Chapter 716

Egg boasted to Quill how powerful and miraculous the divine power inherited from him was, not only invulnerable to all poisons, but also immortal.

It's too easy to build a planet to play with, and pull up a statue of King Arthur with a height of hundreds of meters on the ground in a matter of minutes.

Quill's eyes were full of longing, he wished he could get as powerful as Ego right away, and build his own planet, where he could recklessly build the buildings he wanted. It was very exciting to think about it.

But when he asked when he would be able to build a planet, Yi Ge poured him a pot of liquid nitrogen that was nearly two hundred degrees below zero, "Practice for a few million years, and it should be almost there." Egg, who was full of enthusiasm, froze into a popsicle.

millions of years
This number is simply too desperate. Millions of years ago, the ancestors of human beings were still apes, living in caves and drinking blood. At that time, Ego was still a brain, floating in the universe and absorbing the surrounding dust. .

And a few million years later, when he learns how to build planets, I'm afraid the earth will only save human fossils. By then, he will be the only human, um, half-human left in the universe. horrible.

There are only half of the earthlings left in the universe, and a new intelligent race may be born on the earth again, and there is no place to connect with itself.

Fallen leaves return to their roots, but if even the soil is dug away, the fallen leaves can only float down endlessly until they rot in the air, disperse into ashes, and disappear completely.

In such a situation, just thinking about it makes me feel super lonely.

"Millions of years." This number made Quill silent, and the excitement on his face was slowly dissipating, which made Ego, who was giving a passionate speech, also stop, and asked in confusion: "What's the matter?" ? What do you not understand, tell me, I will teach you all my things."

"Eternal life. Friends around me die one by one, this kind of eternal life." Quill's voice sank little by little, all the people and friends he knew disappeared, and he was left alone floating in the universe. Think, feel a kind of suffocating feeling.

Quill, who is a mother-in-law and mother-in-law, makes Ego a little annoyed. He really can't understand how to face eternal life while thinking about friendship.

"Quiel, you need to adjust your attitude towards life, since you are not an ordinary earth star, but a god, you must let go of these things." Yi Ge tried to explain something to Quill who had lived as an ordinary person for decades It is the life of God.

"God? Doesn't the god need friends?" Quill couldn't understand, didn't Egg also have emotions and desires?

"Because their lifespan is too short, you may be the only one for them, but they are one of the long life for you. If you are too emotionally involved, the sorrow will far outweigh the joy." Yi Ge said with a look. The identity of the person who came to 'educate' the new god Quill.

"So my mother was one of you?"

"." Egg was quite helpless, he was teaching him how to change his attitude towards life, why Quill was still 'tangled' with useless feelings, took a deep breath, and said patiently: "I love her, I almost gave up my plan."

"Plan? What plan?"

"." Yi Ge really wanted to say, Quill, why are you always focusing on something different from what I think? Is there a generation gap, or the Mariana Trench.

Quill's excitement when he first heard about the gods and powerful forces has almost dissipated, replaced by deep doubts, Ego always speaks half of what he says, and he is obviously hiding something, and it is absolutely consistent with what he said. plan related.

"I'm just telling you, don't think of yourself as an ordinary person anymore. You are a descendant of a god and have inherited the best genes in the universe. You should focus on the whole universe. If you like that woman, go after that woman as much as you want, but don't put She's everything to you." Egg changed the subject forcibly, and continued to explain (wash) solution (brain) to Quill.

"Is my mother everything to you?"

Quill's words made it impossible to hide the anger on Igo's face, and he almost roared: "I love her, and I still love her until now. The next thing we need to do is to find a way to bring her back to life."

When the topic of 'resurrected mother' was mentioned, Quill suppressed the doubts in his heart, turned his attention to this, and asked, "What should I do?"

"Activate the divine power in your body to make yourself stronger." Yi Ge replied concisely, no longer talking about flowers, only explaining professional things, such as how to control the divine power in the body, how to make the divine power active, so as to become stronger, etc. some type of.

One person talks and the other listens, and there are questions and answers from time to time. The real one-on-one teaching did not end until the sunset, and Ego ended the class, letting Quill practice and familiarize himself with the divine power according to the method he said, and comforted him. He, planets are not formed in a day, and gods are not formed in a day, don't be impatient, take your time.

And he also took himself as an example, it took him tens of millions of years, or even longer, to become so powerful, but the choice of chestnuts was a bit wrong, this time span, Xingjue thought it was a bit strange Autistic urges.

The sun hanging in the blue sky is sliding towards the horizon, throwing its afterglow towards the ground, and the last light and heat dye the clouds into a fiery red color. Such a beautiful day makes people linger.

But Gamora didn't care to enjoy the rare leisure and enjoy the beauty of the sunset in front of her. She sat down on the ground with her head down, her face gloomy, and her body exuded the aura of "Do Not Disturb", which brought her aloofness to the extreme.

It was cold, and suddenly he took the initiative to break the demeanor: "Is it just you? Where are the others?"

"Drax went to talk to the maid about his life, and Rocket Raccoon and Groot are overhauling the Mirano." Greer walked out of the lush flowers and plants that could overwhelm people, and grabbed the A leaf, hold it in your hand, tear it up bit by bit,
Gamora glanced at Greer, who was leisurely on an outing, and then continued her 'meditator' posture, only to hear Greer say: "How are you talking with Quill? He wants to stay here Waiting to inherit the planet?"

"No, I want to rest for a while before considering whether to continue returning to the universe."

Greer nodded, and said: "It's really difficult to choose between the inheritance of a planet and the dangerous cosmic homeless man, but I think he only wants you to stay. If the two of you have no plans to get married in the near future, Then we'll leave early."

"You killed Ebony Maw, Thanos will not let you go."

"It doesn't matter, as long as I run faster than him, he won't be able to catch me," Greer said as he looked back, then continued to walk forward, and said as he walked, "Then I will take my leave first, and you can discuss it." , While me and Rocket Raccoon are still here, did they get things done?"

When passing by Gamora, Greer casually threw away the broken leaves in his hand, and one of them fell into Gamora's hand by coincidence, which surprised Gamora, and then held it tightly in his hands as if nothing had happened. In her hand, she continued her 'meditation'.

Greer had just walked away a distance of 20 meters when Xingjue came out from the direction he came from, and said as if looking for something to say: "What are you talking about?"

"Determine the time to leave here."

Quilton was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Why are you leaving in such a hurry, planets with such a good environment are rare, and there can be more here."

Before Star-Lord finished speaking, Gamora interrupted him and said, "Didn't you hear everything? Thanos may come after him at any time."

Star-Lord blurted out: "I can protect you." After a pause for a second, he added: "Ego has great power, and can even build planets. I'm also a demigod, and I have the confidence to protect you."

In order to strengthen his convincing power, Xingjue concentrated his mind and mobilized his weak divine power. His face blushed with hard work, and then he made a light ball, shook it as if showing off to Gamora, and threw it into the distance vigorously.

The ball of light, which was not as big as Xingjue's fist, drew a parabola in the air and landed on the ground 60 meters away, 'Boom!With a loud noise, countless plants and trees were blown into pieces, and the sound wave hit, and the flowers, plants and trees farther away were bent over in unison.

Shockwaves mixed with grass clippings and dirt hit their faces, blowing Gamora and Star-Lord's heads and faces full of dirt and weeds, which was worse than walking in a sandstorm, successfully making Gamora green His face turned livid, and the anger in his eyes was hotter than the sun in the sky.

"Uh..." Quill's brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about what to say to ease the awkward atmosphere, but what he finally thought of was: "As I said, demigods are also very strong."

As he spoke, dirt and grass were still falling from Quill's head, as embarrassing as he could be.

"Are you an idiot?" Gamora yelled at Quill, covered in dirt, and left angrily, trembling with each step, leaving Quill standing there in frustration .

And not far away, Greer was also involved in the explosion caused by the light ball thrown by Star Lord, and the rolling grass hit him, but he separated in front of Greer and regrouped behind him, and a blank area appeared unexpectedly. Not stained with a little dust.

A blue circle-shaped jewel held in his hand exudes bright light, driving the air to generate a high-speed rotating vortex, the surrounding wind speed and air flow are all controlled by Greer, and he saw the situation at the center of the explosion: green mountains and green waters There is a gap more than ten meters wide in the middle, revealing the endless red land, large and small ravines criss-cross, desert than the Gobi Desert, and there is no life in sight.

However, this devastated land was fleeting, and the crack disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before, leaving only a large pit, flying dust, and grass leaves flying in the sky, making this earth like a heaven. In the beautiful scenery, an ugly scar appeared.

Quill, who was covered in soil and broken grass, walked into the beautifully decorated palace dejectedly. Originally, he was asking Gamora to share his new status as a "demigod" and to show off his powerful power. He was thinking differently.

In addition, Gamora said that he was going to leave, which made Quill feel very uncomfortable. The universe is so big. Once separated, I don’t know when we will meet again. a feeling of.

As soon as he walked into the luxurious living room, he saw Egg looking up, his hands releasing two dazzling electric beams, and the dome of the palace that was blown up by Quill was rapidly 'healing' in this light. Ge is repairing his palace.

Seeing Quill come in, Egg stopped what he was doing and asked with concern: "My son, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Quill walked in listlessly and asked, "Have you heard of Thanos?"

"That lunatic who likes to kill half and keep the other half?"

"Well, Gamora is his adopted daughter, but she and Thanos are not in the same group, so she escaped, and Thanos wanted to take her back." Quill briefly explained, in In his description, Gamora is almost a little white rabbit, who was forced to do all kinds of bad things by the big bad wolf, escaped from the clutches after going through untold hardships, and now is hunted down by the big devil, it is extremely pitiful.

After listening to Quill's "Spring and Autumn Brushwork", Egg's expression didn't change in any way. He just nodded to show that he understood, and then said: "So you want to protect her, no problem, she is absolutely safe on this planet."

"...I will stay on this planet for a while." Quill didn't say it clearly, but the subtext was to stay for a while and leave. This made Egg frowned slightly, but he immediately returned to his original state and said : "You need stronger strength to protect the woman you love, and I will teach you what I will."

"Thank you!"

"I owe you and your mother a lot, thank you for giving me the opportunity to make up for it." Ego said with incomparable sincerity, which moved Quill quite deeply, and deeply realized what a father's love is.

After the two father and son teams finished the family relationship training talk, they started to practice again, and even put down the work of repairing the roof.

And the Milano was also very lively. Except for Quill, everyone else gathered together to exchange information. Drax first talked about the results of his communication with Mantis Girl. Mantis Girl was raised by Ego since she was a child. And she used her ability to help Egg fall asleep. .

Drax talked about his tragic experience, from a happy family to Cumin seeking revenge on Ronan alone, to meeting Quill and the others, and so on.The two who have exchanged life experiences are almost friends.

"I must first explain that she is too ugly, so I will never have sex with her in order to know more things. It's too disgusting. Maybe Quill will like it. You can go to him." Drax said At that time, his face was full of disgust, as if he would rather die than obey.

"No one asked you to do this." Gamora yelled back, telling him Groot to play outside, don't be an eyesore here, Drax ran out as if he was pardoned, for fear of being forced into prostitution.

(End of this chapter)

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