Chapter 35
Lu Xiangsheng is a pervert. As a civil servant, he has the power of a giant elephant and is infinitely powerful.His bow is also a hard bow, most people can't draw it at all, so he can shoot very far.

Yang Lukai, the shepherd next to him, immediately offered Lu Xiangsheng's hard bow when he heard it.The guards on the side also held their breath, watching Lu Xiangsheng prepare to shoot the Tartar leader.

With a sound of "bang", the arrow that left the string flew to the target in the blink of an eye.

Turg was scolding angrily, but with years of experience in the battlefield, his sixth sense suddenly broke out, and he felt the threat of death, so he subconsciously made evasive movements.

So, the people on the side stared dumbfounded at Turge being hit by an arrow in the shoulder, which was so powerful that he even took Turge off his horse and fell to the ground.

In the distance, Lu Xiangsheng had already exposed his shooting range by shooting arrows, so he just kept on shooting arrows almost like a barrage of arrows. He shot all the arrows in the quiver in one breath and gave up after feeling that his arms were so sore that he couldn't lift them up. .

At this moment, inside and outside Zhuangzi, no matter whether it was Zhuang Ding, the soldiers of the Ming army, or all kinds of Tartars, they were all stunned.

You must know that the artillery position is located within a stone's throw away, which is supposed to be safe enough.Before, there was no movement, but suddenly, someone can shoot so far, and it is very accurate, it is simply miraculous, it is incredible!

"Come here, help me..."


It wasn't until the sound of calling for help and the sound of pain and wailing that the Tartars outside the Zhuangzi reacted and rushed to save the people who were shot by the artillery, especially Turg.In the process, in order to prevent them from becoming targets themselves, they used shields as cover and rescued people like thieves.

Seeing this scene, the people in Zhuangzi finally came to their senses, and suddenly, wild shouts rang out.


"Wan Sheng..."

"Long live……"


Only Lu Xiangsheng said with some regret: "What a pity, if I were young, I would have shot that tartar to death!"

At this time, he was 39 years old, and he was indeed not as good as when he was young, and his accuracy and strength had already regressed.

The Hu Dawei who rushed over were full of admiration, following such a coach is really worthwhile in this life!

Even Yang Guozhu, who was resting, was woken up, hurried over, and while admiring him, he quickly persuaded him: "Your Excellency is amazing with arrows, and the Tartars are timid. Just go and take a rest, otherwise, the body will not be able to bear it."

Upon hearing this, the people around quickly followed suit.Everyone else has gone to rest.Only Lu Xiangsheng, his personal guards, and the [-] soldiers selected in advance have been fighting until now.

After hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng didn't insist anymore.After all, he is not made of iron. The reason why he persists is to boost morale as a soldier.Now it’s okay for the last group to go and rest.

It was impossible for Jiazhuang to fight back, but at this time the leader of the Tatars outside the village was injured, and the artillery positions were retreating quickly, and there was no further attack for the time being.

Although the fighting here has stopped, the village is still working in full swing.The old and weak women and children in the village, as long as they can move, are taking water to boil, and then pouring buckets of water on the wall, adding other things, just like Elsa's magic, a crystal wall is getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, Liu Yuliang and Cao Huachun, who were restless, also got the reward of not accepting at night.

"The Manchu army gathered in Julu, and they are fighting! One is Jiazhuang, and the other is about twenty miles away from Jiazhuang. Director Gao's army is fighting with the main forces of the Manchus!"

Hearing this news, Cao Huachun screamed happily: "Lu Shangshu is not dead, it must be Lu Shangshu! This Jiazhuang is definitely Lu Shangshu. It is so powerful that he escaped to Jiazhuang from the siege of the Tartars." go!"

He was really happy. Lu Xiangsheng was still alive, so the emperor would definitely be happy.If you are happy, you will definitely not be too harsh on yourself. Even if something happens, you probably won't care about it.

However, he also remembered in his heart that the matter that the emperor was worried about must be investigated.Of course, you can't rely entirely on Dongchang to investigate, Jin Yiwei can't be idle, Luo Yangxing has always been a good person, so it's time to make a move!

In contrast to him, Liu Yuliang asked Yebushu with concern about the signs of the Manchu army's actions.He felt that he was a little close to the giant deer. In case of an accident, the Manchu army would arrive sooner or later, wouldn't he be very dangerous, after all, there were only a few thousand people around him!

While they were asking questions, suddenly there was another commotion outside, this time, it was someone from the palace.

This news surprised both Liu Yuliang and Cao Huachun. Could it be that the emperor came to emphasize Lu Xiangsheng again?

But this time, they all guessed wrong, it was Wang Chengen who sent someone to find Cao Huachun.

In an unoccupied tent, someone came to tell the story of the palace, and Cao Huachun's face changed greatly in fright.

He didn't expect that such a big thing would happen in just a few days after he left the palace.However, he also had doubts, and he didn't believe that one of the eight eunuchs with palm prints would tell the emperor such a big thing.You Tiao should be aware of the seriousness of the matter!
You know, if this kind of thing is said, it will tear your face.If he can't kill Cao Huachun, then if Cao Huachun doesn't retaliate, even if he escaped this catastrophe, someone will attack him next time.

"Old Ancestor, this matter is absolutely true!" The visitor said with a serious face, "Godfather said, the emperor already knew it clearly, if they hadn't reported it, the emperor would not have known about it."

Cao Huachun was really old and cunning, but he still didn't believe it, so he asked again: "Did Xue Manzi give the emperor a memorial?"

In his opinion, Xue Guoguan should be the most likely to inform the emperor.After all, Xue Manzi had already dared to say in front of the emperor that his factory guards did not supervise well.

The visitor thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "In the past two days, none of the ministers of the cabinet gave me a memorial to the emperor!"

Even if it is a secret performance, it must be transferred to the emperor through the servant.At most, the content of the memorial cannot be seen, and it is locked in a box.

After Cao Huachun heard this, his face finally became ferocious, and he was stabbed in the back. Could it be that some of them took a fancy to his position as the admiral of the East Factory?Or do you think that you have been blessed for a long time, and feel jealous?

With that in mind, he asked for details again.After asking, he couldn't sit still.

For him, no matter how big the matter is, it is not as big as the matter in the palace!

It was the emperor who missed the old love and gave himself a chance.That being the case, then we must seize this opportunity to re-establish trust with the emperor, even if it is not as good as before, we must be reused by the emperor and take revenge on those people.No matter what, you must first prove that you are still valuable to the emperor. Even if it is a knife in the emperor's hand, it is better than being wiped out by others!
It's not that our family is unkind, it's you who forced our family first!
Thinking of this, he went to see the first assistant Liu Yuliang, and after emphasizing again that he must not interfere with Lu Xiangsheng, he said that he had to return to the capital immediately if he had something to do.

In fact, Liu Yuliang already regretted leaving Beijing and wanted to return to Beijing, but he had no new purpose and the war was not over, so he had no choice but to send Cao Huachun away with envious eyes.

Cao Huachun didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen, who was far away in the capital, already knew all his conversations.

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(End of this chapter)

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