The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 722 The Light of the Mind

Chapter 722 The Light of the Mind
The corners of the flame saber's hilt have been divided into six, making the flame saber glow with dazzling flames, and the heat emitted by the flame saber increases the temperature of the surrounding air.

With the prestige of breaking mountains and cracking rocks, he fell down, but Egg just turned his head after a glance, and continued to 'educate' his disobedient son.

Then the fans next to Igo cracked a gap again, and a large number of light threads protruded from it, and slammed them like a whip towards Greer, who was falling under the pressure of Mount Tai.

'Shua!Swish! '

The flame saber swung quickly, drawing dazzling trajectories in the air. All incoming light threads were cut off before they got close, and none of them could get close to Greer, and even stopped Greer from falling. Can't do it.

This made Egg, whose back was facing Greer, couldn't help frowning, stopped his educational work, concentrated on knocking down this unpleasant 'fly', concentrated his mind, and followed the 'Boom! ' With the sound of vibration, hundreds of light cables rushed out from the ground, and rushed towards Greer who was about to touch the ground.

Greer desperately waved the flame saber in his hand, cutting off one light cord after another, but there were too many light cords, and he only cut off more than a dozen, and the other light cords were entwined around his body. , and instantly tied it into a rice dumpling, making Kamen Rider Agito in the form of flame unable to move.

But the affection on Yi Ge's face suddenly froze, and he slowly lowered his head, only to see the golden sharp blade piercing from his chest, the power of wind contained in it, tearing his body madly, revealing the inner strength. empty shell.

Compared with the well-made body on the surface, this temporary body is really just a shell. Except for the shell, there is no digestive system or respiratory system inside, and it is quite temporary.

And behind Yigo, there was a Kamen Rider Agito in blue armor, holding the storm halberd tightly with both hands, and he lifted it up vigorously, opening a big hole in Yigo's body from the middle, and then his body With one turn, the blade at the other end swept across the light cords at the back, cutting off most of the light cords bound in the form of flames.

The flame armor, which was firmly bound, gained the ability to move. Immediately, he swung the flame saber, cut off the remaining light cords, and regained the ability to move. Looking carefully, the armor on his body was condensed by high-energy lights. The cable was printed with clear traces of erosion.

The Kamen Rider G4 in the rear took out a GM-01 modified Type 4 small automatic pistol, and fired at Yigo with a single shot, and a round of special reinforced bullets. Under the acceleration of the electromagnetic field of the gun chamber, a bullet exploded on Yigo's body. Another hole, piercing Egg into briquettes in the blink of an eye.

The body was destroyed badly, but it didn't prevent Ego from making an extremely angry expression. The cracks in the ground continued to emit light, attacking the three Kamen Riders frantically. Obviously, the attacks of the three Kamen Riders could not only provoke Except for Egg, no other effects have been achieved.

The three Kamen Riders jumped back and forth on the huge sphere and the stone pillars piercing the sky, avoiding the attack of the light cable, and at the same time launched an attack on Ego, whose body was recovering rapidly. The fight was very lively .

But there are more and more light cables, and the space for the three Kamen Riders to hide is getting smaller and smaller. The Kamen Rider G4 with the lowest sensitivity accidentally moved, and was entangled by a light cable around his ankle. A large amount of lightning-like white light poured into the body of Kamen Rider G4 along the light cables, destroying the armor crazily, turning Kamen Rider G4 into a fireworks tube, and it went out. Exuding intense sparks.

Flame and Storm hurriedly turned around and rushed towards Kamen Rider G4, trying to rescue him, but just as their feet stepped on a stone pillar, they wanted to use their strength to jump over it. The stone pillar that had been stable since the beginning of the battle suddenly collapsed , More than a dozen light cables sprang out from inside, instantly entangled the two Kamen Riders, mobilized a huge amount of lightning, and attacked the two Kamen Riders, so there were two more fireworks tubes.

In this melee, Quill was still struggling hard, but with his weak divine power, he couldn't break free from Yi Ge's shackles. Even when Quill was exhausted, he felt the shackles on his body loosen, The light cord binding him lost its luster, and then instantly scattered into ashes, disappearing without a trace.

Quill was still wondering, Greer's voice sounded next to his ear: "Aren't you ready to get up?"

"Huh?" Quill was taken aback, stood up hurriedly, turned his head back, and saw Greer holding a black rapier in his hand, which made Quill even more surprised. Turning around, he looked in front again, The three Kamen Riders are having a great time fighting with Yi Ge,

Then they were all tied up by Egg's light cables, as if they had touched a switch, sparks kept coming out, and they looked very bad.

"Quiel, don't deliberately manipulate your divine power. It is a part of you. Concentrate and feel it with your heart." Greer said this, and the three Kamen Riders were blown up by Igo and turned into three The gloomy card fell towards the ground, but it disappeared before it touched the ground.

Greer inserted the three cards back into the knight card box, picked up the rapier in his hand, and ran forward in great strides, saying as he ran, "Either destroy this ball and we leave together, or we stay together as a group." here."

The moment the voice fell, Greer's control card box sword had already cut a light cord, and his left hand had already pulled out a card from the knight card box and inserted it into the Neo decade driver at his waist:

"Kamen Ride decade!"

Accompanied by the loud electronic synthesis sound, Greer, who was striding forward, appeared around nine phantoms, seven of which were dyed with colorful colors, and the remaining two were still black and white, and then The nine phantoms rushed towards Greer in unison, and instantly turned into a set of magenta armor, covering Greer's body.

Yi Ge roared loudly, and dozens of light cables were quickly entangled together, forming a huge beam of light, rushing towards Greer with infinite momentum.

With a wave of his left hand, Greer pulled out a card from the knight card box and inserted it into the Neo decade driver at his waist:

"Attack Ride Decade Slash!"

The moment the loud electronic synthesizer sounded, the blade of the control card box sword in Greer's hand shone with a strong light, shining on the armor of Kamen Rider decade, which made Greer's body become illusory.

The moment Igo fired the concentrated energy cannon and bombarded Greer, the illusory figure was split into two, allowing a huge light beam to pass through the middle, and two Kamen Rider Decades swung their swords at the same time. On the beam of light, the legs continued to run forward, but they were cut apart abruptly.

It was the first time I saw several Kamen Riders appearing, and Igo was indeed shocked, but now I saw two Kamen Rider decade appearing at the same time, Igo's heart was calm, there were only two, but there were four just now, where? Worth the fuss.

Seeing that his intensive attacks failed to block Greer, Ego, whose body was mostly healed, stretched his arms out, and the light beams larger than Greer split instantly, turning into hundreds of tiny light cords, entangled Control the card box sword.

The two Kamen Rider Decades turned their wrists, and the sharp blades cut the entangled light cord like cutting melons and vegetables, and instantly drew back the control card box sword, and then jumped up at the same time, displaying the sword that fell from the sky Swordsmanship, stabbed at Yi Ge.

The two of them were having a great time fighting, but the 'protagonist' Quill was free to stand on the ground with his hands up, and the palms of his palms burst out with sparks of fire, but he could just rub his divine power into a ball and throw it out as a For bombs, it is impossible to flexibly use divine power like Yi Ge. It can be used as a rope or a beam of light. It is more versatile than Erlang.

"Pay attention, use your heart, how do you use your heart?" Quill kept muttering, but he still didn't understand what it meant and how to control it with his heart. According to biology, the heart is just an organ that can control consciousness and thinking. It's the brain, is it using the brain?

Quill was confused after thinking about it, and his heart became more and more irritable. He accidentally bumped into a hard object in his pocket, turned his head and looked, it was a shiny silver metal ball, the cosmic spirit ball, and Yondu wanted to go back but threw it back cosmic spirit ball.

"Yondu." Quill thought of every detail of his relationship with Yondu, from running out of the hospital full of grief and seeing a huge spaceship falling from the sky, and then being forcibly taken away from the earth, struggling to survive on a spaceship full of villains Along the way, learned a lot, and in just one or two decades, became the best predator ever.

Quill suddenly remembered that Yondu always threatened to eat him if he couldn't learn it, so Quill, who was full of fear, put in 120 points of effort and quickly learned what Yondu told him, making him a qualified adult not long after. An adventurer is not only capable of independent missions, but also possesses a wealth of adventure knowledge, which Yondu told him.

This man who always treats him fiercely, and the kind and kind Yigo is completely another extreme, but the ferocious Yondu has allowed him to live safely in the Predator for 30 to [-] years, enjoying the treatment beyond ordinary members , no matter how many wrong things he did, Yondu will eventually forgive him with various reasons, but the kind and kind Ego killed his mother with his own hands, just to complete the so-called big plan.

Quill's thoughts drifted farther and farther, and he didn't realize that the electric light in his palm was getting stronger and stronger, and even his eyes had a tendency to develop into electric light eyes. Pulled by gravity, it revolved around Quill.

In the distance, the Mirano shuttled carefully among the dense stone forests. Countless stone pillars, large and small, were intertwined and intricate. It was much denser than the weird asteroid belt before, and it was a little careless. , it may hit.

Even Rocket Raccoon, who claims to be a spaceship piloting engineer, did not dare to be careless. He slowed down the speed of the spaceship a lot, slowly approaching each important node, and then firmly placed his homemade high-energy bomb on it before continuing. Proceed to the next location.

A few people were 'working' intensively, when suddenly the whole underground space shook slightly, shaking so much that the stone pillars that had existed for countless times vibrated along with it, making a 'click!Click! ' The sound cracked a series of gaps, and countless dust fell.

"What happened?" Gamora, who was busy loading the bomb, couldn't help but stop, bent down, and looked at the cracks gradually cracking on the huge stone pillar, as if it was about to collapse.

At this moment, Rocket Raccoon's voice came from the headset: "Gamora, come back quickly. The radar detected a high-energy reaction from Quill and the others. It seems that something happened."

"Ygo, it must be Igo who woke up." Mantis Girl, who has been with Yigo for the longest time, was the first to react. The extreme fear made her tremble all over. Yigo's clone is enough to traverse the universe. It can be seen that the strength of his body is strong, and now Yi Ge, who has been sleeping for countless hours, is about to wake up.

"Damn it," Gamora hurriedly jumped back into the Milano, walked quickly to his seat, and said as he walked, "Can you let him continue to sleep?"

"I can only hypnotize him when he wants to sleep." Mantis girl shook her head endlessly.

"How can you say 'no' without trying," Gamora fastened his seat belt and shouted loudly: "Rocket, rush over."

In just such a short period of time, the brightness of the stone pillars within the range of vision has increased several times, the amplitude of the shaking is getting bigger and bigger, and the electric light bursting out from the surface is getting stronger and stronger, smashing the rocks wrapped on the surface into debris, scattered And fall.

The Milano started to accelerate, even if Rocket Raccoon was top-notch, he couldn't avoid all the falling earth and rocks, the Milano was hit and let out a 'bang!boom! ' The voices are endless, if it's just the earth and rocks falling, it's fine, but those energy bodies exuding dazzling light inside after peeling off the surface rocks also move as the light increases.

'Crackling! 'The electric light sounds endlessly, just like the nerve signals of the human body, bursting out sparks representing wisdom.

Rocket Raccoon caught a glimpse of the various holographic screens on the console, which had already begun to flicker, apparently being disturbed by the biomagnetic field, and it was still just beginning to recover. Once fully awakened, how strong the biomagnetic field would be is scary to think about.

But the Milano had only rushed halfway, and saw a large amount of white light gathering near the center stone sphere, forming a human head ten times the size of the Milano. Greer just kicked through Egg's body.

The terrifying energy carried by the knight's kick blew up Igo's already battered body to pieces, but Greer, who was half kneeling on the ground, saw the huge Ego in front of him as soon as he looked up before he got up.

PS: The feeling of watching the news during this period is: sticks are more inspected and more are available, neon is less inspected and rarely seen, bald eagles are not inspected and treated as a cold, monkeys seem to have them and they don’t seem to have them all. What do you think, noodles tent technology Yazi who is not very good, the panacea that Hans Meow boasted about is useless. It feels like there is chaos everywhere except me.

(End of this chapter)

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