Chapter 47
After buying the vegetables and returning home, Chu Hao also helped, sending out all the sauces sold last night, and then carrying the ingredients back home, rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to start work.

Both Jiang Qin and Chu Yue's mother and daughter didn't like brain tricks, so they couldn't help but frown when they saw Chu Hao bought so many.

But Chu Hao didn't force it, he wasn't very confident in himself, it was his first time doing it, it could only be said to be a test of poison, he didn't expect how delicious it could be.

You just need to strictly follow the instructions on the sheet music. As for the details, you still need to practice more.

He put the brain flower away and waited for it to thaw slowly. The weather will be hotter at noon and afternoon, so there is no need to wait too long.

Then we started to process the fresh meat and vegetables we bought.

"Xiao Yue, come here to help, you know how to look?"

When Chu Hao saw them all sitting and resting in the living room, his face turned dark immediately, but he could only give instructions to Chu Yue, Wang Ting and his mother, and he did not dare to say anything.

"Hey brother! I'm so tired! Can you let me rest for a while?"

Chu Hao: "No, come and help me wash the vegetables."

Chu Yue: ...

She had no choice but to come over to help with an aggrieved face.

However, Wang Ting was very attentive and came over to find work without waiting for greeting. She helped Chu Hao prepare some picks and seasonings, and then cut all the washed vegetables.

Chu Hao carried all the pork to the spacious balcony, and chopped it with a knife.

The way he handles meat is quite efficient, and his movements are also very skillful. Although his knife skills are not supernatural, they can barely be perfected.

I saw pieces of fresh meat disintegrating under Chu Hao's kitchen knife.

The bones are bones and the meat is meat, and all parts are separated, such as pork belly, leg meat, tenderloin, ribs, etc... and put them in different big basins.

The spare ribs with the best quality were left, and Chu Hao planned to use them to make rib soup for dinner. In addition, there were still some leftovers, as well as internal organs such as pork liver and large intestine, which had to be cleaned again.

After the processing, Chu Hao began to prepare the pickling sauce by himself, and pickled the chopped ingredients, so that they could be skewered in the afternoon.

At the same time, Wang Ting also walked to the balcony with a large basin, which was full of vegetables she had washed, such as beans, tofu skin, leeks, potatoes, lotus root slices, enoki mushrooms, etc... Sitting opposite Chu Hao, she began to skewer up.

There was something unclear in Chu Hao's heart.

Wang Ting is at home all day long, if she just plays, it's fine, but she also helps out with things everywhere, just like a young daughter-in-law who just got married.

Usually, no one asks her to help, even she only needs to sit on the sofa to catch up with dramas, and even beat the king.

But she couldn't stand still, so she rolled up her sleeves and insisted on helping.

Chu Hao thought to himself, if her father finds out about this, her daughter is at her classmate's house all day long, being ordered to do physical work by her classmate's brother, can this be tolerated?

I'm afraid I'm going to make a home visit right away to convince me with physics.

"Xiao Ting, you don't have to do this, go to the sofa to rest, and play with you when you want to play." Chu Hao said.

Although Wang Ting was sitting on a small bench, she was sitting like a big guy, with her body leaning forward, her legs spread apart, and her movements were capable of strung sticks, and her speed was extremely fast.

The bunches of leeks were directly strung together by her with a stick from the slender roots.

Those Flammulina velutipes were wrapped in tofu skins by her and then strung together at once.

And those green beans, also poked in vertically!
Extremely proficient!

Chu Hao: ...

This Nima!
Have you practiced this yet?

I still remember that when I first came here, Wang Ting learned how to skewer skewers from Chu Yue for a long time, and some vegetables could be skewered by her.

As a result, one poke is accurate now, and the efficiency has skyrocketed!
Having said that, Chu Hao's barbecue, although the vegetables are just a foil, but because the ingredients Chu Hao bought are very fresh, the roasted meat is also full of aroma and refreshing taste, which is very pleasing.

Hearing this, Wang Ting just smiled slightly, put her fingers behind her ears with her fingers, and then continued to bury her head in poking vegetables, and said like a good wife and mother, "It's okay, I'm not tired."

Chu Hao: ...

He pursed his lips, not daring to say much, so he continued to work.

After marinating the pork, Chu Hao washed his hands and went to the kitchen to start processing the pig's brain.

Tearing the meninges and picking out the bloodshot is a meticulous job. Chu Hao's movements were very rusty at the beginning, and it took even 10 minutes to clean a pig's brain.

This efficiency is really too slow. If 200 pig brains need to be processed a day, it will take 10 hours for one pair in 33 minutes!
Can this work?I'm afraid that everyone will be exhausted to death.

Chu Hao frowned, thinking in his mind that he should practice hard and increase his speed. Practice makes perfect.

At least the time should be shortened to less than 3 minutes, so that 200 pig brains only need to be processed for 10 hours.

emmmmmmm... I still feel very tired!

Chu Hao is in a state of desperation, and now the division of labor at home is a little too much. His mother and younger sister are in charge of making pepper sauce, Wang Ting helps to send the mail to various places, and he needs to marinate a lot of fresh meat every day. Moreover, the workload should not be underestimated when stringing up the lottery.

After a day of work, waking up at 5 in the morning feels too late.

But the business is good, and it can't stop the enthusiasm of the family to work. Imagine earning tens of thousands of yuan a day, and it's not working for others, it's my own business, even if I'm exhausted, I'm willing!

Chu Hao is in urgent need of some helpers, who can be trusted and can effectively save his time.

Once the workshop is established and a few workers are signed up, the efficiency will be greatly shortened. The purchase, production and shipping can be handled directly in one go, and you will be able to spare time to help him process the pig brains.

With three people, it only takes more than three hours to process 200 brains. In this way, the daily preparation time can even be spared to rest, play games and so on.

It took Chu Hao more than an hour to clean up the 10 pig brains.

Turning around to see, Wang Ting had already strung up the sticks, and stood cutely at the kitchen door looking at him.

"You go and sit down, and I'll bring it out for you to taste after the brain teaser is ready," Chu Hao said.

"it is good!"


Brainstorming, there are two things that are necessary.

Old oil and broth.

There is still a big pot of chicken soup cooked yesterday, but it is not used much, and the old oil is actually scallion oil made from onions, ginger and garlic.

Holding the kitchen knife, Chu Hao sliced ​​the peeled ginger and garlic into slices, followed by onions, coriander, and large and small shallots. Among them, the green onions were sliced ​​with a slanted blade. After the preparation was complete, he heated the oil in a pan.

After the oil was hot in the pan, there was a crackling sound. Seeing this, Chu Hao skillfully put in the onion, ginger and garlic first, and then quickly turned the heat to low and fried slowly.

After the material turns golden, smell it with your nose. The hot oil is already very fragrant at this time, and then fish it out.

Immediately, pour shallots, celery, coriander, and onions, and fry in the same steps until golden.

A pot of old oil is ready.

(End of this chapter)

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