The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 996 Before the Battle

Chapter 996 Before the Battle
"It's really their style." Greer was speechless. These guys still looked the same. After defeating Ego, didn't they say that they would go to various civilizations to promote Thanos' evil deeds of destroying half of life in the universe with infinite gems? of it?Why did a bounty order attract them, and co-authored it and became a bounty hunter again.

"Are we going to the universe?" Peter Parker was a little surprised, but also looked forward to it. He had only seen outer space in photos before, and he was going to the depths of the universe without any training. Very good.

Rhodes patted Peter on the shoulder as if he had come here, and said, "Believe me, that kind of feeling is not good."

In the Ultron incident, in order to avoid being controlled, he deliberately destroyed the communication module, resulting in losing contact in outer space for a long time. The feeling of drifting alone in the boundless and illusory space was super bad, which made Rhodes There is almost a psychological shadow.

Stark had already taken off Mark48 and disarmed the defense system of the Avengers base. He looked at Nick Fury and said, "A group of people rushed into other people's spaceships to fight. I would rather throw a nuclear bomb into it."

"The premise is that you can throw it in." Nick Fury stood up as if he was tired from sitting, walked to the huge ship window, looked at the stars outside, and said: "If you can't kill him, there is no second time." Opportunity for a surprise attack."

"How about the space door?" Greer said from the side: "As long as I have the coordinates, I can open the space door into Thanos' bedroom."

"Haha," Nick Fury sneered, and said, "Danvers, tell them, are you afraid of nuclear bombs?"

Carol Danvers said blankly: "Maybe it should be afraid of me."

Rodden looked suspiciously at him, like looking at someone who brags and doesn't write drafts, dare to say that nuclear bombs are afraid of her, she has never been bombed by nuclear bombs.

At this moment, a roar came from behind the house: "Fight me!"

Immediately afterwards, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and a tall figure was looming in the lightning. It was almost time to strike down, only to find that the 'enemy' was standing with his teammates, and seemed to be still talking. He was stunned and couldn't understand for a while. what's going on.

Carol Danvers looked up and glanced at Thor, who was shining with strong electric light all over his body, snorted with a little disdain, ignored him, and continued: "Don't think too highly of human nuclear bombs, they are only on the earth. The power is great, the radiation in many places in the universe is much higher than the radiation of nuclear bombs, and the shock wave and high temperature may only kill some small soldiers."

As he spoke, he pointed to Thor in the sky above his head, and said, "I think the high temperature he can endure is much higher than a nuclear bomb."

Greer interjected, "He can withstand the force of a neutron star furnace, probably for a few minutes."

"That's much more powerful than a nuclear bomb." Carol Danvers' implication is that Thor can withstand such a strong high temperature, pressure and high energy. If he is replaced by Thanos with a stronger system, the effect will probably be weaker. , vividly clarified that nuclear bombs are really just dominating the earth, but in the vast and boundless universe, nuclear bombs are really not powerful weapons.

Thor fell down with lightning all over his body, his eyes were still shining with lightning, and he roared: "What happened?"

"Uh" Banner pointed to Carol Danvers, and said: "She is the reinforcement called by Fury, not the enemy, so...can you put away the lightning first? We are talking to Fury on the phone."

Carol Danvers corrected: "This is quantum communication."

With an ax in his left hand and a hammer in his right, Thor, who was ready to fight, was stunned: "What?"

No one paid any attention to Thor, but continued to talk to Nick Fury, asking more about Thanos and whether there were other support forces to participate in this expedition against Thanos.

Nick Fury said helplessly: "If I could mobilize the fleet, I would have attacked Thanos long ago. Why wait until now, there are no other reinforcements, only us humans."

Carol Danvers also said on the side: "No one wants to fight against Thanos. No one will send a fleet until it is confirmed that Thanos is indeed crazy enough to wipe out half of the life in the universe. Even if they know, they will After several rounds of discussions internally, by the time their fleet departs, the universe may have been destroyed."

"And their fleet. It's hard to describe." Greer thought of the fleet of the golden man who chased Star-Lord and the others last time. They were just some funny drones. It simply doesn't have the ability to launch attacks from a long distance.

After finishing the first inter-galaxy communication, Stark took a deep breath, sorted out his thoughts, and said: "After Star Lord and the others arrive on Earth, we will set off to find Thanos. This time we will gather all human power.

Banner, Danvers, you guys go to S.H.I.E.L.D. and find the captain, Thor, you and I go to Wakanda, Greer and Parker, you two, take a break and recover from your injuries.There is no need to keep it secret, tell them all, there is no guarantee that everyone will come back, and those who are afraid don't have to go. "

Greer pursed his lips and said, "I'll talk to Strange about it. Karma Taj can help you. For the temple, let's do it temporarily. If you win, come back and continue." Xiu, you don’t have to worry if you lose.”

These words were a bit mournful, but no one refuted them. The victory rate of this expedition to Thanos was indeed very low. Although no one said it, they all knew that the real purpose of this expedition mission was to keep the The secret of Pym particles prevents Thanos from traveling through time and space to collect infinite gems.

As for destroying Thanos and his fleet, if you have more than enough energy, you can do as much as you can. Anyway, it is better than doing nothing. On this point, everyone is aware of it.

The sun had dipped below the horizon, the day passed, darkness came, and everyone went home, especially Peter, who wanted to spend more time with Gwen and Aunt May, just in case, while Banner sorted out his own research As a result, it was sealed and the simplest password was set.

Stark arranged a room for Carol Danvers, who came from afar, and then entered the laboratory to conduct a final inspection of his Iron Legion, and replaced the strongest Destroyer armor with a new one. energy core.

Greer stood at the highest point of the castle dragon, thought for a long time, and gave up taking it away. Anyway, this time it was a surprise attack on Thanos' Temple II. Inside the spaceship, there is probably no room for it to be used. It is better to let it go. Here it is.

Hearing a slight sound of footsteps behind him, Greer said without turning his head: "No, stay on the earth and wait for me to come back."

"Then, I don't like waiting for Thanos to snap that deadly finger." Daisy stepped over, stood side by side with Greer, and then leaned on his shoulder, looking at the scene outside the castle. Chongshan Junling said: "I can also help."

"The last time I took you there, I ended up being trapped in Helm's Underworld. I regret it enough, this time it's even more dangerous." Before Greer finished speaking, Daisy said: "Then I should go together , Didn’t you mean gathering the strongest people on Earth? I am also very strong, my mother said that my strength has been brought to the extreme, and even the planet can’t bear my shock wave.”

"But I'm worried."

"Aren't I worried about you?" Daisy raised her head, stared at Greer, and said, "Every time you go out, it takes a long, long time to come back. I'm really afraid of you. I'm not a weaker princess , don’t want to wait in the cold castle.”

Greer turned his head and looked at the girl under the moonlight, with a smile on her delicate face but full of determination, Greer wanted to say something, but swallowed it at the end, and finally turned around, Looking at the snowy mountains in the distance, I just reached out and took the girl into my arms, quietly enjoying the unique warmth.

The countdown counts down to seven days, and the time is so tight that it cannot be any more urgent. Everyone is making intensive preparations. S.H.I.E.L.D. welcomes Banner and Dennifer to visit, and informs them of what the Avengers are about to do and the mission degree of danger.

Rogers has also heard about the Avengers' expedition to Helm's Underworld, but this time, they are going to a farther place to deal with the overlord of the galaxy, which is not only related to the safety of the earth, but also half of the life in the universe .

Romanov, who personally sent the Hawkeye relic back to his home yesterday, heard that Banner said that he was going to deal with Thanos, and immediately said that she would participate. The performance was unquestionable, and Rogers, who wanted to say something, could only be negligible in the end. Cha sighed.

He heard about the Hawkeye family, who lived on a vast farm, had two lovely children, and his wife was three months pregnant. Even though he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could imagine how heart-wrenching it was. Broken scenes, Romanov was also "unpopular" for the first time.
Rogers went to the home where Scott's ex-wife and daughter lived, handed Scott's belongings to them, and told the lovely girl that his dad was a hero
The arrival of Captain America caused a huge commotion in this peaceful town. Many people came here to see the demeanor of Captain America. , also declared him a hero to protect the peace of the earth.

It's just that no matter how much honor, it's all outside the body, which is useless to the victims, and now, they may lose more people. Rogers, who has experienced brutal wars, will not naively think that after the war, Everyone can go home holding hands intact to celebrate the victory.

In every war, countless people will fall, both enemies and friends. Even if they win, no one is in the mood to celebrate. The survivors bandage their wounds and bury their friends in silence, and then rush to the next battlefield.

This time he has to deal with Thanos. As the overlord of the Milky Way, Rogers cannot predict how many friends will fall this time. He only knows that he will be the last to leave the battlefield.

Not long after Banner and Dennifer left, a Winter Soldier with a high-tech 'prosthetic' produced by Stark Industries on his left arm and a Falcon carrying a high-tech jetpack also produced by Stark Industries walked in.

Bucky Barnes smiled at Rogers and said, "It seems that we can fight side by side again."

Rogers said softly: "This time it will be harder."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have invited the greatest soldier in history," Sam Wilson said, "It was my childhood dream to fight alongside you."

In Wakanda, many buildings here are still being repaired. The Black Panther T’Challa, who is temporarily acting as the king, received Iron Man and Thor. He thought it was for Zhenjin, but he never expected that they came to ask for help. Informed the huge crisis facing the earth and the universe.

A few days ago, Wakanda knew about the invasion of alien spaceships. It never expected that the invasion would cause the universe to fall into a huge crisis. The Kanda people completed a science popularization, letting them know that there are too many unknowns and unimaginable power in the universe.

T'Challa couldn't give an answer right away, even if it was for the safety of the earth and the universe, even though he was the king of Wakanda, he still needed to seek the opinions of other tribes, which made Thor, who was also the king, very upset, so he just There is no need to ask for advice, and the whole of Asgard will fight with him at one command.

In the end, Stark revealed what Wakanda believed to be his true purpose. He wanted more vibration gold to prepare for the expedition in a few days, but he still didn't get permission, and even the way Wakanda looked at the two of them They were all extremely vigilant, thinking that some stories about the end of the world and time travel were fabricated for Zhenjin.

Thor was so looked at by this strange look that he wanted to pick up an ax and a hammer, and cut off these so-called tribal elders who were so old that they could barely walk but still held high positions in Wakanda. They were about to fight bloody battles for the earth. But these people still suspect that they are making up stories for Zhenjin.

"Let's go!" Stark stopped Thor, who was on the verge of getting angry, and said goodbye and left with a normal face. If he was replaced by him a few years ago, he would definitely not be able to bear it, but he has experienced so many winds and rains and seen so many human feelings. Cold and warm, the world is hot and cold, and I have long been accustomed to such gazes.

No one understands is the greatest appreciation. There are no flowers and applause, no praise and worship, no one knows about achievements, and no one pays homage to death. It is the fate of a hero to fight alone.

Several years of experience have changed Stark a lot. If he can do it all over again, he will not form the Avengers Alliance. Instead, he will make people anonymous, wear a mask, and do things silently instead of being high-profile on stage. forward.

Only when no one knows, can you leave and withdraw from this great ordinary career at any time and return to normal life, but as everyone knows, it is not that you can retreat if you want to, the real tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

Stark and Thor were about to walk into the Quin-type transport plane, but there was a shout behind them. Turning their heads, T'Challa chased him out, and said with a serious face: "I don't know if what you said is true or not, so tell me When I leave, I will confirm."

(End of this chapter)

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