The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 740 Wangxiang Terrace

Chapter 740 Wangxiang Terrace

It's just that the big green guy in front of me and the Hulk on the earth now have changed a bit, abandoning the king
However, Thanos felt that there was a big gap between this big green man and the Hulk on Earth now. There was no Chibi, but he was very civilized wearing a set of black and gray tights woven with special fibers.

His face is gentle, not vicious at all, with a lot of gray and white stubble growing on his chin, and his painting style has changed from animal world to cartoon. Not only is he not scary, but he is so amiable that he wants to take a photo with him. From the crazy and violent Hulk Hao Ke turned into the polite and affable Dr. Green Bruce Banner.

When Banner saw Thanos, he immediately stepped forward to block Romanov behind him, clenched his casserole-sized fist, and said, "Nat, go get the gems, and I'll deal with him."

As he said that, Banner stepped forward with his legs and rushed towards Thanos, causing Thanos to snort coldly, and walked forward, also clenched his fists, ready to beat this fellow of the same strength type , One is to vent the anger in the heart, and the other is to avenge the other self.

During this period of time, he was in a very bad mood, and his subordinate Ebony Maw had other ideas about his plan to wipe out half of the universe, and then died.The two daughters who have been raised for more than ten or twenty years are all deliberately trying to sabotage his plan.He didn't get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which he thought was inevitable, and finally came to the location of the soul gem, but someone got there first, feeling that everything was not satisfactory.

The woman who was guarded by two giant men did not retreat, but drew out her weapon almost at the same time. Romanov held two special short sticks made of alloy, and Gamora also drew out two The short sword observed the opponent from a distance of nearly a hundred meters in the middle.

Just at the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, a black smoky rag suddenly floated down from above, and a hoarse voice came from it, which sounded like a villain: "Welcome to Vormir, Thanos, Gamora , Romanoff, Banner."

Thanos and Hulk stop at almost the same time, surprised that the rag floating in the air can accurately say their names.All four people's attention turned to this piece of rag floating in the air like a ghost. The whole body was filled with black smoke, and the sky was dim, so they couldn't see clearly at all.

You can only vaguely see two exposed hands and a head in the hood, and your legs are completely hidden in the black smoke. It is impossible to determine whether there are legs, but this appearance, combined with the black smoke around you, is indeed very suitable for pretending to be a ghost.

Thanos stopped and asked, "Who are you?"

"A cursed poor man." The ghost said mockingly, his words were full of desolation.

"You know us?" Banner didn't rush forward hastily, but stepped back, standing in front of Romanov, watching this inhuman ghost vigilantly.

"The curse prevents me from leaving here forever, but it also allows me to understand anyone who comes here." The ghost was talking, but suddenly got stuck, looked up at the cliff in front of the left, and said, "Why can't I understand you?" ?”

"Huh?" Question marks appeared from all four people present, who couldn't understand, didn't they already call out the names of the four people?So the four of them followed the ghost's eyes to look at the unpretentious rock. Two seconds later, a hand stretched out from below, grabbed a protruding rock, held it hard, and poked out his head.

Gamora exclaimed, "Greel, why are you here? Where's Quill?"

She thought that Quill didn't give up and ran back, insisting on saving him, or that Thanos broke his promise and didn't let them go.

Greer, who just showed his head, was also stunned by the situation on the top of the mountain. Gamora and Thanos expected it. After seeing the Zita Swiss soldiers guarding the foot of the mountain, he also confirmed that Thanos climbed the mountain. It was this mountain that he was looking for, so he quietly followed.

What happened to Hulk and Black Widow?How are they here?Could it be that Stark has invented a spaceship that can span galaxies?
Hulk bent down and whispered in Romanov's ear, "Greel? Is he Greer? The man Stark and Thor talked about?"

"I don't know!" Romanov kept the vigilance of the agent, and he couldn't relax or be careless at any time, especially here in the universe, so he had to be more careful.

Greer climbed up and watched Hulk and Romanov whispering, always felt that the style of this painting had a taste of Beauty and the Beast, and Hulk looked a little weird, like eating dumplings with a knife and fork. Mix hot dry noodles with ketchup, eat steak with chopsticks, and drink red wine with a mug.

Could it be that these two are from another universe?Thinking about it this way, the doubt can be explained.

Then counting this, it is three infinity gems. After a while, kill Thanos with the power gem, so that they can also bring back the power gem and the soul gem, so that Stark in another universe only needs to find reality Gems, can save the other half of life that was wiped out by Thanos of their universe.

Greer was thinking mentally, and suddenly heard a hoarse voice from a piece of black cloth in the middle that was blown by the wind: "Why can't I understand you?"

"Huh? Who?" Greer looked along the voice, and the rags surrounded by black mist were floating towards this side. Greer immediately knew who it was, the unlucky Red Skull, who was sent away from the earth by the Rubik's Cube Not to mention, still trapped in Vormir, guarding the soul gem, but can only look at it but not touch it. This is simply moving Wuzhishan to Pantaoyuan as a rockery, which can kill a monkey in a hurry.

What does it mean that he can't understand?
I remember that this guy's curse can make him understand everyone who comes here, but he hasn't called out his name until now, but has been saying these strange words all the time. Could it be that he can't understand himself?

It's strange, Greer is a little confused, even Thanos can be seen through by the Red Skull who is blessed to stop the BUFF, is there anything special about him?
"Quiel and the others should be fine and should be in a safe place. I'm here to find the truth." Greer said, took out the PSP (K-Touch) from the pocket of the windbreaker, and showed it to the Red Skull. Asked, "Have you seen it? Tell me, and I can tell you why you cannot understand me."

Shrouded in black smoke, the Red Skull glanced at the K-Touch that Greer held in his hand, seemed to recall it for a while, and then said: "The last person who took away the Soul Gem, what was left when it was returned, later A group of people broke into here, and some of them were killed by the dementors, and the rest fled in a panic. Unfortunately, if they went any further, they would have the chance to take away Vormir's most precious treasure, but they only took Take what's in your hand."

"Soul gem?!" Thanos' eyes were a little bright, and the soul gem was indeed here, and nothing happened.

"Dementor?" Greer heard a new term.

The Red Skull seemed to laugh, but the laughter sounded like teeth grinding, and then said: "The Soul Gem is the most special one among the Infinity Stones. It may be called a kind of wisdom. It takes a heavy price to get it. Those who return in time will be engulfed by it, and will eventually turn into monsters, returning to the kingdom of death in a daze, wandering here all their lives, and will pounce on and devour their souls like wild beasts when they see creatures, leaving their bodies to rot and become Vormir's nutrient."

Gamora and Thanos finally understood why a large number of Chitauri suddenly lost contact, apparently being attacked by dementors.

Greer wanted to be quiet a little bit, the amount of information revealed in the few short sentences of the Red Skull was a bit large, and the soul gem required a huge price, he knew this, but why did a dementor pop up again, in the original movie Is there such a thing?

And the soul stone needs to be returned in time?Do other gems have this setting?But Stark and Thor in another universe said that Thanos in their universe directly destroyed six infinity gems, and they must not be returned. Can the punishment mechanism of becoming a soul-eater be activated?
In other words, only my own unrecognizable Marvel Universe has this setting.Wait, Red Skull said that the PSP was left by the last person who returned the gem, so did he see someone?

Thinking of this, Greer hurriedly asked, "Have you seen the person who returned the gem?"

"I'm only responsible for guiding people who come here to look for soul gems. I can't even leave the mountain. You don't need to go here to return the gems." Red Skull shook his head, his words were full of loneliness, and then said: "I have already answered your question. Three questions, it's up to you to answer me, why can't I understand you?"

"Uh" Greyton was speechless for a moment, and the ghost didn't know the reason. How could he know why? He made a wrong wording, and said, "Because I, like you, was forced to exile here from other places. The difference is that I The range of activities is relatively large.”

"You know me?" This time it was Red Skull's turn to be surprised. He didn't tell his background. Compared with his appearance, he looked like two people. What's more, his body was covered by black mist, so he couldn't see him at all. Why is this man? A look of knowing everything.

"John Schmidt, the leader of Hydra, Red Skull, do you want another name?" Greer's words successfully aroused the shock of Red Skull, and made Romanov and Hulk's eyes widen in shock .

"I kind of believe that you are also a cursed person." The Red Skull took off his hood as he spoke, revealing the terrifying face that could stop a child from crying at night. It was even more terrifying than the Red Skull in World War II, with no eyeballs in his eyes , there were only two wisps of light left, and black smoke was still coming out of his mouth when he was speaking, which made people wonder whether the black smoke all over his body was caused by the accumulation of smoke from his mouth.

"You're still alive?" Romanov's words were full of disbelief. Captain America came to the new century frozen 70 years ago. Unexpectedly, his old opponent, the Red Skull, also survived in this ghost place.

"Alive? Do you think I'm still alive?" Although it's rare to see a true 'citizen', Red Skull doesn't feel any joy at all. It's called returning home when you're down and out, and it's not good to hang out outside. , The most feared thing is to run into acquaintances.

Thanos' complexion has become extremely bad since they started 'chatting', and it is getting worse and worse. Seeing that Hulk and Romanov are also joining the reminiscence session, he finally got angry: "Where is the soul gem?"

When he was speaking, he had already reached out and picked up an iron plate on his back, and shook it vigorously, 'Shua! With a soft sound, it spread out and turned into a tyrant's butcher's knife. He is bound to win the soul gem, and everyone else is a competitor.

"Follow me." The Red Skull turned around and walked towards the sky. Greer and Hulk moved almost at the same time, and rushed towards Thanos at the same time. This tacit understanding made them both a little dazed, and turned their heads to look at the running The other party who was watching reached an agreement with their eyes to 'stop Thanos'.

Greer ripped off his coat with his right hand, revealing a silver-white metal belt. With his left hand, he took out a knight card from the knight card box, and quickly inserted it into the decade driver on his waist:

"Form Ride agito Shining!"

The ruby ​​in the center of the decade drive lighted up, and it was particularly conspicuous in the darkness. The moment the agito pattern was formed, Greer also put on a silver armor, and he had already turned into Kamen Rider Agito's shining form.

Hulk, who was closer, had already rushed in front of Thanos, and Thanos swung the tyrant's butcher knife and slashed at him. Hulk hurriedly dodged sideways and punched him with a backhand punch, but was caught by the tyrant who was as wide and thick as a door panel. The butcher's knife was blocked, and the blow made a 'duang' sound.

Greer leaped tens of meters high, a large amount of energy gathered, forming a coat of arms with six overlapping horns between Greer and Thanos, Greer passed through the middle, and the coat of arms gathered energy On the right foot, Thanos sprinted toward Thanos, who punched the Hulk back.

The movement in the air made Thanos turn his head, and Greer was falling rapidly. The tyrant's butcher knife swung over and blocked him like a shield, allowing Agito to kick him right in the middle. The scissors bent Thanos' arms, and his feet slid backwards on the ground like iron plows, grinding out a layer of stone powder.

The men were fighting, and the two women ran to the Red Skull, asking in unison: "Where is the Soul Stone?" Looking at each other at the same time, Gamora hurriedly said: "Thanos threatened me with Quill and the others." ,So I"

"I know you, Gamora, Rocket has told me a lot about you." Romanov put away the short stick in his hand to show no hostility.

"You know Rocket?"

Romanov nodded, turned his gaze to the Red Skull who was still floating forward, and followed, and Thanos also slashed with the tyrant's butcher knife, repelled Greer, and rushed over, but Hulk Bumping over, forcing Thanos to fight, he was entangled for a while.

The Red Skull seemed to be unable to see this, or was used to watching the fights caused by the Infinity Gem, and said while floating forward: "The Soul Gem needs to be sacrificed, one soul for another, love for love."

"What?" Romanov didn't quite understand the mechanism.

The Red Skull passes through a line of sky, and the front suddenly opens up. A platform with a length and width of more than 30 meters is like a viewing platform. From here, you can overlook the scenery far away. The mountains are undulating and sparkling, with snowflakes and clouds falling overhead With wisps of light shining through, the scenery is extraordinarily beautiful, just like the Wangxiang Terrace approaching from a high place.

(End of this chapter)

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