The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 961 Nine-Headed Snake and Alien Technology

Chapter 961 Hydra and Alien Technology
A group of people first drove in a car in the opposite direction to Mitchell Carson, went to a nearby manor, changed to a Quinjet transport plane parked there, turned on the optical stealth mode, and took off quietly without disturbing anyone. Unrelated personnel, even the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel stationed in this manor, do not know who is boarding the plane and where they are going.

The Quin-type transport plane quickly rose to an altitude of [-] meters, and hung behind Mitchell Carson leisurely. Rogers contacted Director Coulson on the plane and reported the current mission status. He thought it was a good time. Opportunity.

With a large number of members of Hydra arrested, middle and high-level cadres like Mitchell Carson will definitely become leading cadres. In other words, he must have a lot of Hydra personnel who are still lurking list.

Instead of making arrests, it's better to put a long line to catch big fish, secretly investigate the people he contacts, and then arrest some people who won't alert Mitchell Carson, slowly close the net, and try to catch enough hydra .

Director Coulson agrees with Rogers' judgment. At present, S.H.I.E.L.D. has the upper hand, and Hydra is hiding in the darkness again. Although it is still the enemy's dark side, its strength is no longer comparable, and Hydra will no longer subvert the world. Without the power, he can only hide in the dark and do some sneaky things.

Although it is not a climate, it cannot be ignored. After all, there is a lesson from the past, and the fate of the enemy is underestimated, just like Nick Fury, who was blown up in the street and then burned into coke.

Mitchell Carson's car drove fast, arrived at the airport, changed to a private jet, took off quickly, and headed north all the way, crossed the US-Canada border, and landed in a secret base in Alaska.

Looking at the red dot on the screen, Rogers couldn't help frowning. Looking at the information on the airport built in the jungle, he said: "This is an outpost of the Air Force during the Cold War, but it has been abandoned for 20 years. For many years."

"It seems that it is not abandoned, but occupied by Hydra." Greer folded his arms in front of his body, and said, "Maybe we can check how it was abandoned back then, maybe we can find some clues."

A military base is not just abandoned. It is very complicated and cannot be simply abandoned. All key facilities must be demolished one by one, and necessary facilities such as water, electricity, gas, etc. will also be shut down. drop, and
It can be said that dismantling a military base may be more troublesome than rebuilding a military base. After all, rebuilding does not need to consider so much, just construct according to the drawings, but dismantling requires consideration of all aspects.

However, this air force base that should have been abandoned is still operating normally. There are problems no matter how you look at it. So how was it abandoned in the first place?Did Hydra demand it and abandon it?
Hearing what Greer said, Rogers was full of doubts, and quickly clicked on the holographic projection screen in front of him. The superhuman system allowed him to adapt to modern society at an amazing speed, and he had already mastered the holographic projection that Coulson could not handle. Instruments, no more idiotic words like 'I just saw a bunch of circuit boards'.

The horror of S.H.I.E.L.D. lies in its database, far surpassing that of any intelligence agency on Earth. For example, Rogers wants to see how the military base was abandoned at the time. After clicking a few times on the holographic projection screen, he finds out the relevant information. material.

It can be said that in S.H.I.E.L.D., as long as you have sufficient authority, you can be like a clairvoyant, knowing all the things happening all over the world, you may even know what time the president drank a few cups of Coke.

And Rogers, who has authority second only to Director Coulson, easily found out the reasons for the abandonment of the military base, the signatories, and the troops performing the demolition task.

The reason for the abandonment was that the daily maintenance investment was too large, and the end of the Cold War reduced the strategic significance of the base. The person who signed this order was General Wilson. He was arrested three months ago and was charged as a Hydra spy.

Well, everything made sense, Hydra took a fancy to this inaccessible military base, so Alexander Pierce, who took over the position of Director Howard Stark at the time, used means to abandon the base, but did not implement the demolition, Instead, it was transformed into a secret base of Hydra.

"We missed this point, but now we found it," Rogers said with a smile on his face, "Building a large underground base is not such an easy task, and there is still a lot of movement. It will be much easier if the base is rebuilt.”

Greer followed up and said: "And S.H.I.E.L.D. can also erase the records of these military bases, and turn these bases that were originally on the surface into secret bases, which is very smart."

"Based on this, we might be able to discover something." Rogers said, and sent all the information and guesses to Director Coulson, who will send someone to verify. If it is established, then the encirclement and suppression of Hydra will gain new Progress.

And in the abandoned military base among the ice and snow in the distance, Mitchell Carson's private plane drove into an underground hangar, the door was closed to block the wind, snow and cold, and then Mitchell Carson restored his original appearance. Sen got off the plane and followed the elevator into the deeper underground base.

Hale, a new generation general of the Air Force in military uniform, greeted him and said, "You are finally here. They have been waiting for a long time."

Mitchell Carson said blankly: "They can't provide what we need, but they keep asking us for things. Hmph, I think these aliens are nothing more than that."

"But these mechanical soldiers are still very useful, not much worse than Stark's drones, which just make up for our shortage of manpower." General Hale said as he walked: "This time they sent an emergency contact , there must be something urgent."

The two walked into a room wrapped in steel plates, reinforced concrete and lead plates. Nuo Da's room was empty, except for a metal instrument less than one meter high in the center of the room, which looked like an armillary sphere. , there are rotatable rings engraved with non-earth characters on it, and there are three armrests on the edge.

General Hale and Mitchell Carson grabbed the armrest with their hands, and pressed a metal button at the top, the armillary sphere-like metal object suddenly burst into a strong light, spreading to General Hale and Mitchell Carson body, making the two of them disappear in an instant.

When they opened their eyes again, the two of them were already in another place. There were aliens with different skin colors and heights standing on both sides. One of the blue-skinned people took a step forward and faced General Hale two times. The man said: "You are in big trouble, Thanos' fleet has set sail, and the target is the earth."

"What?" General Hale's face changed drastically, and she was speechless in shock. She followed Ross and learned a lot of secrets, such as the warning of Thanos' invasion of the earth mentioned by the Avengers in front of the heads of state many times. Before Ross Everyone thought this was a sensational Avengers alliance, but now the Alien Alliance, which has been cooperating for many years, also said that Thanos is coming to Earth.

(End of this chapter)

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