Chapter 726

"Get ready for the most rubbish landing." Rocket Raccoon's roar came from the cockpit, with two short claws tightly grasping the spaceship and engine control levers, trying to maintain the balance of the shredded spaceship with its wings blown out .

The damaged two wings were burning with raging flames, as if adding a pair of flame wings to the Mirano, but these flame wings were burning the Mirano, causing huge damage to it, making the Mirano look like a fireworks tube Yes, sparks everywhere.

With the efforts of Rocket Raccoon, by adjusting the jet engine on the belly of the ship, he finally recovered his balance before the impact, no longer tumbling up and down, left and right, and then hit the barren red ground heavily, making a "bang!" ' A loud bang.

The bumpy ground was knocked out of a huge depression, kicking up a large amount of dark red soil, and then the Milano bounced like a ball, broke through the dark red dust curtain, drew a parabola in the air, and fell again on several ten meters away on the ground
Every time it hits the ground, Rocket Raccoon will activate the jet engine in the belly of the ship to weaken the gravitational potential energy. After repeating this many times, the only remaining jet engine is overwhelmed and sparks, and then strikes, but it leaves scarred, broken The battered Mirano finally stopped.

Multiple impacts deformed the hull of the ship, and most of the ship's window glass was shattered into slag, leaving only the glass window of the cockpit, but it was also full of cracks, and bright electricity burst out continuously in many places inside and outside the spacecraft Sparks looked extremely miserable, and compared to the scrapped cars in the car scrapping factory, they were not much better.

In the Mirano, several people were shaken by the strong impact, dizzy, and smashed by parts and tools flying everywhere, but when the Mirano finally stopped, everyone endured it. Painful and dizzy, he gritted his teeth and untied the seat belt, and walked towards the outside of the boat with three steps.

This ship has crashed, it's worse than a scrap iron shell, and they must get out quickly, otherwise they will be blown to pieces along with the ship with a few more lasers.

The hatch had been deformed. Drax kicked it several times before kicking it open. Holding a huge ion cannon, he walked out first, aiming left and right with the gun, but only saw the barren The red earth, no flowers, no trees, no rivers and waterfalls, and before entering the underground space, it is simply two worlds.

The others also rushed out. Rocket Raccoon was the last one to come out. The small pocket was bulging, obviously stuffed with a lot of things he thought were important.

"Let's go!" Gamora glanced left and right, and led the crowd towards the nearest mountain pass, trying to hide, otherwise, they would only become living targets in this wilderness.

But just as they started running, there was a rumbling sound in the sky. Looking up, a dark golden donut spaceship was flying towards this side, shooting a thick beam of light towards the ground, illuminating several people On the ground ahead, Gamora and the others had to stop.

Then two 'men' wearing black armor walked out of the light beam. There were many golden stripes painted on the man's armor, and he was holding a double-edged halberd in his hand, which looked similar to Greer's storm halberd. Kind of similar, but dark gold in color.

Another long-haired woman was holding a spear in her hand, with three long sharp thorns at the end, exuding a bright blue light. They were the two generals under Thanos, General Deathblade and Proxima Dark Night. Expressionlessly stopped in front of Gamora.

General Deathblade stepped forward, with an extremely bad attitude and a rather gloomy tone, and said, "Gamora, come back with us."

"That depends on whether you have the ability." Gamora has already pulled out two short swords, and made a fighting gesture against the two people standing in front. There is nothing fancy, only if you win May leave.

"I don't know how to live or die." Anye Proxima snorted coldly with disdain, suddenly raised the sharp gun in his hand, pointed the end at Gamora and the others in front, and fired three brilliant beams.

Groot roared in a rough voice, and when the opponent raised his hand, he bent down, and his arms were deeply planted in the ground. A large number of tree roots rolled up the earth and rocks, forming a thick stone wall, blocking several In front of the person, the light beam hit it and exploded, smashing the stone wall to pieces.

Among the flying dirt and rocks, Rocket Raccoon jumped up, stepped on the back of the bowed Grant, jumped up again, and shot at General Deathblade and Proxima Dark Night with the gun in his hand. General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri ran up, waving their weapons to intercept the incoming bullets.

Drax was about to follow suit, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the bewildered Mantis Girl, threw the ion cannon in her hand, and shouted, "Hide."

Then he drew out his two beloved short knives and strode towards the enemy. He didn't see the ion cannon thrown by Mantis Girl, but was bent over by its weight and almost fell to the ground.

Gamora, who was running at the front, fought with General Deathblade, and met Proxima Centauri at the rear. The short knife and the sharp gun collided with each other, making a crisp metal clashing sound, and then the fierce battle began.

One is an agile assassin and the other is an agile fighter. They fight extremely fiercely. The sound of "ping ping pong pong" can be heard endlessly. Small pieces of earth and rocks that accidentally fall will be torn to pieces by the sword energy immediately when they get involved. The fight is very lively.

General Deathblade and Drax belong to the force-shaped "Berserkers", each move is opened and closed, and one deep footprint after another is printed on the ground, all of which are suppressed by the huge force of the duel. .

It's just one inch longer and one inch stronger, and the war blade is more than twice as long as the dagger. The opponent can slash at will, but he needs to take two steps forward to touch the opponent, which makes Drax suddenly lose the wind.

Drax roared and jumped forward, stabbing General Deathblade with the dagger in his hand, but he took a step back and swung the blade in his hand, slashing at Drax in the air, but at this moment, the underfoot The ground suddenly bulged, and several branches sprang out, entangled General Death Blade.

Almost at the same time, several shells hit the chest that was wide open because of the upward cut, 'Bang!boom! 'The explosion exploded, splashing bright sparks, and the General Deathblade, whose feet were entangled, lost his balance and fell backwards. , On the contrary, Drax's double knives stabbed the Death Blade General who was falling towards the ground.

Dark Ye Proxima noticed the danger of General Deathblade from the corner of his eye, and pushed his arm forward, pushing Gamora back, flipping his wrists so that the tail of the sharp gun faced General Deathblade, and fired three beams , hit Drax, Groot and Rocket Raccoon directly.

The sudden beam of light shattered the siege of the three of them. Drax was dragged aside by Groot's outstretched arm, avoiding the beam attack, and General Deathblade, who was falling backwards, waved his hand, and the war blade slashed across Ankle, easily severed several that bound him, put one hand on the ground, and dodged a series of shells from Rocket Raccoon who flew up with a jetpack with a backflip.

General Deathblade was safe and sound, but Gamora seized the opportunity and strode forward, and the dagger in his right hand stabbed at Proxima Dark Night like lightning, causing Proxima Dark Night to retreat in a hurry, waving his god The gun blocked the stabbing dagger.

'Ping! With a crisp sound, bright sparks burst out from the collision of the sharp spear and the dagger, and Gamora's left hand slashed from below, and Proxima Centauri had to retreat again, letting the dagger almost rub against her breastplate And passed, a shallow trace was drawn on it.

Just when Proxima Centauri thought he had dodged Gamora's double blows, he saw that Gamora let go of the dagger against the sharp gun, bent his left knee and knelt down, causing Gamora's body to tilt to one side , a small, exquisite and beautifully decorated metal object slid out from the sleeve of her right arm, and she held it in her hand. Two sharp blades popped out from both sides, and slashed diagonally across Proxima Centauri's belly.

'Chila! With a sound, the tough metal armor was cut open by the small and exquisite double-edged sword, and the cold edge touched the skin of Proxima Centauri, making her whole body chill. If she hadn't stepped back just now, she would definitely be killed Disemboweled.

Even so, a gap several centimeters deep was opened in the abdomen of Proxima Centauri Anye, and green blood gushed out all at once, causing Proxima Centauri Anye to groan in pain.And Gamora was unreasonable, and the bent left leg exerted force, causing Gamora to bounce up, and the dagger in his left hand was drawn towards the neck of Proxima Centauri.

"No!" General Deathblade roared angrily. Regardless of the three people in front of him, he threw the warblade in his hand without hesitation to prevent Gamora's fatal blow.

The sound of breaking through the air behind her forced Gamora to jump aside, otherwise, even if she might cut Proxima Centauri's neck, she would be hit by the war blade thrown over. After all, Proxima Centauri had already retreated, unless She ran the risk of being pierced, otherwise it would be too late.

General Deathblade prevented Gamora's fatal blow, but took several bullets from Rocket Raccoon and exploded on his body, and Drax also took the opportunity to attack with a short knife, causing General Deathblade to roll on the ground in embarrassment Dodging, but was tied up by the roots of Groot jumping out of the ground.

Dark Ye Proxima clutched her belly, blood gushed out from between her fingers, filling her with anger, she clenched the sharp gun tightly in her hand, and issued an 'attack' command to the donut spaceship above, a circle with a diameter of 400 meters The outer armor of the ring-shaped spaceship was opened, revealing a full range of weapon launch ports.

Several of the cannons launched an attack immediately, and several energy bombs fell, pointing directly at Kamora and the others who were about to pursue. The bomb that fell from the sky made the four of Kamora rush to the side, and before they could take two steps, The bomb had landed and exploded with a bang.

'boom!boom!boom! '

The deafening explosion echoed on the dark red ground, and a column of flames rose tens of meters high. The terrifying shock wave caught up with Drax and the others in an instant, and they were thrown more than ten meters high and fell to the ground tens of meters. outside the ground.

General Deathblade, amidst the explosions one after another, suddenly exerted force with his arms, breaking off the tree roots that bound him, and with a wave of his hand, the warblade automatically flew back into his hand, full of anger, striding forward rushed forward.

After taking a few steps to run up, stepping on the ground with both feet, the body leaped high, and the sharp blade pointed directly at the Rocket Raccoon who was struggling to get up below. Just now, this guy had been flying in the sky and attacking with guns, which greatly restrained the dead General Blade, so that he can't deal with Drax and Groot with all his strength, as long as he kills the long-range shooter, Dashu and Berserker, it will be easy to deal with.

Rocket Raccoon is head-scratched 'Boom!hum! 'Yes, I fell down again, and my whole body was in great pain. Just as I opened my eyes, I saw a black shadow descending from the sky, and there was a sharp blade gleaming with cold light in his hand.

I don’t know where the ion cannon in his hand was blown up. Rocket Raccoon wanted to activate the jetpack and let himself slide away on the ground, but the jetpack didn’t respond. Obviously, the explosion just now caused the brain wave sensor or jet There was a malfunction in the backpack, which could usually be repaired in two or three clicks, but now it was extremely fatal.

At this moment, Groot rushed over, knocked Rocket Raccoon aside, and then the war blade fell, easily piercing Groot's chest, pinning him to the ground.

"Oh, no" Rocket Raccoon roared, got up and jumped towards General Deathblade, scratching and biting with his remaining weapon claws and teeth, but he just jumped up, General Deathblade raised his foot and kicked his leg, Right in the middle of Rocket Raccoon.

Amid the crisp sound of broken bones, Rocket Raccoon flew 30 meters like a baseball being knocked into the air, bounced on the ground several times, and finally curled up and fell to the ground motionless. It was dark and almost passed out.

"Ugh!" General Deathblade's right side roared again, and when he turned his head, Drax, who was bleeding from many places on his upper body, was rushing towards him wielding the only short knife left.

General Deathblade wanted to grab the warblade, only to realize that the branches on Groot's body were scattered and tightly entangled in the warblade, making him unable to pull it out at all, so he had to abandon the weapon, but Drax hadn't After rushing past Lai, an energy bomb dropped from the air, directly blowing Drax away.

This made General Deathblade frowned slightly, and turned to look at Proxima Dark Night, only to see that she was walking towards Gamora step by step, with one hand covering her abdomen and the other holding a sharp gun.

Gamora was struggling to get up, when Proxima Dark Night raised her hand and sent a shock wave, sending Kamora flying. If Thanos hadn't ordered her, she would have killed the traitor already.

Just when Anye Proxima was about to send Gamora struggling to get up again, an ion cannon flew diagonally from behind, hit her on the back, exploded, and the raging flames almost engulfed her. The terrifying shock wave blasted Proxima Centauri away, and fell to the ground more than ten meters away. The wound on his abdomen was torn even bigger by this blow.

General Deathblade had just stepped on Groot and forcibly pulled out the warblade when he saw this scene, which made him furious. Blade rushed towards Sister Mantis, and slashed across.

(End of this chapter)

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