The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 739 Hulk and Natasha

Chapter 739 Hulk and Natasha
In the dream, walking and stepping on the ground, no matter how soundly you sleep, you will wake up instantly, and then find yourself lying on the bed, and then take a long breath, close your eyes and continue to sleep.But if it wasn't in a dream, walking and suddenly stepping into the air, it would scare people half to death.

Now Greer and the others are very honored to experience what happens when they suddenly step on the ground. Several people are walking and crawling, the pipe suddenly disappears, and they are in free fall collectively. The four of them fell down without any resistance.

Sister Mantis screamed subconsciously, but just as she opened her mouth, her butt landed heavily on the ground, breaking into eight petals, and then the scream turned into a cry of pain.

Greer's first reaction was a trap. When he was in the air, he stretched out his left hand to his waist. As soon as he touched the knight card box, before he had time to push it away, his feet touched the ground, and he fell seven or eight meters. The area of ​​the 'trap' is about twenty square meters.

As soon as the card was taken out, the small room moved violently, like a car that started suddenly, shaking everyone to the ground, and then, like a kicked football, it spun up and down, left and right, causing the inside The four people and one bear rolled together upside down.

However, the dizzying tumbling only lasted for two or three seconds and then stopped, replaced by weightlessness. It can also be said that weightlessness prevents everyone from hitting the wall or colliding with each other in the room that is still tumbling. At this time, four people and one bear Observe where they are at leisure.

The boxy metal cabin is not big, but there are a small amount of well-wrapped food and drinking water in the corners, which seems to be an emergency escape cabin, but how did they get in here?
"We seem to be in space?" Rocket Raccoon judged a wave based on the weightlessness, otherwise, the artificial gravity system of Temple II has failed.

Quill fixed himself with one hand, looked out through the thin ship window, Temple Two was getting smaller and smaller, obviously they were moving away from the spaceship, turned around and asked, "What did you do?"

He highly suspects that Rocket Raccoon, who was leading the way, triggered something that caused them to be thrown into the escape pod and exiled into space.

"I didn't do anything." Rocket Raccoon also looked at a loss, he walked normally, and then fell into the escape pod collectively, and why is the escape pod entrance of Temple II connected to the ventilation duct?Shouldn't normal people be placed in the hallway?
Greer changed another card, quickly inserted it into the decade driver on his waist, and said, "I'll go out and stop the escape pod."

As soon as the words fell, the decade driver at the waist reflected the dragon rider's pattern, and with the voice of "Form Ride Ryuki Survive!", he instantly put on the fire-colored Kamen Rider Ryuki Survive Armor, and jumped into the mirror Space, jump out again, already in the void of the universe, and an escape capsule behind him is going away.

Greer immediately drew a card, replaced the armor on his body with the cosmic form of Kamen Rider Fourze, clicked the No. 1 astronomical switch pattern on his chest, activated the rocket thruster, quickly caught up with the tumbling escape pod, and controlled the rocket thruster. Output power, maintain the same speed as the escape pod.

First adjust on the side, so that the escape pod no longer spins endlessly like a yo-yo. After the escape pod stops rolling, fly to the front, touch the escape pod, slow down a little bit, and let the escape pod slow down until Speed ​​returns to zero.

I didn’t push the escape pod back. It’s too stupid to do so. No spaceship will throw the escape pod for no reason. After contacting and walking in the ventilation duct, the alloy plate suddenly disappeared, and then fell into a sealed space, and was exiled again. .

Let Greer wonder if they were discovered. After all, it is someone else's ship. You think you are cautious, but in fact, you may have been discovered long ago. It is too easy for the other party to set traps on their territory, but being thrown into the universe, It's definitely not the other party showing mercy, especially Thanos.

The contact here is that Vormir and Thanos like to use relatives and friends to threaten people to take out infinite gems. When the escape pod was thrown into the air, several donuts escaped from Temple II and flew to Vormir, allowing Ge Riel boldly guessed whether Gamora exchanged the soul gems for a few of them, and then followed Thanos to get the soul gems.

Greer returned to the escape cabin, and while drawing the space door leading to the Milano, he expressed his guess. Quill immediately became impatient, and immediately wanted to go to Vormir to find Gamora, but was dragged away by Rocket Raccoon. Stopped, said: "This is just Greer's guess, what if Gamora is still in Temple Two?"

"And don't forget Yondu and Starhawk, they have all experienced the horrors of Vormir first-hand." Greer warned Quill, lest he get overheated because of Gamora, and take the whole team into it.

Quill remained silent. The journey of the first generation of predators to the kingdom of death ruined a large number of companions, causing the team to be torn apart, and the Star Eagle made a painful choice, and their team was only a few people, and they couldn't make a fuss at all. Together, one carelessness, maybe all of them will stay there.

Greer had already opened the space door, and signaled others to board the Mirano as soon as possible, saying, "I'm going to Vormir, you guys find a way to keep the Mirano away from Temple Two."

While speaking, the Asahi Heron flew over through the space door, was caught by Greer, threw it to Rocket Raccoon, and said quickly: "Take this, I found Gamora, and I will use it as the space coordinate point , to send the two of us back, so you try to keep the Milano away from the Temple II as much as possible."

After finishing speaking, Greer pushed the dawdling Quill into the space door and closed it without hesitation. In the escape pod alone, he restarted the rocket thrusters and began to accelerate the escape pod. of Vormeer.

Quill was almost pushed down, turned around, but saw that the space door had disappeared, and there were a few shouts in the communication channel, but the communication with Greer was not connected, but Rocket Raccoon threw the Asparagus Heron to him rationally. Drax himself jumped into the driver's seat, tapping the button quickly, and shouted, "Quayle, unlock the Mirano, it's time for us to play a game of peek-a-boo."

"Huh?" Quill, who was dazzled by love, reacted a few beats later. Rocket Raccoon was about to start the engine, and he realized what was going on. They had already been discovered, otherwise they would not have been exiled to the universe. Before Milan Nuo Hao has been hiding on Temple No. [-], which is considered dark under the lights.

Once they sail away by boat, Hongguoguo will be exposed, and what will greet them next will be the attack of various weapons and the pursuit of the fleet, and what they have to do is to flee to a safe place by boat as soon as possible, otherwise Gray I found Gamora in Vormir. Without a spaceship, it was more terrifying than not being able to find an oasis in the desert.

Quill, wearing a portable spacesuit, had just separated Mirano from Sanctuary II, when Mirano's engines suddenly lit up. Obviously, Rocket Raccoon had started the spaceship, so Quayle was so frightened that he quickly used his rocket boots to fly away. Enter the Milano.

As soon as he grasped an armrest, before he touched the button to close the cabin door, the four huge propulsion engines sprayed out ion beams tens of meters long, and the powerful thrust brought by them made the Mirano jump out all of a sudden. Well, even if Quill was a little slower just now, he would have been thrown off. He was so angry that he almost cursed.

The hatch of the Mirano was slowly closing, Quill saw through the smaller and smaller gaps in the door, cannons drilled out one after another from the opposite Temple II, facing the Mirano Just opened fire and was apparently spotted.

"Oh!!" Rocket Raccoon yelled, eager to rush to the face of the weapon operator of Temple No. [-], and said loudly, "I am a space pilot engineer, don't try to hit me." Such arrogant words, but He did have the capital of arrogance, driving the Mirano as nimbly as a swift, dodging the attack from the Temple II.

Seeing that the Milano was flying farther and farther, the Templar II decisively released several fleets to eliminate this unidentified spaceship.

The chase in the universe has just begun, but Vormir's chase has been going on for several minutes. Greer, who fell at the end, is still pushing the escape pod as a cover, and the Thanos troops at the front have already landed in the dim Vormir. Mill ground.

As a well-known death country in the universe, the surface of Vormir is infinitely beautiful, surrounded by clouds and mist, and mountain peaks are looming, and there are rivers and lakes of different sizes on the undulating land. The light like the morning sun penetrated from the clouds, and the thick clouds sprinkled snowflakes, adding a different color to this black land. Such a beautiful scenery makes people linger.

But when you really set foot on Vormir, you can realize its horror. It’s too quiet, you can’t hear the birds and insects. Obviously, the water source on the ground is abundant, and the temperature is not very low, but you can’t see even a single grass, not even moss. The real forbidden zone of life .

Thanos did not respond to the silence, and directly ordered his subordinates to search for ruins and other things. A large number of Chitauri set off on flying motorcycles, flying in all directions like locusts crossing the border. Thanos sat quietly, waiting for their news.

But all that came was bad news. One after another, the Chitauri teams lost contact for no reason, and the team that went to search and investigate also disappeared. Gamora with a stiff face finally laughed: "This is Vormir, no one can leave alive."

"Leave alive." Thanos, who was annoyed, seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised his head, followed by a smile, and said, "No, someone left alive."

Immediately afterwards, Thanos searched in the database, as if he had determined a certain location, so that all the Chitauri who could still be contacted should go here, and it was a long waiting process, one after another. The Tauri team suddenly lost contact, and Thanos' face changed accordingly, until the last team sent back a photo: a towering mountain, with thick clouds covering the mountainside, and its altitude could not be seen clearly Exactly how much, but with so many Chitauri teams, the real-time monitoring images that have been sent back have not found a second mound with a height of more than [-] meters.

It's as if this towering mountain peak "absorbed and smoothed out" all the protrusions in other places, and only then did it create such a dangerous peak.

Thanos turned his head and said to Gamora whose face turned cloudy again: "It seems we found it."

While Gamora was silent, the donut spacecraft that had been parked in outer space started, passed through the thick atmosphere, and landed at the foot of the mountain. It was not because he didn’t want to go directly to the peak, but because of the thick clouds surrounding the mountain. Blocking the prying of all detectors, like a shy virgin who does not want outsiders to see her face.

Shrouded in clouds and mist, visibility is extremely low, and the chance of hitting the mountain is simply too high. Therefore, Thanos can only give up the idea of ​​going straight to the peak, and take Gamora from the foot of the mountain, climbing up step by step. The Tauri people waited below and guarded the spaceship.

The difficulty of climbing the cliffs is not so high, not to mention the wind and snow all the way, the black stone cracks are filled with white snowflakes, and if one slips accidentally, it will be the abyss, leaving a long scream , and then fell to pieces.

But this dangerous road, for Thanos and Gamora, the famous father and daughter in the universe, is like walking on flat ground. Ordinary people run several times faster.

Obviously looking in from the outside, this mountain is shrouded in thick clouds, but looking around from this mountain, there is no smoke in all directions, as if the smoke has disappeared, allowing people to have a glimpse of the beautiful scenery of Vormir, just tell the doctor' You can eat whatever you want' or in TV dramas where you always eat steamed buns without oil, and the jailer suddenly brings chicken, duck and fish, which makes people feel quite horrified.

And such a magical scene made Thanos more sure that this must be the habitat of the soul gem, and Gamora was praying that Thanos would not find the soul gem.

The two people with different thoughts climbed to the top of the mountain silently all the way. As soon as they looked forward, they saw two cuboid stone pillars standing side by side on the ground with a height of [-] meters. The sun' hangs in the center of the stone pillar.

But the two did not appreciate the beautiful scenery, but stared at the two people who were walking towards the sky, one tall and one low, a man and a woman, and the same one was empty-handed and the other was carrying a sword, and the other was full of muscles. More than two meters, a thin but proud figure.

If it weren't for the different clothes on their bodies and inconsistent backs, both Thanos and Gamora would have the illusion of another self in front of them.

Then, the movement from behind made the two people walking in front turn their heads, and they saw the tall Thanos in the dark golden armor at a glance, and they exclaimed almost at the same time: "Thanos?!"

And Thanos also recognized the two of them: "Hulk, Black Widow, Avengers? No, the Avengers of another universe, it seems that the soul stone is indeed here."

Ever since he got the news of the future, Thanos asked people to collect information about the combinations that could cut off his head. He knew them well, but he didn't expect to see another Avenger who killed him here.

(End of this chapter)

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