The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 921 Mobilization Before the War

Chapter 921 Mobilization Before the War
"We must act immediately. Ultron is rampantly rampaging troops. It is not difficult for him to rebuild a base. As long as he is given enough resources, he can continue to build troops and build bases until he can flatten the whole world." Grid Ruier said very seriously that in the past few months, he has seen the power of Ultron's violent soldiers. He said bluntly, given Ultron a few years, he can create a monster that makes Thanos dumbfounded. massive drones.

But the problem is that the massive amount of various materials and resources needed by Ultron Stormtroopers will not be generated out of thin air, and they will all be mined from the earth. I am afraid that it will really be like a mechanical civilization, as long as mining and smelting equipment, as well as manufacturing factories, other Factories and industries that are not necessary for robots, such as food and medicine, will be abandoned.

And human beings who consume the most resources on the earth are not as good as garbage to Ultron. After all, garbage can be recycled, but humans can only consume it, so Ultron will only protect this planet, and will definitely kill humans first. So that he can monopolize the earth's resources.

"We need time to rest." Banner also rubbed his forehead, feeling quite a headache about the current situation. Rhodes has not heard from him yet. Stark's Iron Legion has suffered heavy losses. The combat effectiveness of the entire Avengers has dropped to its lowest point. The strength of the enemy has risen to a new height, how can we fight like this.

"Time." Greer looked at the situation of Ultron's base in the mountains that he had transformed with optical magic. The inside was basically an enlarged version of the factory, cutting, manufacturing, and assembling were integrated, and Ultron drones rolled off the assembly line like a stream. , joined the ranks of production, making Ultron's team increase every moment.

"But we can't compare to him at all." Daisy turned her laptop around and let everyone see the information on the screen. The transport ship carrying raw materials docked, and then quickly unloaded and left the port.

At first glance, this is nothing unusual. After all, ports across the United States load and unload tens of millions of tons of goods every day, ranging from raw materials to finished products, but the problem is that these materials cannot be traced. Ultron's mountain base is very close, and people can't help but wonder if it belongs to Ultron.

After all, large-scale production requires a lot of materials, and transporting massive amounts of raw materials related to high-tech industries may attract the attention of Stark, who is trying his best to find Ultron. Therefore, Ultron launched a war to muddy the water and make the government The Avengers, the Avengers, and the Osborne Group were all in a mess, and no one noticed that thousands of tons of raw materials entered the port, unloaded, transported away, and disappeared.

"A well-developed network allows him to contact anyone he wants to contact and buy anything he wants to buy. Every second we delay, he will become stronger until there is no possibility of victory." Greer pointed out Given the current predicament of the Avengers, it is impossible to win a war of attrition with Ultron. There is only a desperate fight. Before Ultron's power expands rapidly, we should quickly destroy him. Otherwise, Ultron will only It's getting fiercer.

"The captain and the others can come together, as well as the military. We have quite a lot of people." Peter made his suggestion. The Avengers have few people and are currently slightly weaker, but S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military have plenty of people and weapons , there are many large ships, aircraft, cannons, tanks, and the mountain where Ultron is located, it is estimated that it will be easily blown up.

"No!" The three people present yelled almost at the same time, denying Peter's good-sounding suggestion. The reason is very simple. There are many people who know the secret, and that is the public fact.

For Ultron, who can come and go freely on the Internet, there are no secrets when he appears on the Internet, but if he turns to the military or S.H.I.E.L.D., Ultron may already know the secrets of the Avengers before they finish their meeting. Grasping his location, he will move immediately, at least teleport himself out.

At that time, it will be even more difficult to find the trace of Ultron again. Maybe the next time Ultron appears, it will be the time when Ultron brings his endless army to push the world, and there are also various large weapons. The transfer can't be hidden from Ultron at all.

"Then let's go." Stark's voice sounded at the door, and the four of them turned their heads to look, only to see Stark clutching his left arm, stepping into the room with a lead plate shielding all signals with a gloomy face. Room, said: "A few of us are enough. We were the ones who dealt with Ultron back then, and we can still win now."

At the beginning of Stark, it was naturally another universe, where the Avengers defeated Ultron and his army after untold hardships and saved mankind.It's just that here, the strength of the Avengers is weaker than that, but Ultron is much stronger.

"I'm going to inform the captain and Thor, I hope they are all there, at least a few more people can go." Greer took out the suspension ring, opened the door to New Asgard and walked in, only hoping that they When the war and the war started, the S.H.I.E.L.D. and the army were notified that they could mobilize at that time and summon the army to go as a second insurance. In case they failed, the army could arrive in time to harvest the remaining Ultron unmanned machine.

Stark continued: "Strange has summoned some Karma Taj mages. After cutting off the network, they will plant a large and powerful magic circle around the mountain to disrupt the radio signal and prevent Ultron from killing himself. Send it."

"Can we really do it?" Banner still hesitated. The strength is too unequal. The gap in numbers is not usually large, and the base in the mountain has limited space, which is not suitable for the deployment of Asgard's army. It is said that the first time to join the battle is probably the Avengers like them.

Needless to say, Asgard has been busy with 'immigration' recently, transferring the Asgardian remnants of the earth to Vanaham, which has a suitable environment. All attention.

And the Asgardians have restrictions on their access, not that you can go wherever you want, and this is a human planet, it is impossible to say that humans who build weapons facilities and rainbow bridges on it think it is 'dangerous' 's things.

Can live freely, who would like to depend on others?

The earth is the planet of human beings, not the hometown of the Asgardians, so Thor made a decision to go to Warnerham to build a new home after holding a general meeting.

As for Captain Rogers, with the support of Coulson, he flourished in S.H.I.E.L.D. and was busy fighting transnational crimes and thugs all day long. Coupled with deliberate guidance and propaganda, his reputation was not much lower than that of World War II.

(End of this chapter)

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