The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 83 The Threat From the Military

Chapter 83 The Threat From the Military

"Are you sure you're not crazy?" Banner felt that the person in front of him might not be a fake Ross, otherwise how could he have made such a crazy decision. Using armored vehicles and armed helicopters is already a huge trouble, but he still wants to use missiles , and it is the missile launched by the guided missile destroyer, which is much more powerful than the missile hung by the fighter jet. Is this guy trying to raze Manhattan to the ground?
Even Betty looked at her father as if she was looking at a stranger. She wondered if her father was out of his mind and used missiles to attack Manhattan. If a missile landed in Manhattan, the person who ordered the fire would definitely be brought out and calmed down. The people are angry.

General Ross glanced at the two and said, "I don't have that much power to mobilize naval ships, I just obey orders."

Banner stared at General Ross suspiciously, thinking quickly in his brain. After contacting General Ross and the guided missile destroyer that arrived in such a short period of time, he suddenly thought of a possibility and asked, "You guys already knew that this dragon The existence of knights?"

Without waiting for General Ross to answer, he continued: "Otherwise, how could it be possible to transfer the two destroyers to the contract in only five or six minutes, and they are not fighter jets, so they must start early. Moreover, the precision-guided missiles that guided missile destroyers can carry are comparable to fighter jets." Too much, so many missiles can't be used to deal with such a small dragon, they should be used to deal with things bigger than dragons."

General Ross didn't respond positively to Banner's speculation, and said with a half-smile: "I don't know, but the world is far wider than you imagine, don't think Hulk is so great." After saying this, he turned his head away Continue to stare at the troop movement on the screen.

Turning his head around, in the command room of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier flying towards North America, Agent Hill hurried to the command bridge with a tablet, and handed the tablet to Nick Fury with a look on his face. He said solemnly: "Sir, the satellite images show that the two guided-missile destroyers of the Navy have arrived in the sea off the coast of Tiaoyu, and Manhattan Island is already within its precision strike range. At this distance, the error of attacking the target will not exceed [-] centimeters."

"What?" Nick Fury immediately took a look at the tablet, and his eyebrows frowned. According to the satellite images taken, the two guided missile destroyers set off here a long time ago, and they were still so close. After the shipboard radar is turned on, it is enough to cover the entire Manhattan Island, and can accurately strike the target captured by the shipboard radar.

"What are they going to do?" A look of shock appeared on Nick Fury's face, and then he seemed to think of something, holding the tablet and fell into contemplation, and stood still for a while before saying: "Is it deterrence and intimidation?" Have Coulson contact Rusov and tell him that there are guided missile destroyers off the coast."

After finishing speaking, he threw the tablet back to Hill, and stood on the command bridge with a sullen face, before rejecting the World Security Council's control over the unformed Avengers Alliance. Two guided missile destroyers arrived here It is self-evident what is the meaning behind the twisting about the sea.

Hongguoguo preaches powerful force, and silently tells that they have more than ten aircraft carrier formations, tens of thousands of fighter jets, nuclear submarines, and ballistic missile fixed silos. Compared with these, the Avengers squad is worth two guided missile destroyers .

Hill asked with some concern: "Sir, tell Coulson to contact Rusov, is it possible that they are going to launch missiles?"

Nick Fury said with a gloomy face: "No, it's not yet that time, they just let us pass on threats, promote force, and tell visitors that although human beings are weak, the weapons they can manufacture are extremely powerful. Strength, in front of these, is not worth mentioning at all."

"I'll tell Coulson." After finishing speaking, Hill walked down, tapped on the tablet, and conveyed the order to Coulson who was monitoring the visitors from Asgard.

Nick Fury clenched his fists a little angrily, and said in an inaudible voice: "Knowing the invasion of the Frost Giants, but not taking it seriously, only seeing what is in front of you, what a bunch of stupid pigs."

Greer, who had already flown to an altitude of more than 400 meters, lowered his head and looked down. From the hole in the viaduct, he could clearly see the abomination lying in the pit on the asphalt road. The card in his left hand was about to be inserted into the drive. At that moment, the ringtone of Cobra's cell phone suddenly rang in his ears.

After hesitating for a moment, he still chose to connect. Before he could speak, Coulson’s voice sounded in his ear, without a trace of nonsense, he went straight to the topic: “Two guided missile destroyers from the military have arrived in the sea off the coast. , if the radar is turned on, it can cover the entire island of Manhattan, and can carry out scalpel-like precision strikes, no matter what you are doing, you'd better leave quickly."

"Ha!" Greer was stunned when he heard the words, and subconsciously turned his head to look to the left. The eastern sea area was pitch black. Even though the dragonrider's eyesight was amazing, it was nothing compared to the boundless sea. Except for the light beams of the lighthouse sweeping the sea, there is nothing else to be seen.

The two guided-missile destroyers that Coulson mentioned are nowhere to be seen, but this is not the time of World War II, and the focus is on beyond-visual-range combat. However, any missile that has anything to do with it can fight for hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers. Arriving doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

But the question is as to use two guided missile destroyers to hit him?This is like dispatching a heavy artillery regiment, but the purpose is to blow up a big hole to raise fish.After only being stunned for a second, Greer inserted the attack AR card in his hand into the driver without hesitation, launched the dragon knight kick, and first killed the abomination to get points.

"Attack Ride Dragon Rider Kick!"

The Wushuanglong under his feet burst into raging flames immediately, and turned into a fire dragon in the blink of an eye, which was extraordinarily dazzling in the night.And Greer jumped up, turning his body in the air, surrounded by the Wushuang dragon burning with flames, enveloping Greer like a fireball.

The flames of Wushuanglong pushed Greer down at an extremely fast speed, which was much faster than Wushuanglong's own flying speed, almost reaching the speed of sound. When it cut through the air, it brought an extremely harsh sound sound.

Under the eyes of everyone, Greer dragged a long flame tail like a shooting star, and precisely passed through the big hole on the overpass that was knocked out by the abomination. The moment he passed by, the steel in the concrete melted. It can be seen how high the temperature is.

The dragon knight with an impact force of [-] tons alone kicked Abomination's body, causing the ground under Abomination's ears to sink instantly, increasing the depth by two or three meters.The ultra-high temperature generated by the raging fire instantly evaporated the surrounding water vapor, and the turbulent flame energy kicked by the dragon knight was transmitted into the body of the abomination, causing the abomination to burn from the inside out.

 PS: Explain the English after inserting the card. This is the sound effect of decade inserting the card. If you don’t understand it, you can ignore it and it will not affect the reading.For obsessive-compulsive disorder, you can look at the end of the paragraph, basically I will add paraphrases there, such as 'AttackRide Dragon Rider Kick! 'meaning knight attack - dragon knight kick.The reason why I don't use Chinese is like listening to the original dubbing and then listening to the Mandarin dubbing. I always feel weird. Anyway, it doesn't affect reading, so I use English.

  ps2: It was done long ago, but when I was checking for typos, I changed the background of General Ross in a big way, causing all the previous writing to be discarded and rewritten. Alas, I found something to do for myself
(End of this chapter)

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