't help but asked in surprise when they heard this: "My lord, does the emperor want to personally conquer?"

If the emperor's personal conquest, it must be another great victory!

After hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng showed a smile on his serious face and said, "That's right, I have received the order, and the emperor will be here soon. This time, our goal is to target Haizhou and try our best to get Jianlu It's all spent here."

Earlier, Dorgon gave up many coastal cities in one go. I have to say that this move was a very good way to deal with it.

The Daming navy was able to choose where to attack as they wished across the sea, but the Jianlu passive defense could not defend against them at all.Coupled with the availability of cavalry, these cities could not keep the surrounding grain fields and forts.Dorgon gave up these coastal cities and avoided the risk of being defeated by the Ming army one by one.Moreover, after Jianlu retreated to the inland, his troops were strengthened, and he could better defend against the cavalry of the Ming army, thus protecting the hinterland of Liaodong.

Regarding the strategy of Jianlu withdrawing, although Daming regained a lot of land in name, it was actually useless.The most important thing is to consume Jianlu's vitality.

For this reason, the decision made by Emperor Chongzhen was that since Jianlu wants to protect Haizhou, then I won’t engage in raids, and I will fight around Haizhou and fight Jianlu. Haizhou has made a move.If we can use up the vital strength of Jianlu in Haizhou, it will save a lot of worry and effort for Daming to recover Liaodong in the future.

In this way, Yaozhou Station is very important, it can be used as a transfer station for the Ming army attacking Haizhou.There is a big difference between having a city as a support and not having a city as a support for dealing with the Jianlu cavalry army.

At this time, Cao Bianjiao and He Renlong were overjoyed when they heard the target of the battle. They clasped their fists at the same time, and said to Lu Xiangsheng: "My lord, the general is willing to lead the army to take down Yaozhou Station!"

When Lu Xiangsheng saw it, he shook his head and said with a smile: "No, I asked you to come here, just to ask about the actual situation of Yaozhou Post. The attack on Yaozhou Post will be completed by Vice General Li, but your car camp will be borrowed!"

Cao Bianjiao and He Renlong originally wanted to compete for this first achievement, but the Governor-General said that neither of them had a share, and he was stunned for a moment.

But before they had time to speak, Lu Xiangsheng explained to them: "This is done to let Jianlu know that we have concentrated our forces and are about to fight a big battle in Haizhou!"

In other words, it is to ask Jianlu to send more people to come to Haizhou for a decisive battle.

Hearing this, Cao Bianjiao and He Renlong had nothing to say, they could only look at Li Guo with envy in their eyes.


Two days later, just after dawn, Gaizhou City, which was in silence, suddenly became lively.The gate of the city was opened, and the cavalry of the brigade left the city first. They just walked outside the city for a while, and then they met the cavalry of the Dongjiang Army who came from the sea. They came to meet under the leadership of Li Dingguo. go north.

Behind them, the Dongjiang Army infantry from Lianyungao Pass came towards the north of Gaizhou City like a long dragon.

Li Guo rode in the front and saw the north of Gaizhou City, Che Ying had already left the city, so they joined together and headed north.

The march of the infantry is about fifty or sixty miles a day.If there are Jianlu visiting horses to harass, it is very likely that they will not be able to reach Yaozhou Station before dark.Therefore, all the cavalry troops were gathered here and pushed northward to drive away Jianlu to explore the horses.Jianlu from Haizhou realized that he would have to wait until tomorrow at least.

Today, the Ming army has cart camps. After all, they are pulled by livestock, and the speed is a little faster than that of the infantry.Therefore, they were able to arrive at Yaozhou Post before dark, shelled Yaozhou Post, and captured it in one fell swoop.After nightfall, there is a car camp as a wall for defense, and there is no fear of Jianlu's surprise attack at night.

In fact, Jianlu did not leave many troops in Yaozhou Post. After all, Yaozhou Post was undefendable, the city wall was not high, and the city was too small.Even if the entire city were filled with troops, there wouldn't be enough Ming troops to attack.The reason why it is still kept is just to serve as an early warning.

This sudden offensive went as planned.

Jianlu's exploration horse was attacked by the Ming cavalry on a large scale at the beginning, caught off guard, and immediately retreated.At the same time, they also felt that something was wrong, so they all sent people to report back to Haizhou.

"Report, there is a change in the Ming army in Gaizhou!"

"Report, the Gaizhou Ming Dynasty Cavalry Army is on the move!"

"Report, found Dongjiang cavalry!"


There is no doubt about the importance of Haizhou to Jianlu, so Dorgon sent his most trusted Duoduo to sit in the town.At this time, Duoduo became nervous when he heard the front-line scouts complaining again and again.

In the past, the Ming army had a similar situation. They pretended to attack on a large scale to induce the Qing side to make a corresponding defense level. In the end, it turned out to be false.

For this kind of situation, Duoduo can be regarded as a veteran who is used to fighting.It is natural to know that the Ming army wanted to consume the vigilance of the Qing Dynasty and the money and food of the Qing Dynasty.Maybe after many false offensives, there will be a real one suddenly.

However, Duduo was helpless against this trick of the Ming army.We can only increase the intensity of scouts and detect the true purpose of the Ming army as early as possible to reduce the number of times they are fooled by the Ming army.

However, the scout battle in the past few months made him not very satisfied.On the side of Daqing Tanma, there was a situation where there were more defeats than victories.According to his recent statistics, the Manchurians lost as much as three or four hundred people just because they were exploring horses.

In desperation, Duoduo sent a military order to visit the horse and report the situation in time.

At this time, he heard that there was a change in the army again, so he was going to send more cavalry to investigate the situation.However, before the cavalry was sent out, a follow-up report was received, saying that the cavalry of the Dongjiang Army had also been discovered.This situation had never happened before, and he immediately became alert.

But Duoduo was also worried, maybe the Ming army felt that the previous bluff had no effect, so they came up with new tricks?

Under consideration, he sent 2000 cavalry to investigate the situation.As for Haizhou City, they should do whatever they need to do.The army really couldn't stand the toss, as long as it moved, the food, grass and supplies would be consumed like running water.

The reserves of grain and grass supplies in Haizhou City were accumulated by the Qing Dynasty through frugality and were used to deal with major wars.

In the evening, Duoduo saw the dust flying in the distance from the top of the south gate of Haizhou, so he immediately ordered to be on guard.

After a while, he found out that the cavalry army he had sent had returned, a bit embarrassed, and there were only more than 1000 troops, which surprised him.

"My lord, it's not good. The Ming army is aggressively invading this time. There are infantry troops behind the cavalry army. I'm afraid the Yaozhou station will not be able to hold it." Just as soon as they met, the fleeing general reported in a panic.

When Duoduo heard this, he frowned immediately, stared at him and asked, "How many troops and horses are there from the Ming army, and what banners are they?"

"My lord, the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty is well-equipped, and the last general can resist..." Hearing the question, the man hesitated for a moment before continuing to report, "But there seems to be a Horqin clan in the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty. Under their bewilderment, the Mongols under the last general had no intention of fighting at all. Therefore, the last general could not go deep behind the Ming cavalry, and could not find out the number of Ming infantry. But judging from the banner , seems to be Li Guo's unit of the Dongjiang Army."

Hearing this, Dodo couldn't help being furious.

Over the past year, he has had great opinions on the various behaviors of the Mongols.No matter how much he hated the Han people, he had to admit that considering the laziness of those Mongolians, it was better to just be two-legged sheep and keep those Chinese dogs instead.

At this moment, upon hearing the complaint from his general, he resisted giving orders first, and then sent a cavalry army of 3000 men, most of whom were members of the Jianlu clan, to Yaozhou Station to verify the situation.Then, he passed on Wu Keshan, who was also in Haizhou, with a cold face, and asked the general who fled back to explain the situation, and then asked Wu Keshan, "The Qing Dynasty is not mean to you. How can you give this matter?" An explanation from this king?"

When Wu Keshan heard this situation, he frowned and wanted to explain, but when he said that the Qing Dynasty was not mean to them, he immediately became angry, and immediately said back: "Then dare to ask the prince, how did the Qing Dynasty treat our Horqin family?" Not thin?"

Upon hearing this, Doduo became angry immediately, and stood up from the main seat, his eyes widened, as if he was about to eat Wu Keshan's expression.

However, he also maintained this expression, but never had any further attacks.

Dodo is not a reckless man like Hauge, knowing that if an outbreak occurs at this time, it will be detrimental to the current war.And without Sheng Jing's permission, he couldn't do anything to Wu Keshan.After all, no matter what Wu Keshan said, he was related to the Qing emperor and the two empress dowagers of the Qing Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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