Chapter 715

Star-Lord and Gamora traveled around in a sightseeing spaceship, while Greer and Rocket Raccoon took Groot to 'measure' this unusual planet with their legs.

One person, one tree and one bear stood beside the majestic waterfall. The water splashed on them, but the sound they could hear was very small. It was not as good as when it was near the palace. The waterfall that was not as large as this waterfall could be heard from a distance. sound.

On the way here, Greer kept kneading, pinching or folding different plants on the road with his hands, the sound was very small, as if someone had turned down the sound in this area by more than ten times.

Rocket Raccoon looked at the waterfall that was flying straight down, and heard the sound as small as a faucet in his ear, and said in amazement: "What the hell is this?"

Rocket Raccoon boasts that he has wandered among the prophets for so long, and has seen many strange and weird people and things, but he has never seen such a situation.

Groot looked at the crystal-clear water, got down on the ground, stuck his mouth into the water, and drank it, which made Rocket yell angrily: "Damn it, Groot, how many times do I have to say, don't drink. "

Before he could finish his sentence, Groot looked up, watering from his mouth 'Bah!Pooh! ' spit it out, raised his head, and said to Rocket Raccoon, "I'm Groot."

"It's terrible, of course it's not good. When will you get rid of the problem of eating and drinking indiscriminately?" Rocket Raccoon had an incomparable headache. Groot's diet is simply too wide. Drinking fountain water is simply pediatrics. This guy will also gnaw the tree buds growing on his body, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Greer squatted down, dipped his right hand into the water, and spread out his palm. In his palm was a jewel composed of several sky-blue capsule-shaped cylinders. Spread out around.

More than ten seconds passed without any change in the river water, not to mention the frozen thin ice, even the water temperature did not drop a bit.So much cold air is completely useless and has no effect on the river water.

"Did you find anything?" Rocket Raccoon, who was watching from the side, asked, "How about I throw a bomb in there and see how it goes?"

Greer put away the magic gem, stood up, shook his head and said, "I didn't find anything, but I have a guess."


"I once drove a spaceship to land on a planet, where it was icy and snowy. Even though I was wearing thick clothes, I could still feel the biting cold. I wanted to drive the spaceship away, but I couldn't start the spaceship. Slowly lower down until you lose consciousness."

"What does this have to do with here?"

"Then I woke up and realized that I was sitting in the spaceship. The temperature in the ship was over 20 degrees, very warm, and my body temperature was still over 30 degrees."

"So you had a nightmare?" Rocket Raccoon still didn't understand why, and really didn't understand what this had to do with the situation they were facing now. Could it be that they were in a dream now?
"It was indeed a nightmare. The extreme cold in the dream was so real that my brain thought I was in a world of ice and snow. If this continues, I will definitely freeze to death," Greer pointed to the silent waterfall in front of him, and said : "Do you still remember the light emitted by this planet seen in the universe? After the Milano flew into the range of light, flowers, plants and trees appeared on the ground below, and when you looked up, you saw the blue sky, white clouds and scorching sun."

"You mean that layer of light is the area covered by the illusion?" Rocket Raccoon understood what Greer wanted to express.

"It may be worse. Maybe the function of that layer of light is hypnosis, making us fall into a dream unconsciously, just like that icy and snowy planet. I don't know when I fell asleep."

"So we are dreaming online now?" Rocket Raccoon doesn't think so. Could it be that so many people are in the same dream and can communicate in real time? Then this dream is too advanced and can be used for virtual reality. Online games.

"This is just a guess on my part. It may also be an illusion. Anyway, it is definitely not a real scene. Otherwise, why is there no sound from the waterfall here?"

"Ego said last night that his planet's technology is very high, and he specially simulated the earth's environment for Quill. Have you forgotten it so quickly?" Rocket Raccoon folded his arms in front of him, squinting at Grid beside him. Greer is full of doubts about Greer's IQ.

"It would be fine if it was just that." Greer turned and walked towards the palace. There is no need to look any further. The area covered by the light emitted by the planet should be the area of ​​the illusion, but this is not a simple environment. The projection is much more advanced, a bit similar to the weird dream that Greer encountered in Niflheim.

At this time in the palace, Quill, who had just returned from a tour, was called to the roof garden by Ego, and began to tell about his great identity: "I should tell you something about me. In fact, this body was made by me. This planet is my body."

"What?" Quilton was stunned for a moment, looking at Egg in front of him, and then looking down at the vast and boundless planet, he felt completely at ease.

Egg ignored Quill, and continued: "My form of existence is absolutely unique in the universe. A brain floating in the empty universe suddenly flashed with lightning, and then came alive, possessing consciousness, but without any memory.

I don't know where I came from, and how I came back to life. I just wandered alone in the universe for a long, long time. The first thing I learned was to use my thoughts to attract the surrounding dust to cover my body.With the passage of time, I learned more and more abilities, and my strength became stronger and stronger, and I began to attract more substances to cover myself, layer by layer, and thus became this planet.

But one day, I was tired of such a lonely life, so I created a movable body, ran around in the universe, and constantly perfected the details of this body, added vision, hearing, digestive system, etc., and real Life is no different.

Therefore, I was able to integrate into different civilizations and experience different lives in different races. This is very interesting. It once made me obsessed with changing identities and experiencing different lives.

Until one day, I arrived on Earth and met your mother. She fascinated me, and I once wanted to live with her on Earth for a long time. "

"Then why did you leave?" That's what Quill couldn't let go of.

"Because I have been away for too long, this planet has been left unattended for a long time, and it is going to perish, so I have to come back," Yi Ge sighed, his face full of regret, and said: "During the process of maintaining the planet, I thought of I came up with a great idea to bring Meredith to this planet so that we could stay together forever, so I started to modify the planet to make it suitable for human habitation.

This huge project made me have no time to go to Earth, so I asked Yondu to go to Earth to pick up Meredith, but until I finished the transformation work, I didn’t see Yondu’s spaceship, so I rushed back to Earth, and learned that Meredith had been."

"Yondu!" The name made Xingjue clenched his fists. In this way, it was Yondu who caused him to wander in the universe in fear for decades, so that he only met his father today. Both he and his mother had been brought here, and maybe Egg could save his mother.

But at this time, Quill's mind thought of the great feat of Yondu who Gamora told him in the morning to sacrifice himself to block Ebony Maw.

Quill raised his head, stared at Egg in front of him, and asked, "Why didn't you take my mother with you and leave her alone on Earth? Could it be that you, who own a planet, can't even afford a spaceship?" ?"

Yi Ge was silent when he heard the words, and it took a while before he said: "I thought I could go back soon, but the difficulty of transforming the planet is far beyond my imagination."

"That's why it took you more than ten years to remember to send that criminal Yondu to Earth." Quill's words were full of anger: "She waited for you for more than ten years, until I saw her die with my own eyes, and I didn't Waiting for you."

". Quill, I'm sorry."

"Don't tell me, what you owe her is not an apology?"

"No, of course I know I owe Meredith, so I've been trying to make it up."

"Recover? How are you going to recover? Oh, don't you call yourself a god? Go to Hades and resurrect my mother?"

"That's what I meant."

"What?" Quill was extremely suspicious at this moment that either there was something wrong with his ears, or Egg was crazy.

Egg stepped forward, grabbed Quill's shoulders, and said sincerely: "Quill, for ordinary humans, death is the end, but in fact death is just another form of life."

"You mean ghost?" Quill always felt that his three views were a bit broken.

"Everything has a spirit, death does not mean the end, the soul lives in the body, and when the body decays, the soul will go to another world."

"So you know Hades?" Quill felt that not only did Egg read too many fairy tales, but he also had a brain problem. Otherwise, who would say that he is a planet, and start talking about souls and resurrection.Instead, Quill was a little worried about Egg, not to mention that he had just recognized his father, and he had to take on the responsibility of taking care of his crazy father.

Egg didn't speak, but just raised his hand. Under Quill's gaze, the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, glowing with lightning, came together and touched Quill's forehead. Quill felt a huge force coming, making him Involuntarily backed away.

But his body floated up involuntarily, and he also saw himself who was falling backwards, and Egg stepped forward, grabbing another self with faint light blue electric lights flashing in many places on his body, preventing others from falling. He fell to the ground, looked up at himself floating up, and said, "This is the soul."

Then Quill felt that his feet were empty, and his body suddenly fell, which made him wake up instantly, and opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that he was lying in Egg's arms, as if he had just floated up and saw another self was a dream.

With a gentle smile on his face, Yi Ge said: "Now you understand, the soul and the body are not one, they can be separated."

"I, I." Quill couldn't finish his sentence.

"I just temporarily let your soul leave your body, what do you see?"

Quill recalled the short two or three seconds just now, as if everything in front of him had changed. Ego's whole body was a big ball of light, which was extremely bright, while there were many faint spots of light on his body, and the gorgeous castle became Once above the mountains, even the air is dark red.
Everything in the world has changed, it's almost like being in another world.

Egg helped Star-Lord up, and continued, "Quiel, I want to resurrect your mother, but first I need to find her soul."

"What should I do?" Quill believed that Egg was not crazy, otherwise what he saw just now, unless he was also crazy.

"Find death. She is one of the five gods of the universe, the source of all life souls, and represents the specific appearance of the end of all life. She can manipulate death and life at will."

"Uh" Quill was even more generous, and this sounded very religious.

"For such a long time, apart from looking for you, I have been trying to improve my strength, but my own strength is not enough. I need you, my son."

"What should I do?" Quill's words were quite awkward, and he always felt that the three views were broken.

"You are my son, and you are not an ordinary person. We can reshape the universe and even control the universe. Inspire the divine power in your body, and you will become eternal." Yi Ge raised his right hand as he spoke, and a dazzling light appeared in his palm, stretching towards Put it on Quill, and put it on Quill's forehead. The dazzling electric light penetrated into Quill's flesh and blood, and quickly spread throughout his body along his blood vessels and nerves.

Quill's body shook, his whole body trembled like an electric shock, every cell in his body had a faint light, and Ego's voice appeared directly in Quill's mind: "Concentrate your attention, feel this power, master it."

Under Yi Ge's guidance, Quill raised his hand unconsciously, and concentrated the electric light all over his body on his palm, causing his palms to glow with intense electric light. Pushing forward, the diffused light flew forward. , hitting the dome of the villa.

'boom! ' With a loud bang, a big hole 30 meters wide was blown out of the semicircular dome. Quill's eyes widened in shock, and he couldn't believe that he made it.

"Yeah!" Ego was more excited than Quill, shouting, with a bright smile on his face like a lucky cat: "I knew I could succeed, yes!"

"This." Quill looked at his bland hands in disbelief.

"This is your strength, the power hidden in your body." Yi Ge was like a child who passed the double hundred exam, wishing to let the whole world know his excellence.

"My power? Is this my power?" Quill was short of breath. He shook his hands, his face full of disbelief, that he had such great power.

"That's right, your power." Egg strode over and said to Quill, "You and I can do more things, control the universe, find death, and resurrect your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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