The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 920 Ultron’s Mechanical Civilization

Chapter 920 Ultron’s Mechanical Civilization

When the Ultron Legion came, the number of unmanned power armor was as many as fifty, but when they left, only one-fifth remained, and half of them became 'transport planes', and the whole became a transport brigade.

This transport brigade with the internal registration code of the military does not advance in a straight line, but turns sharply after flying a certain distance, and dives downward when it sees the mountain, flies almost close to the ground in the valley for a certain distance, and then pulls up stand up.

He even flew under a dark cloud to avoid satellite detection, changed directions many times along the way, and finally flew into a mountainous area of ​​the western plateau, and flew into a tunnel that had been abandoned for a long time.

There is not a single light on in this tunnel, and it is so dark that you can’t see your fingers. In addition, there are few people in the vicinity. No one is close to an abandoned and collapsed tunnel. There are no factories, transmission towers, or even signal towers in this area. Absolutely off the beaten track.

No one could have imagined that Ultron, which is extremely dependent on the Internet, would set up its base in a place where there is no Internet at all. It can be seen that Ultron knew that it would do the opposite and cost a lot of money. A huge base was built.

This transport team passed through the winding tunnel, entered the hollowed out mountainside, and landed lightly on the specially polished ground, one of the unmanned power armor issued a slight 'click!Click! ' With a sound, the armor opened, revealing Zhao Helen who was wrapped inside.

Dr. Zhao Hailun, who was wrapped up like a zongzi, felt like she was thrown into the washing machine along the way, turning back and forth, already dizzy, once the armor was opened, her legs softened and she fell to the ground, but was immediately caught by the cold and hard The arm was grasped and lifted up.

"Welcome, Dr. Zhao!" Ultron's extremely unpleasant voice sounded, and Zhao Helen, who was dizzy, tried to raise her head, but saw a robot whose shape was different from what appeared in the Avengers Base landed in front of her, and he Behind it is a huge steel factory that is intricately composed of countless pipelines, machines, and steel beams.

'Clang! '

'clang!clang! '

The sound of metal crashing can be heard endlessly, echoing in the mountainside, it is exceptionally loud, and through the gaps of steel pipelines and machines, you can still see sparks that look like electric welding. Obviously, this mountain base is busy producing the Ultron Legion.

In the most complicated assembly line, an unmanned power armor will come off the assembly line every period of time, and 'Ultra' will inspect, install the power source and start the program, and then join the production force, so that Ultron's workers are always on the line. expanding.

The increase in production workers makes the production speed faster, and the faster production speed can increase the number of workers. The increase in the number of workers makes the production speed faster, which is an absolute virtuous circle. Moreover, these workers do not need wages, do not need to eat, drink, and scatter, and no one is lazy. Stopping work minimizes production costs.

This is where mechanical civilization is stronger than carbon-based civilization. All resources can be put into production without any entertainment or other irrelevant industries. Therefore, with the same resources, a mechanical civilization can easily defeat ten carbon-based civilizations. basic civilization.

Now, as Hailun Zhao, who has not yet stepped into the universe, she is fortunate enough to see the spectacular production of mechanical civilization. Every robot, whether in human form or alien form, is an extension of Ultron, or the will of Ultron. , without any contradictions, they are working together in an orderly manner, and the efficiency is terrifyingly high.

"Have you seen it?" Ultron raised his arms and said with an intoxicated look, "My kingdom will soon expand to the whole world."

After resting for a while, Zhao Helen recovered a little bit, barely able to support her body with her legs, glared at Ultron, and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Ultron said awe-inspiringly: "Complete the traceability of the creator Stark and save this planet."

"What?" Zhao Hailun was stunned. Could this reason be any more fake?The bombing here today, and destroying there tomorrow, turned out to be to save the planet. It’s almost like Erha said that he demolished the house to help the master work hard.

"The earth has encountered more than one attack from the universe, but human beings are almost powerless to fight back. It is ridiculous to rely only on those freaks." Ultron laughed wantonly. He thought that human beings are like this. Impossible against Thanos.

The only way is to concentrate global resources, build countless drones, and a variety of weapons for outer space and ground warfare, and fight to the death with the expeditionary Thanos before there is any chance of victory.

And Ao Chuang thinks that he is the most suitable "leader", and he is the only one who can save the earth. Relying on the fragmented human beings, or those freaks with internal contradictions, the earth has no hope at all.

And Helen Zhao was dumbfounded when she heard it, she felt as if she was watching a villain in a movie speaking, the words and thoughts, a proper villain, made her wonder, when Mr. What stuff was instilled to make this artificial intelligence look like this.

Ao Chuang was intoxicated by himself. After talking about his grand goal and how to save the earth, he changed the subject and said to Zhao Hailun: "Your cradle of life is very interesting. I want to see it. What is it? What's it like? Can you demonstrate it to me?"

Dr. Helen Zhao's heart trembled. What Ultron said earlier was basically nonsense, and now it's time to get to the point. Indeed, as Stark said, Ultron wants to use the cradle of life to create a more powerful nano-unmanned Machine, thus completing his gorgeous upgrade.

"It's impossible for me to use this instrument alone." Before Dr. Zhao Hailun finished his refusal, he was interrupted by Ultron: "No, no, no, I don't need you to operate it, I have enough manpower , to operate the machine, you only need to provide a design drawing.”

"The blueprint of the machine? I'm sorry, I'm only in charge of the theoretical part, and I'm not the one who actually designed it." Zhao Hailun's words were interrupted by Ultron again, and he bent down suddenly, his cold mechanical face almost touching Zhao Helen's. face, she was so startled that she almost fell to the ground.

Ultron looked at Dr. Helen Zhao, who was close at hand, and said, "I need the blueprint of Vision, which is completed under your leadership, use your machine to make it."

Zhao Hailun's eyes widened in surprise. The Vision Project is a highly confidential project. Her team only knows the part they are responsible for, not the main subject. The real core has always been in charge of them, but Ultron is so accurate. Speaking of the name of the plan that is not going very well, this .
"Haha," Ultron laughed triumphantly, and said, "There is nothing in this world that I don't know, and there is nothing that can be hidden from me."

As he said that, he snapped his fingers handsomely. In fact, the armor on his body was opened, and the protruding instrument radiated light, projecting a piece of character information in the air, all of which were Zhao Helen's family and friends. said: "Or do you need them to accompany you before you can start working?"

"You..." Zhao Hailun looked at the information about relatives and friends played by Ao Chuang, and felt angry, but she couldn't do anything except anger. She was a weak woman, and she couldn't even unscrew a bottle cap. Biting can't do much damage, not to mention how many Ultron drones are shuttling through the steel forest in the belly of the mountain.

"I don't have much patience. When are you going to start working?" Ultron asked again, and the holographic image projected by the instrument on his body changed again, becoming No.1 perspective, a The crosshairs are aimed at Dr. Zhao's father's head, followed by another crosshair aimed at his mother
"Humans have rich emotions, and they care too much about life and death." Ultron sighed like a philosopher: "But these reasons are cumbersome, making it impossible for human beings to look forward and look back frequently."

Ao Chuang didn't just sigh, when he was speaking, the crosshairs of the holographic projection were also counting down. Obviously, once the countdown ended, it was time to fire, so Helen Zhao rushed over regardless, and punched Ao Chuang like venting his anger.

The thick metal made a light sound, but Zhao Hailun let out a cry of pain, clutching his fists, showing pain on his face, the collision between human and metal was a complete failure.

Ao Chuang finished his speech before he could finish his speech. He lowered his head again and said, "I like people who judge the situation, and I don't like people who are overestimated. Which one are you? Doctor?"

Seeing that the countdown was about to reach zero, No.1 said that the words "Start the launch program" appeared in the viewing angle, causing Zhao Hailun to close his eyes in pain, and said, "I will start the machine."

"Very good, doctor," Ultron immediately turned off the holographic projection device, and said with a smile: "What do you need? Doctor, I can satisfy you."

In the online world, Greer, who is wearing Kamen Rider Ex-Aid armor, is carefully lurking to avoid being discovered by Ultron. For this reason, he even maintains the Lv.1 action player form to reduce the amount of data.

Staying in the data world, completely ignorant of the outside world, can only wait idly for Ultron's network access. I don't know how long it has passed. Suddenly, this dormant machine starts to work, which makes Greer overjoyed. Dive into new networks without hesitation.

Then I was walking in the brand-new network, and I was surprised to find that the location turned out to be a barren mountain, and there was no network line of the operator passing through here. Create a privately laid network.

Will Ultron spend a lot of effort laying several network backbones with ridiculously high bandwidth in the wilderness?The answer is no, then this is probably the base of Ultron. The problem suddenly becomes very simple. As long as the external network of this base is cut off, Ultron can basically be blocked inside.

Greer suddenly felt that the Ultron crisis seemed to have become easier, and he accelerated his roaming in the network without hesitation, and even took risks, upgrading to the level enough to deploy the gale dragon wings, wandering back and forth, making sure that this base leads to The number and location of external entrances and exits.

It took a lot of effort, and almost exhausted the energy of the Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Knight Card, to finally complete this huge project.It is determined that Ultron's private lines are connected to the main lines of optical cables in different regions. As long as these external lines are cut off, this mountain base will become the burial place of Ultron.

As the sun goes down, the miserable Avengers base is cleaning up the debris, filling the potholes, replacing the broken glass and repairing the broken walls. The engineering team is very busy, after all, it is for Stark to do the project Not to mention the timely salary settlement, there are high bonuses for early completion.

In the laboratory, the Avengers gathered together and were listening to the intelligence agent Greer's report. On the hand-painted map, they marked the areas where Ultron is connected to the outside world. As long as these areas are cut off, Ultron will be able to Unable to escape the mountainside base.

"What about the satellite?" Peter is still worried about the satellite. After all, the line can be cut off, but he can't see how to cut off the intangible electromagnetic wave. If Ultron is allowed to leave through satellite communication, wouldn't it be doing useless work again.

Since this period of time, they have rushed to empty space several times. They have eliminated a large number of Ultron Legion, but their own losses are also great. Stark's brilliant Iron Legion now has only three walnuts and two dates left, and it is about to be wiped out. Ultron was exhausted.

However, the number of the Ultron Legion did not decrease. After one group was destroyed, there were still a few more. Not long after one factory was destroyed, another factory was discovered. I don’t know how many factories he had and how many Ultron unmanned people he produced. machine.

The most worrying thing is the vibration gold that Ultron snatched from Wakanda. I wonder what Ultron will do with the hardest metal on earth?
It would be fine if he made a steel drone, but it would be more difficult to deal with, but if he made a main pillar like in "history", raised a city into the sky, and then smashed it down, it would be terrible.

Since Stark came back, he got into the control room, took the risk to release the remaining Iron Legion, and went to find Rhodes in outer space. The difference is that this time he did not use the Stark Industries satellite, but activated Spare comms satellites, but even that isn't guaranteed to be foolproof.

The pressure on Ultron is too great. Accountability from the White House and the Pentagon can be described one after another. Those who ask Stark to attend the meeting, ask Stark to be responsible for the damage caused by Ultron, and ask Stark to immediately To address Altron's, request
The clamor from the outside world is getting louder and louder, but the Avengers have remained silent and have not made any response so far. They just silently repair the damaged armor, look for the missing members, think about ways to defeat Ultron, and try their best to Keep the weapons used to deal with Ultron.

Those who don't do things are looking for various reasons to criticize and deny, trying to get promoted and raise their salaries, while those who do things are doing things silently, trying to drag those who are lagging behind to move forward on the road to victory.

(End of this chapter)

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