The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 901 Uncontrolled Avengers

Chapter 901 Uncontrolled Avengers
No one cared about the Air Defense Command and the dead soldiers and civilians in Los Angeles, and they were all stunned by what General Ross had revealed.The amount of information revealed in just 10 minutes is too much, so much that people can't digest it for a while.

The conference room, which was still very noisy just now, fell into a dead silence at the moment, and it took a while before someone said in astonishment: "What the hell is he trying to do?"

"What exactly does he want to do?" Ross repeated, nodded, and said, "Yes, this is the problem, we don't know what he wants to do?
And he also did a lot of things when we didn't know it, launching armed satellites, making invisible small drones, and storing an unknown amount of Iron Legion. "

Ross paused for a while before continuing: "These are still known so far, not necessarily all."

No more breaking news, now these are enough for a group of generals in the conference room to digest, let them know the seriousness of the matter.

This is public opinion manipulation. When a bad thing is exposed, the most important thing is not to delete the post or something, but to expose a more serious bad thing and draw everyone's attention to other things. No one is paying attention to his bad deeds anymore.

That's what Ross did. The Pacific Army's unmanned powered armor 'went out of control' and bombed Los Angeles, causing a large number of casualties and the paralysis of Stark Industries.

No one wants to lose the money, so what to do?

Then go to Stark about it, and first shape him into a bad guy with sores on his head and pus on his feet, occupying the high ground of public opinion, and then even if Stark finds him again and says, you bombed my factory, the people I will also think that you are so bad, you deserve to be unlucky.

And these things alone are enough for Stark to have a headache. Let me explain clearly why I launched armed satellites privately, engaged in a large number of armed stealth drones, etc. These things have touched the nerves of too many people, and it is not so easy to expose them. past.

Didn't Stark say that these accidents were caused by the escape of an artificial intelligence he made?Then I believe it, if your artificial intelligence controls my unmanned power armor, then not only will I not have to pay for your factory, but you will also have to compensate me for the loss of artificial power armor.

So, while the generals in the conference room were thinking, Ross continued to fan the flames, saying: "Some time ago, Stark said that an epoch-making artificial intelligence he created escaped like in a movie, but no one believed it.

Now I am a little convinced that our drone has a complete security system and firewall, but it disappeared without a sound, and it traveled thousands of kilometers to Los Angeles. The human fighter plane also went out of control and bombed the Air Defense Command and the cold storage. This is too much of a coincidence. "

Ross once again inspired a room full of white-haired old people to let them know the seriousness of the matter. If it is caused by artificial intelligence, it can break through the military's drone system, and it can also break through other firewalls, even if it cannot launch nuclear bombs. , Launching some sub-nuclear bombs, missiles and so on is also a great trouble.

But if it wasn't for artificial intelligence, the problem inside would be even bigger, which means that someone deliberately did it, and could easily break through the military's defense system, control the military's weapons and equipment, and bombard the city scene .

No matter how you look at it, this matter must be investigated clearly, otherwise, the generals will not be able to close their eyes in peace when they sleep, always worrying that they will be woken up at any time, and then they will be told that the missile was launched for no reason to hit the polar bear. Come down to meet the retaliatory attack of the polar bear.

This is so scary.

In the silent conference room just now, there was another 'hum!hum! ' started discussing, gathering in twos and threes to discuss the issue of Tony Stark's illegal arming, the issue of military drones out of control, and the existence of artificial intelligence issues
Ross was very satisfied with the results he had achieved, straightened up, and waited until the discussion of the crowd subsided a little before speaking: "Stark created artificial intelligence, but he didn't have the ability to supervise it, so that he escaped, and only then did the Air Defense Command Los Angeles and Los Angeles were bombed. If this artificial intelligence is not resolved as soon as possible, more places will be destroyed in the future.

And now what I'm wondering is, did Stark only create an artificial intelligence, a weapon beyond his grasp?Whether armed satellites and micro-drones with unknown power and function are safe, and why they were secretly manufactured by Stark and launched into the sky, these issues are related to national security and must be clarified. "

A younger general with two general stars said: "I agree with General Ross, the free-moving Avengers are too dangerous, everyone, don't forget Bruce Banner, he used to be in Poughkeep Xi lost control and destroyed most of the town, and the Hulk in him is a hidden danger."

But the officer in suits and leather shoes facing him frowned, and said, "General Ross, I remember that there was a gamma ray incident at your base, and it was finally resolved by the Avengers."

"Yes, I am very grateful to them for saving those soldiers, but don't forget that Samuel Stern, who caused the gamma ray accident, was contaminated by the blood of the abomination, and the abomination appeared because of Bruce Banner. Na sent his blood to Samuel Stern, and Samuel Stern reproduced it, creating a large number of blood samples, which eventually led to the emergence of the abomination."

Speaking of this, General Ross knocked on the table, and said very seriously: "Samuel Stern has copied so many Hulk serum samples under simple conditions. After replacing it with personnel and a well-equipped laboratory, Samuel Stern created a large number of gamma monsters. He can do it. Can't other people or some countries do it?
Anyone know what this means?

That is, if it is not controlled, it may face the danger of the flood of Hulk serum samples. If it is obtained by violent terrorists, they will copy it and put it in urban water sources or other places. What kind of results will it lead to?

Or acquired by a hostile country, they will be able to create biochemical monsters. There is no doubt about this. The laboratory under my command has conducted many experiments and successfully produced gamma biochemical soldiers that use electronic chips to suppress their violent character. The destructive power Amazing, excellent obedience. "

What General Ross said caused an uproar in the conference room. This is illegal. Fort Buddler, who was exposed last time, conducted such an experiment, which caused Sokovia's international reputation to plummet, so that the entire top management collectively stepped down to apologize.

(End of this chapter)

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