Chapter 36 Memorial
Emperor Chongzhen was surprised first and then delighted. In the morning, he got news from Cao Huachun's conversation that Lu Xiangsheng was besieged at the Haoshui Bridge.For this reason, he asked people to take out the map to look at the situation, thinking that Lu Xiangsheng would eventually die in battle like in history, right?
If Lu Xiangsheng died in battle, there would be no one capable of leading troops in the capital.For this reason, he issued gold medals in succession, and urged Hong Chengchou, who was one step ahead, to come to King Qin of the capital as soon as possible.In any case, Hong Chengchou can be regarded as one who can fight.Even if there is no memory of later generations, the original Emperor Chongzhen knew about Hong Chengchou's continuous suppression of thieves.

After receiving news from Cao Huachun again at noon, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but be overjoyed.Knowing his will and the few gold medals that worked, Gao Qiqian went to the rescue all night, and now he has attracted the main force of the Manchu army. Lu Xiangsheng broke through to Jiazhuang, which was easier than defending on the ground.

For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen made another decree that all the Ming troops who were still on Qinwang Road should turn their targets to Julu.

Then, in a good mood, he began to check Lan Tianbao's "homework".

It has to be said that these four young eunuchs have never dealt with similar matters due to their lack of experience, so their "homework" can be said to be a mess.

The memorials at this time are mainly divided into several categories. First, memorials from various places related to the disasters caused by the Manchu army and the urgent need for reinforcements and military pay;

The second is the memorials of Qin Wangjun in various places requesting money and food;

The third is the memorials about the need for disaster relief in various places;

The fourth is the memorials of the various parties in the DPRK to impeach each other, and such memorials are the most important!


In this regard, these four little eunuchs, especially for the fourth category, don't know what to do at all, they can't tell the difference!In other categories, in line with the principles stated by Emperor Chongzhen, they did respond with money and food, disaster relief, etc. However, they did not know where the money and food came from, how much was appropriate, etc., and it was equivalent to saying nothing. explain.

During Emperor Chongzhen's inspection, the four servants stood with their hands down, feeling extremely panicked.They all knew that this "homework" must fail, and they didn't know if the emperor would be angry, thus losing a very good opportunity!
They didn't understand that Emperor Chongzhen intended to train them, so they naturally didn't care about this "homework". Instead, they smiled and said to them: "I will review them all in a while, and then you will see how I review them. Cabinet You should also read the proposal of the minister carefully and remember it carefully. I believe that there is no problem in the world that cannot be solved by being serious. As long as you listen, see and learn with your heart, you will be able to deal with these in the future. Memorial!"

After all, the supervisor of ceremonies does not actually need to give advice on how to deal with the memorials from all over the country, but the assistant ministers to give opinions, and the eunuch will see if this opinion is okay.In comparison, the work of the chief of ceremonies is much easier, and the requirements for the eunuch Bingbi do not need to be too high.

On the contrary, cabinet ministers who give specific opinions and suggestions are very demanding, which is why cabinet ministers must be well-trained and learned people, and only the best among civil servants can serve as ministers.

The political structure in which the cabinet and the ceremonial supervisor check and balance each other cannot be said to be unadvanced, and it is precisely because of this that the Ming Dynasty's national fortune has lasted for nearly 300 years.It's just that no matter how good the system is, it must be implemented by people. If there are problems with people, no matter how good the system is, it will only become a decoration.

In the following time, Emperor Chongzhen had to do the most important job of the emperor, which was to review memorials.

After drafting the cabinet vote and the opinions given by the Supervisor of Ceremonies, he would read the memorial. If he felt that there was no problem, he would have someone stamp it. If something is not right on the Supervisor's side, he will change the opinion of the Supervisor of Ceremonies and then stamp it; if he feels that the opinions and suggestions of the cabinet ministers are really not to his liking, no matter what the opinions of the Supervisor of Liturgy are, he will write them down and send them back again. The cabinet ministers will discuss it again.As for the things that are unclear at the moment, just keep them in mind for now.

Generally speaking, memorials are drafted by the ministers in charge based on the content, but if the emperor calls back, then several ministers will discuss together.Of course, there are also some memorials that involve several ministers, so they must be discussed together in advance.It is also because of this that the cabinet ministers cannot be left alone, nor can they just find someone who is competent.

Relatively speaking, the work of Emperor Chongzhen is still relatively easy, but it can't stand the amount of work!

The former Emperor Chongzhen wanted to learn from his ancestors, and he had to handle everything by himself, no matter how big or small. Therefore, he was very busy from day to night, and he also won a reputation for diligence in future generations. It's just a pity. , but in the end it was a useless effort, and the country was destroyed.

With the eyes of the two emperors of Chongzhen today, when he looked at these memorials again, he could see many problems.However, there are some things that he still can't be sure about.The main reason is that what Emperor Chongzhen knew was actually very limited. He didn't know much about the outside world, and he was not familiar with the people's livelihood. He only listened to what his courtiers said.And now, although he has the experience of the later generations, he just came here through time travel, and he actually doesn't know anything about the affairs of this era. This must be a process of getting familiar with.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen was determined to cultivate a group of confidants in the palace from scratch, and he also wanted to be familiar with the conditions of this era. These memorials had to be read, reviewed, agreed, rejected, or retained to be dealt with one by one.

In this way, time passed quickly, and it felt like it was getting dark in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that there were still many memorials to be processed, and a large number of memorials were sent from the Supervisor of Ceremonies, Emperor Chongzhen felt that his head was a little big.But there is no way, who makes himself the emperor, he still has to continue to deal with it.

During a short break, he also looked at the bugging system.Seeing that Cao Huachun was still on the road in the dark, it seemed that he was really scared, and he was still on the road all night.That's okay, when he comes back, we can watch a good show.

I just don't know, what happened to the battle at Julu?When Cao Huachun came back, the channel he could understand was cut off again!
Just thinking about this, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly had a heart move, and ordered Wang Chengen, who had just gone to rest, to be called back again, and ordered him to rush to Julu, supervise Gao Qiqian, and strictly implement the previous order, as did other generals, such as If there is a problem, it can be taken on the spot and escorted to Beijing.

When Wang Chengen heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

To be honest, he had already paid 4 taels of silver to the emperor during the day, which was regarded as stolen money.After that, I have been a little worried, afraid that the emperor will settle accounts afterwards.Unexpectedly, instead of turning his face, the emperor gave him a heavy responsibility and sent him to supervise the army.In other words, he has changed suddenly at this time, and his status is even higher than that of the previous director, Gao Qiqian!

In response, he quickly thanked him and immediately left the capital overnight.

Naturally, Wang Chengen didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen actually sent him out for three purposes.

 Thanks to Tianwaitian 007 for the 10000 starting coin reward, I owe four major updates, and thanks to the idler 013 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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