The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 997 The Arrival of the Guardians of the Galaxy

Chapter 997 The Arrival of the Guardians of the Galaxy

T'Challa's words made Stark and Thor stop and turned around, but only T'Challa came to 'send off', and none of the so-called respected elders in Wakanda followed. It is estimated that they are still in the conference room, discussing the matter of 'Stark's ambition and conspiracy against Zhenjin'.

T'Challa stepped forward, stopped less than five meters away from the next year's individual, and said softly: "Ultron's drones have caused great damage to Wakanda, and everyone knows that Ultron was made by you." yes, so."

"The whole world thinks so," Stark shrugged, and said, "I don't care what others think, but if you think the same way, then it will prove that I am wrong about you."

"If I thought so too, I wouldn't have come to send you off." T'Challa said: "Zhenjin is the foundation of Wakanda, and it will not be sold to anyone, and it has been severely cracking down on those who dare to steal it." Zhenjin went out, so it is impossible for the elders to agree to sell you Zhenjin."

"It's okay, you will continue to guard this mine, I hope that after Thanos' fleet comes to Earth, you will still be so tough, instead of bowing your knees and offering vibrating gold." Stark said sarcastically, he was the most disgusted What is Wakanda's 'closed'.

Obviously possessing many advanced technologies that surpass the world, but they say that they are a backward agricultural country, clinging to those technologies and these vibrating gold, if Wakandaken communicates with the outside world, even if they do not share their high technology with any country , It can also stimulate other countries on the earth to work hard.

Just like Stark himself, countless people criticized Stark for treating advanced steel suit technology as his own toy, like a selfish child who refused to share a little with anyone, but in fact, Stark has always been Slowly lifting the ban on some less sensitive technologies, such as the high-tech prosthetics produced by Stark Industries, have allowed many people to regain their own arms and legs, and be able to move around and do things flexibly, no different from ordinary people.

There is also energy technology. The clean energy of Stark Industries is very popular in the world, occupying more than half of the world's clean energy industry market, and the future market prospects are also very broad. There is also energy transmission technology, which can theoretically reduce more than half Loss in transmission, has started global application, and recently started to develop nanotechnology.
Stark is conditionally opening up his advanced technology, and almost all of these technologies are first applied to the steel suit, and will not be marketed until the conditions are ripe and the cost is reduced to an acceptable level, thereby benefiting world.

Wakanda, on the other hand, did nothing and didn't make any contribution to the world. Now that the earth is facing a crisis, they don't even give any raw materials, and they doubt Stark's motives.

Faced with Stark's ridicule, T'Challa couldn't help frowning. He also grew up in a honeypot. Although there is so-called tempering, the tempering of a prince and the suffering of civilians are two different things. Stark is much less, but in terms of life experience, he is far less rich than Stark.

So when T'Challa heard Stark's words, he was immediately unhappy. He didn't pursue the fact that Stark's Ultron drone caused his father to remain awake until now because of the overall situation. , is too much.

It's just that Stark didn't give T'Challa a chance to get back to the place, turned around and walked into the Quin-type transport plane, Thor glared at the room where T'Challa and the elders behind him were, and followed Stackden On board the Quinjet transport plane.

The Kun-type transport plane with a large letter A printed on its wing took off slowly, flew in the direction it came from, flew out from the temporary entrance and exit of the protective cover, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

It wasn’t until the Avengers’ plane left that someone came out of the sci-fi building behind. T’Challa didn’t have to look back, just by hearing the footsteps, he knew it was his sister—Shuri, and Shuri came out Said: "I think this time it might be true."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because there was indeed an alien space warship that invaded the earth yesterday and left after 5 minutes, causing dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries, as well as the disappearance of Dr. Hank Pym, his only A person who can create Pym particles, and the magic of Pym particles, I have not yet grasped." Suri raised his arm, tapped the Kimoyu beads on his wrist, played a holographic projection, and there were satellites The shots were taken by personal devices such as mobile phone cameras, as well as surveillance footage at the time.

T'Challa turned around, looked at these holographic projections, and said: "I also know how serious it will be if this is true, but the elders will not agree to lead troops out, and the father's evaluation of them is right. Yes, years of isolation have made them reluctant to see the outside world, let alone the universe."

Suri was also silent. Wakanda is a tribal system. The king is only the leader in name, but he can actually command only the tribe he belongs to. Other tribes have their own leaders, and they all obey the orders of the tribal leaders. If the order conforms to the leader's wishes, he will listen to it, and if it does not conform to it, he will not obey it.

After the contract war, his father T'Chaka wanted to open up Wakanda's advanced technology, but was opposed by almost all the elders, so he has been arguing until now. If the king's order is effective, Wakanda will soon It was unblocked and began to communicate with the outside world.

As for the Jabari tribe, they are even more 'rebellious'. They even worship the gorilla Hanuman instead of the leopard god Bast. They even disdain the king's orders. The whole tribe lives alone on the top of the snow mountain. It is heresy to believe that Wakanda built and lived in the modern metropolis of Bernin Zana, which is considered to be contrary to the customs of the original clan of Wakanda.

In short, Wakanda seems to be very prosperous, but in fact there are many internal conflicts and problems. T'Chaka can barely maintain the superficial harmony when he was there, but now T'Chaka is unconscious, and T'Chaka is only acting as the king. The position is not the official king who accepts the challenge of warriors of all races and wins the final victory. There are always many restraints.

For example, T'Chaka never forgets to open Wakanda. Since he was in a coma, he has stopped. Instead of making any progress, he has even retreated. They didn't want Stark in.

The two stood on the high platform, looking at the lake in the distance, silent. The matter of Wakanda cannot be solved simply. No matter how strong the black panther is, it cannot be used for internal conflicts. It can only slowly solve the chronic illness.

It's just the news from Stark, which seems to tell them that they don't have time to play political games with the old people, otherwise, Wakanda will not be able to catch up with anything, and it may really be like Stark's ironic words, until it dies. Pa's spaceship has arrived, and it may be too late for Wakanda to fight again.

Because that represents the failure of the Avengers, and Wakanda can only face the alien army alone. Perhaps this is also the purpose of Stark's coming here. Fight to the death.

"I want to go and see," T'Challa said after a long time, "Father has always hoped that Wakanda can resume normal communication with the outside world. Maybe this is an opportunity. If they don't want to, I will just take it away." Our army."

"I don't think the elders will even agree to this." Su Like knows the thoughts of those old people too well. He would rather stick to Wakanda and be blasted away by someone's protective shield than take the initiative to contact the 'strange' world .

"Then they don't need their consent," T'Challa said domineeringly: "In three days, the army will be assembled and set off."

"You can't believe everything Stark says." Su Li reminded his stupid brother, Stark's mouth, a deceitful ghost, once broke the guards of congressmen who are good at talking tricks, and directly in front of many media Swearing, gently reminding T'Challa that it is impossible for you to play lip service with him, and it is impossible to win in this life.

"But you can't completely disbelieve it," T'Challa stood on the railing of the high platform with his hands behind his back, looking at the sparkling lake under the setting sun, and said: "The earth has encountered more than one alien invasion. If something happens to the earth , and Wakanda cannot survive alone."

Just as Su Li was about to say something, Kimo converted the holographic projection of the beads into a 3D model of the earth, one of the points was marked in red, and hurriedly said: "Our satellite found that an unknown object broke into the atmosphere, not a meteorite, because Evidence of adjustments in angle and velocity, most likely a spaceship."

"Whose ship?"

"I don't know!" Su Li shook his head and said, "I don't think it's human."

"Where is the landing site?"

"It's still a contract!"

T'Challa was silent for a few seconds, and said, "Prepare the spaceship immediately."

"You want to go there?"

T'Challa just nodded, and strode into the room, took off this low-key and luxurious outfit, put on a light and simple battle suit, put on the latest black panther suit collar, and set communication, Kimoyu beads with a series of functions such as holographic system, positioning, and vital sign detection.

By the time he came out, a Wakanda-specific flying saucer-like aircraft had risen from the high platform, quietly parked on the tarmac, full of energy, just waiting to go.

Princess Suli was still standing there, looking at T'Challa who was wearing a combat costume, and said, "Have you thought about it clearly? The elders may not be complaining verbally."

T'Challa ignored this, and said instead: "You make the guards ready to go at any time, Wakanda has missed it many times, and it can't be absent this time, otherwise, as Stark said, Wakanda didn't open its eyes until Thanos' fleet arrived."

After finishing speaking, T'Challa walked into the aircraft, set the route, and started the engine of the aircraft, giving the aircraft a strong propulsion, allowing the aircraft to soar into the sky, without long tail flames and dazzling lights, but super fast The speed and almost inaudible flight noise far exceed any aircraft in the world.

After passing through Wakanda's protective shield, the vehicle's speed soared, pointing directly at the location where the unidentified spacecraft that was traversing the atmosphere would land.

And there, a streamlined spaceship that seems to be in line with human aesthetics is landing towards the ground. Inside the cabin, a little raccoon is skillfully manipulating the spaceship, looking at the outside world with small eyes, saying: "Quiel , your family members seem to be doing badly?"

"Bad? I don't know, I've already." Quill thought for a while and couldn't figure out how long he had been away from Earth, so he could only say, "I haven't been back for a long time, and the changes seem to be quite big."

Their height from the ground was already very low, and they saw high-rise buildings, winding roads, and cars, pedestrians, and roads crowded with roads.
Getting used to alien cities, looking at the human world again, everything is so novel, and everything is very different from the city in Quill's memory, so big that Quill can't confirm that this is a contract he has been here before.

Rocket Raccoon took out a very outdated communicator - a mobile phone, tapped on it, found out the landing coordinates given to them by that dark guy, and controlled the spaceship to fall there, very easily landed on a flat ground.

"Quiel, they don't wear the same clothes as you." Drax dragged the armrest to the rear of the cab. Before he landed, he saw the clothes of the people outside. None of them had the same style as Quill, oh , he saw a kid on a motorcycle, dressed a bit like Quill.

"." Quill didn't want to talk. He hasn't been back for a long time. Who knew that his dressing style had changed so much. His outfit was the most fashionable when he left. How come it has become non-mainstream now?
"Let's go, the person who welcomes us seems to be here." Gamora didn't participate in their discussion at all. After getting along with them for a long time, they have already figured out the temperament of these people. For three days and three nights, once it comes to serious matters, there will definitely be an uproarious quarrel, and it is impossible to reach a unified conclusion everywhere.

The landing point of their spaceship is a grass field, surrounded by trees and a road that is not too wide, it can be said that it is inaccessible, and a black spot appeared in the distant sky, approaching here, not two black spots, not from same direction.

A group of weird guys came down from the strangely shaped spaceship, Rocket Raccoon took out a telescope, looked at the left and then the right, two aircrafts of different styles, said: "Wow, the people who greeted us Seems like a lot."

"I'm Groot!"

Rocket Raccoon turned around in an instant and saw Groot lying on the ground gnawing on flowers and plants. He became angry and shouted, "Groot, how many times have I told you not to eat these things."

"I'm Groot!"

"No, I don't eat these things, no one will eat them." Rocket Raccoon dragged Groot up who was lying on the ground, and the two aircraft came to him and started to fall almost simultaneously.

(End of this chapter)

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