Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 137 The Invincible Commander (Addition 007 for the Elder Tianwaitian 24)

Chapter 137 The Invincible Commander (Addition 007 for the Elder Tianwaitian 24)

The Ming army no longer advanced, but defended on the spot.Even from the back of the army formation, a few tiger squatting cannons were brought in.

This kind of gun is very small, a bit like a later mortar.It can be carried by one person. In fact, when the Ming army fought, they would carry this kind of squatting tiger cannon on their bodies and ride on their horses to fire.

At this time, these tiger crouching guns were placed between the gaps between the teams.Nail it to the ground with big nails.The cannon barrel was already filled with gravel and slag.Because the shooting range is very short, when you are in battle, you can only fire one shot.

Generally speaking, there will not be many enemies injured by these few tiger squatting cannons.But at least it is a deterrent, and it can also embolden one's own side and boost morale.

The Manchu and Qing troops were still advancing, but they did not advance very far. Those who could draw their bows began to shoot arrows towards the Ming army.

Scattered arrows roared towards them, and fell with a "puff puff", some were stuck on the ground, and some fell into the formation of the Ming army, wounding the soldiers of the Ming army.Inevitably, the fall of the wounded soldiers caused some commotion.

When the Ming army officers saw this, they immediately shouted loudly to stop. At the same time, the archers of the Ming army who could shoot hard bows also came out to the front of the formation and began to fight back against the Tatars.However, in general, the Ming army's formation has remained unchanged.

If this confrontation continues, the Ming army will definitely suffer.Because the opponent's defense ability is very strong, even if the arrow is hit, as long as it does not hit a place that is not protected, it will basically not cause any damage.But the Ming army obviously couldn't do it.

Fortunately, the reason why a strong bow is a strong bow is that it requires a lot of strength to draw the bow.No matter how strong a person is, he can't shoot many arrows.The two sides ultimately decide the outcome, or hand-to-hand combat.

On the top of the city, Du Du saw that he had taken advantage of a lot after sending out the white armored soldiers, and finally felt a little more relaxed.However, when he saw that the formation of the Ming army was basically not chaotic, his face became gloomy again.

When his generals saw it, they quickly comforted him and said, "Master, don't worry, my white armored soldiers of the Qing Dynasty are invincible in the world, and when they rush to the front, they can quickly defeat the Ming army."

The White Armored Soldiers are the trump card of the Qing Dynasty, they are always invincible. It may not be very convenient to use them to attack the city, but they can be used in field battles, but they have no opponents.

After hearing this, Du Du turned his head to look at him, nodded and said: "This Ming army forced me to dispatch white armor soldiers, which is not bad!"

Chen Weiquan, the county magistrate who surrendered, nodded and bowed, and boasted with a thumbs up: "The White Armored Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, even villains have heard of it for a long time, they are famous..."

As soon as he flattered him, he heard the sound of "呯呯呯" and interrupted his words.

When Du Du heard the sound, he immediately looked over and saw that on the battlefield, the white armored soldiers had already shouted and charged.The Ming army also ordered to shoot, and gunpowder smoke burst out of nowhere, covering the battlefield.

It is still winter now, and the north wind howls, which is beneficial to the Ming army coming from the north.The gunpowder smoke that came out blew towards the Tartars, somewhat blocking the Tartars' sight.

Although the Tartars had a strong defensive ability, they were within the effective range of the firecracker after all, and some of the Tartars who charged ahead began to fall to the ground.However, more Tartars roared and quickened their pace and rushed forward.

Du Du on the top of the city looked on indifferently. There is no one who is undead in a battle. It is normal for this kind of war between the two armies to kill or injure a few white armored soldiers.

As long as the Qing warriors rushed closer, hatchets and javelins could be thrown.And the archers behind them also began to cover forward.Once the warriors of the Qing Dynasty rushed into the camp of the Ming army, the Ming army in front of them would definitely be slaughtered!

At this moment, Du Du seemed to see the dawn of victory!

But at this moment, He Renlong and Cao Bianjiao sent out a signal when they saw Shuaiqi.

Immediately, the two of them almost unanimously let go of the restraints on the horse's crotch, and even pinched the horse's belly with their legs, and the horse rushed out like an arrow leaving the string.At the same time, the two of them held the spears tightly again, pointed forward, and shouted loudly: "I will kill the prisoner!"

The Ming cavalry behind them roared angrily, "Kill the captives!"

Fulfill your promise to the emperor, and the time has come to express yourself!
Kill the prisoner!
The two cavalry troops, one on the left and one on the right, galloped up from the beginning, and quickly rushed to the waist position of the attacking Manchu army.

The rapid sound of horseshoes immediately attracted the attention of the city.

Du Du sneered when he saw this. He, who has been through battles for a long time, is naturally no stranger to this kind of countermeasure.Even without his direct command, the cavalry who had been guarding both sides of the white armored soldiers took the initiative to meet the charging Ming army.

The hedging of cavalry warfare is harsh, and it is also the most test of a cavalry's riding skills and determination.Generally speaking, the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty seldom confronted the cavalry of the Tartars. They were usually used to protect the two wings of the infantry and to hunt down the enemy afterwards.

Du Du has confidence in the Mongolian Eight Banners under him. Under the training of the Qing Dynasty, the fighting will of the Mongolian Eight Banners is second only to the troops of the Qing Dynasty, and their riding skills may even be better than the troops of the Qing Dynasty. a little.Letting them meet the enemy will surely defeat the Ming army's combat intentions easily.It may even be able to attack the two wings of the current Ming army in reverse.

Although the cavalry launched the offensive later than the infantry, because of the speed of the cavalry, the contact battle started first.It was like two torrents colliding suddenly.

What Du Du couldn't have imagined anyway was that the two cavalry armies of the Ming Dynasty were all brave and fearless. .

The same is true for the soldiers of the Ming army behind him. The momentum displayed is just like that of the Qing army before. No matter whether there is a mountain of knives or a sea of ​​​​flames, they are still moving forward.

"Oops!" Du Du screamed suddenly, but it was too late.

Obviously, the Ming cavalry was not obsessed with deciding the outcome with the Qing cavalry first, but they just continued to charge forward regardless of the Qing cavalry rushing past, and went straight to the waist of the infantry.

And because the Ming cavalry charged first, the cavalry charged even closer to the Qing infantry.The Ming army, who had no scruples about their backs, rushed close to the waist of the Qing infantry in the blink of an eye with the help of horsepower.

The cavalry against the infantry, or the cavalry charging at high speed, against the unsuspecting flanks of the upper infantry, immediately, no matter how brave the white armored soldiers were, they were knocked away by the horses without any resistance .

The two cavalry armies, He Renlong and Cao Bianjiao, were on the left and right sides of the Manchu army. They attacked almost at the same time. .

However, at this time, the Mongolian Eight Banners were in a panic. The white-armored soldiers they were originally guarding were pierced through. I don’t know how many white-armored soldiers died. They were in a panic. They met Ming Guo who was excited to achieve the tactical goal. In an instant, the cavalry had lost their momentum, and the consequences were self-evident.

And the cavalry's brave and fearless charge this time successfully attracted the shouts of thunder from the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, and at the same time their morale was greatly boosted.The backup Ming army also immediately stepped forward to prepare for the battle.

After passing through the Mongolian Eight Banners' cavalry again, he stopped his horse, pulled the reins hard, and the horse turned around. He Renlong raised his hand and shook the bloody spear in his hand, shouting: "Wan victorious!"

Afterwards, the spear swung upwards again, and began to speed up the horse again.Obviously, this guy has gone crazy and is about to start the next round of attacks.

On the other side, Cao Bianjiao was also unwilling to show defeat, and was also preparing to attack again.

Although the white armored soldiers were brave, their morale was demoralized after being stopped by the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty.At this time, I saw that the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty was about to charge over again, but most of the cavalry army of our own side had lost most of them. The remaining white armored soldiers were also human, and when they felt that they were in a desperate situation, they would also panic.

As a result, some white armored soldiers were still obeying the military order to charge forward, but some white armored soldiers had already disregarded the military order and retreated in defeat.

For a while, even the brave white armored soldiers were a little chaotic.

At this moment, on the top of the city, the sound of "Dang Dang Dang" gongs rang out hastily.Du Du obviously felt sorry for the white armor soldiers and didn't want to lose too much. Besides, it was meaningless to continue to charge forward. Seeing that the bright red Ming army's backup troops were about to come up, he hurriedly called gold to withdraw his troops.

When the military order was issued, none of the white armored soldiers hesitated, and retreated one after another.In case the withdrawal was slow, the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty would attack again, and there would be a large number of casualties.

However, this Qin army is also used to fighting, and when faced with such a situation, how could they let the white armor soldiers withdraw easily.Amidst the shouts of the officers, the pikemen of the Ming army began to shout slogans together and chased forward in unison.The forest of spears, like a moving hedgehog, rushed towards the retreating white armor soldiers, trying to stick them and prevent them from retreating smoothly.

Behind them, the musketeers are useless, but the archers can shoot arrows at an elevated angle. Even if they can't kill a large number of enemies, they can still create obstacles for them to retreat and slow down their retreat.

Du Du on the top of the city looked at this scene, but he had no troops to send, so he closed his eyes in pain, and muttered to himself: "It's over, it's over!"

Although he has nearly [-] troops in his hands, most of them are Ertars. It is no problem for these troops to guard the looted population.But if they are allowed to fight against powerful enemies, especially when the situation is very bad and even the white armored soldiers are defeated, it is obviously impossible to send them out to save the field!

The moment he closed his eyes, Du Du knew that he had killed so many white armored soldiers.I underestimated the strength of the Ming army in front of me.The Ming army outside the city is really surprising, especially the two Ming cavalry that decided the victory, they even ignored the Mongolian Eight Banners behind them, and rushed to the white armored soldiers.

You know, the white armored soldiers came from heavy infantry, and if the cavalry wanted to charge, they had to be heavy armored cavalry.However, in these two cavalry armies, only a few dozens of cavalry were heavy armored cavalry, and most of them were light cavalry. They crashed into the white armored soldiers just like that, using the high-speed maneuvering of the horses, and using the skills of those in the front. Sacrifice, broke through the defensive line formed hastily by the white armor soldiers.

Of course, this is also related to the same carelessness of the white armor soldiers.I always feel that it is impossible for Qingqi of the Ming Dynasty to attack them directly.At least after the decisive battle with the Eight Banners of Mongolia, Qingqi harassed their flanks.But who knew that this group of cavalrymen from the Ming Dynasty would be a group of lunatics!

At this moment, their impression of the Ming army changed immediately, but the price was heavy!
Du Du didn't even need to open his eyes. He could hear the sounds of fighting outside the city. The two Ming cavalry troops once again charged and defeated the retreating white-armored soldiers.He beat his head in pain and blamed himself in a low voice: "Why, why are you so careless? Why is this Ming army so different? Why, why?"

Chen Weiquan was also stupid. In his impression, Qin Bing was not so good at fighting!
Naturally, they didn't know that this Qin army was strengthened by the Ming emperor far away in the capital, which gave them a reason to be so brave.Just like the Manchu army themselves, they plundered and were able to share a lot of wealth and slaves, which also gave them a reason to fight bravely.

Soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are also human beings, even from military families whose ancestors fought in wars.The reason why they couldn't defeat the Manchu Qing army before was because their logistics was too bad, their reward mechanism was too bad, and they couldn't mobilize their bravery.

The gap between people is really not that big. The invincibility of the Manchu army was only acquired by Daming's own pig teammates.

The battle outside the city came and ended quickly. It only took about an hour before and after, and the Manchu and Qing troops who were still alive had retreated back into the city.The corpses left on the ground outside the city could not be brought back. The soldiers of the Ming army cut off their heads and held them up in their hands, or raised them with guns, provoking the top of the city.

Suddenly, the soldiers of the Ming army outside the city shouted in unison: "Wan Sheng!"

The sound is so loud that it can be said to be deafening.Every soldier of the Ming army roared with all their might.Every soldier of the Ming army was ecstatic.

None of them thought that this battle would be won so simply and so freely.At this time, they felt as if they had finally let out a breath they had held in their hearts for a long time, feeling very happy!
Liaodong Jianlu, but that's all!

Even the commanders of the Ming army, Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting, were surprised that the battle went smoothly.At least [-] Baijia soldiers were killed, and more than [-] Mongolian Eight Banners were killed.The most rare thing is that this time, with the heads, they won these Tartars in a field battle.

"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!" Hong Chengchou stroked his beard with a smile, and said with emotion, "It's just so!"

Sun Chuanting, on the other hand, stared at the top of the city, and the Jianlu Tartars were facing an enemy one by one, and looked at the Ming soldiers cheering below the city, and muttered to himself: "The emperor understands the heart of the army. For the invincible commander!"

At this moment, the psychological advantage that the Manchu Qing army had built up for a long time disappeared in the hearts of this Ming army!
It turns out that Liaodong Jianlu is not invincible!
Although Wu Zhong inside the city couldn't see the battle situation outside the city, when he heard the roar of "Wan Sheng" coming from outside the city, he couldn't help being a little stunned.He was delighted that the Ming army was able to win the battle against Shangjian, but at the same time he was also a little worried: "I am going to lurk outside the pass, what should I do?"

 The full explosion is over, today is gone, and Chapter 1 will be updated at about ten o'clock in the morning tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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