The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 788 Primitive Africa

Chapter 788 Primitive Africa
The African continent, sandwiched between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, has always been known for its primitiveness and wildness. The vast land is densely covered with rivers and lakes like the sea.

There are Algeria, where most of the land is desert, and Congo (Kinshasa), where [-]% of the area is tropical jungle. There are vast deserts, mysterious and deep tropical jungles, and deserts and grasslands in the dry and rainy seasons. switch back and forth.

This continent is rich in mineral resources and has a wide variety of animals and plants, but it has never been able to ignite the light of technology called 'industry'. Even in modern times with advanced technology, there are still primitive tribes. It is conceivable how poor it is.

The economic sources of all countries are basically based on agriculture, forestry, and mining. Occasionally, tourism is developed. As for industry, it is even rarer, and even domestic demand cannot be met.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to satisfy food and clothing in this continent. The average life expectancy is the lowest in the world, and a large amount of international assistance is required every year to reduce the number of people who die of disease and hunger.

But who would have thought that on this continent with the least developed countries and many regions, there is hidden the richest, most technologically advanced, and oldest country (tribal group) in the world-Wakanda.

Greer was sitting in the co-pilot, overlooking the continent below through the cabin cover made of acrylic resin and carbonyne, holding the Cobra mobile phone in his right hand, watching the images sent back by the two disc beasts, this is the disc The most special thing about beasts is that they can connect to each other and transmit image data without a signal.

After Stark knew this, he immediately expressed strong indignation at Greer's act of giving the disc beast when they met for the first time. The co-author was not a gift, but sent a spy by his side. It is definitely a scheming BOY .

In the image uploaded back on the screen of the Cobra mobile phone, a semi-old convoy is driving on the dilapidated road. The bumps are like sitting on a trampoline, but the people on the car are used to it. It is good to have such a road. There are many places in Africa. There are only dirt roads.

And the car is equipped with Ulysses Crow's underground munitions factory, which manufactures all kinds of weapons, ranging from small bullets and grenades to large artillery shells and rockets. Solved the problem of having or not.

Relying on selling vibration gold, Ulysses Crow got the first pot of gold, but he did not rest on the vibration gold to eat his old roots, but found another way to make money.

Buying weapons production lines eliminated by developed countries, producing backward weapons, and selling them to small African countries and some forces, starting from scratch and developing for more than 20 years, he has made a career.

The cheap arms he produced sold very well in the African market, and he also developed many regular customers, earning a lot of money every year, laying down a large territory, raising an army (?), and becoming the overlord of one party.

There are people with money, and the vibration gold in their hands is not sold very much. It is more used to make friends on important occasions. For example, Stark once met Ulysses Crow at an arms conference. But he just wanted to use vibrating gold as a stepping stone to make friends with Stark, and maybe he would have the opportunity to get some advanced weapons produced by Stark Industries.

It’s just that Stark was at the peak of his life at that time, and there were countless people around him wherever he went, and he didn’t even look down on this black market arms dealer. After the production line was eliminated, he was ignored.

It was also at that meeting that Stark noticed Ulysses Crow. After in-depth investigation, he found that a large part of the vibration gold circulated in the black market came from him, but this The guy is very low-key. Unless he meets Stark's level, he will never reveal that he has vibrating gold in his hand.

Ulysses Crow has always been very low-key. He has never traded Zhenjin in person. He has always said that he also received it from other people, earning a difference, and the shipment is small, so it is not a big deal. attract attention.

If it weren't for the news of the "prophet", who would have thought that this guy had sold vibrating gold for 20 years and still had nearly half a ton of vibrating gold in his hand. One can imagine how much vibrating gold he had in his hand at the beginning .

Stark glanced at the screen of the phone in Greer's hand, saw that he was searching for 'Wakanda', and said, "Are you interested in this agricultural country?"

"." Greer gave Stark a blank stare, and let him experience it for himself. He knew everything, so why pretend to be a noob.

Stark, like a child who succeeded in pranking, laughed, pointed down, and said, "We are now over Wakanda."

Following Stark's words, Jarvis also showed Wakanda shot at high altitude by Quinjet fighter jets: endless jungles, vast grasslands, rolling mountains, large and small lakes, scattered tribal groups, There are almost no traces of modernization, and it maintains a very original appearance.

In the eyes of the world, Wakanda is just one of many poor countries on the African continent. Its area is not particularly large, but it includes grasslands, jungles, mountains and snow-capped mountains.Yes, there are snow-capped mountains in the hot Wakanda, the aftermath of Kilimanjaro, where a peak of more than 4000 meters above sea level rises, and the peak is covered with snow all the year round.

"Look, it's a very backward agricultural country, but it doesn't need outside assistance, and it doesn't have roads, railways, or airports to communicate with the outside world. It's even more closed than North Korea." Stark raised his eyebrows, turned off the useless high-altitude video, His drone lingered in Wakanda for a long time, but did not collect anything useful. He changed into a slightly more comfortable posture and said to himself: "Next time, the seat should be modified lie down."

Greer turned his head to the left, looked at the jungle below, and really wanted to go down to see Wakanda's protective shield. Thanos' troop carrier fell from such a high height, and its own weight plus gravity potential energy, the power is estimated to be comparable to a small The nuclear bomb is comparable, but it is easily resisted.

And it also has a camouflage function. From the outside, it looks like a vast jungle. Neither satellites nor radar can penetrate the protective cover and find the city inside.
Hey, it seems a little familiar.

Attilan on the back of the moon seems to have the same protective cover, which has the functions of protection, camouflage and isolation detection, but Attilan's protective cover can simulate the rising and setting of the moon, wind, cloud, rain and snow, and even temperature control, etc. Wakanda's protective shield does not seem to have such a function.

Also, according to the past history of the earth, the earth has been occupied and ruled by the Cree and Asgard for a period of time, so do these aliens know the existence of Wakanda?

If you don’t know, doesn’t it mean that Wakanda opened the protective shield a long time ago and closed the country, and the technology has reached the point where it can hide from the world; if you know, how did they protect Zhenjin from being discovered and excavated? Woolen cloth?

In an instant, many thoughts turned in Greer's mind, and even the idea of ​​whether Wakanda's high technology, like Attilan's Inhumans, was learned from the Cree. After all, the Cree was the last It is not impossible for the Wakanda to conduct research on this basis and develop technology after retreating from the earth.

But these are just Greer's conjectures, not even guesses. In the Stark data of another universe, there is not much information about Wakanda, not even the method of entry, let alone Wakanda. history.

Greer just thought about it, and then turned to throw these thoughts to the back of his mind. He is not a historian, and he wants to find out what happened to the earth in the past.

Let's imagine with divergent thinking, if the world is armed with Wakanda's technology, can human beings have the strength to fight Thanos?Think about the fighting power of Wakanda in the movie, emmm, it's hard to say.

The technology is very advanced, but I always feel that something is not right. Although there are flying ships, there are not many of them, and they have no sense of existence. They have been easily blown up by the black panthers.

The technology tree that claims to be world-leading seems to be mostly focused on life, and the military aspect is not very brilliant.

During the war against Thanos, Wakanda still dispatched infantry with spears made of vibrating gold and wearing vibrating gold clothes. The fighting method was to shoot with spears and charge forward with spears. The tribe is the cavalry, and the mount is the armored rhinoceros.

Although the supersonic spear cannon is very powerful and can fight against tanks, the problem is that humans outside have produced a series of nuclear weapons, sub-nuclear weapons, etc. The comparison between the two is basically the ratio of candlelight and bright moon.

When Greer lowered his head and pondered, Stark next to him suddenly said, "You don't think Wakanda's technology is really advanced, do you?"

"Huh?" Greer was taken aback, turned his head and cut over, and saw that Stark was clicking on the holographic projection screen surrounding him, adjusting the parameters of an unknown program, and was free to talk to Greer: "They Most of the technology developed around Zhenjin, and only this aspect is outstanding."

Stark didn't say much, but he understood what he meant. Wakanda is roughly walking on one leg, rather than fully blooming.This is like the lithography machine made in the Netherlands, which is number one in the world. It cannot be said that the Netherlands is the number one in technology. In the same way, Wakanda is very advanced in many aspects of technology, but not all technologies lead the world.

For example, Art of War.
The performance of Wakanda's weapons and equipment in the movie is really scum, the pulpy kind, sitting on a treasure mountain and so many advanced technologies, but it is not as good as Stark Industries, a private company, in terms of weapons and equipment. Tucker has obtained a large amount of technical information from the "future" and alien planets, and it is estimated that it has almost caught up with or even surpassed Wakanda.

When the Quinjet fighter jets flew over Wakanda, in the jungle below, a cluster of trees also slowly turned with the Quinjet fighter jets at an altitude of 1000 meters, monitoring the flight trajectory of the Quinjet fighter jets at all times, and then passing the data through the underground line , transmitted to the depths of the jungle, until reaching a mountain nearly [-] meters above sea level.

Passing through this invisible energy film, the mountains and dense forests suddenly disappeared, replaced by a vast lake and a meandering river, with a modern metropolis on both sides: dense skyscrapers, roads that Extending to the mountains on both sides.

The area is almost equivalent to an urban area of ​​Manhattan, and the tallest building is a building similar to the Twin Towers. The camouflage radar of the Quinjet fighter is monitored, and the signals are collected in one of the towers. A young man with dark skin but wearing a white suit The girl tapped the holographic screen in front of her with both hands, saw the displayed information, and said annoyedly: "He is here again, at an altitude of 1000 meters, at a speed of [-] meters."

When the girl was reporting the data, a black man who was "inspecting" this technologically-sounding laboratory turned around and walked towards this side, asking, "Is it a drone again?"

"No, it's bigger, it's about the same size as your spaceship, hey, it's still flying forward, it doesn't seem to be coming to us."

"Then don't worry about it, the most important thing now is to catch Ulysses Crow as soon as possible," said the man in his thirties with a serious face: "PRIDE (Wakanda intelligence agency) has been tracking and tracking him for half a year. Months, this time we must take back the vibration gold in his hands."

Half a month ago, a mysterious buyer suddenly appeared, waving a check, wanting to buy vibrating gold, which alarmed Ulysses Claude, and also got Pride's attention, so he found Ulysses Crow Lao, began a long-term follow-up and tracing, after untold hardships, finally found out several places suspected of hiding Zhenjin.

The purpose of his coming here is to get new equipment, and then set off to recover the wandering Zhenjin. The second task is to bring the Wakanda traitor Ulysses Crow back for trial to warn those who are against Zhenjin. Thoughtful Wakanda, don't make small moves.

Under the monitoring of Wakanda, the Quin fighter quickly left the airspace and continued to fly towards the east coast, and soon disappeared from the detector screen.

Stark's stealth technology is still very powerful, as strong as Wakanda, but it can only be tracked and monitored at close range, and it cannot be tracked at a distance.

And on the Quinjet fighter that flew away, the discussion about Wakanda is over, because the Quinjet fighter jet with optical stealth function has arrived at its destination: a poor area near the Tana River, a distance from Ulysses The underground arsenal that Crowe transformed with a transport ship is less than [-] kilometers away.

The so-called slums are actually shacks made of various materials. The better ones are brick-and-earth houses. Occasionally, two or three-story houses can be seen. They can definitely be called luxury houses in the slums. This slum is located in On the edge of a city, the dividing line between the two is a two-lane road.

But it is a city, but it is just some very old buildings and dozens of roads that have been in disrepair for a long time. Most of the buildings are two to four-story buildings, and very few are higher than ten floors. It may not be as large as a small town in a large developing country, but it is already a city in Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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