Chapter 61
"Really?" Frank replied noncommittally, the index finger of his right hand tapped the armrest of the sofa lightly, the expression on his face was unpredictable, but he was thinking quickly in his mind.Frank is not stupid to become a bigwig and have such a big whitewashed company in Manhattan, on the contrary he is very shrewd.

In his rage, he suspected that it was the trouble of the restless Parker Robbins, but now he calmed down and thought about it seriously, it would not do Parker Robbins any good to do so.What's more, the four transactions that were destroyed were all killing people and not taking goods. Obviously, they were not black people, but purposeful revenge.

Although the police have not announced the details of the five large-scale "gangster fights" that occurred in the past half month with a large number of deaths, Frank has a high-level "insider" in the police station. Pass it to Frank immediately.

In four of the scenes, there were many traces of grenade explosions. After a lot of investigations, the police restored the attack process. They first used sniper rifles to snipe at a long distance, and then used unknown devices to launch grenades far and very accurately. In the end, the guns of those gangsters will be used to hunt down the survivors and the injured.

Another attack showed a small amount of flame burn marks, and it is suspected that a high-temperature weapon was used to commit the crime.The survey results of the five attack sites showed that the number of attackers was very small, single digits or even one person.

But the guess of 'one person' was first dropped by PASS, no one thought that one person could kill so many armed gangsters without injury.It turned out that Frank didn't believe it, but his son came back from an outing a month ago, and suddenly fell ill the next day. His whole body was covered with scab-like things, which wrapped Chris like a pupa. .

Before the ambulance arrived, the 'chrysalis' burst open, Chris was safe and sound, and suddenly had a very magical ability to control the red hurricane, which made Frank overjoyed, and immediately transformed the basement into a training room. The field, let the son familiarize himself with his abilities in it.

He has seen the lethality of Chris. After he turned into the wind, although he could not achieve the achievement of "come without a shadow, go without a trace" because of the red color of the hurricane, but when you see it, he has already flown to you In front of him, he could directly knock people into the air, or cut them into pieces with a sharp hurricane just like before. It was more crisp than a meat grinder, and one person could easily defeat ten or twenty heavily armed people.

So after hearing what Parker Robbins said, he began to wonder if Damon's companion had the same magical ability as his son in order to kill so many of his subordinates.After thinking about it for a while, Frank said, "I see, you go back first, pick up the goods if you want them, don't play tricks, you understand?"

After knocking a few words casually, Parker Robbins was allowed to leave. After the door of the reception room was closed, Chris couldn't wait to say: "Dad, let me kill the guy who caused sabotage."

"Chris" Frank's voice suddenly rose, and Chris, who was dancing, stood up obediently immediately, and Frank continued: "Don't think about doing everything yourself, so what do you need your subordinates to do? The superior, It is to sit firmly behind the scenes and let your subordinates charge for you. If something goes wrong, let them take the blame and pick yourself out. Remember, once something happens to you, your subordinates will think more about how to occupy and replace you position, rather than rescue you and continue to give orders."

"Oh!" Chris nodded, indicating that he had listened.

His appearance made Frank nod with a smile on his face, stood up, walked out without even looking at the messy meeting room, and said, "I spend so much money every year on those greedy guys, it's not just To have them turn a blind eye to my behavior, but to be there when I need them."

Chris followed behind in a daze, and some couldn't understand what it meant.

Frank stopped in the corridor, turned around and looked at the crowded tall buildings and houses outside the window, and said: "We must learn to use the power of the government to attack opponents, just like this time, it's not people on the road fighting for territory, We can completely let the contract-breaking police department take care of it, after all, we are also taxpayers, and they have an obligation to ensure our safety, what we have to do is to provide them with clues to the murderer."

"Oh!" Chris nodded half-understanding, and Frank waved his hand at him: "Continue to train, only by becoming stronger can we fight for more voice in this city. "

Hearing this, Chris hurriedly said "Goodbye, Dad!" and then turned into a red whirlwind and rushed towards the other end of the corridor. Compared with listening to his father's lectures, he preferred to float around in the basement. Destroy and destroy things.

Watching Chris go away, Frank's eyes became gloomy, the transparent glass window in front of him seemed to become a mirror, and the image of a fat bald man emerged, making Frank standing in the empty corridor He whispered viciously: "With Chris, I will definitely be able to replace you, Fisk."

Three days later, the Police Department held a press conference to report five consecutive large-scale gang fights in the past half month.Most of the dead were gang members, and it is very likely that they were vendettas or revenge. The number of perpetrators is small and their marksmanship is accurate. They should be professionally trained personnel
At the end of the briefing on the case, the police spokesperson made a vow: All efforts will be made to solve the case, and the murderer will never be allowed to go unpunished
Greer lay on the soft bed, gnawed on an apple, and listened to the speaker on TV talking nonsense.In the past half a month, he has obviously been dispatched four times. Where did the fifth time come from? Could it be that a gang fight happened to happen, which made the direction of the police's detection deviate?
But that's fine too, let them find illusory professionals who have been specially trained. Big Daddy's relationship network has already killed [-]% of them. Under the threat of death, there is always no shortage of traitors. During the attack, it was known that Frank Amick's location was a financial company in the Midtown area, which was actually used to launder these huge properties of unknown origin.

While Greer was lying on the bed waiting for Uncle Jimmy’s dinner, Jimmy Wu was wearing a chef’s uniform and standing in his room. On the display screen in the front wall, Adjutant Hill in a tight black uniform was releasing a new The mission: "The director ordered him to go to M25 in Manhattan."

PS: I helped someone move today, and I didn’t come back until [-] or [-] o’clock. I was almost exhausted. I owe a chapter today and make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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