The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 754 Mourning

Chapter 754 Mourning

Jarvis, the most powerful artificial intelligence in the world, quickly completed the translation of these ancient texts and converted them into easy-to-understand texts, so that everyone present could understand Karma Taj's explanation and interpretation of multiverses and dimensions. definition.

Asgard divides the territory into nine realms, and believes that these nine worlds are constantly turning on the world tree. Every thousands of years, the nine realms will be connected in a line, and every overlap will bring Come big change.

In the last overlap, the dark elves withdrew from the Nine Realms, and Asgard became the master of the Nine Realms, but this time, the dark elves were completely destroyed and became history, and Asgard has now declined to the point of near extinction.

And Karma Taj's multiverse theory originated from Asgard, which can also be called the theory of multiple spaces. Outside the earth, the large space is comparable to the universe in which human beings live, and the small space may still be Not as vast as Australia.

There are all kinds of creatures living in a part of multiple spaces, and their forms of existence may exceed the scope of human imagination. Zhang’s strange shape is a very normal thing, and some of them don’t even have entities, such as Dormammu, whose body is terrible magic The elemental state composed of flames.

Just like the Nine Realms, there is more than one place where multiple spaces touch each other. If these spaces are compared to residential areas, then the earth is at one of the crossroads. Many people and cars pass by every day, but not all of them People and cars have to pass by, otherwise ten Ancient One mages will not be able to withstand the attack of countless spaces.

Therefore, the real threats to the earth are the different dimensional spaces near the earth, especially the dark dimension. What Domamu thinks about day and night is to break through Kama Taj's defense network and let the dark dimension swallow Earth.In this way, he who was once a human being can return to his hometown in fine clothes instead of traveling at night in fine clothes.

The Avengers who had a serious "video conference" sat or stood, listening to Greer holding up a simple magic book, explaining the multiverse, Kama Taj's long-term protection work on the earth, and the face of the earth. The threat from the multiverse and more never heard before.

As cutting-edge scientists, Stark and Bruce have not studied this aspect, but they have heard and understood it more or less. They can generally accept Greer's theory, and they can express their opinions from time to time, or Talk to each other in a low voice.

Rhodes and Rogers, who came from the military, were like scumbags who listened to high-level mathematics. As for Peter Parker, who was still a college student, he couldn't close his mouth. He just came to Greer to discuss the Christmas party. , Why did the lecture begin? The lectures were about the multiverse, the era of magic, and the protection of the temple. It made Parker feel that he just wanted to catch a fish, but a rabbit flew up when he threw the hook. He was really caught off guard. Defend.

He usually fights against petty theft, and occasionally chases criminals with the contract-breaking police. What is great is to fight aliens, but now he is lucky, jumping directly to a different dimension, which made Parker look down at the spider web on his wrist Launcher, I can't help but wonder if the spider silk has any effect on other forms of life in different dimensions.

If it doesn't work, he can only fight with his fists, or find a way to develop a spider silk launcher that can attack its elements, or think of other ways?
As a good neighbor of Twist City, Peter Parker has already started to think about what he should do if these creatures from different dimensions invade the earth.

The goose feather snow outside the window is slowly weakening until it stops completely, and the people in the room have also completed the reshaping of the world view. Greer's narration finally let everyone understand what it means that the world you see is not real world.

It involves many aspects of knowledge such as soul, space, and mind. People who listen to it are in a fog, feeling that they have lived in vain for decades without even seeing the world clearly.

Stark listened to the class, unknowingly drank up a bottle of wine, threw the bottle on the ground, looked at Greer who was talking endlessly with a ruddy face, and suddenly said: "Then how much is the earth?" What about the mage?"

Greer, who was explaining Dormammu, paused, thought about it seriously, shook his head, and said, "I haven't paid attention to it, probably not many, mages have extremely high requirements for talents, and this alone will put most people They are all blocked at the gate of the wizarding world.

After entering the sect, the speed of learning magic varies from person to person, and one year can be as fast as other people's lifetime. All in all, a mage is a very talented profession. "

"Oh!" Stark nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He just got up and went to the bar to get a bottle of wine. He's really a scumbag for someone who concentrates on listening to the class.

After giving the Avengers the knowledge about multidimensional space, Greer really started to say what he really wanted to say. Otherwise, these Avengers who have never experienced it may not be able to understand multiple time and space, parallel universes, time hijacking, etc. Of course, it is talking about people other than Banner and Stark.

They are not required to be proficient, as long as they can understand what Greer is talking about, and if they cannot solve calculus, at least they know that it is calculus when they see the problem.

Greer put the thick magic book on the table, picked up a stack of messy photos next to it, and lined them up so that the lens could clearly capture the dozen or so messy photos. While sorting, While saying: "I went to Hong Kong today, in order to develop these photos."

Others stretched their necks to look at the photos shown by Greer. They looked at each other in dismay after seeing them. They couldn't describe these photos with the word 'ugly'. If they copied them with oil painting techniques, they could directly participate in the abstract painting competition. Obviously this is not There is a problem with the shooting technique, but a problem with the camera.

"Develop photos? Did you go to the second-hand market to find an old antique?" Rhodes thought about it carefully. The last time he developed photos, he was still a fledgling recruit. He took a photo and sent it home. This vocabulary can be put into history. Museum too.

"No, this is a camera someone left for me," Greer put the decade camera hanging around his neck next to the photo, and said, "Rocky, who claims to be from 2012, is a courier, and by the way, he sent me from Thanos. rescued from his hands, and handed over the camera to me at Warnerham."

"Who left it for you?" Rogers sat up straight at once. Greer's origin has always been a mystery. Neither S.H.I.E.L.D. nor Jarvis could find any clues. For the highest level tasks.

I have never heard Greer say who he knew before he appeared, but now he actually said 'someone left something for him', which made Rogers think that this might be the key clue to solve the mystery of Greer's life experience, not to mention It involves Rocky from 2012 in Greer's mouth.

This person who could not be sure of existence made Thor, who was looking out of the window with a gloomy face, come over and enter the mirror, which shows that he still cares about Loki very much.

"I don't know who he is, but it must be a life beyond our cognition. This camera brings a memory. My Kamen Rider Transformer is what he left behind, so that I can save this A universe on the brink of destruction."

Rhodes turned his head and whispered in Bruce's ear, "I heard this story when I was a child."

Bruce smiled, glanced at Rhodes, did not speak, and continued to listen to Greer's story.

"I said yesterday that the space-time hijacking plan of the Avengers of another time and space, their infinite gem collection plan, created a large number of new timelines, one after another, more and more intertwined timelines, making this universe Overwhelmed and on the brink of destruction."

Stark was pouring wine into his mouth. He stopped when he heard this, put down the bottle, thought about it seriously, and said, "Have they found a way to bypass the grandmother's paradox?"

"Infinity gems, each infinite gem represents a kind of cosmic rule, they take the infinite gems from the original time and space, and they will create a timeline that does not know where to go, so this unknown high-dimensional life body wants to support The rules of the universe have changed from six infinite gems to ten elements, so as to prevent the abuse of infinite gems and lead to the destruction of the universe."

"Did he succeed?" Rogers only cares about this, and the others are not important.

"He gave me the task." Greer took out the decade driver, threw it on the table casually, and said, "This is my novice gift package, the Kamen Rider decade summoner."

"Sounds like a game?" It was Rhodes who said this.

"Almost, rewards for completing missions. That's how I got my Knight Cards one by one. It's a very good way and very attractive. I'm looking forward to how big the rewards will be for me when I complete the final mission." Greer said. Resting his chin on one hand, he stared at the magenta Neo decade driver on the table.

He said some things selectively, and did not share all the secrets. He knows that there are people who have been trying their best to investigate his origin and purpose. Now I will tell you, believe it or not?Can you find it?Headache go.

Thinking that many people would rack their brains to list all kinds of possibilities and conduct hundreds of pages of analysis because of his words, Greer felt extraordinarily comfortable. The best way to relieve depression is to put If you distribute it to others, many people will be more depressed than yourself.

"So your ultimate mission is to save this universe?" Rogers' expression was quite thought-provoking, as if he hadn't gone to the bathroom for a week. The partners said proudly: The world is waiting for me to destroy, so please enjoy today's snacks.

Greer was drawing cards out of the knight card box, fiddled with the knight cards one by one, and said without raising his head: "Let the infinity gems return to their original positions, and make the split timeline disappear."

Rogers pondered for a few seconds before asking, "What about the people on the timeline that disappeared?"

Greer paused as he sorted out the cards, then he put the cards of the Demon King's Sword in his hand into the weapon stack as if nothing had happened, and said, "I don't know, I just realized that moving the infinity gems will have such serious consequences."

Rogers turned his head to look at Stark and Bruce, the smartest of the Avengers, and realized that these two people were also frowning and thinking about how the new timeline was created, how the people and things on it appeared, and why Put the infinity stone back to its original position and it will disappear, how did it disappear, and where did it disappear.
There are too many questions like this, so many that the two of them doubt whether the split timeline really exists. The current technological tree of mankind, let alone branches, has not even developed a tree bud towards the timeline. Any relevant scientific theories.

The illusory timeline, if you want to study it, you don’t know where to start, it’s more than introducing smartphones to medieval people.

Bruce and Stark looked at each other, and they both saw bewilderment in each other's eyes. This is a subject they have never touched before. Science is a very rigorous thing, and you can't make assumptions out of thin air. Calculated to get it.

But now, just a few words from Greer, without any data, is far from enough to confirm that the timeline really exists. As for moving the infinite gems, the timeline can be split. Well, Stark and Bruce believe Greer, but Science is not about believing.

So the two looked at each other for a long time, and could only temporarily put aside and asked about tasks, rewards and other easy-to-understand topics, but Greer didn't know much, and basically said everything he could say.

The "factory manual" opened by the decade camera is not much at all. It simply told Greer about his origin, abilities, and tasks. He didn't involve too much in other things, as if he was afraid of too much extra memory. Will have an effect on Greer.

But even so, Greer's heart is still extremely heavy. Anyone who knows that he is an experimental subject will not be able to laugh it off. Thinking about it in conspiracy theory, since it is an experiment, is it possible to observe and fill in the experimental records somewhere?

That's why Greer told Stark and them to see what would happen if he told the secret. Don't the black hands behind the scenes generally like to engage in mystery?Then declare it to the public.

Greer's lecture time is over, and the rest of the time is for other people to ask in detail, but most of the questions are beyond the scope of Greer's knowledge, and he has basically introduced the answers that can be answered.

In the end, Stark, who was flushed from drinking, asked Greer to send the photos and the camera. He studied it to see if he could find anything. Greer packed the camera and photos and threw them to Peter Parker. Let him go.

The balcony door opened, and the hooded Spider-Man jumped up with a camera backpack in his hand, dragged the spider web, and swung in the direction of the Avengers Building.

PS: Remember every ordinary and great life.

In 2020, a quarter has passed, and too many major events that will be recorded in history have happened.

Suffering will eventually pass, and I believe the future will be better.

May the mountains and rivers be safe and sound, and hope that everyone in the world is safe; may the dead rest in peace, and hope the living will work hard!
This great country has never lacked brave people.

(End of this chapter)

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