Chapter 85 Intimacy
Eat it in one bite.

The tooth feels very greasy, and it is served with red wine pears to relieve the greasy taste. It is delicious to eat together, but Chu Hao is not a fan of fatty foie gras. Eating a piece of fatty meat with refreshing cucumber.

Of course, the taste is not fishy, ​​and the fusion is very good. The raspberry and orange slices are quite eye-catching. They are all fresh fruits and the sweetness is also very good.

Generally speaking, the experience is average.

But Lu Chenyu and Chu Yue still looked super delicious. For people with low food sensitivity, this dish is no problem and they can eat it.

Instead, Qin Jiangyi frowned slightly after taking a bite of foie gras, "Today's foie gras was not that good."

He Fengling was startled when he heard the words, and nodded, "Then let the kitchen cancel the order." Then she winked at the waiter at the door, and she immediately turned around and went out.

While chewing, Lu Chenyu covered his lips with jade hands and said, "I think it's delicious!"

Qin Jiangyi gave her an angry look and didn't bother to explain to her.

But seeing that Chu Hao also had a calm expression, he said, "It didn't melt in the mouth immediately, and the ingredients themselves were too fatty, and the degree of blending of the taste was not high. There is nothing wrong with Master He's cooking."

He Fengling wiped his hands with a towel, and smiled slightly when he saw this, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Chu Hao: "It can't be said to be unpalatable, it's a good dish for fatty lovers."

Turning around, the little girl had already finished the foie gras on the plate.

Chu Hao: ...

"Shall I give you mine?"

He only took one bite and left it untouched. The knife and fork were placed beside him, and the foie gras on the plate was still clean.

Chu Yue nodded, and didn't dislike it, so she took it and ate it in bites.

Lu Chenyu chuckled, "It seems your sister likes it very much."

He Fengling behind the desk showed a knowing smile when he saw that Chu Yue liked to eat. Most people didn't like the fatty taste, but a few people still liked it very much.

Chu Yue smiled while eating: "I'm the type who can't get fat, so give me whatever you don't want."

Chu Hao: ...

Sister, why do you look like you are looking for fun? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glared at Chu Yue.

Chu Yue shrank her head, "Don't waste food."

Qin Jiangyi wiped her mouth with a tablecloth and said with a smile: "This is a good habit, but I don't have to be cautious here. If you still want to eat, let Master He do it again."

Chu Yue shook her head vigorously, "No trouble, there are other dishes."

Chu Hao sighed. Compared with Qin Jiangyi, she grew up in a crowd of gourmet food. Her requirements for food are different from those of ordinary people, and it is difficult for her to eat something with a slight flaw.

But for the brothers and sisters of the Chu family, they could eat anything. If it wasn't for seeing that the younger sister liked it, Chu Hao wouldn't waste the foie gras on his plate, and would have eaten it all.

Soon, Lu Chenyu also finished eating. After hearing Chu Yue's words, she also felt that she couldn't waste it, then stroked her stomach, and looked at Chu Hao pitifully, "I guess I will gain weight tomorrow."

Chu Hao couldn't help laughing, and said, "How can it be so fast."

Lu Chenyu: "Really, I ate your barbecue two nights ago, and now I've gained a pound."

Qin Jiangyi also booed from the side, "Only a catty? It's okay, you can get fatter, you look better when you are fatter."

Lu Chenyu puffed up her cheeks and was about to roll up her sleeves and pounce on her.

She really is outside, without the majesty of a university lecturer at all, especially in front of her best friend Qin Jiangyi, she becomes so cute... Chu Hao couldn't help but fantasize.

Seeing this, Chu Hao also booed: "When I open a new store, you should be prepared to gain ten catties."

Lu Chenyu immediately bit her lower lip with her bright teeth, and grabbed Chu Hao's arm vigorously.

Chu Hao shook his body and quickly dodged.

Lu Chenyu pursued, like an angry little crab, when Chu Hao continued to dodge, he took advantage of the situation and threw himself into his arms.

Qin Jiangyi:......

Chu Yue looked down at her phone and pretended not to see it.

Chu Hao slightly opened his hand and didn't dare to touch her. He was a little confused for a moment. What's the situation with this old-fashioned plot?Did she do it on purpose?

Lu Chenyu squirmed and arched twice, but when she failed, Chu Hao helped her shoulders to make her sit upright.

Originally, the chairs of the two were quite far apart, but now they were close together, as if they could never be separated again.

Chu Hao could even feel the outer left side of his thigh touching her right leg, which was warm and soft.

"Come, come, drink and drink." Lu Chenyu pretended to be cheerful, picked up the wine glass, first toasted Qin Jiangyi, Qin Jiangyi complied to her angrily, then turned around, holding the wine glass with two small hands, Carefully touching the wine glass that Chu Hao placed next to the plate, he drank it all in suspense.

Damn... so cute...

Chu Hao's eyes were a little dazed, and while his heart beat faster, he also picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Chu Yue on the side felt happy, but for some reason, she felt a little sour.

After drinking, Lu Chenyu half leaned against Chu Hao's arms, put down the wine glass, touched Chu Hao's thigh with her small hand, and put it there naturally, without moving. It looks like the kind of love between lovers to a normal person. Very intimate action.

Chu Hao knows all about these small actions, but he just can't stand it...

Qin Jiangyi's eyeballs also moved down to see clearly, she shook her head and laughed, then drank.

That pain in my heart.

Sister, I have tried my best to help you carry the banner, but you are good, and I will send it off as soon as I go to the battlefield.

However, it cannot be denied that this 'enemy' is quite good, whether it is character, character, appearance or body, both internally and externally, except for his poor family background, the rest are at a good level.

They don't talk about family background these days, and Chu Hao's barbecue business is so explosive.

Is a good candidate!

At this time, the fourth course was served.

Matsutake custard!

Serve four servings in small white porcelain cups and put them in front of the four people. At first glance, the appearance is very ordinary, but when you scoop it with a spoon, you can see that the matsutake is deeply buried in the cup. During the steaming process, the aroma It has drilled into every crevice of the custard, and it seems that there is no matsutake, but it is better than matsutake.

It couldn't be more fragrant!
It’s just such a naked presentation, resisting and welcoming, the golden custard is like a honeycomb, and the inside is like Lu Chenyu’s chest, very interesting, but when He Fengling served the dishes, he reminded softly that he must use a spoon to stir it up and down. The salty and light taste can be even.

It is indeed the first time for Chu Hao to eat matsutake. It goes well with custard. It is salty and sweet, and the taste is soft and smooth. It becomes soft when you sip it lightly. This dish is not made by teppanyaki. He Fengling's superb cooking tools are impressive.

Chu Hao already remembered the taste of custard, matsutake tastes better than minced meat, there is almost no difference for people who are not sensitive to food, but for people with sensitive tongues like Qin Jiangyi and Chu Hao, the gap is very big up.

(End of this chapter)

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