Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 491 I dismiss you

Chapter 491 I dismiss you

Lu Xiangsheng was very nervous when he found signs that the Japanese pirates might plot North Korea again.Because he understands that the combat power of the Wa Kingdom should be similar to that of Jianlu.However, the military strength is far more than that of Jianlu.

In addition, Daming has four advantages over Jianlu. It can be said that in the war between the Ming army and the Jianlu army, it can be regarded as a great advantage.

First, it is the advantage in population, which allowed Daming to fight repeatedly, and can still support the general pattern of turning defeat into victory; and the population of Jianlu is too small. After Daming fought two battles of annihilation, Jian The prisoner can only be passive defense.

Second, the advantages of food and materials.Jianlu is located in the barren Liaodong, there is no source of plunder, and the food and materials are extremely scarce, which greatly limits the display of Jianlu's combat power.Today's strategy of Ming Dynasty is to take aim at this shortcoming of Jianlu and fight. It can be said that this is completely the seven inches of fighting a snake, which is the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Third, Ming has the advantage of navy.On the long coastline, with the support of the navy, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat.It can also make Jianlu, who is short of troops, hard to defend, and eventually has to abandon the coastal towns.

Fourth, Daming has an advantage in firearms.Anyway, when Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming surrendered to Jianlu, they brought Jianlu a full set of firearms, including training, forging and so on.However, Jianlu was limited by the lack of raw materials. In fact, the scale of firearms was not large.In the battle with Daming, they were completely suppressed by the Ming army.

However, these four advantages will not be obvious if we have to face the Wa country in the future.

Although the population of the Wa Kingdom is definitely not as large as that of Daming, they still have a large population, and they definitely consume much more energy than Jianlu. This is one of them;

Second, the Wa Kingdom is located on the sea, and it is a country of its own, and there is no land connection with Daming.Daming couldn't send cavalry troops like he did against Jianlu, so he just grabbed food, grass and supplies to fight.

Third, the Wa country is an island country, and the navy they have is not comparable to the navy before Jianlu.Whether it is the number of warships, the quality of warships, or the level of elite naval training, they are not at the same level.To be honest, Lu Xiangsheng had no idea about the superiority of the Daming navy over the Japanese navy.

Fourth, as early as the Wanli period, the Japanese army that invaded North Korea was equipped with firearms on a large scale.Daming's shotgun was actually passed down from the Wa Kingdom.Now that so many years have passed, Lu Xiangsheng has no idea what happened to the Japanese firearms.

All these things made Lu Xiangsheng very anxious, so he sent an urgent report to the capital.

Before the memorial arrived at the capital, Emperor Chongzhen naturally knew the news through the Grade A wiretapping seed on Lu Xiangsheng's body.

Regarding this, he didn't have Lu Xiangsheng's anxiety at all. On the contrary, he was able to lead the Japanese army to North Korea to destroy it. This was the result of Emperor Chongzhen's secret prayers in his heart a few days ago.Unexpectedly, as God fulfilled, there were traces of Japanese pirates in North Korea.

It seems that the Tokugawa shogunate's legendary seclusion is not so firm!If conditions permit, these Japanese are unwilling to stay on an island with constant volcanoes, tsunamis, and earthquakes.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't think much of this place in Wa Kingdom.However, no matter how bad a place is, it still has its advantages.

For example, the silver mines of the country of Wa, as well as the producing areas of sulfur, and the geographical location of the country of Wa.This is a very good starting point for Ming to go to North America. If Wa can be occupied, it will be much easier for Ming to expand to North America.

Anyone who has traveled here in later generations will definitely know that this time is the era of the great western voyage.The backward American region was continuously engulfed and colonized by Europe at this point in time.Such a big place, if Da Ming has the ability but doesn't go there, he will be a traveler in vain!

The goal is clear, that is, to conquer the country of Wa.But now, the movement of the Japanese pirates is more active than expected. It is very likely that the Japanese pirates will reappear in North Korea, and it will not take too long.Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen decreed that Zheng Zhilong, the commander-in-chief of the Dongjiang Army Navy, would come to the capital to have an audience.

Speaking of this era, Zheng Zhilong is definitely the person who is most familiar with Japanese pirates in Daming.He still has a home in Wa country.Zheng Chenggong's mother is from the Wa country.

When Fei Ge passed on the letter, Zheng Zhilong knew why the emperor passed it on to him, and immediately rushed to the capital to have an audience.

Sure enough, as soon as they met, Emperor Chongzhen asked him straight to the point about the current situation of the Wa Kingdom.

In this regard, Zheng Zhilong had already considered this matter comprehensively when he was on the road, and he had to consider it more comprehensively than when he answered Lu Xiangsheng, so he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, the general thinks that the Japanese country should not send troops again. North Korea. As far as the general knows, the Tokugawa shogunate that actually rules the Wa country is because it took advantage of the previous Toyotomi shogunate attacking North Korea and being an enemy of my Ming..."

When he said this, he was a little hesitant, thinking whether he should explain what the shogunate is and why the emperor didn't rule these things, but he didn't expect that Emperor Chongzhen directly interrupted his words: "There is no need to say these, I Knowing that Tokugawa Ieyasu came from Toyotomi Hideyoshi to usurp the throne, he didn't want to give others this opportunity, so he thought about closing the country, didn't he? I know all this, and you think, what about the current rulers of the Tokugawa shogunate? Will he send troops, or is it possible that he will send troops when there are great interests?"

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong was slightly taken aback.However, he immediately thought of the emperor's ability, and felt that it was not surprising that the emperor knew about it.So, he put aside his thoughts and specifically answered Emperor Chongzhen's question: "Return to Your Majesty, during the 11th to [-]th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, there was a riot by Western pagans in the territory of Wa, and there was a big disturbance at that time. The general, named Tokugawa Iemitsu, was suppressed. Then, foreigners were expelled, and they were not allowed to trade in the country of Wa, which is what His Majesty said, closed the country. As far as the general knows, the country of Wa has been ruled by three generations of the Tokugawa family , basically there is no other big name that can shake it."

At this point, he paused, and then continued to answer: "As far as the general knows, it seems that the possibility of the Wa country sending troops abroad is still very small. Judging from the current situation in North Korea, it may be possible, but the general will not take it personally. If the Japanese know that the last general is commanding the Dongjiang Navy, they may hesitate."

When he said this, Zheng Zhilong was actually very confident.If he didn't even have this confidence, he wouldn't be able to monopolize the smuggling along the southeast coast of Daming.One must know that the overlord of this area must subdue the Fulang Jiren of Haojingao, the Hongyi of Taiwan, and the smuggling forces of the Wa Kingdom and Ming Dynasty in order to receive tens of millions of protection fees a year .

At this time, he was also reminding Emperor Chongzhen in a subtle way. He wanted to tell Emperor Chongzhen that with me, the Japanese pirates should not be arrogant!
But who knows, after Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he said lightly: "If so, then I will find an excuse first and dismiss Qing from his post!"

"..." Upon hearing this, the sense of accomplishment that Zheng Zhilong had just felt from the bottom of his heart disappeared immediately, and he was a little silly. What's going on?
Could it be that I didn't understand enough just now?With myself here, if the Japanese pirates want to land in North Korea, they must at least ask themselves whether they agree or not, right?Otherwise, if Navy Master Zhen fights, it's hard to say whether the Japanese pirates can win, but it will definitely cost a lot!

Seeing Zheng Zhilong's silly look, Emperor Chongzhen smiled slightly and said, "I want to let the Japanese pirates land in North Korea. Since they are concerned about Qing, they naturally want to remove you from his post, so that the Japanese pirates can feel relieved!"

"Ah..." Zheng Zhilong never thought that Emperor Ming would still have such thoughts!This seems to be completely different from the previous emperors of the Ming Dynasty. Not only is he not afraid of trouble, but he is looking for trouble?

"This matter is known to me and Qing, and no third party will know about my plan." Emperor Chongzhen looked at Zheng Zhilong and explained carefully, "This matter must be kept secret!"

Zheng Zhilong was confused when he heard it. At this time, he naturally understood that it was not because of the unfathomable power of the sky that he wanted to condemn himself, but because the emperor had other purposes. However, he still didn't understand, so he played: "Your Majesty, why Want Japanese pirates to send troops to North Korea? In this way, the Dongjiang army will definitely face the greatest threat!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said indifferently: "The Japanese pirates have always coveted the mainland. Toyotomi Hideyoshi did it before, and there will be Japanese people in the future. And this kind of Japanese people usually only appear when the Japanese country is strong. .Since this is the case, I plan to destroy the Wa country directly, so as to avoid future troubles..."

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being a little dumbfounded again.Because of this reason, the emperor wants to destroy a country?
Although it is said that in the era of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Japanese pirates did send troops to Korea, and they still wanted to occupy Daming, but the Japanese kingdom was a frog in a well, how could they occupy Daming?The emperor is so prepared for a rainy day, will he be a little worried?
Of course he doesn't know that if history doesn't change, one day in the future, China will become very weak, and Japan will become stronger. Therefore, compared with the previous Toyotomi Hideyoshi era, a larger-scale aggression will make the land of China The people are suffering from dire straits.Although they could be defeated in the end, the price paid was too heavy.

"In addition, I once told you that one day in the future, I will plant the flag of Ming Dynasty on the other side of the ocean!" Emperor Chongzhen looked at Zheng Zhilong, and said at the right time, "On the east side of the ocean, I believe you will Knowing the situation over there, I intend to use the Wa country as a starting point, and send ministers and others to go out, how about it?"

Zheng Zhilong, as One Piece, of course knows the general situation on the Pacific side.He also knew that Daming was going to the Pacific Ocean, and there was an existing route, which was taken by the Spaniards in Luzon Island, which passed through Japan.

When I heard it at this time, it turned out that the emperor's ultimate goal of occupying the Japanese country was actually to use the Japanese country as a springboard to achieve that grand goal.Suddenly, he became excited.

Over the years, although Zheng Zhilong has been appointed as the commander-in-chief of one side, and his son has also become a servant of the prince, with a bright future, he has been watching the army make contributions in battle. To be honest, he is envious.How could he not have the dream of enfeoffing his wife and son, enfeoffing a marquis and worshiping a general?

It's just that Daming's knighthood is really too difficult.Although he estimated that after the extermination of Jianlu, there would definitely be a group of people who would be knighted, but he was sure that he would definitely not be among them.However, if there is a real use for the navy, that is when he makes contributions!
He has already earned enough money, and now, all that is left is the dream of being honored and crowned a noble!

Thinking of this, he became excited, and immediately responded to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty has a will, and the last general will die!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he smiled and said, "So, I'm going to find a reason to remove you from your post and punish you for your crimes?"

It's because I said that I was there, and the Japanese pirates might not dare to send troops. Now that the emperor has decided to use force against the Japanese country, it must be the most worry-free way to lure the Japanese pirates to North Korea to destroy them. That is to say, I am talking too much. A catastrophe!

Zheng Zhilong thought so in his heart, so he admitted helplessly.

However, Emperor Chongzhen did not despise the Wa Kingdom because of this, he immediately asked Zheng Zhilong: "Who should be sent to the Wa Kingdom to inquire about the news?"

In the time of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Jin Yiwei got the news in advance and sent it back to China about the Japanese pirates attacking North Korea.If the Wa country wants to send troops again, Daming will naturally monitor it, so as not to be caught off guard and suffer unnecessary losses.

When Zheng Zhilong heard it, he played without hesitation: "Your Majesty, the last general also has a little property in the Wa Kingdom, so it would be better to send Zheng Zhibao, the fifth younger brother of the last general, to Edo to spy on the news!"

Zheng Hongkui is currently a guerrilla in coastal defense of Fujian, replacing Zheng Zhilong in charge of the Zheng family's fleet and responsible for purchasing grain from Nanyang. This is absolutely inescapable.Given the chance to show his face in front of the emperor, of course Zheng Zhilong would not give it to others, so he recommended his younger brother.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and said, "In that case, I will grant him the title of Jinyiwei Baihu, okay?"

At this time, Zheng Zhibao was just a scholar.To be honest, this talent was actually bought with money.Based on Zheng Zhilong's understanding of his younger brother, it is absolutely impossible for him to pass the Jinshi examination.That being the case, the best way out is for the emperor to seal him as a hundred households of Jinyiwei.

Therefore, upon hearing this, Zheng Zhilong quickly thanked him for his brother, saying that he would write to him immediately and send his brother to Edo.

But who knows, after Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he shook his head and said: "No, let him come to the capital first. There are some things that I need to tell you."

In fact, he wanted to reward a Grade-A eavesdropping seed, so that there was no need to worry that the message would not be delivered in time.

It was also the honor of his fifth younger brother to be received by the emperor, so Zheng Zhilong quickly agreed.

After the discussions on these matters were completed, on a public level, Emperor Chongzhen issued a decree, saying that Zheng Zhilong had offended him, that Zheng Zhilong's official position would be wiped out, and that he would stay at home and study with his son Zheng Sen.

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  ps: During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, Taiwan was called "Taiwan" because "the terrain is like a bow, and the floating sea is like a platform".

(End of this chapter)

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