From a barbecue stand to a global gourmet tycoon

Chapter 60 Fried Rice with Bad Chili Eggs

Chapter 60 Fried Rice with Bad Chili Eggs
The guests who couldn't get it could only chomp on the charcoal-grilled fat and lean meat without tears, trying to divert their attention away.

However, the purchase of fat and lean meat is also restricted. Although there are 20 skewers per serving, and even the ribs and streaky parts of it can only be eaten by luck, but if you can’t get it, you want it even more.

Chu Hao had no choice but to promise them to prepare more tomorrow.

Today he just wanted to see the reaction of the guests, but he didn't expect it to be so intense.

Sometimes we really can’t rule out the word-of-mouth bonus, because Chu Hao’s barbecue is so delicious that even the guests fall in love with the grilled offal.

But it was not that Chu Hao had never tried it himself. Due to lack of practice, he felt that it was inferior to barbecue.

But as long as the customer accepts it, there's no problem at all.


as time flows.

Chu Hao closed the stall half an hour earlier today than yesterday.

All the ingredients in several large pots were sold out. Except for the late guests at the end of the line who did not eat, the rest of the guests enjoyed the delicious food and left contentedly.

Chu Hao packed up his things and drove his tricycle home as usual.

It's still early, it's only 8:40, and he doesn't need to pick up his little sister, so he decides to go home and take a rest, and then take a shower.

Seeing Chu Hao returning home early, Jiang Qin looked confused, "Come back so early?"

"Well, it sold out fast today."

Seeing this, Jiang Qin asked him expectantly, "How are the fat sausages and chicken hearts selling?"

"Hey, the guests like it very much. I will prepare more tomorrow."

Hearing this, Jiang Qin felt relieved. The offal was sold when the shop was opened, and it had been a long time since he had set up a stall, so he might be a little rusty in his craftsmanship.

Getting up from the sofa, Jiang Qin went to the kitchen, "Mom will heat up some hot food for you."

Chu Hao hadn't had dinner yet, so she purposely took all the leftovers and fried them into egg rice. She added some chopped green onion and chili peppers from Guizhou province to disperse the leftovers. Soon, the rice was burnt The scent spreads out.

Afterwards, he put some refreshing pickles in the jar, and he could eat them when Chu Hao came out of the shower with a splash.

The bright red bad chili peppers are mixed into the egg fried rice, and the aroma is fragrant. This is a specialty of Guizhou Province. Chu Hao's family always adds some bad chili peppers when making egg fried rice. The fried flavor is what they would call the ceiling of the egg fried rice world!

Bad chili, also known as bad hot pepper, is also available locally in mountain cities. It is a unique gourmet condiment in Guizhou Province, Yunnan Province, and Shancheng, but it is especially famous in Guizhou Province. Unlike chopped peppers, bad pepper needs to be fermented. It is a common condiment for making egg fried rice, fish-flavored shredded pork, dipping sauce and other dishes.

It is bright red in color and mainly spicy with auxiliary acid. The unique aroma, spicy, fresh, sour, tender, salty and crispy are all reflected in this dish of bad chili pepper, and it is suitable for all ages.

In Guizhou Province, when cooking fish-flavored eggplant, fish-flavored shredded pork, spicy octopus, crispy fish, twice-cooked pork, fish-wrapped leeks, and strange rice, spicy peppers are a must.

When scrambled egg rice, just add a few spoonfuls, its stimulating hot and sour can be mixed with scrambled egg, green onion, and rice aroma, making people salivate after one bite. This special fermented product is a pot Plain egg fried rice is a great addition.

Chu Hao ate it with a spoon, and occasionally picked up two slices of pickled vegetables to refresh the taste. After a while, he ate them all in one pot.

Jiang Qin looked worried, and didn't know if it was because his son hadn't eaten dinner, or because the way he ate was too horrible.

After eating, Chu Hao washed the dishes and collapsed on the sofa.

Jiang Qin was sitting at the side watching TV, knitting a sweater with two sticks in her hand, judging by the color and size, it was probably a winter coat for Chu Yue.

"When are you going to pick up your sister?"

Chu Hao lay there paralyzed and said, "She's still playing, I'll pick her up at 10 o'clock."

Chu Hao glanced at Jiang Qin, "Mom, let me tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Qin answered while focusing on knitting.

"I got a factory."

Chu Hao slapped the agreement hidden behind on the coffee table.

Jiang Qin was stunned and glanced at him in surprise. Before he could speak, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes, "Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

She picked up the agreement, looked at it twice, and was stunned again.

The 1000㎡ factory was given to Chu Hao, and at the same time, 100 million cash was used to take up the shares, which accounted for 10%.

At the same time, Party A is also responsible for many affairs, Chu Hao only needs to ensure the craftsmanship and insure the workers.

"Mom, I have a friend who has a very rich family. This is her investment in me. A factory building and 100 million cash. I plan to use it to produce our pepper sauce. She will handle all the formalities."

While introducing, Chu Hao explained the relationship and reason to Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin was also a little confused.

100w, she never thought that just a factory that big would surprise her enough.

"Xiaohao, who is your friend?" Jiang Qin asked vigilantly.

The older generation doesn’t believe in things like pies falling from the sky, no matter what good news there is, most of the first reaction is to be wary of fraud.

Chu Hao smiled and said, "It's that Lu Chenyu from last time, do you still remember? The friend she introduced has catering at home, and they are still traveling with my family."

Jiang Qin froze, for a moment, not knowing what to say, opened her mouth, and finally fell silent.

"The pepper sauce that your father researched, it's really effective, he is the one who blesses us in the sky..."

Jiang Qin sighed deeply, holding the agreement tightly in his hands, his eyes softening.

Now she has completely come out of the haze, unlike before, [-]% of her eyes would shed tears when she thought of her father, but now, her mother has let go.

Hearing this sentence, Chu Hao was also taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled and echoed: "Dad will be happy to watch it in the spirit of the sky."

Jiang Qin nodded, "Then what are you going to do next?"

"Let's recruit workers first. Party A will take care of the equipment and so on. I will communicate with her about the time and start work when the procedures are complete. In about a week or two, I have already posted the recruitment information online."

Jiang Qin was in a daze.

In the past few days, after my son accepted the small stall, he opened a shop and a factory.

The family seems to be getting better.

Chu Hao smiled again: "Mom, I have to participate in a competition in a few days, and I may not be able to get out of the stall."

"Competition? What kind of competition?"

"It's Lu Chenyu's friend who introduced me to a barbecue competition. No.1 can win 10w. There are many people in the industry who participate in the competition. I think there should be many gourmets haunting. Let's accumulate word of mouth and see if I can do it. Let’s open up the situation, open a new store for our family, and lay the groundwork for our connections in advance.”

If there are gourmets to join in.

The new store can not only dominate the university town in terms of customer flow, but also attract high-quality loyal fans in the niche food circle!
This is a sure-fire deal!
Therefore, Chu Hao must go.

(End of this chapter)

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