Chapter 962
Behind the blue-skinned alien appeared an image of no more than seven or eight seconds. In the cosmic void flickering with countless stars, spaceships took off from several planets, gathered into fleets, and then accelerated away.

An alien with a catfish face next to him said, "There are a lot of fleets dispatched this time. It seems that Thanos thinks your planet is very powerful."

"Powerful?" General Hale thought carefully about the earth, where is the strongest, the Avengers?It seems so. After all, the Avengers have two brilliant achievements. They wiped out tens of thousands of spaceships in the combined contract and fog. Could it be that this alien named Thanos thinks that the earth is very powerful because of this, That's why these countless fleets were dispatched?

At this moment, General Hale really wants to rush to Thanos and tell him clearly that not all people on Earth are as powerful as the Avengers, and those freaks are just exceptions, so don't overestimate the combat power of the Earth. Really don't need so many fleets.

There were a few aliens beside them, hiding in the dark shadows, but they didn't speak. They just stared at General Hale and Mitchell Carson with eyes of various pupil colors. It was clearly a high-tech room, but The light is very dimmed, which looks extremely oppressive, and makes people unconsciously fearful.

The blue-skinned alien said after the video of the Thanos fleet setting sail was finished: "Our previous agreement is still valid, but we can't confront Thanos. What we can do is to preserve human civilization as much as possible." seed."

General Hale took several deep breaths before suppressing the fear in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Is Thanos very strong?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire room fell silent, each and every alien seemed to have been caught with a sore foot, and they wanted to speak but couldn't speak. You look at me, I look at you, and they all want to talk to other people.

Mitchell Carson couldn't help frowning, and said: "We have paid a lot, but Nimi has given very little. Now we only want to know about Thanos. Don't you want to say that? ?"

In the end, the blue-skinned alien who looked like the leader spoke up, saying: "No one wants to deal with Thanos, because Thanos is a lunatic, out-and-out lunatic, so people don't want to mention him .”

"???" Question marks filled the heads of General Hale and Mitchell Carson, is the universe so tolerant of madmen?Can become the leader of one side, and it looks very powerful, this politics is too correct.

The blue-skinned alien paused for a while before continuing: "He didn't know where he heard that the resources of the universe are limited and the population is growing infinitely. One day, the resources of the universe will be consumed by Shimadzu, and the entire universe will be destroyed by then. will be destroyed."

General Hale and Mitchell Carson glanced at each other, and they both saw a sense of familiarity in each other's eyes. Isn't this a trick used by bald eagles?Find a bunch of experts and scholars, buy some public wisdom, publish some words that resources such as coal, iron and oil will be exhausted in a few years, and call on people to protect the earth and reduce resource extraction, and then they take the opportunity to buy and increase mining.

It is an obvious business routine, trying to spread rumors to let the opponent clear the warehouse, and he takes the opportunity to hoard and raise the price, but many people take it seriously. Could it be that Thanos also studied on Earth?No way?

"Thanos firmly believed in this theory and put it into action, and started his massacre." The blue-skinned alien put on a look of compassion, and said, "Every planet he thinks the locals live in is not happy. , was captured by Thanos, and then slaughtered half of him in a random way, regardless of men, women, old or weak, because he felt that by doing so, the remaining people could get more resources and live a happy life.”

"." General Hale was a little dizzy, and he really wanted to be quiet. The universe is too crazy, and there are people who believe such a nonsense theory and put it into action.

At this moment, she really wants to know, who instilled this nonsense theory in Thanos, the resources are not enough, killing half of the people is enough?Shouldn't there be a way to develop alternative resources?

This is like the food for a family of ten, only enough for five people to eat the harvest, so they killed five people. With this skill, why can't they go out to dig wild vegetables, fish, hunt, etc. to make up for the missing part?

For example, people used to burn firewood to keep warm, but the firewood produced in the nearby mountains and forests was not enough for a city to keep warm. Many poor people would freeze to death in winter due to the low temperature, and it was never said that half of the people were killed so that the rest could burn. Firewood.

Later, people discovered that coal can also be used for heating, and invented the electric furnace. The power is not enough, and they invented wind power, hydropower, and nuclear power to make up for it. If Thanos' theory is used, it should be killed. If the power is not enough, kill half of the electricity. people, the groundwater is not enough, kill half of the drinking water.

General Hale felt at this moment that Thanos should really go to the east to investigate and see how they deal with the shortage of resources. If water resources are insufficient, then the south-to-north water diversion will be carried out. Then send gas from west to east
If a certain planet has insufficient resources, it can be transferred from other resource-rich planets. If you say that the entire universe has insufficient resources, then you should gather wisdom and make technological progress, thereby increasing the reuse rate of resources and artificially synthesized alternatives.

It is the most stupid to solve it by killing people. It is as stupid as saying that resources can only be used for how many years. Worrying cannot solve the problem. You must act quickly. For example, if you are afraid of running out of oil, then develop new batteries. Use a battery car; fear that there is not enough food to eat, save food without wasting it, and improve agricultural technology, increase production, and develop crops grown in harsh land.

, General Hale really wanted to give Thanos a book, telling him how long it takes to kill half of the population, and if you kill too much, it will lead to the extinction of the race. Killing people is the simplest and most stupid way. Don’t aliens study population growth curve?Otherwise, humans have understood the truth a long time ago, why does the leader of a great power in the universe not know it at all?
Mitchell Carson felt quite refreshed today. Aliens, who have always been known for their high technology and high intelligence, would believe such a stupid theory and put it into action, and no one in other civilizations seemed to want to remind him Yes, let this fool wantonly kill those civilizations and planets whose technology is far inferior to Thanos.

Taking a step back, even if your theory of brain damage is correct, can you decide the fate of others?If it can be decided, it is the hegemony of the truth within the range of the cannon, which is the same as holding washing powder and insisting on contraband.

After all, according to Thanos' theory, I think you are wasting resources while living, so you have to die for the continuation of the universe in the future.In this case, whoever thinks it makes sense, it is really as stupid as Thanos.

After a while, General Hale digested the excessive information, and said in amazement: "Do you all think this makes sense?"

"No, but Thanos's subordinates think it makes sense. They have been following him, fighting for him, and killing decisively for him. Anyway, they are a group of lunatics." The blue-skinned alien said the same thing. Full of helplessness, he couldn't understand why so many people went crazy with Thanos, maybe following Thanos could satisfy their desire to kill.

The most frustrating thing is that the strength of this lunatic group is still growing day by day, so many cosmic beings who claim to be civilized people have to stay away, watching these lunatics go to a planet to carnival and kill wantonly.

It’s not that Thanos’s strength is so strong that the major super civilizations avoid it like a tiger, but that he doesn’t want to fight this lunatic for some low-level civilizations that have nothing to do with them. What they lose is their strength, and these super civilizations , which one has no mortal enemy, mutual restraint and fear, allowing Thanos to act recklessly, has become the cosmic version of appeasement.

If Thanos is really invincible in the universe, will the Chitauri under his command be evaluated as the most garbage legion in the galaxy?If leading the trashiest legion is still the strongest, then the individual is so strong that one person can stand up to thousands of fleets. If Thanos is really so strong, why should he fight? Clean up and say goodbye to his family. Prepare to wait for the judgment of fate.

General Hale's question, these aliens know all the answers, and they describe in detail the number and strength of the fleet that Thanos dispatched this time. It's the Armada.

And when General Hale asked, since you think the fleet is so bad, why didn't you take action to destroy it?Instead, it is just to preserve the fire of mankind?

This question made the room fall into silence again, and after a while, an alien muttered that Thanos' fleet was indeed rubbish for their main civilization, but they were just little princes, and did not Cannot declare war on behalf of the main civilization.

It's like Kerry and Xandar signed a peace agreement, but there is a restless guy who insists on fighting Xandar to the death, and has done so many things, and I haven't seen Xandar and Kerry Therefore, the war was resumed, because the behavior of the Accuser Legion was only Ronan's opinion, and it did not represent Kerry as a whole.

Similarly, the aliens in this room can only order the forces they belong to, and they are too weak compared to Thanos, and they will definitely not be able to defeat them. It is impossible to fight to the death with the famous lunatic Thanos for the sake of a small earth. The loss is heavy but the gain is not great. Only a fool would do this loss-making business.

Anyway, no matter what General Hale said, no one said anything, saying that we will help you block Thanos if you pay anything, and the best promise is to provide the remaining half of mankind with the needs to rebuild civilization, so that mankind can be as soon as possible. Return to normal order.

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world, and there are no well-meaning aliens. As a condition, they want more aliens and the unique product of the gravitational planet-gravitonium, which is loaded on the spacecraft and can manufacture Artificial gravity enables super-large spaceships to walk on the ground.

However, extracting gravitonium from natural planets is against the laws of the Galactic Federation, but the loophole is that it can be done by indigenous people, and they only buy it, which is reasonable.As for aliens, aliens are very curious about this kind of human beings with strange abilities, and want to study and sell them as slaves, etc. This is the only thing on earth that is attractive to highly technological aliens.

When Hale and Mitchell Carson contacted the Alien Alliance, Rogers and the others were also ready to do it. The reason was that the probe discovered that the base had sent a beam of unknown contact signals towards the universe, which surprised people. Unexpectedly, Hydra is actually connected with the universe, which is a bit troublesome.

The previous plan became a waste of paper. Director Coulson very seriously asked Rogers to attack the base immediately, find the source of the signal, and figure out what they were talking about when they communicated with the universe.

As a loyal fan of Captain America, Coulson seldom talks to Rogers as the director. He always smiles and speaks in a very gentle tone. He almost confesses to Rogers, which makes Rogers feel very uncomfortable staying in S.H.I.E.L.D. Speaking of comfort, I don't want to go back to the Avengers and get along with Stark.

Now that Coulson is so serious, it shows that the problem is very serious, so Rogers, who is a soldier, nodded immediately and said, "I will act immediately."

"Please, Captain, I will dispatch immediately." Before Coulson could finish speaking, Greer waved his hand at the camera and said, "No need, I will act with Captain, and I want to I know what Hydra and civilizations outside the earth are talking about."

The Kun-type transport plane began to descend rapidly, and at the same time released a series of micro-drones manufactured by Stark Industries, and began to detect the strata around the base, and summarized it into an underground structure map, so that all traps and mechanisms were exposed.

"Very good." Rogers stared at the map and nodded, and began to assign tasks. The commandos followed behind him and rushed in at the fastest speed. As for concealment, this is not a movie, and it is impossible to be silent Break in without being seen.

Unless you are very patient and climb in little by little, it can be done, but now the speed of soldiers is so expensive, and what you are after is a fast word, so you don't have so much time to take your time here.

After a brief assault plan was drawn up, the Kun-type transport plane also landed on the ground, and three all-terrain assault vehicles were activated, carrying more than a dozen commandos on the snowy ground, rushing towards the abandoned military facility not far away. The base, while Rogers was riding a snowmobile alone, carrying a vibrating gold shield, and rushed to the front.

As for Greer, he has stretched out the steel wings of the Kamen Rider Wizard, rushed into the sky, and swept across the sky rapidly. After reaching a certain height, he immediately swooped down, using the potential energy of gravity to accelerate himself, so that the speed reached a At a jaw-dropping level, he slammed into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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