From a barbecue stand to a global gourmet tycoon

Chapter 125 Chicken Chili Sauce Improved!

Chapter 125 Chicken Chili Sauce Improved!
After eating, Chu Hao and Lu Chenyu went out together.

After opening the shop, the young couple had no time to go on dates. Chu Hao remembered that since he was with Lu Chenyu, he had only had two dates.

One was to watch a movie, and the other was to have a barbecue on the boat with my family.

Lu Chenyu never complained, on the contrary, maybe it was because school was about to start, that's why she wanted to stick with Chu Hao, wanted to spend more time with him, and also wanted Chu Hao to accompany her.

Chu Hao felt quite guilty.

However, the new store is still in its infancy. The apprentices are all newbies and need someone to guide them, so Chu Hao can't spare the time.

After getting in the car, Chu Hao held Lu Chenyu's little hand and said, "I'll take you out for a good time after a while."

Lu Chenyu smiled and said, "No need."

As long as she stays by Chu Hao's side, no matter what she is doing, she is willing.

Even if she was just watching Chu Hao's barbecue boringly, she still felt very happy.

Chu Hao sighed and held her hand even harder.

Lu Chenyu stroked the wrinkles on Chu Hao's palms, feeling rough and rough, so she took out the hand cream from her bag, squeezed a little on the palm of her hand, and after rubbing it evenly, she held Chu Hao's big hand and rubbed it back and forth.

"Your hands are too rough, and it's not comfortable to hold them at all. Take this away and wipe a little every day."

Lu Chenyu put the hand cream where Chu Hao could reach it, and gave him a very charming wink.

Chu Hao laughed and said, "Sooner or later, it will have to be washed off."

"Then I don't care, or if you wipe it every day when you sleep, look at you, the palm lines are cracked."

Chu Hao took a look at his hands. They were really rough and rough, similar to those of workers. They were dry and cracked. Because his hands were larger, they looked even uglier.

He smiled and said, "Okay, then remember to supervise me every day."

Lu Chenyu smiled happily: "Yes! I will remind you once a day."

Chu Hao pinched Lu Chenyu's face and felt that it was tender, elastic and soft.


Chen Xian and Lin Ran had already arrived at the shop ahead of time, and they were squatting in the back kitchen to process some ingredients.

The sheep intestines need to be washed and cleaned, and finally mixed with corn noodles. This process is not troublesome, and it will be fine if you pay attention.

There are also all kinds of vegetables, washed and cut, and wrapped in tofu rolls. The two of them are already making it.

When Chu Hao arrived, he went through a special inspection and confirmed that there was nothing wrong before he nodded.

Lin Ran called out 'boss' respectfully, looked up at the proprietress again, envious in her heart, the two of them stuck together everywhere they went, took out their mobile phones at the same time, and called Wang Wanxuan and Zhang Zhihao to come over quickly with VX.

The boss has arrived, but the two of them haven't arrived, which is a bit unreasonable.

"It's good, it's very serious. It's all meticulous work. I don't ask you how fast you do it. Cleanliness is the most important thing. Little cousin, I'll leave the garlic sauce to you today."

Chu Hao rolled up his sleeves, washed his hands, and started his work again.

All the ingredients in the warehouse are poured into the mod, and they can be taken out and baked directly when the store opens at night.

Chu Hao changed the preparation materials in the mod, and replaced the eggplant with chicken cockroaches. Chicken cockroaches are also difficult to deal with. If you really do it by yourself, it will take one morning plus one afternoon, which is very troublesome.

On the contrary, the eggplant doesn't need to be dealt with. It was put into the mod by Chu Hao because there was nothing to roast on the stall.

Among them, the pork belly was copied twice by Chu Hao, one was spicy and spicy, and the other was sweet and spicy.

That adds up to nine.

In the end, Chu Hao thought for a long time, and finally put the beef kidney into the mod, and made up ten samples, reaching the upper limit of mod preparation.

The rest of the ingredients, such as eggplant, upper brain, outer spine, tofu rolls, oysters, dried seeds, and sheep intestines, are prepared by him in the shop with his apprentices.

Of course, Lu Chenyu couldn't stay idle, and she soon became bored sitting on the sidelines. Later, she entered the back kitchen, and Chu Hao taught her how to prepare the condiments for cold noodles.

"It's cold, so no one will eat cold noodles?" Lu Chenyu said, "I don't think anyone ordered yesterday."

Chu Hao thought for a while, and felt that what she said was right, "I'll think of a way later."

Baked potatoes are a baked product he wants to launch soon, but Chu Hao can't find anyone to make that special hanging stove for the time being, so he can only find it slowly.

All that was left was grilled crucian carp and chicken chili.

The former is just an idea and has not been implemented.

The latter has already shipped the materials to the store, so that Chu Hao can study them carefully.

Chu Hao tried it three times in the factory last time. Each time, the flavor was close to the flavor Qin Jiangyi wanted most. He estimated that he would succeed after a few more trials.

[Gourmet Training: Seasoning] This skill has helped Chu Hao a lot since he acquired it.

As a chef, we cannot say how good your natural taste is. At least you can identify the flavor of each dish. This does not require high talent and can be achieved through years of training and experience.

If Chu Hao didn't have this skill at the beginning, it would probably take him many years to practice just one tune.

The same is true for cooking. The taste is very important. There are thousands of dishes all over the world, with different tastes. If the ingredients, knife skills, heat, and the four elements are integrated and coordinated properly, it will be a good dish.

Even in the eyes of some people, the ingredients are not very fresh, as long as the accent is accurate, it can cover up the gap in the ingredients to a certain extent.

Seasonings can impart fragrance to ingredients and arouse appetite. They can also be used to suppress the fishy smell and other odors of the ingredients themselves. When used in combination, they can also create a unique flavor.

Chili sauce, the most important thing is to adjust the taste.

Just one spicy taste can be subdivided into many kinds of flavors.

What's more, adding chicken to the chili makes the combination of meat quality and taste more complicated.

With one more element, there are a few more branches in the mix, and Chu Hao needs to test them one by one to get the answer.

At this moment, Chu Hao was thinking while he was cooking the pot. At the same time, he brought over various seasonings and smelled them with his nose, or tried the taste with his tongue.

There are about [-] or [-] kinds of common spices, most of which are traditional Chinese herbal medicines, and there are only [-] or [-] kinds of spices in the store, and they are basically used by Chu Hao to make brine.

Of course, you will need them for chicken chili too.

Geranium leaves, grass fruits, cloves, cinnamon bark, tangerine peel, amomum villosum, lemongrass... are used to produce fragrance.

Angelica dahurica, grass bandit, kaempferol, galangal, woody, red cardamom, white cardamom, etc... are used to remove fishy smell.

Licorice and Luo Han Guo are used for sweetness, turmeric, gardenia, and saffron are used for coloring, dried chili, dried ginger, and pepper are used for spiciness, and peppercorns and peppercorns are used for numbness.

This time, Chu Hao cooked the chicken chili all by himself.

At the same time, we have to take care of the garlic sauce on the stove next to it. Chen Xian and Chu Hao learned how to make it in the factory cafeteria, and he is quite talented, and he is relatively quick to learn. Chu Hao only needs to guide him so that he does not make mistakes. , the rest will be handled by Chen Xian.

Of course, Chu Hao had to taste the final product, and if he couldn't pass the test of the guests, he absolutely couldn't do it.

Of course it is possible to fail, but it is not very likely. Originally, the garlic sauce that Chu Hao used was secretly made at home, and it has its own uniqueness. It is more fragrant and delicious.


At this moment, Wang Wanxuan and Zhang Zhihao have arrived one after another.

The two of them were also quite tired, they came here just after waking up, and even wanted to sleep more.

Last night Chu Hao had been standing in the back kitchen, except for running out to drink with the guests, he hadn't moved much, but Wang Wanxuan and the others had been serving food back and forth in the store, which was almost equivalent to physical labor.

I felt pain in my waist and back as soon as I woke up this morning, so I took my time to come to the store.



Chu Hao glanced at the two of them and didn't reprimand them, but he didn't give them a good look either. He focused on the chili in his pot.

The same is true for Chen Xian, holding a large spoon in his hand, stirring constantly, and holding a mobile phone in the other hand, turning on the garlic sauce to make a memo, and following it carefully.

Only Lin Ran, who was standing next to the stove after cooking the intestines, was chopping the chicken. He turned around and said with a smile, "Why is it so late? Is there a traffic jam?"

Wang Wanxuan scratched his head, "I can't get up..." He leaned forward and said in a low voice, "I'm really tired."

Zhang Zhihao touched his neck and shoulders, twisted and complained softly: "I feel like I'm about to fall apart."

Lin Ran didn't dare to laugh, he just glared at them both fiercely, "Boss didn't even say he was tired."

So the three of them murmured together, chatting while cutting up the chicken.

Chu Hao said in a deep voice without looking back: "Pay attention, you are responsible for everything."

Wang Wanxuan shuddered, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his cuff, and then closed his mouth.

As the proprietress, Lu Chenyu made some condiments, and then began to fiddle with fish and fish, either to browse Moments for a while, or to chat with girlfriends. Chu Hao glanced at her several times, and she had no other ideas at all. Chu Hao wanted to flirt with her, and responded with both shame and joy.

Chu Hao sighed, and pushed her out of the back kitchen, "Go out and sit and play, and I'll accompany you when I'm done here."

"Oh." Lu Chenyu probably also knew that he was a laggard, so he didn't dare to say anything. Instead, he pinched Chu Hao's earlobe and kissed his lips when the apprentices didn't see him. He sat down in a seat and said, "Baby, I want to eat cold noodles."

Chu Hao: ...

"Wait a minute."

He went back again, because today he was just testing the taste, so he didn’t make too much at once. It could be served in a small bowl, and the chicken was fried in advance and cut into irregular pieces the size of a little finger. , Pour it in when the chili is boiled.

Maybe Chu Hao himself is confident, so every time he brews it, the flavor is pretty good, and it smells particularly fragrant.

But testing for himself was too subjective and not objective enough, so Chu Hao took his apprentices to taste it together.

As a result, the four of them, including Chen Xian, all praised him crazily, which made Chu Hao feel a little regretful, and turned his attention to Lu Chenyu, who was cute and silly outside the shop. still doesn't work...Let her taste it, and the result may be the same.

Lu Chenyu's not sensitive enough.

Gotta get someone sensitive over here.

So Chu Hao picked up the phone and dialed Qin Jiangyi directly. Before she could speak, Chu Hao went straight to the point and said, "Come to the store, chicken pepper, for you to taste."


There was a silence on the phone, and then said: "Can you tell me in advance, I'm very busy now."

Chu Hao: "It doesn't matter. I'm here all day long. You can come and taste it whenever you want."

Chicken chili is sold for takeout anyway, so tasting the steaming chili fresh out of the pan is not accurate enough. Generally, it is best to taste the taste after it has cooled down.

But when it is cooled, the lean chicken will become very woody.

This has nothing to do with the quality of the chicken itself, but a natural cause.

So Chu Hao stood in front of the stove and thought carefully, what method should be used to cover up the tough taste of the chicken after cooling down?

Use fat more parts?
This is a good way.

Use a larger ratio of fat and lean meat to cook chicken chili.

Undoubtedly, this will increase the cost again, because you can't control it yourself after mass production.

The only thing that can be changed can only be changed from the recipe sheet.

Chu Hao made five or six bowls, and the recipe for each bowl was written on sticky notes and pasted on the bowl noodles. Before Qin Jiangyi came, Chu Hao made a few more bowls. The apprentices felt admiration, because Chu Hao had to wash the pot once after cooking, rearrange the spices, and even the dosage was very precise, and he had to measure it before putting it into the pot.

For mass production, spices and seasonings are cold numbers, and there is never such a saying as the right amount.

Therefore, Chu Hao also strived for excellence during the cooking process.

The apprentices saw that the boss continuously poured in the powder made of various spices. The oil used was also compound oil, which was made by mixing different oils. It was so complicated that it turned a stove into a scientific laboratory. Proportioning with your own hands is not enough.

The apprentices couldn't learn at all if they wanted to steal it, and they had to concentrate on their work, so they were very greedy.

Seeing this, Chu Hao smiled and said, "You don't need to learn these things, you don't even need to be in the store, just concentrate on doing your own things well."


When Qin Jiangyi arrived, she was not in a very good mood.

Ever since Chen Yuxin was transferred to the factory, Qin Jiangyi had changed three assistants, none of which were satisfactory, and she still had to handle many chores by herself, not to mention that she still regretted handing over Chen Yuxin.

But I gave it all, so what else?

After standing at the door of the store for a while, Qin Jiangyi closed the car door and walked in.

"Jiang Yi! Why are you here?!" Lu Chenyu was sitting on a chair playing with his mobile phone, when he saw her, he waved happily.

Qin Jiangyi was taken aback, and smiled, "I'll come and take a look. The one in your house is making chili peppers, so let me come over and taste it."

Lu Chenyu turned his head to look at the kitchen, and said with a smile, "He has made several bowls."

Lu Chenyu also knew about the improvement of chili sauce, but the hateful thing was that Chu Hao didn't believe his own tongue, but only Qin Jiangyi's tongue, which made her feel a little angry.

Qin Jiangyi put the bag next to Lu Chenyu's chair, and saw Chu Hao outside the window.

"Come here? You don't need to come in, these are just boiled, you try."

Chu Hao pointed to the white porcelain bowls arranged in a row on the window counter. They all contained a small amount of chicken chili sauce, and the corresponding formula was posted on the bowl. Because the spice powder was made of compound, Chu Hao gave The different spice powders are numbered.

It feels like browsing the blueprint of some industrial product.

In the end, Qin Jiangyi sighed, and started tasting from the first bowl with a small spoon.

Indeed, Chu Hao has already found a feeling of improvement. The taste of the four small bowls in front of his head is slowly approaching the taste she wants, but the taste of the five or six bowls in the back is slightly different, but the level is similar to The level is about the same.

After a while, Qin Jiangyi's mouth became numb and hot, and it began to turn slightly red, and her lips were swollen in a small circle, which was very cute.

She fanned it with her hands, drank water to rinse her mouth, and looked at the last bowl again.

Chu Hao nervously stood behind and looked at her. The two exchanged glances. Chu Hao said, "This is the last bowl. If it doesn't work, we'll have to wait."

Qin Jiangyi took a deep breath, nodded, and said, "Whether you can do it or not, you have to keep improving. Failure is the mother of success. Don't be discouraged."

As she spoke, she scooped some up with a spoon and put it into her mouth, chewing slowly.

It has a grainy texture, and the fusion of numbness, spicyness, freshness, and fragrance is also very natural. The meat of the chicken is partially covered by the fatty fat, which is well neutralized, but this is not the key element, but Qin Jiangyi finally tasted a hint of it. The taste she wanted.

With his eyes lit up, Qin Jiangyi picked up the sticky note attached to the bowl and took a look at it, "What kind of powder is this made of?"

Chu Hao also walked up to take a look, and then took out a small glass jar, which contained spice powder with the color of hard clay.

"Is this what you said?"

Chu Hao handed the jar to Qin Jiangyi, and she opened the lid to smell it.

Lu Chenyu was also standing by the side because of curiosity. Seeing Chu Hao getting nervous, even she was a little nervous, "Jiang Yi, how is it? Can this work?"

Qin Jiangyi picked it up with her fingers and tasted it. To be honest, she couldn't taste all the spices mixed in it. She could only distinguish a small half of the spices with unique flavors. She said to herself: "There are at least ten spices mixed in here. Several..."

The taste is spicy, salty, and it smells a little pungent, and the layering and impression are better than Shisanxiang.

After a moment of silence, Qin Jiangyi looked at Chu Hao and said, "This is fine."

Chu Hao frowned, "Spices or chili?"

"It will be all right."

Chu Hao was overjoyed, he exchanged a glance with Lu Chenyu, then looked at Qin Jiangyi, and said, "Really?"

Qin Jiangyi nodded: "I will take this formula back first and let the factory try out a batch."

At this moment, Chu Hao was a little happy, but at the same time he was relieved and felt relaxed.

The pepper sauce improvement plan has been dragged on for so long, and finally version 2.0 was born in his hands, which can be mass-produced in the factory!

"Okay, huh, I was nervous just now."

Qin Jiangyi's beautiful eyes flowed, and she was charming, and said with a smile: "Why are you nervous? It's not a competition. If you can succeed, if you can't, our factory hasn't lost money."

Chu Hao patted his chest, heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It's all your fault for pushing too hard."

Qin Jiangyi rolled her eyes, "Come on! You are the boss, okay, who can force you!"

Lu Chenyu blinked her eyes with a cute expression on her face, why... does this sound a bit strange?

(End of this chapter)

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