Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 492 The Joy of Harvest

Chapter 492 The Joy of Harvest
Of course, the secret plan was not as simple as asking Zheng Zhilong to call his fifth brother over.

On the side of the navy of the Dongjiang Army, Zheng Zhilong's confidantes were the few people who controlled the key to the navy, so he wrote letters to comfort them secretly to avoid unnecessary trouble.

As far as the navy is concerned, even though Emperor Chongzhen's prestige is already very high, to be honest, this is actually the Zheng family's fleet.Although this situation is not good for the country, Emperor Chongzhen will not rectify it for the time being.

The original plan was to reorganize the navy after the Jianlu was wiped out and before the center of gravity began to shift to the ocean.But now it seems that the navy will be rectified after the war against the Wa Kingdom is almost over.

After all, as far as today is concerned, Zheng Zhilong's fleet is the strongest fleet in Ming Dynasty.Once Emperor Chongzhen intervenes to rectify, it will affect its combat effectiveness at least in a short period of time.

Of course, this does not affect the development of people loyal to the imperial court in the navy.As long as you grasp the degree well, there will be no problem.What's more, having Zheng Zhilong loyal to the court means that he controls the Zheng family's fleet.

In other words, in the words of later generations, in the Daming Navy, the contradiction between whether officers and soldiers are loyal to the Zheng family or to the court is not the main contradiction today.

In addition, on Lu Xiangsheng's side, he is the person who wants to coordinate the overall situation of the Dongjiang Army, and he is most likely to bear the brunt of being threatened by Japanese pirates.Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen also went to the secret edict.

All of this is unknown to outsiders.

Taking this into consideration, Emperor Chongzhen arranged for a secret decree to come to Lu Xiangsheng first, and then the decree to dismiss Zheng Zhilong from the military post arrived.


In the yamen of the Governor's Mansion in Dongjiang Town on Guanglu Island, Lu Xiangsheng hadn't smiled during this period of time.After the urgent memorial was sent to the capital, he successively received news from Yebu in the south of North Korea, which proved that the Japanese pirates sent people to spy on North Korea this time. the meaning of.

If this is the case, the Dongjiang army will be in a dangerous situation.After all, the strength of the Dongjiang Army, plus the newly trained Korean soldiers, is actually only about 1.If the Wa Kingdom sent troops to attack, there would be far more than 1 people.The last time Japan attacked North Korea, it was at least above [-] level, advancing both land and water, so the difference in strength was a bit big.

Lu Xiangsheng was very worried about dealing with the retreating Jianlu in the front and the Japanese pirates who might attack aggressively in the back.

Li Laiheng, who was transferred back, continued to work for Lu Xiangsheng.Seeing Lu Xiangsheng like this, he had no choice but to worry for Lu Xiangsheng.

Those Japanese pirates were only about 100 people. Facing the siege of more than [-] people, they still tried to resist. From this point, Li Laiheng could see that these Japanese pirates were indeed brave and difficult to deal with.

At this time, the secret decree of Emperor Chongzhen arrived.

"My lord, it's the emperor's urgent secret decree!" Li Laiheng held a small roll of yellow paper, put it in the palm of his hand, and presented it to Lu Xiangsheng, and said eagerly at the same time.

This small roll of yellow paper was brought back by the carrier pigeon.The color of the letter paper indicates that the content inside can only be translated by Lu Xiangsheng himself.

When Lu Xiangsheng heard this, he immediately left in front of the map of Liaodong, and quickly approached Li Laiheng. After taking the small roll of yellow paper, he checked the seal, then strode back to his desk, and took out a thick book on the desk. book, and began to translate it.

Li Laiheng and the other guards in the hall left the hall and stood at the door, not letting anyone disturb the governor at this time.

The principle of encryption on the yellow paper is very simple. According to the number of pages and the horizontal and vertical coordinates on this thick book, what word is determined.The Arabic numerals on the yellow paper are very small, so the amount of information conveyed is also large.

But no matter how many, it is impossible to go there more.Lu Xiangsheng quickly finished the translation, and immediately read it.I saw that the emperor's decree was to "abandon the dynasty and use Jinlu as the Jieqing to stay in Changsheng and withdraw from Zheng to wait for the snake to come out of the cave."

It's just a few short words, others may not know it, but Lu Xiangsheng immediately understood that the emperor made arrangements for the Japanese pirates.

The meaning of this line is to let Lu Xiangsheng abandon the North Korean side without garrisoning troops to defend, and move the base camp of the Dongjiang Army to Changsheng Island in Bohai Bay.The bottom line is the Liaodong Peninsula as the boundary, and the line of Jinzhou Lushun must be guarded. If Japanese pirates come to attack, they cannot cross this line.

The last word, the meaning of waiting for the snake to come out of the hole, Lu Xiangsheng also understood at once that the emperor wanted to lure the Japanese pirates out of the Japanese kingdom, disperse their forces, and then plot against these Japanese pirates.

But there is one thing that he doesn't understand very well, what does the withdrawal of Zheng mean?For a while, he even suspected that it might be because of the withdrawal of the town, because someone accidentally misplaced the word.It is to revoke Dongjiang Town and confuse Japanese pirates, so as to achieve the purpose of luring snakes out of their holes.

But looking back, it seems a bit impossible.

But generally speaking, he understood what the emperor meant.

This decree, it can be said that he was really relieved.If there is no such will, then he is actually responsible for guarding the North Korean side, at least these islands that originally belonged to the Dongjiang Army along the way must not be lost.In this way, the military strength of more than 1 cannot be defended at all.

However, with the emperor's will, it is tantamount to abandoning these places and withdrawing all the troops.Even if the Japanese pirates attack, they still have the strength to fight back.In addition, since the emperor has made this decision, he can know that if the Japanese pirates really come, the emperor will definitely increase his troops immediately.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiangsheng heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately began to deploy.Quietly and silently began to transfer troops.People who didn't know saw this deployment and didn't suspect him, thinking that they were going to attack Liaodong nearby.Maybe, the day to recover Liaodong is approaching.

Of course, the withdrawal of troops does not mean that there are really no troops on the east side of the Liaodong Peninsula.There are still activities such as naval inspections and no collection at night.

On Lu Xiangsheng's side, before all the Governor Xingyuan was moved to Changsheng Island, a decree arrived, which was the decree to dismiss Zheng Zhilong.This time, Lu Xiangsheng completely understood what it meant to withdraw Zheng.

In this regard, he devoted more energy to the navy to ensure that there would be no trouble on the navy's side.He even warned all the troops in the army not to contradict the emperor and not to learn from Zheng Zhilong.

It is well known that the emperor is wise and mighty, who is qualified to contradict the emperor!Just dismissing the matter, it is already the emperor's favor on the Internet.

They didn't know that Zheng Zhilong didn't really accompany his son to study in the capital, but secretly went to the Denglai Shipyard, and began to build the Daming warships based on our country's warships.

It has to be said that with the golden finger of the wiretapping system, Emperor Chongzhen's ability to dig holes became stronger and stronger!

A big hole was dug for the Jianlu, and before the harvest, it was already digging a hole for the Japanese pirates.Of course, it will take time to test the harvest.


In Liaodong, on the Jianlu side, because of the importance of grain and grass supplies, Dorgon, as the regent of the Qing Dynasty, even took time out of his busy schedule to make a special trip to Tieling to be accompanied by the respectful king Kong Youde. , and inspected the grain fields on the Liaohe Plain.

"Please look, Your Highness, this side, this side, and that side, these are all grain fields that have been reclaimed this year." Kong Youde pointed to the green area in front of him, and introduced to Dorgon, "The Liaohe side is also It is suitable for farming, and what the slaves have cultivated is already the limit. No matter how far away, even if there is manpower, there is no guarantee of irrigation, and there is no way to have a harvest. This year can only be like this."

Riding on the horse, looking around, looking at the endless grain fields, Dorgon couldn't help laughing, he even leaned over, patted the shoulder of Kong Youde who was half a horse behind him, and affirmed with great satisfaction. : "Beyond my king's expectation, really beyond my king's expectation! Yes, yes, Kong Qing really put her heart into it, this king is very pleased!"

For a long time, the Qing Dynasty focused on looting.Although there are looted Han slaves doing farm work.But those Han slaves were all distributed to each banner, and then distributed to people, and scattered to cultivate their own fields. How could it be as spectacular as it is today? It was pleasing to the eye, even Dorgon, who was relatively deep in the city, would smile when he saw it.

"It's thanks to His Highness's guarantee of the ration supply of these Han slaves, so that they have physical strength, so that they will not be reduced too much, and they can work hard, so that such a grain field can be reclaimed." Kong Youde quickly said in a low profile, " Speaking of which, in fact, the slave is only following orders, and this credit is all your Highness's!"

Hearing this, Dorgon laughed out loud again, feeling extraordinarily at ease!

Because of the shortage of food in the Qing Dynasty, apart from the various opinions of the tribe, the conflicts with the Mongols, especially the Horqin tribe, are endless.In the past, the empress dowagers of the two palaces were forced to come forward and killed a group of Mongols who were making trouble, so that the Mongols could temporarily settle down.

However, the fundamental problem has not been resolved, and killing is only a temporary solution.After a while, the Mongols started making trouble again.Wu Keshan, the patriarch of the Horqin clan, was under pressure from within the clan. He didn't know how many times he tried to find his sister and aunt, but he was never interviewed.

After this situation continued for a period of time, Wu Keshan suddenly brought hundreds of Mongols and made a fuss outside the palace, saying that the queen mothers of the two palaces were imprisoned by the regent, otherwise, his brother and nephew would never see each other .He even suspected that maybe both queen mothers were killed.If he is not given an explanation, all Mongolians will not accept it and want to rebel.

Faced with such a situation, Dorgon had no choice but to arrange for Wu Keshan and Bumbutai to meet.Although the matter was clarified, Wu Keshan was severely reprimanded by Bumbutai, but everyone felt that the Mongols were very disappointed with the Qing Dynasty.Because even if Wu Keshan met his own sister and aunt, he could not solve the current plight of the Mongols. Every day, the weak members of the tribe would starve to death.

For this situation, Dorgon and other princes are actually unwilling to see it.For them, the Horqin tribe is their staunch ally. After all, both queen mothers are from the Horqin tribe.If possible, they would definitely try their best to take care of the Horqin tribe and maintain their ally relationship with the Horqin tribe.

However, there is only so much food and supplies, and the Manchurians are going to eat chaff and swallow vegetables, so where can they get the surplus food to take care of the Horqin people.In any case, it is better to die from the Horqin than to die from the Manchurians, isn't it!

Of course, it’s not that no one has made up their minds and planned to allocate the food and materials to Kong Youde. However, for the future of the Qing Dynasty, Dorgon still withstood the pressure, blocked those people, and guaranteed that the Han slaves who opened up wasteland and farmed on the Liaohe Plain , can live and work for them.

Of course, as for other Han slaves, there is no such treatment, no one will care if they starve to death.Even in some places in Jianlu, there have been cases where Han slaves are treated as two-legged sheep.For these, Dorgon and the others will not care.

At this moment, Dorgon was in the green fields, looking at the busy Han slaves who were busy irrigating and tending the grain fields. Not to mention the joy in his heart as he could predict the great harvest after autumn.

But after he calmed down a bit, he withdrew his smile and asked Kong Youde, "Next, there shouldn't be so many Han slaves here, right?"

Upon hearing his words, Kong Youde's heart suddenly tightened.It's not that he didn't know the current situation of Jianlu. Dorgon asked this, probably because he wanted to reduce the supply of food and grass materials, and even transfer the Han slaves for other purposes.

So, after a quick brainstorm, he quickly replied: "My lord Mingjian, the next farm work will indeed be less. However, the servant thought that these people are good at serving the farmland. If they are allowed to do all the work In the process, the servant believes that these people can go to other big river basins, and they can work with experience, so that they can achieve twice the result with half the effort. The prince can imagine that in the future, so many rivers in the north of the Qing Dynasty will reclaim grain fields and solve the problem completely. What will happen if I have a food bottleneck in the Qing Dynasty?"

Hearing this, Dorgon couldn't help looking forward to the future, and suddenly, he was addicted to it.If the Great Mosque can solve the food problem by itself, then in the future...

It has to be said that this prospect is very tempting for Dorgon, who has suffered enough from food shortage.He immediately asked: "Is it okay to open up wasteland for farming further north in Heilongjiang?"

Kong Youde heard this, and quickly replied: "Your Highness, as long as these people have more experience here, I believe that even in the north, they can also serve good crops!"

Hearing this, Dorgon made a decision in his heart: "It's so good, you don't have to worry about other things! Take care of these Han slaves and concentrate on being the king's grain-growing prince. But there is one thing, I still need to explain it to you.”

 Thanks to Hanlu Weiyouqing for the reward of 1500 starting coins, and thank you for the reward of 200 starting coins for mortal road bumps!Thanks to the book friend 20190213235818913, it is the reward that you did not understand!
(End of this chapter)

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