Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 165 Black Technology!Vacuum maker!

Chapter 165 Black Technology!Vacuum maker!

"Damn! Why hasn't the projector come here yet! Can the vacuum maker be used!?"

Coulson ran out immediately after appeasing the researchers, and the person he sent to pull out the projector has not yet come out.

But overhead, it was only a few seconds before the black velvet worker bees reached the safe zone!
soon!Coulson thought of another piece of black technology!Vacuum maker!It is said to be a vacuum maker, but it is also made according to the distance of the original vacuum bomb.

Due to the removal of the throwing launch method, the current vacuum maker can continuously launch the improved vacuum bomb, and there will be a vacuum period of nearly 10 minutes afterwards!
Moreover, the vacuum maker can replenish ammunition in time, as long as the ammunition is sufficient!They can be said to be invincible!Of course, it was only for these small creatures that came.

"Report sir! The power line is only half bridged! If you use it forcibly! It may cause unpredictable consequences!"

"Is this the time to care about the consequences?! Start the launch immediately! Everyone! Wear breathing masks!"


"Three! Two! One! Repeat! Wear a respirator!"

The reminder sounded again and again, except for Sol, who didn't need air, everyone put on their masks!And a square box that has been placed in the center, after the agent opened it, clicked the button in the center to confirm the fingerprints, and was confirmed by Coulson again!

This was successfully activated!

A seemingly inconspicuous shell slowly lifted into the air to a distance of [-] meters.

And some black velvet worker bees have already landed in the safe zone!The poisonous needle at the tip of the belly can even pierce two wounds in one sprint!

Huge flames rose up in mid-air!

Spread a hundred meters!Instantly wiped out hundreds of black velvet worker bees!And it gave a fault to the black velvet worker bee's charge that did not give people a breather!
But what's even more terrifying!The air brought by the explosion and the surrounding air burned each other!Instantly evacuated the air within hundreds of meters of the safe zone!
The black velvet worker bees who were immediately in the vacuum range lost the air!Instant fall!And because there is no oxygen to breathe!All black velvet worker bees that have entered the vacuum!

Declare death in just a few seconds!
Coulson and the others, who were lying on the ground, also got up and lamented their luck by the shock wave generated by the explosion. In short, this should last for a while.

They have a lot of vacuum belts, and each one can last for about 10 minutes!How can I say that a few hours are completely consumed!
On the other side, the Hawkeye team in the dense forest was also attacked by black velvet worker bees.

"Damn it! Ugh!"

Below, the two mutants fought back to back, but for an instant!An endless swarm of bees surged past!The two died back to back, the whole body up and down, except for the hole, and then went to the other.

This made Hawkeye, who was following the two of them, silent for a while. Is this still saving people?Save the fart!It's better to lie on the ground safely!
As for the remaining members of the group, some smart-minded people immediately chose to open the black technology ball Hawkeye gave them when they saw the swarm of bees coming!
Whether it's a full-body shield, an invisibility like Hawkeye, or a self-destruct bomb.

Although there were some who survived, compared to the dozen or so people led by Hawkeye at the beginning, now there are no more than one out of ten.


Sittel and Barney didn't know how the bee swarm they caused had an impact on the original team members.

Even the safe zone was affected. If they really knew, the two of them probably wouldn't choose to covet this money.

After all, if you knew it was caused by the two of them, you wouldn't even dare to think about the consequences!

But now, the two have been blinded by this easy-to-get wealth.

Hand in hand, they gradually approached the armored guardian bees guarding the periphery.


But when the two approached the hive, those armored guard bees looked at the two of them in unison!

And there are two armored guard bees, stepped out of the queue, and walked towards the two of them!

"Damn it! These guys! How could they see us!?"

Sittel dare not believe it!You must know that his invisibility ability is abnormal enough to even wipe off the heat from his whole body!Even the world's most advanced thermal imaging can't see him!
But this creature in the gourmet world can actually perceive his existence? !

This made Xitel unbelievable!
But the two of them decided to take a gamble!Stand still!Don't dare to move!
After the armored guard bee got a little closer, it seemed that it suddenly lost its target and turned back.


This strange behavior made Sittle affirm that these armored guard bees must be able to perceive their existence, but the premise is that they move!

Look at the dense compound eyes on both sides of the armored guardian bee's head, like monitors monitoring the surrounding dynamics!
Originally, Sitel's invisibility ability could even restore the grass that he stepped on, but it couldn't hide the movement of the two of them when they moved!

And the most powerful ability of the armored guardian bee is perception!The compound eyes on its sides can even sense the direction of the wind!

If the two of them stood still, the armored guard bee would only treat them as a stone. After all, Sittel's ability could hide body temperature, and even hide the smell of the whole body.

But only the direction of the airflow cannot be hidden.

"Damn it! Barney, why don't you give it a shot secretly? Otherwise, we'll wait like this! Maybe when those bees come back, we haven't succeeded yet!"

Sittle said anxiously, after all, these armored guard bees are really densely packed, and when they go in, they will definitely not just dig a mouthful or buckle their hands and then run out.

Naturally, a large piece has to be pulled out, and the limbs of the two have to be in constant contact!It is conceivable that these armored guardian bees will be another test for them when they come out at that time!

"Understood, but are we a little too close?"

Barney looked at the armored ground guard bee who was only a dozen meters away from the two of them. It was 1.8 meters tall and two meters in size. Barney had every reason to believe that when he threw his skills.

As long as this guy makes a sudden advance, he will definitely not be able to escape!
"What are you afraid of? I'm here, you run away after you fight! Can he catch up with us? If not, you go to the periphery to lure them! I'll go in by myself!"

Sittel was also a little anxious, and kept urging Barney to make a move. Barney, who was a little flustered by the urging, actually stretched out his hand for some reason!A fireball hit out!
The fireball exploded on the body of the armored guardian bee in the blink of an eye!The endless flames instantly engulfed the armored guardian bee!
This huge movement attracted all the thousands of armored guard bees around the hive!

And when the smoke from the armored guard bee hit by Barney in front of him cleared away, the scene that greeted them stunned the two of them on the spot!
(End of this chapter)

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