The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 785 Public Opinion War

Chapter 785 Public Opinion War

If the name is not right, the words will not go well. In everything you do, you must be famous. Even the US emperor has to take care of washing powder as a reason to start a war. Otherwise, it will be very immoral and unruly. Even if you succeed Will pay more or less.

Otherwise, why would there be people who deal with the demon sect, and they don't have to follow the rules of the world; evil demons are heretics, and everyone can be punished. They always have to find a reason to do it.

This is the battle of public opinion. First occupy the moral high ground, and then use the saint's standard to demand others, so that you can become a righteous person and criticize people who do not meet the saint's standard.

Ever since, after deciding to start attacking Hydra, Jarvis launched the first wave of offensive that had been planned for a long time-the public opinion war, that is, to use all kinds of true and false remarks to discredit the opponent.

Turn the opponent into a public enemy of the whole people. In this way, the people who don't know the truth will not become friendly troops, and they may follow the group to attack and participate in the "carnival" together.

What's more, this public opinion war is aimed at Hydra, which has been doing a lot of evil. It has the database left by Howard Stark, and Stark, who has been monitoring Hydra for a long time, is against Hydra. Don't know too much about snakes.

Throwing out one casually is enough to shock the world, and this time, Jarvis released nearly a hundred pieces of truth about S.H.I.E.L.D., replacing Nick Fury's death and Alexander Pierce's position. A wave of concepts turned into an assassination case caused by internal power struggles.

Various insiders risked their lives to break the news and reveal the real S.H.I.E.L.D.
Hundreds of news generated tens of thousands of press releases, translated into more than 100 languages, and distributed in every forum, post bar, and social network that Jarvis could connect to. World-class hot news.

The biggest reason is the exposure of the mysterious S.H.I.E.L.D. After the contract war, although the appearance of the Avengers attracted worldwide attention, it led to the legendary S.H.I.E.L.D. The pictures and videos are all black-clothed agents haunting the ruins, thinking that they are members of the most mysterious and terrifying intelligence organization in the world.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has since become an urban legend, but now the urban legend has become true. The videos, pictures, and articles published by Jarvis are too detailed, and even directly marked the latitude and longitude coordinates of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

It also lists the armed forces owned by S.H.I.E.L.D.: a large number of armed agents, ground special forces, the most advanced Quin-style fighter team, space carriers, authority to launch missiles, and the right to operate in more than 100 countries
Let everyone know how powerful this intelligence organization is. The FBI, CIA, and MI[-] combined are no bigger than a thigh of S.H.I.E.L.D.If you are not convinced, do you have an air force capable of nuclear strikes?Do you have the only space carrier in the world?
Yes, Stark unceremoniously gave a detailed introduction to the fact that SHIELD ordered the launch of nuclear bombs during the battle of the contract to bring Manhattan into the era of nuclear peace, and also announced the aircraft number and pilot details of the nuclear missiles. , and a five-second video of a Quinjet fighter jet launching a nuclear bomb.

The world is boiling, and the survivors in Manhattan are angrily wanting to take their guns and bomb this S.H.I.E.L.D. agency. They are being invaded by aliens. They didn't say they came to save them, but they actually wanted to launch a nuclear bomb to kill them all. No one can stand it.

Just adding fuel to the flames, the entrance of the Twisting City Hall was crowded with protesting crowds, demanding the mayor to come out and announce the truth, not to mention Trident Headquarters, curious people and protesters were about to block the only two bridges , so that S.H.I.E.L.D. had to raise the baffle, hold a gun as a deterrent, and prevent people from entering.

The action of deleting posts and suppressing trending searches has been going on all night, but I deleted one and ten more, and I can't delete them all, not to mention that many news media who only think it's not a big deal got involved, and quickly reported it. Bureau.

Overnight, the search volume of this word in the world has increased by hundreds of thousands of times. Everyone is eager to learn more about this huge organization. Some bloggers who live broadcast the Trident headquarters across the river in Huashengton Special District are paying attention. Doubled up, attracted more people to live broadcast and shoot.

Alexander Pierce looked angrily at the dark crowd by the river, which he could see clearly from such a distance, and the civilians who were constantly intercepting the civilians who were trying to land by boat on the river. He just reported that he had captured more than a dozen civilians who had dived in.
Every piece of news made Alexander Pierce's blue veins throb with anger. Thousands of civilians gathered around the headquarters of an intelligence organization. How abominable.

There is an eternal saying that peers are enemies.

Compared with the CIA and FBI, S.H.I.E.L.D. has too much money every year. The rich make people envious, and it is not surprising that the envious people do anything. Although it is not enough to criticize each other, but it is dragging its feet and saying bad things. But it's too normal.

Now SHIELD is in trouble, let alone helping those guys, it is already very kind if they don’t get into trouble, that’s right, until now Alexander Pierce feels that there must be FBI and CIA in all the posts that can’t be deleted this time force.

As an old man who is already in his twilight years, sleep is very important, but he was woken up by an emergency communication last night, told that the S.H.I.E.L.D. Explain the situation, consult with the MPs, and discuss with other senior leaders of HYDRA.
He was so busy that he hadn't closed his eyes for fifteen hours, but the extreme anger dispelled his fatigue and made him full of energy, his eyes were burning, and he pondered over the question in his mind for more than ten hours: "What the hell is going on?" Who is running S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Such a detailed exposure is definitely not something that ordinary organizations can do. The first thing that comes to mind is the rise of the elusive hacker organization. Those guys take the responsibility of exposing the truth all day long, without considering how much impact or even harm the exposed event will cause.

But it was immediately denied by his subordinates that the Rising Tide organization was not enough to break through the firewall of S.H.I.E.L.D. In the past, it could only grab data from the data stream, and it was absolutely impossible to achieve this level.

Therefore, Stark, who can easily break through the firewall, is listed as a major suspect. Who made him have a criminal record? Back then, on the space carrier, he quietly broke into SHIELD and captured information about the Rubik's Cube. It was so memorable.

Since the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D., this is the first time that someone has been so bold internally to engage in your information openly, so don't be too arrogant.

But if it is Stark, what is his purpose?
Everything has a purpose, even if it is beating someone, the most LOW reason is that he is not pleasing to the eye, never said, there is no reason, just want to beat someone, he spread it.

The first thing that came to mind was the information sent by Baron Strucker yesterday, saying that he lost a superpower, and found out that Stark had set up a factory in Puerto Rico to hide his ears, and after capturing the superpower he sent , immediately evacuated.

Because in the evening of that day, Baron Sterak worked hard to gather a group of people, and rushed in with full armor, but they were all empty. There was nothing in it. It was almost a different place from the full cargo hold photographed by the police.

Such a flaw is simply to tell you on purpose that there is a problem here, but what is the problem?Take a guess.

So this big bug made people wonder if it was a factory built by Stark under a clever name, or if someone did it on purpose, otherwise, with Stark's cleverness, how could he not even cover it up? Don't do it, just leave an empty warehouse.

Because of such an obvious flaw, Alexander Pierce hesitated. From the first floor to the fifth floor, he had already developed to the tenth floor. He was dizzy and couldn't think of a reason, and then broke out S.H.I.E.L.D. exposed the crisis, and he had to hold an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with it.

Before this matter was settled, new things happened again, and each one became bigger and bigger, which made Alexander Pierce tired of dealing with it. He brainstormed with his subordinates and Hydra's senior management for a long time, and discussed several new things. countermeasures.

First of all, it is impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to hide anymore. There are too many exposures. Even the headquarters of the Trident has been surrounded as a tourist attraction. It is simply announced that it exists, so that Hydra can openly recruit personnel, and then conduct training. (Wash) train (brain) and become one of them to replenish the manpower lost in the past few years.

There are advantages and disadvantages to the announcement. There are many advantages, but there are also many disadvantages. First of all, the person who exposes it. The other party will definitely not just expose the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D. Understand the purpose of the other party, and catch that person.

All the staff of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra on vacation were notified to return to work, especially the technical department, which was required to be on call [-]/[-], to delete posts and find out the location of the person who spread the news.

Of course, Tony Stark, who is a major suspect, is also being closely monitored. The external signals and optical cables of the entire Manhattan are closely monitored. Hundreds of drones have also been launched to intercept communications with satellites. The spies, also regardless of the risk of exposure, find everything connected to the Avengers Tower network.

It can be said that the Avengers Building is monitored in all directions and three-dimensionally, and even 1k of data cannot escape the supervision of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After such a big battle, I just wanted to find out whether it was initiated by Stark. If not, then you can rest assured, but if it was that, it would be a big deal. Maybe Stark discovered something. It is very likely that Baron Strucker knew about Hydra, as Baron Struker guessed.

Time was passing by bit by bit, and more and more idlers were watching the Trident headquarters. However, with the assistance of the National Guard and the police who arrived one after another, the agents further expanded the security zone, preventing people from approaching the river bank, and Repeated warnings: Forcibly breaking into the secret area, you will be held accountable, and you will go to prison to pick up soap and a series of serious consequences.

The emergency meeting between the White House and the Congress has also been discussed, and it is agreed that S.H.I.E.L.D. has gone under the sun, but there is no way to stop it. There are too many exposures, and continuing to keep it secret will only make it more troublesome.

Human nature is such that a generous full exposure is rather boring, while a covert bikini attracts more attention.

The situation is calming down, and the curious onlookers gradually dispersed amidst the sound of warnings. The online discussion on S.H.I.E.L.D. was also attracted by S.H.I.E.L.D.'s public press conference.

Yes, S.H.I.E.L.D. held a press conference, introduced in detail the functions of S.H.I.E.L.D. and what it has secretly done for mankind over the years, and listed the number of agents who were injured and sacrificed for it. The contribution of the shield board came up, playing the emotional card.

For example, the Bermuda Triangle was solved, the Avengers Alliance was summoned and organized to fight against the aliens invading the earth, a heroic attack in Canada, and a fight with the dark elves, countless agents sacrificed for this, and the credit is unknown.
It caused many emotional people to shed tears. They did not expect world peace to be silently guarded by these retrogrades.

Just when the press conference was in full swing, dozens of images quietly appeared on social networks such as forums and post bars around the world as before. assassination case.

There are many characters in these videos, wearing clothes of different ages, but most of the videos have the same five figures, and they are all the ones who shoot the gun, killing one person after another, including celebrities and scholars whose identities are kept secret.
The most recent image in the timeline is the assassination of Nick Fury, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the assassination of the president, which clearly shows the characteristics of the assassin: the metal arm painted with red five stars.

In addition to these influences, there are also assassin accomplices released this time, and they are all agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the surface. Photos and detailed identity information are all hung on the Internet by Hongguoguo, and anyone can browse, download and save them. The above clearly stated that these assassinations were all led by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Big news, big news that explodes, big news that shatters the world.

The scene of the press conference that was still orderly just now was chaotic in an instant. All the reporters got up and scrambled to ask why S.H.I.E.L.D. is with the assassins. Is the largest intelligence organization a terrorist organization?
The spokesperson was stunned, staring blankly at the speech and the room full of surprises, not knowing what to say, just repeating like a repeater, "slander, absolutely impossible, this is fake news".
Alexander Pierce was going crazy, yelling hoarsely, asking the technical department to delete these videos and materials immediately, and yelling at them why they haven't found out who released the information.

He was terrified, and his body was trembling with fear. These materials were all Hydra's secrets. Why were they posted on the Internet?
Now it is certain that the other party must know the existence of Hydra and they are coming for them. Now it is to connect the assassins with S.H.I.E.L.D. Both SHIELD and HYDRA have become enemies of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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