The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 789 Battle of the Tana River

Chapter 789 Battle of the Tana River

Overlooking the city below at a height of a thousand meters, one road has two worlds, one side is a brick house sheltered from wind and rain, and the other side is a dilapidated shack with heavy rain outside and light rain inside, um. It seems that there is no need to worry about this problem. Rain is a luxury.

Although it is the rainy season, a tributary of the Tana River next to it is semi-dry, and it is difficult to sail in shallow water. Therefore, looking upstream and downstream, you can see boats of all sizes stranded in the mud, unable to travel at all. .

It is estimated that this tributary, only when the precipitation reaches the maximum, can get enough water from the main river for sailing. Now, emmm, it is difficult to even swim, let alone farm and irrigate.

The Quin-type fighter slowly lowered its altitude. The landing point was behind a small slope not far from the slums, so that the dust blown up by the engine jets would not be seen, thus exposing the Quin-type fighter. After all, it was only optically invisible. .

After landing steadily, Stark got up and went to the back cabin, took out a set of blue vests and baseball caps with UNHCR printed in white from the luggage compartment, and threw them to Greer, and put on the printed ones himself. There is a pattern of wheat ears caring for a person with both hands, and the English vest of The UN Refugee Agency below.

"Are we going to pretend to be UNHCR staff?"

Stark had already put on his vest, picked up his unpretentious briefcase, and said, "Are you going to wear a steel suit?"


Stark was very well prepared. Not only did he get a UNHCR vest, but he also transported a simple motorcycle that is very common in Africa. Of course, if you think this motorcycle is ordinary, then you can Just so naive.

Stark can play with watches and briefcases. With such a large motorcycle, it is not surprising to stuff a bunch of offensive weapons and equipment, and even a steel battle suit inside.
After getting ready, two UNHCR staff set off on a motorcycle. Because it was the rainy season, a lot of green plants grew in the wasteland, but it was not enough to completely cover the field, and a large area was still exposed Outside, motorcycles passed by, raising a lot of sand and dust.

The arrival of outsiders, the 'rich' on motorcycles, gave this lifeless slum a shot in the arm. The roar of the engine made the doors of some shacks open, looking in the direction of the sound. .

Especially seeing two 'foreigners' in blue clothes on the motorcycle, the people in the slums are even more excited. Few of them can read, but they know these people in blue clothes, every time they come Distribute some food and medicine, but it used to be a big car, why is it just a motorcycle this time?

The blue vest is really good at bluffing people. I didn’t encounter any troubles along the way, but the attention was a little higher. The skinny poor people looked at the motorcycles passing by with fiery eyes, and they came to wear clothes. The man in the blue vest.

In Africa, this blue dress is basically equivalent to a "boy who spreads wealth". He will distribute a large amount of food, medicine, and see a doctor for free.

Stark glanced down at the watch on his right wrist from time to time, and it showed the map here, and the destination was marked as a red dot, so Stark became the navigator, guiding Greer on the narrow roads in the slums Turn the corner, park the car, and arrive at the door of a three-story broken building.

It can make Greer feel dilapidated, and one can imagine how dilapidated the building is. The outer walls are pitted and pockmarked, and there is no glass on the windows, and the holes in the walls are filled with mud, grass blades or other messy things. blocked.

Not to mention reinforced concrete, even the bricks and tiles are not pure, but mixed with a lot of soil. It is not an exaggeration to evaluate it as a "dangerous building", and it feels like it may collapse at any time. ,

But such a dilapidated house that should have been rebuilt a long time ago is a luxury house in this slum area. It is definitely not an ordinary person who can occupy this place, and it is almost a slum lord.

No, the motorcycle just stopped, and before the people came down, a few black gun barrels quietly protruded from the hole in the house, quietly aiming at Greer and Stark, and the surrounding houses also More than a dozen thin black men walked out, holding sticks and knives without handles in their hands, and slowly surrounded them.

Then the broken door of the mansion was opened, and a few black men with guns walked out. The clothes on their bodies were obviously better than the others, and they did not look malnourished. The poor, all skinny and shabby, are not enough to describe the rags of the clothes. Compared with these people, it is a world of difference.

Before these people came around, Stark, wearing a pair of glasses, pointed to a certificate on his chest and said politely: "We are investigators from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Africa, and we are commissioned by the United Nations to guide and coordinate the protection and resolution of refugee issues around the world, come here to investigate relevant refugees”

Stark looked like a nerd, and he babbled about the purpose of the UNHCR. Hearing these black guys who might not even be able to write their names, they were stunned. Among the few people who came out of the room was a As if he was the leader, he directly interrupted Stark's words, and said, "Go to other places to investigate, we don't want outsiders to approach our house."

He speaks directly to push people away. Although his accent is very serious, he still speaks English when he stumbles. In the slums where it is difficult to get enough to eat, he can still master a foreign language. His learning ability is very unusual, and his desire for knowledge exceeds rice.

Stark lowered his head, and the glasses showed the infrared scanning situation in the surrounding houses. The people in the house approached the window due to the movement outside, and they were already locked by the circle with the people on the street. When preparing to forcefully drive away, Stark whispered: "Jarvis, attack."

The last sound of "attack" had just blurted out, and there was a sudden burst of intensive "咲咲!call out! The sound of breaking through the air, the people around Greer and Stark, like harvested wheat, fell down one after another, and the dirt walls were also pierced with tiny holes, and the people inside also fell down.

"It's done." Stark walked in, and Greer looked up at the sky. There was nothing, but in fact there were eight drones with optical stealth turned on, which could lock forty targets at the same time. attack.

There are also twelve drones monitoring this slum area at a higher altitude. Unless it is said that a whole armed army is guarding here, it can advance and retreat freely whether it is a storm or outsmart. It can be said that Sta K was well prepared.

The guards were easily dealt with, and the two entered the dilapidated house. Stark took off his glasses, put the suitcase on the ground, stepped on it, and the suitcase immediately began to stretch out, turning into pieces of scales. Quickly wrapped Stark up, and in just two seconds, he had finished dressing.

This is an upgraded version of Mark5. Last time at the Morocco racetrack, Mark5 was destroyed by a simple version of the whip, which made Stark feel ashamed. After solving the toxin problem, he learned from the pain and upgraded Mark5. But it never came in handy.

Some time ago, he experimentally upgraded it with nanotechnology. The same size has more functions, increased short-distance flight capability, and replaced the outer armor with higher defense. Added offensive weapons and more to the shoulders and abdomen.

Although the overall strength of the portable armor is not as good as that of other steel suits, the advantage of being easy to carry is enough for Stark to continuously upgrade it until a real nano suit is produced before it will be eliminated.

Putting on the Iron Man suit, Stark transformed into Iron Man in an instant, with a different aura. He strode forward, and the luminous binocular scanner guided his direction. He walked to the back room with three crutches, bowed his head Pointing to the ground, said: "It's just below."

"Leave it to me." Greer stretched out his hand, his palm pointed at the ground, the magic power surged, and an earth magic circle was formed on his wrist. The ground churned and separated little by little until it reached a depth of one meter. Iron boxes stacked on top of each other were revealed.

Stark half-kneeled by the side of the pit, picked up an iron box twice as thick as his suitcase, pulled it with both hands, and easily tore it open, revealing six vacuum glass tubes as thick as arms, each special glass tube Each contained a small piece of shiny metal.

"Zhenjin, the hardest metal on earth." Stark murmured to himself in a low voice. Through the eye scanner, the identification has been completed. It is indeed vibrating gold inside. This vacuum glass tube is to keep Vibration gold in its most primitive state.

During the time of Stark's appraisal, Greer had already moved out all the iron boxes, opened them one by one, and took out the glass tube containing the vibrating gold, but the priceless vibrating gold was piled up on the floor at this moment.

During this period of time, Stark took the trunk of the motorcycle into the room. It looked unpretentious, but inside it was a container specially made by Stark for storing vibrating gold, and the vacuum glass tube could be removed.

Then Greer put the empty glass tube back into the box, stacked it again, and backfilled it with soil. In order to express his shame for stealing the vibranium, Greer also hardened the soil to strengthen safety in case Stolen again.

"Nearly one hundred kilograms." Stark's words revealed full of joy, so much vibrating gold is worth a billion dollars, but this is a seller's market, and even rich people can't buy so much vibrating gold.

Stark knew that Ulysses Crow had a lot of vibrating gold in his hands, and he had estimated it through various intelligence, but at present, he still had a glimpse of this guy, and the vibrating gold in his hand was probably more than More than you can imagine.

But Stark is not afraid of too much, but too little, even two tons can be eaten, and after spending all the money, after putting all the vibrating gold into the container, Stark undressed the steel suit and became Suitcase in hand, walked out of the room, and Greer followed with a trunk full of vibranium.

The two rode their small motorcycles again, wore the vests of the UNHCR, left the slums in a hurry, returned to the Quinjet fighter safely, took off the vests and left them aside, the hatch closed automatically, the drone returned to the cabin, and the engine started by itself , began to raise the height, everything is controlled by Jarvis.

Because Stark and Greer are busy taking the vibranium cutie out of the temporary container and putting it into the large container that is pre-installed in the Quinjet fighter to preserve the vibranium, this process must be carried out carefully, Stein Tucker didn't dare to touch it with his hands, and he wore steel suit gloves all the time.

Fortunately, Jarvis's driving skills are excellent, the Quinjet fighter plane flies extremely smoothly, and almost no bumps are felt, allowing Greer and Jarvis to complete the transfer, and then returned to the cockpit and sat on the seat to rest After a while, we will fly to Ulysses Crow's underground arsenal and ask him to 'hand over' the vibration gold there to support the cause of justice.

Not long after the Quinjet fighter left, a shell-shaped spaceship with optical invisibility also turned on quietly came to the top of this slum area. There were only two people inside the spaceship, which was larger than the Quinjet fighter plane. The pilot was a man in a red strange suit. The black-skinned woman - Okoye, the captain of the Wakanda Women's Guards, looked at the screen in front of her, frowning involuntarily, and said, "Your Highness, something is wrong."

T'Challa, who was wearing a black combat uniform, walked out of the cabin full of sci-fi colors, holding an equally black leopard-shaped helmet in his hand, and asked, "What happened?"

With a wave of his hand, Okoye converted the image captured by the spaceship into a 3D holographic model, and presented it to T'Challa, who is temporarily acting as the Black Panther. They were lying on the ground, and the roof and walls were lifted layer by layer, and the people inside were also lying on the ground.

"Zhenjin was not detected, Your Royal Highness, we may be one step too late." Aokeye's complexion became extremely grim, and it was really unreasonable for such a big omission to occur in a mission that is sure to be sure.

"I'll go down and have a look." T'Challa said that he had already put on the panther helmet, and then he folded his arms on his chest, and with the soles of his feet empty, a hole was opened, allowing the panther to fall, and it was in a free fall toward the Falling from a height of [-] meters.

Falling to the ground at such a height, there must be a lot of movement, but the black panther landed on the ground as lightly as a cat, but a slight dust was raised at the landing point. He took out a few black beads from his waist, threw one on the ground, and then took a step forward. Walk into the room and throw this black bead as you go.

The seemingly ordinary beads automatically transformed into small disc-shaped flying objects before they hit the ground. They began to scan the inside and outside of the building, and the data was sent back to the spaceship for analysis by Okoye. Three different types of flying objects were captured in the messy footprints. In the same way, he guided the panther to a room inside.

Then the black panther started digging the ground with his sharp claws. The hard ground in front of him was as crisp as tofu, and any scratch would open a big hole. He quickly dug out those iron boxes and found the land produced in Wakanda. The special glass tube used to preserve the vibranium, but it is empty inside.

(End of this chapter)

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