The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 723 Fighting for Control

Chapter 723 Fighting for Control

The gigantic electro-optical man's head opened its mouth enough to swallow a truck, and let out a deafening roar. The blown air wave lifted up the gravel on the spherical surface, and smashed over, hitting the armor of Kamen Rider decade, splashing The slightest spark.

Greer, who was half-kneeling on the ground, was blown backwards by the strong airflow. He hurriedly supported the ground with his left hand and performed a backflip. Under the blowing force of the wind, he moved backward three to forty meters. After landing, he staggered back several steps before stopping.

When Greer stood firm, Quill appeared in the corner of his right eye, standing on the ground with his head down, like a tornado turning around him with a little gravel and dust, the clothes all over his body were also bulging, naked The skin on the outside glowed brightly with white light, making it look like Electro Man.

"Quiel?" Greer tried to call him, but he didn't get any response. Also, the deafening sound from Ego's big head didn't make Quill look up. It was obvious that his five senses were closed and he couldn't hear. Can't see, can't see, can't smell
But judging from Quill's growing aura, this is obviously a good thing. His divine power is continuously increasing, and it is self-developed. Compared with being promoted by Ego, it is easier to control. Then give him some time.

After Yi Ge's huge mouth let out a roar, it didn't close. Instead, it gathered a lot of white light, making the light of the mouth much brighter than the rest of the head. Ge is about to attack.

Greer kicked the ground with both feet, jumped up lightly, touched the knight card box at his waist with his left hand, pulled out a card from it in an instant, inserted it into the Neo decade driver, and made the Neo decade driver light up, projecting The pattern of Kamen Rider wizard:
"Kamen Ride Wizard!"

Accompanied by the loud electronic synthesis sound, Greer raised his left hand, and the fingertips rolled up the gust of wind, which expanded into a huge flame magic circle in an instant, passed through Greer from left to right, and instantly swept him away. The armor on his body has turned into a flame-red 'leather coat', and the helmet and breastplate are shaped like a dragon's head. It has become Kamen Rider wizard flame dragon.

The energy accumulated in Ego's mouth sprayed out, and the dazzling energy beam passed through the void, and arrived in front of Greer in an instant, but rushed into the space gate in front of Greer. No matter how Igo increased the energy output, it would still Can't reach Greer in the rear.

The moment Egg stopped attacking, Greer's folded hands behind the space gate turned, and the space gate changed accordingly, from entering to exiting. He rushed out from the door and hit Yi Ge's glowing head in an instant. He shot out from the back of the head, and bombarded a stone pillar more than 50 meters thick diagonally below.

'Boom! '

In the earth-shattering explosion, the stone pillar was blown into two pieces, countless rubble splashed everywhere, and white light wrapped in the stone pillar poured out, like a broken blood vessel, but the 'stop bleeding' was quickly completed, It just didn't heal itself.

The Milano also flew over at this time, and Gamora launched an attack on the huge and dazzling head without hesitation, and laser beams bombarded Ego's huge head one after another, blasting out balls of flames , each explosion will throw a large amount of white light emitting matter, and soon this head will be blown to pieces.

"Is this Egg's real body?" Drax looked at the incomparably miserable big head being blown up in front of him, turned his head to Sister Mantis, and said, "Uglier than you."

"No," Sister Mantis shook her head, stretched out her thin fingers, pointed to an extremely huge stone ball next to the huge glowing head, and said, "Ego's brain is still there, and this is his avatar."

"¥%...¥%...!" Rocket Raccoon yelled suddenly, because the huge head made of white light was blown into briquettes, and it didn't die. Seven or eight white beams were fired in one breath.

The Milano hurriedly rolled to one side to avoid the incoming light beams, but when it approached a stone pillar, more than a dozen light cables popped out from the stone pillar with countless cracks on the surface, and quickly entangled together, forming a The energy tentacles with a diameter of three to four meters slammed hard on the Milano, which was turning over and leaning against it.

'boom! ' With a loud noise, the Mirano rolled left and right like a baseball that was blown into the air, and with the addition of up and down reversal, it completely lost its balance and hit a stone pillar obliquely. There was a big hole, and sparks started to shoot from the inside and outside of the machine.

Quill, who had been lowering his head in thought, suddenly raised his head, and saw the Mirano, which was spinning and falling, like a rocket, whoosh! ' and jumped out without even looking at the huge light head and Greer.

Quill's flying speed is astonishingly fast, two or three times faster than on the ground, and he has broken through the sonic boom. He flew to the side of the Milano in more than ten seconds. With a wave of his hand, his mind was moved, and he was about to continue to whip Milano Nuo's energy tentacles spread out, instantly weaving a net, encircling the spinning Milano, slowing it down and stabilizing it.

Rocket Raccoon was trying to stabilize his body when suddenly the cockpit glass was covered by a light net, and then the Mirano stopped. Before Rocket Raccoon could react, a familiar person flew up from below, with With a smile on his face, he waved at the people on the Milano: "Miss me? Your captain is back."


"Yeah, it's me." Quill smiled happily, and said as if showing off: "I'm very strong now, very strong."

"Mr. Strong, can you deal with this big head first?" Greer's exasperated voice came from the communication channel, and everyone turned their attention to the side of the fierce battle, only to see the dragon head on Greer's chest spewing out scorching flames , Facing the beam of light sprayed out of Yi Ge's mouth, the scene is quite spectacular.

Quill turned around and shouted through the high-strength glass: "I'll deal with Egg." Then he rushed over, and the optical net surrounding the Mirano disappeared, allowing the Mirano to regain its freedom.

Quill shuttled through the void at an extremely fast speed, and the tentacles dancing around were cute like little white rabbits in front of him. Instead, when he waved, countless stones were peeled off, and then they were inexplicably endowed with speed, and slammed into the Egg's huge head.

The devastated Yi Ge's optical brain immediately began to spit out light beams, blasting the flying stones one by one, making the sky full of flying stone powder, and the PM index soared all the way, but Quill didn't care about the air pollution at all. Ge threw stones, so that the stone pillars along the way were more or less missing.

Sister Mantis' heart moved, she hesitated for a while before she said, "Maybe I can help."

Gamora, who was anxious, immediately turned her head and asked, "What should I do?"

Mantis girl mustered up her courage and pointed at the thickest stone pillar in her field of vision. There was no movement from the beginning to the end, no trembling or cracks, but Quill 'snatched' more than a dozen stones the size of a millstone, revealing The white light flowing inside.

"That's Egg's extended nerve line, maybe I can pass through there and affect Egg." The words of Mantis Girl made Gamora and Rocket Raccoon understand her meaning instantly, it's like when you concentrate on doing one thing , if there is a sudden tingle in a certain part of the brain, it will definitely distract you instantly, and Mantis Girl wants to make this needle.

But the risk in this is extremely high, it only needs one influence, and it will be discovered by Ego. At that time, just draw a light cable casually, and the delicate and frail Mantis Girl can be killed.

Gamora directly pulled out the dagger at his waist, and said, "I'll protect you."

"I'll come too." Drax lifted his pants, revealing the two scimitars in his boots, and picked up the ion cannon hanging on the wall.

"I'm Groot." Groot also stood up.

Rocket Raccoon immediately approached the Milano and shouted loudly, "Put on the portable space suit, and I will provide you with fire cover."

The three of them jumped out of the Milano with a tree, and landed on this stone pillar with a diameter of more than a kilometer. There are not many such stone pillars in this underground space. It is obviously the main load-bearing pillar, and it is also an important node where Rocket Raccoon planted the bomb before.

Drax and Gamora held the weapons in their hands, and protected Mantis Girl from left to right, while Groot stood aside, looking up at the Mirano hovering beside him.

Sister Mantis took a few deep breaths, then gently placed her hand in the dazzling white light tremblingly, then closed her eyes and activated her super power, the two tentacles on her forehead instantly lit up, unprecedented dazzling.

On the other side, under the cover of a large number of rocks, Quill rushed to the vicinity of Egg's huge head, raised his right hand, and fired a beam of light from the palm of his hand, bombarding Egg's head, and instantly dispersed, turning into hundreds of tiny beams The light quickly invaded Yi Ge's huge optical brain.

Wherever it was eroded by Quill's light, the attack of the light brain stopped immediately, and even the brightness of the light emitted by it was greatly reduced, as if its power input was cut off.

At this moment, the light in the entire underground space dimmed, while the lower part of the 'light brain' connected to the huge stone ball became brighter.

The suddenly enhanced light seemed to have extremely strong heat, which quickly melted the small light rays that Quill invaded into the light brain, and in the blink of an eye, most of the achievements of Quill's hard work in the invasion disappeared.

The mantis girl who was heavily guarded opened her eyes suddenly, and shouted with her loudest voice: "Sleep!"

The moment the voice fell, she tried her best to increase her super power to the maximum, so that the white beam of light touched by her hand went dark, and quickly rushed to the source stone ball, causing all the luminous bodies along the way to disappear. luster.

This brought great trouble to Egg, as it can be seen from the fact that the brightness of the light that expelled the Star-Lord's invasion has been reduced by more than half.

Xingjue suddenly felt that the resistance was greatly reduced, and hurriedly increased the output of divine power, competing with Yi Ge for control of this clone.

Yi Ge's brain was covered by thick, high-density rocks layer by layer. If he wanted to affect the outside world or launch an attack, he had to rely on the nerves extending from the brain.

If Yigo's brain is compared to a main computer, then the stone pillars throughout this underground space are network cables, and the huge optical brain in front of him is a controlled machine.

And now what Star-Lord wants to do is to cut off the network cable, making Ego unusable, and try to gain control, using it to fight back against Ego's body.

It's just that beginners can't fight against the experienced Igo at all. Except for being caught off guard at the beginning, when Igo reacts, he will keep retreating.

But now there is a new force joining suddenly, Xingjue is overjoyed, and hastily increased his strength to control this huge optical brain as soon as possible.

"Let me help you." The flame-breathing faucet on Greer's chest disappeared, he raised his right hand, and grabbed an oval-shaped stone emitting golden light from the air.

With five fingers together, he held the Soul Gem tightly in his palm, and hammered it hard on the white luminous body. The spiritual power amplified by the Soul Gem poured into it, disturbing Ego, and helping Star-Lord gain control as soon as possible.

The light emitted by the luminous body in the underground space began to flicker erratically, just like Egg's extremely angry emotions.

The interference from Greer and Sister Mantis prevented Ego from concentrating on dealing with his "son" who was backlash against him.

Sister Mantis helped Yi Ge fall asleep a long time ago, and she knew how to make Yi Ge less conscious.

But the so-called surging mental power offensive from Greer made Igo overwhelmed, and had to spend a lot of energy to resist the domineering mental power erosion.

If Quayle is playing network offensive and defensive warfare with Ego, then Mantis Girl is driving a car to distract him, and Greer is forcing piles of junk files over, not only clogging up the network but also slowing down the operation. The speed makes its response slow down and the transmission is not smooth.

Egg is also fighting back, but when his consciousness is transmitted to the influence range of the Mind Stone, it will become garbled, and it is impossible to send effective instructions to the luminous body at the end.

Quill is competing with him for control, and sending the luminous body over there will only add an invasion channel, and only the mantis girl is almost defenseless.

The nearby stone pillars were trembling, and they pulled out light cables one after another and threw them over, but first they had to pass through the dense laser cannons of the Mirano, followed by Gamora and Drax's personal protection, and Ge Root's defense.

As a result, Ego couldn't touch the mantis girl for a while, but was distracted a little, allowing Quill to completely overwhelm Ego and control the huge optical brain.

The devastated light brain has undergone great changes, the mouth has grown so big that it almost occupies half of the head, it looks like Pac-Man.

PS: Every time I read the world news, I feel like a country bumpkin. Various unheard of and unseen sand sculpture incidents emerge in endlessly.It was weird enough to grab toilet paper before Neon, but now it’s grabbing granite, camels are licking the wall, noodles even kick out the masked ones, go out, go, go
There are too many delusional behaviors, and people who read the news are stupid. They just put the ready-made answers in front of them and don't copy them, and they have to fill in the wrong options.

(End of this chapter)

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