The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 82 The Military is in Action

Chapter 82 The Military is in Action

The majestic Kamen Rider stands on the street. Although he doesn't look very tall, the dragon curled up behind him gives people a strong sense of oppression. Both sides' bodies are covered with metal, which has a sense of future technology. There is an illusion of 'is this a robot made by high technology'.

Compared with monsters, man-made objects are more acceptable, so instead of running away, many pedestrians boldly moved closer to take pictures, and the timid ones retreated a little, talking with the people around them.

The video shot was shared on Facebook and Youtube immediately, and some people even came to live broadcast directly, showing the dragon knight appearing on the street in all directions and three-dimensionally.However, the messages I got were all about the title of the game or movie, and no one believed that this really appeared in the real world.

Even among the people at the scene, some felt that this was the existence of filmmakers, and their long-term comfortable life made them subconsciously refuse to accept the changes in the world.It's like going out and seeing the wild Ultraman beating little monsters, the first time you will feel that you are not awake and still in a dream.

Greer didn't even look at the people around him, and all his attention was on the abomination in front of him. The effect of the two consecutive full-speed kicks was obvious.Almost [-]% of the bones on Hate's huge body were broken, and the blood flowed out like running water. In such a short time, a puddle of blood was accumulated under the reinforced concrete pier.

Cars flowed endlessly on the viaduct, and no one knew that there was such a powerful monster under the bridge.Even if the bridge pier was knocked out into a dent that was not full of cracks, it was far from the point where the reinforced concrete pier was five meters high, eight meters long, and two meters thick.

The scars on the surface of Hate's body are healing, and the bones in his body are also recovering, but Greer found that compared with the speed of recovery after being kicked by the knight of Agito, it has slowed down a lot, which shows that the healing of Hate is not very is unlimited.

After all, cell division during wound healing consumes a lot of energy, and the abomination cannot escape the conservation of energy. Even if gamma rays provide energy, unless the abomination can independently absorb the external gamma rays, it will be exhausted sooner or later.

Thinking in this way, Greer once again opened his legs, his body sank slightly, and jumped up vigorously. Wushuanglong also moved, and the dragon head flew up to the sky rapidly, allowing Greer to step on it again. On top of Wushuanglong's head.

The abomination that has almost recovered struggled out from the pier, raised his head, and looked at the sky, only to see the dragon soaring in the sky, especially conspicuous under the reflection of the bright moon.Hate ran forward without hesitation, and amidst the screams of passers-by, jumped up and onto the top of the seven-story building in front of him.

Standing on the top of the building, looking up at Wushuanglong in the sky, he opened his mouth and kept roaring: "Come down and fight me." After all, he can't fly, and he can't jump that high, so he can only be provocative like this.

The loud voice reverberated in the sky, shaking the glass of the building below trembling slightly, as if it was about to crack at any moment.Greer in the sky naturally heard the provocative roar of the abomination below, and after reaching an altitude of 500 meters, he ordered Wushuanglong to dive without hesitation, preparing to give the abomination another heavy blow, to see how long this guy can last .

After realizing that Wushuanglong began to dive again, Abomination grinned, his legs bent like compressed springs, and his eyes were fixed on the swooping Wushuanglong. When he descended to 200 meters, Abomination immediately Leaping up high, with clenched fists together, he slammed hard towards the position Wushuanglong swooped into.

On this day, at this second, many people saw a scene they would never forget. Under the starry sky and silver moon, the gigantic monster jumping high made a deafening roar, and collided with the giant red dragon that swooped down from the sky. Together.

'boom! There was a sound of heaven and earth cracking, and the air around the impact point was compressed into ripples that were visible to the naked eye. Many people's ears were ringing from the shock, and a few traces of pain appeared on their faces, so they hurriedly covered their ears.

Wushuanglong's head dropped downwards after being hit by Abomination, and Abominable's chest was also sunken. The Abomination in the high air had no way to take advantage of it, but Wushuanglong could continue to send out the forward impact force.

Needless to say, Greer jumped high a second before the collision, and was not offset by Wushuanglong's forward force.After Wushuanglong and Abomination collided together, he kicked Abomination's chest, and the Abomination whose forward tendency was counteracted by Wushuanglong kicked fell from the air, hitting the viaduct like a meteor, 'Boom! With a sound, a huge pothole was smashed out of the bridge deck. Amidst the dust splashing, the two cars in the lead slammed on the brakes to avoid falling into it.

In the sky, Greer had landed on top of Wushuanglong again, and Wushuanglong also flew towards the sky again.Facing the bitter hurricane, Greer raised his left hand, and his points decreased by 500 to 4056.The knight card box at the waist opened automatically, and a card with a red background and a golden dragon's head drawn in the middle flew out of it, and fell into Greer's left hand.

At this time, General Ross was going crazy, and kept asking into the microphone when the warship would arrive. The military information technicians locked the mobile phones of the citizens at the scene. Both Al and Hate's cameras have become military monitors.

Although the captured images were shaky, blurry, and intermittent, but all together, the edited images showed that the hatred was being beaten by this mysterious masked man without any power to fight back, and the eyes of the ground were shocked .This is the second Hulk, so he was picked up by a small man like this?Then he took so much effort, spent so much money, and allowed so many voluntary and involuntary people to participate in the experiment, isn't it a waste of time.

Banner was quite happy. It would be good for someone to clean up this monster that wreaked havoc. After all, this monster has something to do with him. If it wasn't for his serum, how could there be a second Hulk.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard General Ross utter an exclamation. He turned his head to look, and the small screen was showing the screen shot by his mobile phone. Abomination and Wushuanglong collided together, and then Abomination was knocked into the air. The arc ground fell.

This caused surprise to appear in Banner's eyes, and he said with a low smile, "Being able to fly, and having such a strong power, the Hulk with wings is not so easy to deal with. Your experimental product is dangerous."

"Hmph, the two guided missile destroyers will come into range in 2 minutes, I want to see how many missiles he can take?" General Ross' words were full of resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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