The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 753 The truth of the world

Chapter 753 The truth of the world

The twisted sky is filled with clouds as thick as lead blocks, and snowflakes are falling from the sky. When Greer left, there were only sporadic snowflakes, but now it is snowing heavily. Looking around, the world is a vast expanse of whiteness. other colors.

This gloomy weather is very similar to Greer's state of mind at the moment. After knowing his own origin and solving the confusion for many years, Greer can't be happy at all, and his mood is even heavier.

Lying on the balcony with a gloomy face, let the cold wind and snowflakes blow on his face, so that the cold and low temperature can keep him calm and awake, otherwise he might want to smash something to vent his depression and inexplicable anger in his heart.

It was snowing all over the sky, and Greer was covered with a white snow quilt in a short while, but Greer didn't realize it, and his mind was full of thinking about the 'truth' he knew half an hour ago.

Thanos' threat has not yet found a solution, and it is known that the universe is facing the threat of destruction, and because of the time-space hijacking plan of the Avengers, they desperately want to save their lost partners, so they will give up on themselves. life, jumping off a cliff.

But the result is sending this universe to the west, truly explaining what it means for a "little person" to change the big world, and the main reason is the six infinite gems representing the rules of the universe. Maybe this is the boy who can't see who wants to change the universe s reason.

It's like the nuclear launch button is picked up by a child, and it can change the world with just one click, so he wants to change this, in case such an important authority gem is used casually by others, causing drastic changes in the universe, and even on the verge of extinction .

I understand, I understand, but Greer is still in an extremely bad mood. He is actually an experimental product, worse than a grandson monkey. At least he was raised by nature, but he is also arranged for his future life. The only thing to be thankful for is himself. There is no magic spell.

But the destruction of the universe is more uncomfortable than the curse, at least the curse is uncomfortable for a monkey, and once the universe is destroyed, all the lives in it will die instantly.

Perhaps this is why the other party sealed the memory of the mission, first let Greer walk in this world of mortals, make friends and lovers to identify with this universe, then, even if he knows the inside story, he has already established a bond with this universe, lovers and friends The safety of your life is the best magic spell. In order to protect these friends and lovers, you will do your best. You don't need others to talk about it, you will do your best.

In the room behind her, Daisy looked at Greer, who had almost turned into a snowman, with great concern. It seemed that Greer was just a human being, but his soul was lost in the universe.

I said a lot of inexplicable things in the Avengers Building last night. This morning, I suddenly ran to Hong Kong Island before dawn. I sat on the top of a building for several hours and brought back a lot of confusion. A photo that looks like an abstract painting.

Returning to the appointment in a trance, he stood on the balcony and continued to be in a daze. He almost saw the snow scene blooming, so he was short of engraving "I have something on his mind" on his face. Daisy wanted to know very much. What happened to the universe to make the cheerful Greer become like this.

While the north wind was whistling, a happy voice came out from the snowflakes all over the sky: "Hey, buddy, you look very unhappy, tell your troubles to your good neighbor Spider-Man."

Accompanied by these words, a thin silk thread pierced through the snowflakes and stuck to the wet wall, and then a festive red Spider-Man broke out of the encirclement and hung upside down on the wall less than two meters away from Greer by the spider silk. meters on the wall.

"Parker, why are you here?" Greer squeezed out a very forced smile.

"I heard you're back." Spiderman jumped down lightly, hugged Greer, and led him into the room, saying as he walked, "Christmas is coming soon, why don't we hold a special show for the Avengers?" Party, sure to be popular.

The citizens still like the Avengers very much, but there are not many opportunities to get in touch with them. Christmas is a good opportunity to let everyone know more about us. If the support rate is high, there may be a chance to run for governor. "

Talking like a spiderman, he made the silent house 'warm' again. He walked into the room in two or three steps, took off his headgear, and threw himself into the sofa without looking outside, stretching out comfortably. Lazy, said: "It's still comfortable to lie down, running around in the winter, I'm about to catch a cold."

After receiving the cup of tea from Daisy, Parker hurriedly thanked him, and then saw a large stack of abstract painting-like photos scattered on the table, and asked strangely: "What is this?"

"Our world." As Greer spoke, he raised his right arm, and the magic power surged, gathering into a compound magic circle, and then the snowflakes on his body flew up, and he went out along the wide-open balcony door, and then the balcony door closed by itself. The cold and snow are kept out.

"Our world?" Parker put down the teacup in his hand, picked up one of the photos, and looked at it for a long time before his eyes, but he couldn't see any meaning from the fragmented building. It couldn't be saying 'the world is broken' ?

Greer, who finished clearing the snowflakes, looked at the worried Daisy and Parker who came here on purpose. No matter what happened to him in the past, now he has someone he loves and someone who loves him, and there are many friends who have made life and death. He was saved, even if Jesus came.

"Yes, this is our world." Greer stepped forward, held Daisy's slightly cold hand, smiled at her, pulled her to sit down, turned on the holographic projection device, and Jarvis connected, then picked up a confused photo, and said: "The world we see with our eyes is very small and small, but the real world is very vast, and if we look at it with our hearts, we can"

Before Greer finished speaking, Stark's voice came from the holographic projection device: "Are you talking about the four-dimensional space?"

Following the sound, Stark with a glass of wine appeared in the holographic projection, followed by Bruce in a white coat,
"Well, it can be said that way," Greer nodded, and said, "If the space in which human beings live is called the universe, then countless spaces make up the multiverse. There are a lot of different spaces living in many spaces. In the races of human life forms, there is also a chance that there will be strong people who can travel through space and even dimensions in these races.

Some with good intentions, some with malice.

The dark dimension ruled by Kama Taj's greatest enemy at present, Dormammu, is one of the multiverses. He is committed to engulfing the surrounding space to expand the dark dimension. "

Greer said, took out a thick magic book, opened the chapter introducing the multiverse, and let the camera shoot clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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