The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 900 Unregistered Satellites

Chapter 900 Unregistered Satellites

Under the coercion and coercion of Greer and Rogers, T'Challa finally realized that he had made no mistakes, and expressed his willingness to go back and find out.

Greer dispersed the ring of Gagador that was holding the red light in his hands, and Rogers also put down his shield. The two sides ended the conversation in an extremely friendly atmosphere.
Everyone was friendly, and Greer and Rogers personally went to the door of the invisible Wakanda spaceship and watched Techhaka drive the spaceship away.

Rogers did not go back to the villa, but bid farewell to Greer. Before leaving, he told him some information he knew. President Ellis had issued a secret order before, and the construction of a prison called a raft on the Atlantic Ocean was basically completed. It is reported that the government wants to transfer the super-capable criminals detained by S.H.I.E.L.D. to the raft prison.

Although no official order has been received yet, the cold storage was attacked and severely damaged, which has become the best excuse. After all, your prisons are all destroyed. Why don’t I help you detain the prisoners for a period of time, or detain them in a broken prison Prisoners, don't they violate the human rights of these heinous prisoners?

However, even if the order is given, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not just obey it. There are many reasons for refusal, such as the transfer process is dangerous, which may cause the prisoner to escape, etc. Anyway, it is just delaying time, and it is not serious until the damage is delayed. If the refrigerator is well maintained, there is no reason.

"Raft!" Greer's only impression of this prison is "brittle". After the Avengers, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Ant-Man, Hawkeye and others were arrested and imprisoned here. A person pierced through, rescued his people, and escaped successfully, simply.

However, the prisons in this world are really quite distinctive. The SHIELD’s cold storage is built in the mountains, with only one entrance and exit. It needs to be lifted out of the sea by a hydraulic device before it can be opened, otherwise it will be directly flooded when it is opened on the bottom of the sea.

It’s really better to play one by one. In the cold storage in the mountains, the safety is safe, but the problem is that once the inside explodes, none of the prisoners inside will be saved, and all of them will die. Throwing a bomb outside can transmit the destructive force through the sea water.

It is easier to be destroyed than cold storage. I really don't know why they are built in seawater?Competing whose prison is more expensive to build, or is it more difficult?Or whose prison is easier to break than?
Wakanda's spaceship soared into the sky and returned quickly in the direction it came from. In the spaceship, T'Challa began to contact Wakanda and told him what he knew. It was not Stark who attacked Wakanda, but Stark. An artificial intelligence named Ultron, and a system that checks Wakanda in detail to prevent hidden Ultron.

However, he did not fully believe what the captain said. He also notified Wakanda's intelligence organization to collect details about the bombing of the Air Defense Command and the Stark Factory to see what was going on.

T'Challa vaguely remembered that Stark had gone to the United Nations to inform countries about the escape of artificial intelligence, but no one believed it, and nothing happened in the follow-up. Instead, it was reported that Stark had a severe anxiety disorder. It caused everyone to think that he was mentally ill, but now it seems that it may be true.

While Wakanda was busy collecting intelligence, checking the system, cleaning up the ruins, and treating the wounded, the military was also busy. A large number of helicopters hovered in the night sky, and the dense car lampposts on the ground almost converged into a galaxy. There are so many cars passing by.

The starting point of this galaxy comes from a nearby city, and it is divided into multiple tributaries in the middle. They go to the air defense positions around the Air Defense Command, the airport and other places that have been attacked. They clean up the ruins of the Air Defense Command and look for possible survivors. , Operation of the wounded and other tasks.

The losses and casualties cannot be counted for the time being, but a rough estimate is still made, and it is reported to the Ministry of National Defense, and presented to the conference room where the stars gather, so that the participants can see how big the loss is this time, how many air defense battalions The organization can almost be withdrawn, the two flight brigades will be reimbursed, and the air defense command, the command organization is almost paralyzed, in short, the loss is huge.

In five hours, a large amount of intelligence and data were collected and summarized, roughly restoring the whole process of the matter:
The military secretly ordered a batch of unmanned power armor from the Osborne Group, transported it to a secret base through military trains, organized and trained it, and then sent it to a certain theater for actual combat testing to determine the effect.

If the effect is very good, it will be considered for large-scale installation. If the effect is not good, it will be sent to a secret storage warehouse like the Falcon aircraft, and sealed in a wooden box to shed ash.

As a result, before arriving at the base, the carriages transporting the unmanned power armor from the Osborne Group were torn open one by one, and then flew away collectively, launching a large-scale bombing of the aviation command, and by the way attacked A nearby S.H.I.E.L.D. facility.

When the matter is over, that's all. You can directly send someone to arrest Harry Osborn and seal up the assets of the Osborne Group. There is an example of Hammer Industry in the past, so follow suit.

But the problem is that there was an unprecedented Iron Legion battle in Los Angeles, and Stark Industries was bombed on a large scale, and the losses were not much smaller than those of the Air Defense Command.

Stark provided pictures and wreckage of the unmanned power armor that attacked Los Angeles, which was not produced by the Osborne Group, let alone Stark Industries, which means that there are third-party groups that can manufacture flying and attacking armor. Unmanned power armor, this is a bit of a problem.

However, 10 minutes after the meeting was held, a new group of generals from the Pacific Command who joined the meeting informed the new situation that the unmanned power armor they secretly manufactured mysteriously disappeared during training. The model and style may be the ones that attacked Los Angeles. that batch.

This news caused an uproar in the conference room, and an admiral said in amazement: "Why didn't I know we had such a thing?"

"General, this is top secret." Ross, who was dressed in a neat, upright, and gorgeous general's uniform, said with a smile on his face: "Before forming combat effectiveness, we must not let those who have not signed the confidentiality agreement know that we have been able to produce, manufacture and equip unmanned power armor."

"Whose technology? Stark?"; the general of the army raised his doubts. The whole world knows which one is better in the steel suit, and Stark's technology is the best.

"Stark?" Rose sneered, "It's his personal toy, and he won't share it with anyone."

"I can only say that those unmanned powered armors that were supposed to be training in the Pacific suddenly lost their signal, and when they reappeared, they were seen on the news."

After Ross's report, everyone is still in a daze. You don't know what happened when you co-authored it, and those of us sitting in the office don't know even more, so you come to tell us that you lost a batch Unmanned power armor, and then they attacked Los Angeles inexplicably?

Then it was also the unmanned power armor of the military that bombed Stark Industries. This is a big deal. Who will pay for it?

The generals attending the meeting looked at me and I looked at you, and finally turned their eyes to Ross. You should pay for the losses caused by your lost things. Anyway, don’t even think about using our military expenses.

Ross, who has been in the military and politics for many years, naturally knows what these people think. He ignored them, but inserted the storage disk he brought into the computer in the meeting room, read the information inside, and projected it to the meeting through holographic projection. In the center of the table is a slowly rotating model of the earth, surrounded by countless small green lines.

"What is this, General?"

General Ross walked straight ahead, facing the room full of generals, and said: "Generals, these are artificial satellites in the outer space of the earth controlled by the space agency. There are ours and other countries' satellites. These satellites are under 24-hour surveillance. "

"We all know this. What exactly do you want to say?" A general asked suspiciously. Not only are they doing this, but other countries are also doing it.

"Please look at this." General Ross tapped the virtual buttons a few times, and red lines appeared on the earth model in the middle of the conference table, constantly rotating around the earth model.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by this earth model, and they stretched their necks forward one by one, wishing to lie on it and look at it, because these red lines and green lines overlap, that is to say, the red lines are very close to each other. At a short distance, they are revolving with their satellites in the same orbit and at the same speed.

After everyone saw it clearly, General Ross continued: "This is the latest discovery. There are unregistered satellites, using our military satellites as shields, and orbiting the earth."

"Whose satellite? Polar bear? Or a rabbit?" Everyone thought of these two first. After all, the others are younger brothers, so they dare not do this at all. Only these two guys have been deliberately trying to remove him from the position of the boss. Pull it down, and then step on it a hundred and eight thousand times with your feet.

General Ross laughed, glanced at everyone, and said, "Tony Stark!"

"What?" Countless question marks popped up on everyone's foreheads, and their eyes were full of surprise. They even guessed that there might be a younger brother who was disobedient and wanted to usurp the throne, but they never expected to be a capitalist.

So here comes the question, on this earth model, there are quite a few red lines, estimated to be more than [-], why launch so many satellites?Still sneaky, with the help of military satellites to cover up, what is this for?

Immediately, someone raised a question, wondering where this outrageous information came from, Tony Stark had no reason to do so.

Rose had to raise the volume so that his voice could be heard by everyone, and said: "Generals, please listen to me."

The noisy voices in the room subsided a little, allowing Ross to continue: "Information shows that these are not ordinary satellites, but armed satellites equipped with space-based weapons."

Following Rose's words, a red line on the earth model was enlarged, revealing satellites orbiting along the red line, showing a polygonal structure, with a red metal shell on the outside, which tightly wrapped the inside, only revealing eight solar panels.

"Space-based armed satellite?" This term made everyone straighten their waists, and looked at General Ross in astonishment. This is not nonsense. It's fine to launch a satellite without permission, and it is equipped with weapons and equipment, which is a big deal. up.

"Yes, gentlemen, he launched at least twenty armed satellites with weapons and equipment on them, and they were manufactured and launched in secret. I don't think anyone but Stark knows how long these satellites have been in the sky. "General Ross said with a serious face: "It's like he created so many Iron Legion, but never reported it to the military, and called it a high-tech prosthetic, heh!"

A gray-haired five-star general carefully looked at the earth model and said solemnly, "Are you sure?"

Rose pointed to the red line and said, "This is the orbit of those satellites. You can ask our satellites to turn around to see if there are parallel unregistered satellites."

Before everyone digested his words, Ross continued: "If I remember correctly, the departure and landing of the Avengers' transport plane needs to be reported to the Aviation Administration to avoid collisions. As far as I know According to the data, the planes of the Avengers have reported 25 times in total, but the number of times they have dispatched is likely to exceed [-] times.

That is to say, in the vast majority of cases, we do not know when they left, where they went, and what they did. Now that they have moved out of the city and gone to the wilderness, it is even more difficult to monitor when they ride The plane was dispatched. "

After saying this, Ross bowed his head and clicked the virtual buttons a few times, moved the earth model aside, and a beautifully shaped aircraft with a jet device appeared. The background was in a collapsed tunnel that was bombed. If Earl or Stark were there, he might recognize that this was a Hydra base they had wiped out.

General Ross pointed to the newly-appeared aircraft and said: "This is a small drone made by Stark that we have newly mastered. It flies extremely fast, is equipped with unknown weapons and detectors, and has the function of optical invisibility.

Similarly, we still don't know when he made it, how many he made, what these small drones are used for, and where they are deployed. "

Everyone in the conference room stared blankly at the holographic projection in the center, feeling that the world view was being subverted one by one. They really couldn't figure out why an arms dealer and a billionaire would buy so many weapons without permission.
General Ross put his hands on the table, leaned forward, and said very seriously: "Generals, we don't know anything about them, but they can do whatever they want. This is too dangerous."

(End of this chapter)

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