Marvel: Foodie Lands Descends

Chapter 164 Carol: Are you using too much force?

Chapter 164 Carol: Are you using too much force?

"Defense! All personnel! All in a defensive posture!"

Coulson hurriedly raised his arms and shouted!Especially those mutants!Still stand on tiptoe and look into the distance?Really do not know how to write dead words?

soon!Like a pitch-black curtain!The endless bee swarm actually closed the curtains on the originally bright sky!

In an instant, the entire base was plunged into darkness!
Just this one scene!Some timid mutants were even paralyzed to the ground by fright!Pointing at the bee swarm in the sky!Too scared to speak.

"Hawkeye! Please answer!"

"Hawkeye received."

"GOD! Thank goodness you are fine! The safe zone is surrounded by unknown creatures! You try to be careful! I will remind you when it is over!"

After Coulson finished speaking, he quickly turned around and pointed to a trembling agent on his body and said, "Hurry up and bring me the projector! Speed!"

"Yes yes yes! sir!"

Even though the agent's psychological quality is already very strong, he still has some slurred speech in the face of such a scene that breaks the three views.

Fortunately, every agent has received a professional calming method!Although panic!But there is still a way to force yourself to calm down!
It's just that everyone's point of calm is different, and this agent's point is the order of the boss, which is an instinctive reaction from 12 years in the army.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is the food world, what a scary place! But such a place, Agu, can survive safely. It seems that there must be some secrets in this place. What do you say, the god of tricks?"

At the foot of the mountain, Rocky, who had disappeared since he came to the gourmet world, was looking at the safe zone on the mountain and the swarm of bees covering the sky and sighing.

And his last words were naturally spoken to his awakened gourmet cells. A purple-skinned, single-eyed sharp-faced, evil-looking phantom appeared above Loki's head.

The smile that was too frightening for human beings obviously expressed great affirmation of what Loki said, and it seemed that Loki's tricks were recognized by it.


"Huh~ This creature in the gourmet world is not much weaker than the Snake King."

In the central area, 4900 kilometers away from the safety zone, although it was not on the back of the Deer King, it was still very close to the Deer King. At this moment, a Stormbird with a capture level of more than [-] was blown to pieces with a punch.

On the top of its body which is nearly a thousand meters away, is Carol's slightly hasty figure. Although the clothes on her body are not deformed, her rapid breathing and disheveled hair show that she still exerted all her strength in this battle. of.

After all, as far as the eye can see, most of the area of ​​nearly [-] meters has been destroyed by the thunderstorm summoned by the Storm Bird. If it wasn't for Carol's all-out shot, he would have stopped this practice of destroying the forest in time.

I'm afraid that this [-]-meter dense forest, and some one or two thousand captured ordinary creatures living in the forest, will receive a catastrophe!

"I thought this task would be very simple, but I didn't expect these guys to be more difficult than one."

This was already the third monster that Carol had killed, and at this moment, even if he couldn't capture it alive, at least he could bring the body back.

In the end, he turned his head to look at the two corpses behind him, and it turned into carbon.

"Forget it, let's just take this strange bird back. Anyway, even if it is captured alive, they won't be able to guard it at all."

Carol finally gave up the option of capturing alive, three monsters!After one was knocked out by himself, he would commit suicide when he regained consciousness a little bit!
And the second and third can't be stunned at all!It even directly used the power of world-killing terror!And Carol can conclude that if he doesn't stop it.

This coverage will be further expanded!

"Huh? What sound?"

When Carol heard the vibration sound like a giant walking on the ground, he also turned his head and looked over curiously. After all, he could capture one alive, and he still wanted to capture one alive.

You must know that the universe has sent two distress messages, and you must return as soon as possible. Originally, you thought it was easy to capture such a thing alive.

But who knew it would miss for various reasons?

But the moment Carol looked over this time, he was stunned!Immediately choose to retreat immediately!

Good guy!The end of the sky!A huge mountain that pierces the sky and the earth is walking this way!And the dense forest on that body!And several thighs that can be clearly seen!
In an instant, Carol thought of one of the Eight Kings of Agu Cop!He is also a king whose ability is the most terrifying to human beings!

If you want to experience what it means to glance at ten thousand years, there is absolutely nothing wrong with going to the King of Deer!And Carol didn't want to experience it, so he directly picked up the corpse of the storm bird that was nearly a thousand meters away!Become a ray of light!disappeared in this area.

In the safe zone, all agents and mutants are ready!Even Thor is ready to go.

But they didn't see any movement of those swarms of bees covering the sky and the sun.

Just like that, the people in the safety zone unexpectedly confronted the swarm of bees in the sky.

Of course, this is just everyone's wishful thinking, because the target of the bee wave has never been these weak and boundless human beings.

But all creatures within a radius of 3000 meters!Everyone in the safe zone!It's just a bonus!

When another novelty, but few in number, of bees took to the sky.

Buzz! !
The huge roar sounded again!The shady scene is surging!The endless swarm of bees rushed down instantly!
Like the water pouring down from the Milky Way!Flood the surface!
"Fire! Fire! Scientific researchers! Hurry up and hide in the safe house! Hurry up!!"

Coulson just caught the scientific researchers who were urgently transferred back from the foot of the mountain!The bee swarm above also surged instantly!

I had to rush to the safe house with the research team leader and team members!
And everyone outside also received Coulson's order!Instantly start firepower coverage!
Squad machine guns!Anti-aircraft guns!Mutants' respective ranged attacks!
Da da da!call out!call out!call out!
All kinds of attacks intersect together!Brighten up the dark sky!

"Flame Thrower! Watch Overhead!"

An agent brings in a flamethrower to counter the Continental idiosyncrasies of the gourmet world!Equipped with a newly developed high-compression air hose!Capable of supporting each flamethrower for up to an hour!
A fire dragon spewed out from the flamethrower in an instant!

And the optimized spray distance!Already caught up with the on-board flamethrower!Came to the amazing 200 meters!

Chi Chi Chi!

Except for the flames from the explosion and the high temperature directly from the injector!The rest of the weapons are useless against the black velvet worker bees up to more than 60 levels!

Even the powerful freezing ability of some mutants!Shooting ability!Stab ability!The same cannot be targeted!

It can be said that if S.H.I.E.L.D. did not prepare black technology to suppress the field this time, I am afraid it will end. It is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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