Chapter 981
"Shut up!" Minerva yelled, with a strong anger on her old face, she shouted, "I will take you back to Kama Taj for punishment if you are disrespectful to the Ancient One."

"Hahaha," Casillas laughed arrogantly as if he had heard something ridiculous. He didn't care that the black mages he brought outside were brought by the other two guardian mages of the temple. The new force retreated steadily, but looked at Minerva with pity, and said, "You are so naive. You are the one who was deceived. You only saw the surface of Gu Yi, but you didn't see her darkness."

On the street, the guardian mages of the Twist the Temple and the guardian mages of the Xiangjiang Temple who rushed over turned the tide of the battle in an instant. With the help of powerful white magic, the black mages who fought were retreating steadily.

Even though the dark energy in Dormammu's dark dimension is endless, the dark energy that these black mages can obtain is limited. This is a bit like the barrel effect. No matter how much water there is in the waterwheel, it depends on how much it can hold Based on the capacity of the barrel.

But most people have limited talent, no matter how much energy they have, they can’t hold much dark energy, the world is so cruel, excellent people are excellent no matter where they are, even if the scum is reborn, it’s just repeating the past garbage life .

Just like now, also falling into the darkness, Casillas, one of the outstanding mages of Karma Taj, has grown in strength and can easily kill a mage named Karma Taj, and those black people who don't even deserve their names Magicians, but even the temple guardians can't stop them.

The two guardian mages rushed into the temple and surrounded Casillas from the rear. Mage Daniel, who was almost integrated into the night, shouted loudly: "Casillas, surrender, come back to Kama Taj with us for punishment! .”

Master Hamil also said: "Don't make a fearless struggle, it will only increase your guilt."

Surrounded by the guardian mages of the three temples, Casillas did not show any fear or other negative emotions. He still had the expression that the whole world owed him 500 million, and said, "Why are you so stubborn? You can only blend into the darkness." Is it the best choice, eternal life, infinite lifespan, is it so unattractive?"

"You have been bewildered by the darkness."

"You were deceived by Gu Yi. If you don't believe me, ask him, is Gu Yi living on the energy of the dark dimension?" Casillas pointed at Greer next to Master Minerva, and sneered: "Do you know why Gu Yi died? Because the great Demon King no longer lent her strength, so she died."

Although they firmly believed that Casillas' words were a lie, they still couldn't help but look back at Greer, as if they wanted to get a denial from him.

"That's why the Ancient One Mage excluded you from being the successor of the Supreme Mage," Greer said as he walked slowly down the stairs, "Because she thinks you are unstable and not It is not enough to become a qualified supreme mage, and now it seems that her judgment is correct."

"Does she think she can decide my life? It's ridiculous." Casilla was instantly irritated, gritted his teeth and growled, black and purple lightning flashed all over his body, and with a wave of his hand, a dark lightning flashed from his palm Sent out, hit Greer directly.

But Greer remained indifferent, and continued to walk down, despite the dark lightning hitting his body, and then torn apart, disappearing into nothing in an instant, it was actually an illusion.

Casillas was startled and hurriedly turned around, and saw Greer holding a golden-red energy sword in his right hand—the sacred sword of Vishanti, slashing towards him.

Casillas hurriedly raised his hand, the dark energy gathered, and in an instant it became a magic shield, blocking in front of him. The sacred sword of Vishanti slashed on it, bursting out bright sparks, and Minerva on the second floor The mage also jumped down, waving the energy whip with his right hand, and hit Casillas on the back, causing Casillas to quickly free a hand to condense the magic shield again to block the attack of the mage Minerva.

But the other two mages also rushed over quickly, forcing Casillas to jump to one side, trying to escape from the encirclement, otherwise, no matter how much dark energy he had, it would be impossible for these four Kama Rival to the strongest of the Taj.

Seeing Casillas jumping up, Mage Hamil and Mage Daniel immediately cast Setorak's scarlet necklace, and at the same time threw a red light cord, entangled with Casillas who jumped up in an anti-gravity way, trying to bind him. Bind him.

The magic skills used by the three guardian mages so far are all non-lethal. Only Greer used the sacred sword of Vishanti, which was in sharp contrast with the four of them. .

Casillas crossed his hands in front of him, flipped 180 degrees, and then pushed outward, releasing a terrifying magical flame, which collided with Setorak's scarlet necklace, instantly igniting the red light cord, and Burning towards the source along Settorak's scarlet necklace, the two mages hurriedly dispersed their magic skills to avoid burning themselves.

But there was no joy on Casillas's face. Instead, he showed panic. He turned his neck back, but only halfway through, Greer appeared behind him, and the Greer on the ground Disappeared like flowers in a mirror and moon in water.

Greer struck Casillas with a knife on the back of Casillas's neck in a very unpretentious manner. Casillas couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and the whole person fell down, and Greer gave him a blow. The footwork that fell from the sky stepped on Casillas's back, and the other three mages heard the sound of bones breaking.

"The Shield of Seraphim!" Greer raised his arms and cast the strongest defensive magic, intertwined into a net, making it a cage, trapping Casillas inside, and the internal space was very small, It is almost just enough to accommodate Casillas, leaving him no room to move, and it is absolutely extremely uncomfortable to stay in it.

"Do you think you have won?" Casillas, who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, was still stubborn.

"Oh, did you win?" Greer glanced outside, Casillas' black mages were all down, but there were not many mages left in the Temple of the Fog City, and the supporting cards Master Ma Taj also suffered heavy losses.

"The great demon king only needs me to destroy two temples to come here," Casillas roared like a maniac: "You lose!"

Greer and the other three temple guardians changed their faces in an instant. Casillas and so many black magicians were just bait?

(End of this chapter)

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