Chapter 727
Sister Mantis was about to fire the second cannonball when she saw General Deathblade rushing towards her aggressively. In the direction of the ion cannon, the arm trembled like shaking a sieve.

But before she could turn the ion cannon to the position with great effort, General Deathblade's warblade had already slashed over. The mantis girl, who had never fought before, had a blank mind, her legs went limp and she collapsed to the ground, her eyes widened. Seeing the dark golden war blade slashing over, it split the ion cannon and the stone as large as the door in half, almost beheading her.

"Hmph!" General Deathblade snorted disdainfully, and was about to step forward to kill this cowardly guy who hurt Proxima Dark Night, when Gamora yelled from behind: "Put it down!" weapon, or she will die." Accompanied by Anye Proxima Centauri's painful moan, obviously trying to suppress her pain.

General Deathblade hurriedly turned around, only to see that Gamora, who had several small wounds on his face, was holding Proxima Dark Night firmly with one hand, while the other hand was holding a dagger across her neck. With a little force, the neck of Proxima Centauri can be cut open.

Gamora saw General Deathblade looking over, and repeated it again: "Put down the weapon, or she will die." While speaking, the hand holding the short sword moved slightly, and it was easy to draw on the neck of Proxima Centauri There is a line of blood.

General Deathblade's anger was beyond words, holding the warblade tightly with five fingers, almost pinching the metal handle to print his handprints, but the body was very honest and did not move, for fear that with a shake of Kamora's hand, he would shake the dark night Proxima Centauri The neck was cut open.

Gamora's chest rose and fell violently, and she held the only hostage tightly, staring at General Deathblade without daring to blink, and shouted: "Drax, bring the Rockets here."

The Milano has been destroyed, and the only way to do it now is to use the spaceship of General Deathblade, and once on board, you can use the weapons on it to attack General Deathblade and the others, so that they can wait for Star Lord and the others to come back.

The rough-skinned and thick-skinned Drax was able to get up after being bombarded twice, but blood was oozing from his mouth and nose. It was obvious that the shock wave had caused serious internal injuries to him. He picked up the badly injured Rocket Raccoon and helped him. Looking at Groot, bleeding from his body, he limped towards Gamora step by step, and greeted Sister Mantis: "Go, come here."

Sister Mantis stared in horror at General Deathblade, who was so angry that he could explode on the spot, she scrambled and crawled away from him, and rushed towards Drax, while Gamora stared at General Deathblade stubbornly, moving slightly , her sword will move accordingly, and then there will be a small wound on Proxima Centauri's neck.

Repeated this several times, General Deathblade finally didn't dare to move anymore, but Gamora didn't dare to be careless, and said to Mantis Girl and Drax who ran over without looking back: "Pick up her sharp gun, open the spaceship tractor beam."

Mantis Girl walked towards the sharp gun lying at Gamora's feet, and asked, "What should I do?"

Before her words fell, the donut spaceship shot down a beam of light, which instantly landed less than ten meters away from Drax, and then shot out an 'anchor' with a long iron chain, hitting the Drax's chest.

The huge impact force made Deklaas grunt, his chest was slightly sunken, and he flew backwards and fell heavily on the ground. Rocket Raccoon and Groot in his hands all flew out and rolled on the ground He was stained with plaster all over.

"What?" Gamora was shocked when she heard the movement, and turned her head, only to see the anchor-like weapon being dragged back by the chain, and a tall and mighty man stepped out from the tractor beam, who was no more shy than the Hulk .

The sturdy body is covered with a piece of simple armor, which is not the armor that wraps from head to toe like General Deathblade, but just wraps the important parts of the body, with long chains wrapped around the wrists, and a complicated anchor in his hand Such a variable weapon is the black dwarf.

Not only was Gamora surprised to dispatch four generals to catch her, even General Deathblade was shocked by Black Dwarf's appearance here, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you here?"

Holding the long anchor, Black Dwarf walked towards Gamora step by step, and said in a low voice, "Master asked me to bring Gamora back."

General Death Blade said with a gloomy face, "We can."

It's just that before he finished speaking, he was roughly interrupted by the black dwarf, "No, you didn't do it."

"Stop, put down your weapon, or she will die." Gamora turned her lower body, and 'showed' the Proxima Centauri in her hand to Black Dwarf, threatening the Black Five generals with the strongest strength, the highest defense, and the tallest figure. A big brat.

As expected, the black dwarf stopped, but he threw out the long anchor in his hand, and rushed towards Groot who was closest to him. The end opened like an iron claw, grabbed Groot, and then the chain quickly Shrunk back and brought Groot back with him.

The long anchor was like iron pincers, holding Groot tightly, held up in the air by the black dwarf, and said in a low voice: "He will die too."

General Deathblade's eyes lit up, and he immediately became enlightened. He suddenly raised the war blade in his hand, and sent a command to the donut spaceship, so that all the weapons and equipment on the donut spaceship were opened, aiming at Rocket Raccoon and Mantis Girl on the ground. They, said: "They will all die."

Carpet bombing if there is a disagreement, the meaning is very clear, if you kill Proxima Centauri, all your partners will die.

Seeing that Gamora's hand holding the short sword trembled slightly, Proxima Centauri sneered, "You will never escape the palm of your master."

The black dwarf slowly tightened the anchor, and the squeezed Grant's broken body made a sound when the branch snapped, 'click!Click! ’ sound, the chest that was stabbed before was stabbed stubble, and it was about to be crushed to death by the black dwarf.

Anye Proxima Centauri said weakly, "Do you think we are afraid of death?"

This sentence completely defeated Gamora's last insistence. She has been with Thanos for so long, and she knows very well what the virtues of the Dark Order, including General Obsidian, are a group of desperadoes. Take life seriously, let alone your own life.

It would be fine if only General Deathblade was around, but if He Dwarf was there, the value of Proxima Centauri Dark Night would be greatly reduced. Black Dwarf would never care about Proxima Dark Night's life, but she couldn't ignore the lives of Groot and the others.

Rocket raccoon propped up the ground with its short paws, enduring the severe pain in the abdomen and trying to get up. Mantis girl stood at a loss, her face full of panic, she didn't know what she could do, and Drax was covered in blood. , stood up unsteadily, his chest heaving violently, carrying a stone grabbed from the ground, and smashed it at the black dwarf.

Gamora raised his head abruptly, and growled at General Deathblade: "Let them go, I'll go with you, otherwise"

As he said that, the short sword in his hand pressed against the neck of Proxima Centauri, and Proxima Centauri made a muffled groan, and the blood from the wound gushed out, causing General Deathblade to take a step forward, and nodded to Black Dwarf .

Reluctantly, Black Dwarf flicked the long anchor aside, opened the iron claws, threw Groot aside, then walked towards Gamora with the long anchor, and General Deathblade also walked towards Gamora, and said : "The master gave us an order to take you back, I can let them go."

Gamora also knows that it is very unreliable to hand over her life to human beings, but she has no other choice. If the stalemate continues, Groot will be crushed to death by the black dwarf.

The donut spaceship radiated a beam of light, covering Gamora and Proxima Centauri, and then Black Dwarf and General Deathblade also walked in, and quickly shrank back amidst Drax's angry shouts, bringing the four of them back. Inside the donut spaceship.

Sister Mantis ran towards Groot with her sore legs, but seeing Grant, whose body was mostly broken, was at a loss, not knowing how to deal with the injury, but Groot still grinned at her and smiled. , the only arm that was still intact was propped on the ground and wanted to sit up.

Drax limped over with Rocket Raccoon in his arms, his eyes were still angrily staring at the donut spaceship that started to circle in the air, wishing he could rush up and drag the spaceship down, but he didn't even talk about guns, even knives lost.

Except for the mantis girl, all the people present were injured by the shock wave of the explosion, and it was difficult for them to walk normally, let alone continue to fight with others. Intellectually speaking, Gamora's exchange is very profitable, but emotionally But it made them feel extremely angry.

The donut spaceship began to rise towards the sky, but the mantis girl found that the weapons of the spaceship had not been retracted, and then several of the cannons lit up, and they were about to launch an attack.

"Danger!" Mantis girl yelled in horror, causing everyone to look up. The donut spaceship that had flown several kilometers dropped several bombs and fell towards the ground.

Drax cursed loudly, lifted Rocket Raccoon with one hand, and grabbed Groot with the other, trying to take them away from the center of the explosion as much as possible, so as to increase the hope of surviving.

But this old, weak, and disabled man ran too slowly. Groot's wrinkled face, like withered bark, showed a smile, and his body quietly spread out, and the branches were re-woven into a shield, blocking the behind Drax.

In the donut spaceship flying towards outer space, the dagger in Gamora's hand was dragged away by General Deathblade, and Proxima Centauri took two steps forward to break free from her grip, kicking Kamora without hesitation. The kick flew and hit the bulkhead of the spaceship heavily.

Then Proxima Centauri stretched out her hand, and the sharp gun on the steel floor flew back into her hand, starting the attack procedure, causing Gamora to roar, "No!"

But as soon as she jumped up, the long anchor in Black Dwarf's hand was thrown over, grabbed Gamora who jumped up, wrapped her upper body, and rolled to the ground in embarrassment, her arms could not move, and she could only use her arms to kill her. His eyes stared at Proxima Centauri.

The armor on Proxima Anye was covered with blood, and she was a little weak due to excessive bleeding, but she still stood leaning on the sharpshooter, stared at Gamora disdainfully, and said, "If the master didn't want to see you, you would have died long ago. "

Because Thanos wanted to keep Gamora alive, they went to fight, otherwise they would blow the spaceship and Gamora to pieces directly in the air, so there would be so many follow-ups.

"I will definitely kill you." Gamora roared hysterically. If the eyes could attack, then these three 'black men' would have been riddled with wounds, but they were tightly held by huge iron claws. Her threat His remarks sounded extremely ridiculous.

Proxima Dark Night didn't care about Gamora's powerless threat at all, and was about to continue attacking, but almost capsized in the gutter. For Proxima Dark Night, it was a great shame. If Gamora wanted to bring it to his master, if he couldn't move, he would kill him. Her companion vented her anger to relieve her hatred.

But at this moment, the dark red planet below suddenly changed violently, and there was a "rumbling" sound from below the ground. With this sound, the ground shook violently, causing the gravel on the ground to jump several meters high. .

In this violent tremor, there seemed to be many strong gravitational points on the dark red earth, attracting the surrounding soil and rocks to gather together, and the surrounding ground collapsed downwards into deep pits, and in an instant, a diameter of one root was formed. The stone pillar, which is hundreds of meters high and nearly [-] meters high, is wrapped with countless fine luminous bodies inside and outside.

In an instant, the planet turned into a hedgehog, or a satellite with countless antennas, sending messages of unknown shape and frequency towards the universe.

The sudden change stunned the Obsidian trio on the donut spaceship, leaving Gamora's companion aside, walked to the window of the ship, and looked down at the suddenly changed planet below.

At this moment, dozens of luminous bodies shot out from the top of a stone pillar, quickly gathered together to form a giant cannon, and fired a beam of light towards the donut spaceship.

The light beam hit the energy shield of the spaceship, bursting out raging flames, shaking the entire spaceship, and then more luminous bodies sprang out from the top of the stone pillars, entangled with each other to form giant cannons, scaring Proxima Centauri into panic. Make the spaceship accelerate away.

They have already caught Gamora, and it is a matter of time to bring it back to Lord Thanos. There must be no more troubles, but they took pictures and marked the abnormality here, and sent it to Temple No. [-], and handed it to Thanos Master Si decides whether to send more fleets to check here.

The donut spaceship gradually moved away, and on the edge of the deep pit created by the bomb dropped by the spaceship, two people and a bear lay crookedly, surrounded by a large number of almost charred branches.

Dozens of branches are attached to the back of Drax, who is protecting Rocket Raccoon and Mantis Girl with his hands open, and his original shield-like shape can barely be seen.

At the moment of the explosion, Drax hugged Mantis Girl and Rocket Raccoon to his chest, and Groot, who was scattered into a tree shield, protected Drax's back. Under the joint action of the two, the explosion hit Rocket The injuries of the raccoon and mantis girl were minimized, but the outermost Groot was almost blown to pieces, and Drax's back was also severely scalded, bleeding from all the orifices and unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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