The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 980 Attack on the Temple

Chapter 980 Attack on the Temple
The moon and stars are sparse, the sky is bright and clear, and the buildings and roads in the foggy city are lit up, converging into a river of light, which looks extraordinarily gorgeous.

Even though the city has suffered serious damage, the surviving people still continue to live, but the disappeared people will never come back, and many people have left this sad place, which makes this broken city very special. deserted.

There are not many people in the bustling streets, and there are even less people in the non-bustling areas. But at night, a large number of people in black robes appeared in the remote streets where the temple is located, and they walked quickly from all directions to the castle-like holy temple. The temple surrounded this ancient building that had existed for a long time.

When there were still 20 meters away from the temple, all the men in black robes stopped, and only one person was still walking forward, 'Da!clatter! 'The sound of footsteps was extraordinarily loud in this silent night and in the secluded street.

The man in black who walked to the gate of the temple raised his hands and took off the hood on his head, revealing Casillas with 'smoky makeup'. The blood-red symbol is extraordinarily bright against the night and skin color.

"Destroy!" Casillas said, his voice so hoarse that he could hardly tell the difference between men and women, let alone their age. He raised his arms and placed them horizontally in front of him. Between his closed palms, black and purple magic power condensed , Xun didn't have a magic circle, but quickly condensed into a fist-sized magic ball.

Casillas pushed forward, and the black magic ball flew forward and hit the gate of the temple. It was obviously only made of wooden boards, but when the ball of nothingness hit it, it was like sparks hitting the earth, bursting into a fierce explosion. spark.

The wooden door lit up with a complicated magic array, blocking the progress of the ball of nothingness. Casillas saw it, snorted coldly, raised his arm and waved it, and all the men in black raised their hands in unison, and began to read Spells, drawing a black magic circle, condensing the ball of nothingness, and attacking the temple in unison.

At this time, a piercing alarm sounded inside the temple. It was not the alarm of the magic circle, but the alarm of the electric bell. This is the mage on duty who found someone attacking the temple. ,gather.

There is convenient and fast human technology available, so why use complicated magic arrays instead, just like there are mobile phones, air conditioners and other electrical appliances, why use complicated magic arrays? After all, this kind of permanent magic array requires valuable materials Not cheap.

The mages guarding the temple got up in a hurry, and ran out of the room before they could put on their clothes and shoes, and came to the hall. Through the window, they saw men in black robes standing on the road outside, and they It was forbidden black magic.

The mages hurriedly opened the door and rushed out, wanting to interrupt the skills of these black mages and guard the temple, but as soon as they opened the door, they saw the people standing in front of the group of black mages, and let some mages stunned.

A mage who had been taught magic by Casillas took a few steps forward and said in amazement: "Mr. Casillas, you"

As soon as he called out his name, Casillas raised his left hand abruptly. The dark energy surged in his palm, and it instantly condensed into a spear. With a wave of his hand, the black-purple spear pierced through the void like lightning, and instantly penetrated the mage. chest, making him speechless.

The mage lowered his head and looked at the devil's thorn in his chest in disbelief. The strength in his body faded away like a tide, his legs softened, and he collapsed to the ground, making the mages behind him feel sad and understand. Now, Casillas has fallen into darkness.

"Hold the temple!"

Even if they are facing the people who taught them magic and their companions who learned magic together and fought against foreign invaders, but now they are black magicians and want to destroy the temple, that is the enemy.

No one hesitated, all the mages raised their magical weapons, shouted and rushed towards the black mage, and the number of black mages who were not inferior to the temple mages also rushed towards Kama Taj's body. mage.

A group of people fought together on the streets at night. They were all magicians, but they were fighting with various magic tools or swords and shields condensed with magic power. Their strength demonstrated what a melee mage is.

The quiet and peaceful streets in the past are now extremely noisy. The sound of weapons colliding, the sound of explosions, the cries of different people, and the wailing of the wounded. Mixed together, they performed a prelude called war.

Magic skills of different colors and shapes landed, hit walls, or hit other things, and immediately exploded, blowing up roads, walls, street lights, and cars beyond recognition. The companions who used to fight side by side are now fighting with their lives.

Sorrows are everywhere, and blood flows like rivers!
But Casillas turned a blind eye to him, holding a demon blade formed by condensed dark energy in one hand, slashing from left to right, and taught an ordinary person who he knew nothing about to be qualified. The mage's student fell to the ground.

In a short distance of 20 meters, seven or eight mages who tried to stop him fell down. They used their lives to fulfill their vows, but they couldn't stop Casillas, who had soared in strength, from advancing, and even slowed down a little. less than.

Just as Casillas was about to enter the temple, an old lady wearing a hat that looked like a wizard's hat walked out of the room quickly. She saw Casillas with a bloody pattern engraved on her forehead at a glance, and she was stunned. "Cassilias, you dare to use forbidden spells!"

Casillas stopped, raised his head, looked up, and said, "Master Minerva, have you seen my mighty power? Come, join me, and gain eternal life together."

"Turn back, Casillas," said Master Minerva, raised his arms, cast the Ring of Raggador in an instant, held up two small magic shields with both hands, and shouted sharply: "Don't be fooled by the darkness!" If you sink further, you will be swallowed by darkness."

"Swallow?" Casillas stared at his eyes, which were almost invisible, like two black holes, and said, "That was also the first time that Gu Yi was swallowed, don't you also want to know the secret of her longevity? Hehe , Let me tell you, she is absorbing the energy of the dark dimension to prolong her life."

"What did you say?" Mage Minerva's astonished eyeballs almost popped out, this is too slanderous to Venerable Ancient One.

Casillas looked intoxicated, and said: "How is it? Are you excited? Just join us, and you can gain eternal and immortal life. Come, Minerva, let's gain powerful power and unlimited life together."

(End of this chapter)

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