The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 786 The Silent War

Chapter 786 The Silent War

When a news that is not good for you is exposed, how can you quickly calm the public opinion?
The answer is to get bigger and more news as soon as possible. No matter how many people there are, if there are too many big news, they will naturally divert their attention and attention. The popularity about you will drop. You can take this opportunity to remove related hot searches .

You can also make a lot of news that is true and false, such as confuse audiovisual, reverse black and white, pointing a deer as a horse. All of them are used in one brain, and it is guaranteed to make those boring people who only care about eating melons and can't tell right from wrong become dizzy. .

So, in the 3rd minute after those assassin videos broke out, Alexander Pierce immediately ordered his subordinates to release a lot of true and false news, all of which were big news that could hit the headlines:

Bank robbery with unscathed vaults, suspected suspects able to walk through walls, shocked, flaming skeletons ride across busy highways, unbelievable, Kamen Rider kills gangsters.
With the help of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s branches and bases all over the world, Alexander Pierce's press release quickly spread around the world, and he released more videos than Stark's, all of which are all kinds of superpowers 'acting recklessly in the city' 'A series of outrageous acts.

These videos are all real, and S.H.I.E.L.D. also locked those superpowers through these, and then found them, included them in the catalog, and sent people to monitor them. The original videos were all deleted, leaving only urban legends, but now In order to divert attention, Alexander Pierce let it go regardless.

Alexander Pierce didn't want to engage in this kind of method either, but deleting posts didn't work, and his subordinates' hands were almost numb when deleting posts, but related videos were banned repeatedly, and the uploading points were also different.

The most outrageous thing is that the ocean optical cable is located in the ocean, and the locations are not the same. Only submarines can reach hundreds of upload points, so Alexander Pierce has no choice. In the end, he can only choose this method to confuse audiovisual.

There is also a small thought to comfort myself, to let people in the world know what kind of world they live in. Only when the world feels threatened, the value of SHIELD's existence will increase greatly, and then you can get more H.

What protects people from things they are not ready for, in Alexander Pierce's view, is extremely stupid. If you don't tell, how will others know your credit, and obscurity's dedication has long been outdated.

Times have changed, and now traffic is king, no matter how bad it is, as long as it can attract traffic, it can become the darling of capital. Look at the Avengers, a group of freaks gathered together to create an idol group.

Based on this, Stark sells a lot of peripherals every year, and there are various authorizations, which fully demonstrate the power of capital. The only difference is that Stark has a conscience and will give revenge for signing the authorization agreement. Those who pay dividends.

Of course, this may have something to do with the fact that the Avengers are all extraordinary people. After all, ordinary people can't ask for salary by force, but the Avengers can. I didn't see these Hydra executives were all panicked, for fear of being exposed, and being found by the Avengers. He came to the door, smashed it randomly, and ended up with Baron Sterak in a wheelchair.

Ever since, with both sides working together, the people who eat melons have had enough to eat today. It has been seven or eight hours, and all kinds of big melons have been thrown out frantically, making the world dizzy, one by one. Watching videos of people with superpowers makes them doubt their lives.

Is this still the earth they are familiar with?
The videos all over the Internet are full of fire-breathing, ice-making, and wall-penetrating ones. Suddenly, there is an illusion of superpowers walking everywhere. In contrast, those assassination videos that some of the quality is not very clear. It doesn't smell good anymore.

Compared with the assassination of the president, ordinary people are more concerned about the theft of the neighbor’s house, and these videos of superpowers are in line with the close-range worries of ordinary people. If there are really so many superpowers, are they hidden around them?

Alexander Pierce naturally knew the consequences of doing so. Now he is being questioned loudly by a group of old men in the White House and Congress, why such a big disturbance broke out. Could it be that the largest intelligence organization in the world has not found out so far? Who did it?Does it mean that so many agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are fighting dogs for food?

Alexander Pierce stood there like an old monk in meditation, letting these people spit crazily, and waited until the din subsided, and then said unhurriedly: "Actually, we all have an answer in our hearts. There is only one person in this world who can do it." To put so much data online without leaving any traces.”

The holographic virtual images of the participating congressmen and White House personnel looked at me and I looked at you, and then one of the congressmen said: "We need evidence."

"Member, I think you should also know that it couldn't be easier for them to gather together and want to do something quietly." Alexander Pierce looked helpless, matching his bitter face, and he was bullied and honest human appearance.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is"

"A group of special agents composed of ordinary people," Alexander Pierce began to answer before the congressman finished speaking: "They have been trained to perform many tasks such as infiltration, intelligence gathering, and even sabotage, but they are still ordinary people and can be made from the materials at hand. You can blow up a building, but you can't smash a building with a hammer, and you can't kick a space battleship over."

The video conference fell silent for a while. The strength of the Avengers became famous in the world in the battles against aliens again and again. They gathered together and collided with more incredible sparks. All kinds of ships and weapons that humans are proud of, To be left behind was absolutely beyond everyone's expectations.

Finally a congressman asked the important question: "Why would he do that?"

This sentence changed the atmosphere of the video conference. Everything has a purpose and a reason. Exposing information from S.H.I.E.L.D. Are they any good?

Alexander Pierce lowered his eyes, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Perhaps they know the agreement that is being negotiated, and want to show their importance. The world is not safe, so they can be useful."

"Impossible." The White House immediately denied it. This agreement is a secret among secrets. The people who know it can be counted with two hands and two feet, and they are all leaders of various countries. How could anyone be willing to disclose it to the public? The Avengers.

Alexander Pierce kindly reminded: "Mr. President, your former bodyguard has already returned to that building."

President Ellis suddenly widened his eyes, and said, "Has a bugging device been installed in the White House?"

"Mr. President, with all due respect, you are not as rich as he is, and I heard that he recently discussed the application of nanotechnology with relevant scientists and laboratories around the world. Perhaps you should find out what nanorobots can do." Alexander Pierce explained patiently, and sent President Ellis a detailed description of the nanotechnology-based spy equipment being developed by S.H.I.E.L.D., so that President Ellis could understand how tiny nano-instruments are. Difficult to issue.

President Ellis' complexion changed, and he reached out his hand to interrupt the voice transmission, and picked up the confidential phone with the other hand, asking the security to check the White House thoroughly. There are countless confidential documents handled here every day, and there must be no mistakes.

This is Alexander Pierce's countermeasures. Take the upper-level route and let the federal government come forward to suppress the Avengers. He can hide behind and reap the benefits of the fisherman. He has a gun to use, so why rush up by himself.

Since the establishment of the Avengers Alliance, Hydra has realized that this organization hinders them from ruling the world, and began to let Hydra members continue to criticize the Avengers Alliance for various reasons in parliament and other occasions:
For example, fighting caused damage to buildings, casualties, ignoring the law and blatantly killing people, ignoring international laws and rules, and entering and leaving countries at will.
Anyway, it's just a nitpicking, almost writing 'I don't like them' on the face. Being so maverick, it really attracted a group of voters who didn't like the Avengers and cheered for it.

But now, with the leak of a large amount of confidential information, Alexander Pierce didn't care to hide it. First, he diverted his attention and made the Avengers have no time to worry about breaking the news. kind.

And far away in the contracted Avengers Building, in a specially remodeled room, Kuaiyin was wearing big sunglasses, and with an expression of unwillingness, he was pulling a black metal ring on his ankle with all his strength, but no matter how hard he tried, Can't take it off.

"Don't waste your efforts, this is specially made for you, and the cost is not low." Greer's voice sounded at the door, and then the alloy-cast automatic door slowly opened.

The moment the door opened, Kuaiyin habitually used superpowers to rush out, but before he could take a step, the black anklet released a strong current, which instantly spread throughout Kuaiyin's body, shocking him outside. Nen Lijiao fell directly to the ground, convulsing all over.

This is a device specially made by Stark for Kuaiyin to limit his superpowers. As long as Kuaiyin uses superpowers, the built-in miniature ark reactor will release enough current to overturn the human electricity, knock the human electricity to the ground, and assemble There are positioning systems, vital signs monitoring systems, etc., with very comprehensive functions.

The paralyzing current is fleeting, and the voltage and current are just right, so that the person will be knocked down without being too outrageous and embarrassing, and the control of the body will be restored after hesitating on the ground for a few seconds.

But the anger in Kuai Yin's heart's soaring!Teng! He climbed up, wearing anklets like a beast, wearing a face full of anger, got up, threw all his strength, and punched Greer.

But his punch full of anger was caught by the "enemy" with great ease, and then he turned around, lifted the other hand, and pushed back, Kuaiyin flew into the air, fell backwards, and was caught Throwing back on his bed.

'boom! ' With a sound, the bed frame trembled violently. Only a thin layer of mattress was used to absorb the shock. He fell so fast that he almost couldn't hold his breath. His speed was comparable to that of a rocket, but his body was no better than that of a rocket. No matter how strong a mortal is, otherwise he wouldn't be killed by bullets. This heavy fall was really heavy.

"Can you explain, what is the deep hatred between you and me?" This is something Greer wanted to know very much. Ever since he caught Kuaiyin, the kid showed extreme hatred for him, which surprised Greer quite a bit. Didn't their siblings become Stark black all their lives because of the 'Stark' marked on the bomb?
How did you become yourself?Could it be because he was accidentally injured in the battle at Fort Budd?Did they get their superpowers because of that?

Greer wanted to know the answers to these questions, so he came to ask, and of course he didn't expect the young Kuaiyin, who was in the rebellious period, to answer.

Kuaiyin, who was stunned by the fall, stood up, and the sunglasses on his face slipped off in the shock just now, revealing a devastated face. Instead of getting up immediately, Kuaiyin reached out to touch the sunglasses in a panic, and finally Put it on at a fast speed, then turned around, and continued to attack Greer with his eyes.

Greer ignored him, took out the tablet in his hand, clicked on it, and said: "It's okay, you don't need to answer, let me tell you, I found the Goddess of Death in Fort Bud a few months ago. Hella's trail.

Let me introduce Hela to you. She has always wanted to invade the earth and devour all life on the earth to make her stronger. A quarter of London was swallowed up by unknown black grass, and nearly a million people died. She did it of.

I had a big fight with her in Fort Bader, and you also saw how fierce the battle was at that time. I couldn't be distracted at all. If I didn't kill her as soon as possible, it wouldn't be Fort Bader that would be destroyed, but the whole of Sokoway Metropolis will be swallowed like London.

You and your sister?I'm sorry to be affected, but I have no choice. If I show that I care about you innocent people, Hela will take you as hostages, which will cause more serious consequences. I think you should be clear about this.

This is not to let you choose to forgive, but to let you understand the situation at that time. I just have power beyond ordinary people, not an omnipotent god. Many times, I have to make a choice. I can only choose to protect everyone. most people. "

While speaking, Greer also called up the video data about Hella, put the tablet on the table, and said: "The information related to Hela is all here, if you have time, you can take a look, and The organization that treats you as a test subject is Hydra, not S.H.I.E.L.D., and there are information about these two organizations in the tablet.”

Greer turned around and was about to leave, but seemed to think of something again, turned his head and said, "Don't worry, we won't lock you up for a long time, you can go out after a while, if you have anything, If you want to tell your loved ones, you can inform Jarvis, oh, just call him on the tablet."

After saying this, Greer really left, and the automatic door made of alloy closed again, but Kuaiyin didn't go out again, he knew that he would definitely not be able to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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