The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 62 Plan No. 1

Chapter 62 Plan No. [-]

After Adjutant Hill finished the task, Jimmy Wu didn't ask the reason, but nodded silently, indicating that he had understood the task. The image of Adjutant Hill disappeared immediately, and it was obvious that he had hung up the communication.Jimmy Wu closed the tablet, threw it on the bed, turned and walked outside the door, the camouflage baffles on both sides of the screen slid towards the middle to cover the screen.

Greer in the innermost room upstairs didn't know anything about it. The apple in his hand had been gnawed until there was only one core left. He drew a parabola and landed precisely in the trash can behind the door.

Just as he was about to continue gnawing on the second apple, he stretched his hand halfway but stopped, and turned his head to look in the direction of the door as if he had sensed it. Two seconds later, he heard footsteps that were a little heavier than ordinary people.

After redeeming Agito's card, he found that his sixth sense has become extremely sensitive, as if he has an extrasensory perception that is not recognized and recognized by the scientific community.It's a bit like "Kamen Rider Agito", the awakened telepathic ability of those who have the potential to become agito.

This ability can be said to be even more powerful for Greer. Like the last time the dock was attacked, a large number of containers were stacked on top of each other, and the wind blowing through the gaps would make a sound of 'Woo!Woo! ' voices, limited vision, impaired hearing, but no ESP.

Many times when I was running, I felt someone was on the left side, and shot according to this feeling, with every shot accurate.After wearing agito's armor, this extrasensory perception will be greatly magnified, and the effect of decade armor will be reduced by half. Even if you don't wear armor now, it is still several times more sensitive than ordinary people.

This made Greer guess that the reason why knight cards that can control energy like Wizard and Agito are so expensive is probably not only because of energy control, but also because of the changes in his body.

Just like the agito card, which gave Greer a super sixth sense, will the Wizard card 'transform' his system, allowing him to use magic even without wearing Wizard armor?

When Greer was thinking about it, there was already a knock on the door, and then Uncle Jimmy, dressed as a chef, poked his head in and said, "Greer, can you do me a favor?"

"Tell me, uncle, what's the matter?" Greer said and straightened up from the bed.

Uncle Jimmy opened the door, with a gentle smile on his plump face, and said, "It's like this, an old friend of mine's daughter is celebrating her birthday, and asked me to cook some authentic Chinese dishes. The original agreement was to pick them up by car. But just now I called to say that there is something urgent and I can’t come for a while, six or seven o’clock is when there are many guests, and I can’t leave, so I just want you to deliver it for me.”

"No problem," Greer got out of bed to put on his shoes before Uncle Jimmy finished speaking, lowered his head and tied his shoes and asked, "Where are you sending them?"

"There is a community garden building to the east of the intersection of Grand Street and Bowery Street in Chinatown, Manhattan Island. I will give you their home phone number later, just call there." Uncle Jimmy said as he walked out. He also said, "I'm really busy, otherwise I wouldn't bother you."

Greer, who was following behind, hurriedly said, "It's okay. I'm idle anyway. It's okay to go out for a ride by bike. You've always taken care of me, and it's only right to help you."

All the way to the kitchen, the roast duck has been sliced, and a chef is packing the sauce, pancakes, etc., and there are five packed lunch boxes next to them, all of which are authentic Sichuan dishes full of spicy flavors, not based on contract Improved taste.

Uncle Jimmy packed these lunch boxes swiftly and kept saying, "This old friend of mine is from New Jersey. He fell in love with Sichuan cuisine after staying near Chengdu for eight years. Back to Twist It’s been about ten years, and the taste hasn’t changed, and even my daughter has fallen in love with Sichuan cuisine, really”

Greer also felt that there was some funny meaning in it. After staying in Chengdu for eight years, he got rid of the eating habits he had developed since he was a child, and he couldn’t change it after ten years. Or should I say that the level of food and beverage here is too low.

While talking and laughing, all the dishes were packed, packed in a big box, and tied tightly to the back seat of Greer's motorcycle with a few ropes. Greer put on his helmet and straddled the The motorcycle waved at Uncle Jimmy, put down the goggles of the helmet, twisted the accelerator and sped out, blending into the traffic that was approaching night.

After waving goodbye to Greer, Uncle Jimmy turned and walked into the store, wiped his greasy hands with the towel around his neck, took out a flip phone, pressed a '1', and after sending it out, he stuffed the phone into the In the pocket, humming a little song that was popular in the last century, he walked towards the back kitchen.

At this time, Greer was riding a motorcycle through the traffic at a high speed, the sun had already set below the horizon, it was the evening rush hour, and the roads around the road were very narrow, so traffic jams were not uncommon at all. of.

But these had nothing to do with Greer. The motorcycle nimbly shuttled through the gaps between vehicles. If it really couldn't get around, it simply took the narrow alley. Nothing could stop the forward speed.

The decade belt originally gave Greer strong strength and five senses, plus Agito's extrasensory perception, allowing him to drive at a speed of seventy to eighty miles in a traffic jam on the street, leaving behind The abuse of many drivers.

At this speed, Greer quickly arrived at the place Uncle Jimmy said. The man who answered the phone was an uncle, but the one who came down to pick up the things was a cute girl of mixed blood, which was very in line with the aesthetics of China and the West. He looked five or six years old, wearing a white thin sweater and jeans, bringing a touch of youthful beauty to this bleak autumn day.

After she approached, Greer always felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while, and when he was thinking hard, he kept staring at it, trying to figure out where he had seen it .

But it looked like this to other people, but she stared at the girl like a fool. This girl was very educated, and she didn't care about Greer's behavior, or she was stared at too much, so she approached politely Asked: "Hello, is Uncle Jimmy's restaurant delivering food?"

"Oh, yes, yes!" Greer nodded, untied the rope on the back seat, picked up the box and said, "It's very heavy, do you want me to take it up?"

"Then thank you very much."

When the two walked into the building, nine display TVs in an electrical appliance store at the rear were broadcasting news, and eight of them were broadcasting the five gang fights that occurred in the past 20 days, which are the most concerned by the public. There was only one TV in the corner broadcasting the news: a bomb attack occurred in Corwall College, and the nearby military anti-explosion troops rushed to deal with it, but the bomb was detonated by remote control, causing casualties to the military.
(End of this chapter)

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