Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 138 The Will to Survive

Chapter 138 The Will to Survive

Thinking about it, Wu Zhong was very happy in his heart.After all, he took such a big risk, being in the enemy camp, in order to finally defeat Jianlu!
At the same time, the eavesdropping seeds on his body also passed the news of the victory of the Ming army to Emperor Chongzhen who was far away in the capital.

Although he didn't know the outcome of the battle, Emperor Chongzhen saw the words Wu Zhong heard turned into words and gathered various opinions, so he knew that the Ming army's victory in this war was at least a severe blow to the Manchu and Qing army. morale.

While he was enjoying himself, suddenly, the system started to move again, and the words that only Emperor Chongzhen could see began to appear line by line again.

Morale is a major factor in any war, especially in the era of cold weapon warfare. The level of morale is a key factor in determining the victory of the war!As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the host motivated the Qin soldiers very well, so that they exerted [-]% of their combat power in the war against the Manchu and Qing armies. This severely damaged the morale of the Manchu and Qing armies and broke the field battle of the Manchu and Qing armies. The myth of invincibility.

This is a very good start. I hope that the host will always pay attention to the morale of the army, and make persistent efforts to maintain the strong morale of the Ming army. This will be a key step for the host to rejuvenate Daming as the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.In order to encourage similar behaviors of the host, a Grade A wiretapping seed is specially rewarded, come on!

After reading these words, Emperor Chongzhen verified that he had obtained another Class-A wiretapping seed, and couldn't help but smile.

Eavesdropping seeds, the more the merrier!

The previous Grade A eavesdropping seed has been "rewarded" to Chen Xinjia, Governor of Xuanda, and learned a lot of news.If he wants to take it back, at least he has to wait until the Shanxi merchants and their accomplices are wiped out.

Now that there is another Grade A eavesdropping seed, who should it be best used for?

Emperor Chongzhen was happy for a while, and then began to think about this question.No matter what, if you have a golden finger, you must make the best use of this eavesdropping seed!
After thinking about it for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he patted his knee, feeling happy: Didn't the front line just win a victory?There must be prisoners, right?Let Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting send the captives to the capital immediately, select the most valuable captive, "reward" him with the eavesdropping seeds, and then release them back to Liaodong.In this way, there is another channel to understand the movement in Liaodong.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't hesitate, and immediately issued an order, sending people to the front line immediately to pass on this order.

After finishing this work, when Emperor Chongzhen calmed down, he suddenly had another idea, and for a while, he was quite moved.

He was thinking, should he sneak out of the city and go to the front line?In this way, even if no high-level prisoners are captured, as long as the two armies face each other, the Manchu and Qing leaders, such as Dorgon, Yue Tuo, etc., will always take the lead, right?

As long as they can be seen by themselves, wouldn't they be able to throw the eavesdropping seeds on them.In this way, the value of such a high-ranking leader of the Manchu Qing Dynasty passing the news back must be immeasurable!
However, as the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, it's okay for him to go out of the palace in a low-clothes once, but if he leaves the capital and goes to the front line, under the current background, he is not afraid, but who will agree to his subordinates?Who is willing to help?sneak out?It will take a few days, the emperor is missing, the capital must panic!
But no matter what, the idea of ​​slipping to the front line and rewarding the high-ranking leaders of the Manchu Qing with seeds was like the temptation of the devil.

At the same time, Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting didn't have a moment's leisure. When the voice of "Wan Sheng" in the army became a little weaker, and they all vented their excitement of victory, they immediately began to give orders to move the heavy artillery forward and prepare for the battle. Siege.

In the last battle, Cao Bianjiao and He Renlong contributed the most, which made the other generals jealous.Now that the military orders from the governor and the governor have been passed down again, they immediately hold back their energy and start to get busy.

Pikemen, musketeers, and archers escorted the heavy artillery forward.And behind them, is the infantry pushing the ladder cart.

This kind of ladder cart fixes the ladder on a moving wooden board with wheels, and even has a row of protective plates in front to block arrows and cover the pawns pushing the cart.After approaching the city wall, untie the rope, and the ladder will fall forward and lean against the city wall.After pulling it back, the top hook of the ladder can still hook the battlement firmly, and the infantry can step on the ladder and rush up immediately.

In the Central Plains, ladder vehicles are the most basic configuration for siege.Since the Qin army had made it clear from the beginning that they wanted to attack the city, they naturally had to bring some over, which was just in time to come in handy.

More than 20 ladder trucks are lined up in a row, spaced apart from each other.Behind each ladder truck, there were groups of infantrymen, some holding shields and swords, and some holding long weapons, such as machetes.Each of these soldiers is a highly skilled man.

Under the influence of the victory in the previous battle, all of them were all high-spirited and eager to fight. It seemed that they could not wait to let the ladder truck lean against the city wall immediately, and they would rush up without hesitation.

Looking at the majestic Ming army soldiers outside the city, on top of the city, the surrendered county magistrate Chen Weiquan looked pale.Although he was a civil servant, he didn't know much about marching and fighting.But at this moment, anyone who is not blind can know that the coming battle will be very dangerous.

Previously, the reason why he chose to surrender to the Jianlu was because he was intimidated by the reputation of the Liaodong Jianlu; more importantly, his county had not done much to repair the city defenses.It's just a county town, with low walls and no moat.He felt that it was impossible to hold on and his life was at stake, so he surrendered immediately.

Now, he once again felt unable to hold on.But, can you surrender and go back?Obviously impossible!At this moment, he felt a little desperate in his heart!

How to do how to do?
Just when he was at a loss and looked at Du Du for help, there was a loud "boom" outside the city, and then Chen Weiquan felt the city wall shake, but it was an iron bullet hitting the city wall, accompanied by There was another loud bang, earth and rocks flew randomly, and a large hole appeared on the city wall.

With a "plop", Chen Weiquan couldn't stand anymore, and fell to the ground in fright.

Du Du on the side heard the sound and looked at him, seeing him so unbearable, he was very contemptuous in his heart.Originally, he was full of anger because the war was not going well, so he immediately found an outlet, kicked him over, and sternly shouted: "Cowardless bastard, get out of here!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Chen Weiquan who had been kicked away, and turned his head to look outside the city with an extremely ugly expression.

He is a sensible person. The shot just now was just a test shot by the gunners of the Ming army outside the city. Afterwards, he will adjust the angle of the shot and the amount of ammunition. If the shot is fired again, it will be more accurate.And he didn't even need to look to know that the target of the Ming army's heavy artillery was definitely the city gate.

Generally speaking, in such a situation, the city gate must be blocked tightly with something.Otherwise, if it is just a wooden city gate, it will not be able to withstand the bombardment of heavy artillery.

However, at this time, Du Du had a grim face, and did not order to block the city gate, but ordered sharply, and passed down another order.

Obviously, he seems to have a way to deal with the Ming army's upcoming siege!

After a while, the heavy artillery of the Ming army sounded again, with a "boom", the iron bullet hit the target again in the blink of an eye.This time, it landed less than ten feet away from the city gate.According to this trend, next time, it is very likely to hit the city gate.

The Manchu and Qing troops defending on the top of the city became nervous.Each of them clenched their weapons tightly, preparing to fight again after the city was broken.Besides, they have no choice.At least at this time, they never thought of surrendering to the Ming army!
Outside the city, the soldiers of the Ming army who were about to attack cheered when they saw the effect of the shelling.

The city was as quiet as dead ashes, but the excited shouts outside the city formed a stark contrast.

The officers of the Ming Army commanding the artillery battalion already knew what they were doing, and ordered several heavy artillery to adjust their parameters. The next moment, they fired almost at the same time.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of heavy artillery firing was deafening, making the Jianlu on the top of the city look extremely ugly; while the faces of the soldiers of the Ming army outside the city were full of anticipation.Many soldiers even shouted in a low voice, "Middle, middle, middle..."

No accident, an iron bullet hit the city gate.

The wooden city gate was able to withstand the bombardment of the iron bullets. With a "crash", the city gate was smashed, small pieces of wood flew around, and half of the city gate was gone.

"Wan Sheng..." The soldiers of the Ming army outside the city roared at the same time when they saw it, their voices were full of excitement.

Under the flag of the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, whether it was Hong Chengchou or Sun Chuanting, all of them had relaxed expressions on their faces.

The city gate was smashed, and the ladder vehicles were scattered all over the city wall to attack, and they should be able to break into the city in one fell swoop.In this way, the previous war intention can be realized, which is to take down the county town and rescue the Ming people inside before the Jianlu reinforcements arrive!
At the same time, on the official road about ten miles away from here, a group of knights was galloping here.

A total of [-] riders can be seen clearly from a long distance, all of them are wearing black flying fish suits.As long as it is the people of Ming Dynasty, especially the people in the north, they can recognize it at a glance. This is one of the emperor's personal guards, the famous Jinyiwei.

On the official road in front of this team of Jinyiwei, on the side of the road, there was a man struggling to climb up the official road from a ditch.

This person was wearing gray autumn clothes, and there seemed to be several styles, anyway, it looked messy, and even his head was wrapped in a mess of unknown cloth to resist the cold wind.Just looking at it like that, it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman, a human or a ghost!

When the upper body of this person finally climbed up the official road, he raised his head to hear the sound, and found Jin Yiwei who was speeding towards him in the distance, his dirty face and bright eyes seemed to reveal a trace of longing, and he immediately stretched out his hand, I want to wave my hand.However, the hand was weak, and before it could be raised, it fell down feebly.It seemed that he had exhausted all his strength in this move, and couldn't even support his upper body, so he fell down on the cold ground.

Feeling the vibration of the horse stepping on the ground, this person knew that the Jinyiwei team was getting closer.

Either way, take this opportunity.Thinking of this, the man suddenly showed his white teeth, clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes were full of determination, and tried his best to prop up his body, trying to raise his upper body to greet the team of Jin Yiwei.

However, the person's body had only slightly lifted off the ground, but he lost the little bit of strength he had, and fell back to the ground weakly.

Feeling that the Jinyiwei cavalry was getting closer and closer, the man's eyes already had the look of despair, he lay there unwillingly, and with the little remaining strength, he slowly swung his hand leaning on the ground .

Under such circumstances, the hope of attracting the attention of this team of Jin Yiwei is very slim.Just like wanting to take revenge, it is almost impossible.At this moment, this person, namely Gao Qingxue, was really desperate.

Thinking of crawling out from the pile of dead people, picking up the clothes of the dead to keep out the cold, with an empty stomach, avoiding the Jianlu army outside the city, and stumbled along the farthest road in my life.

When I got here, I was hungry and cold, and I no longer had the strength to move around.I was a little desperate at first, but when I suddenly saw a team of Jinyiwei, I thought things had turned around.However, those who were weak had no more strength, not even the strength to say hello for help.

At this time, lying on the ground, he was almost no different from a corpse, right?This team of Jin Yiwei was galloping, obviously there was something important to do, how could they stop to check the corpses on the side of the road, whether they were still alive?These days, there shouldn't be too many corpses on the side of the road!
At this moment, Gao Qingxue was really desperate.

Thinking of the parents who were killed by Jianlu, thinking of the younger sisters who were taken away by Jianlu, thinking of the Jinyiwei named Wu Zhong, trying his best to make himself report to the court, thinking of everything, the grief in his heart Unable to hold back any longer, tears welled up in my eyes!

"Hoo ho ho..."

The rapid sound of horse hoofs, getting closer and closer, passed by her side, without stopping, and then went away.

Gao Qingxue was really desperate. In the end, he failed to fulfill the instructions of the man named Wu Zhong Jinyiwei. Was he going to die?

His eyes were blurred with tears, he seemed to see the official father, and the mother who kept talking about why he didn't have a son...

Father, mother, daughter is unfilial, failed to avenge you, and failed to take good care of the younger sisters...

At this time, Gao Qingxue fell into a coma, but her swinging hand was still swinging slowly unwillingly, but it was getting slower and slower.

She didn't know that the leader of the galloping team of Jinyiwei suddenly reined in his horse and stopped urgently, and then turned his head to look back with a little doubt.

"Brother Liu, what's the matter?" The other Jinyi guards stopped quickly when they saw it, and one of them asked inexplicably, "It seems that they have heard the sound of cannons, and they should be fighting. We have to find someone quickly. Otherwise, the army is in chaos. I don't know if I will die in the chaos!"

This Brother Liu is Liu Yue, General Banner of Jinyiwei. He frowned and looked at the "corpse" on the official road not far away. Seeing that the hand seemed to be still moving, he got off his horse and said, "Don't worry about it for a while." , the person on the side of the road is a bit strange, go and have a look."

"Brother Liu, there shouldn't be too many dead people on the side of the road, what's wrong?" Another Jin Yiwei was a little puzzled, so he asked for advice.

Liu Yue strode over and taught his subordinates experience, "Looking at her figure, she's probably a woman. If you look again, you can't lift your head but your hands are still moving. You have a strong will to survive. When I passed by just now, I It seems to be crying. You know the purpose of our coming out, and we would rather delay for a while than let one go. This is the emperor's will, so we must not be sloppy!"

 Thank you for your rewards. The number of rewards yesterday should be the most I have ever given.Thank you very much, but, subscribe, don't forget to subscribe!I will work hard to return the land due to the update. This is a normal update, and the next update will be around eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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