Chapter 581 Scam
"This guy is Dr. Octopus?" Greer looked down at the manual issued by the Osborne Group in his hand, which clearly stated that the person in charge of this artificial sun project is Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius , and a half-length photo next to it, as well as a brief introduction of the little fat man.

It is indeed Dr. Octopus, but the experiment has already been announced to officially start, and there is no intention of installing four mechanical tentacles on this product. A big truck with an iron shell.

"Sure enough, the movies are all deceptive. How could the nuclear test be so arbitrary." Greer once again felt the gap between reality and the movie. How could an extremely dangerous nuclear test be placed in a small room with simple and simple equipment? Like a workshop.

Like the one in front of you, not only is the device heavy and bulky, but there are hundreds of people including experimenters, technicians, and logistical support. Everyone is wearing nuclear-proof suits from head to toe, and each is responsible for a part of the experiment. This is a significant experiment. .

Banner beside him looked at Greer, whose face was full of disappointment, and said with a smile: "The real experiment is so boring, it won't let you see how it is done, it will only tell you success or failure, be generous. Some of the irrelevant data may be released..."

"It's really boring." Greer came to prevent the birth of Doctor Octopus, in case this guy made a bigger artificial sun. As a result, Otto didn't need to do anything at all, he just stood on the high podium and commanded by radio Scientists around the iron shell.

There was an open space around the two of them, and the guests would rather squeeze in than stand next to Banner. What if they stepped on Banner's feet and made him turn green?
The experiment has officially started, all the guests can see is that the iron shell below lights up, the scientists around it are busier, and the data on the big screen is changing, nothing else, but those scientists They watched with gusto, and discussed and exchanged with each other, anyway, Greer couldn't understand anything.

Boring, boring, still boring.

Greer, who was looking around, suddenly saw an acquaintance. Parker, who was wearing a suit and tie, was chatting and laughing with Harry, the little green goblin who had occupied the headlines for several days. When they got closer, the two The discussion is not today's experiment, but past school life and embarrassing things.

Greer didn't go forward, but it was Parker's keen sense of touch that spotted Greer and waved at Greer. Harry turned his head and asked curiously, "Your friend?"

He was very clear about Peter's situation. The people he invited this time were all famous people. Ordinary people were not even qualified to watch from the sidelines.

"I'm Dr. Banner's intern." Greer announced the negotiated identity, Harry reached out and shook Greer's hand, and said politely: "I have always admired Dr. Banner, His accomplishments in biology are astonishing, and he has fought against the aliens who invaded the earth, he is worthy of respect, can you recommend him for me?"

"For so long, you are the first person to invite a doctor. I can be a doctor's intern thanks to people's prejudice against him."

"No, I'm the second, you are the first, I just met once, and you often get along with Dr. Banner." Harry said with a smile, pointing to Peter, and said: "And Peter, he Internship at the Stark Group, you should have seen Dr. Banner."

"Yeah, uh... occasionally two or three times."

"Then have you seen other members of the Avengers? Spider-Man, Kamen Rider, I like them very much. I have a lot of their figurines in my office, and they are very delicate." Harry asked enthusiastically , making Peter even more confused about how to answer, Greer blinked a few times, and said nonchalantly: "My luck is relatively unlucky, and it may be that the time with Dr. Banner is too short, and I will always meet in the future."

"That's really a pity. I admire the Avengers very much, but I have been busy with company affairs for the past two years and have not been able to visit." Harry's tone was full of regret, like a groupie who couldn't see his idol.

Just as he was talking, cheers suddenly erupted from the test site below, followed by applause from the onlookers. Dr. Otto raised his head excitedly and shouted: "The artificial sun is a success, and mankind has entered a new era. "

A large number of guests stood up from their seats, clapping their hands and walking towards Harry. Their previously indifferent faces were now full of smiles, saying congratulatory words, and shaking hands with Harry. Harry, who was so popular, instantly became the center of attention.

Greer and Parker retreated collectively, making way for these big capitalists, congressmen, military representatives and other important figures to get closer to Harry.

Greer looked up at the live broadcast of the test field. The iron shell seemed to be a little brighter, but he didn't find any other differences. He walked back to Dr. Banner with a happy smile on his face, and said: "Doctor, did you succeed?"

"Well, it should be successful," Dr. Banner nodded, pointing to the picture on the big screen above his head and some data disclosed, and said: "The output power is extremely high, far exceeding any kind of energy device. Nor is the latest Mark IV Ark Reactor that can compete with it."

"Are you sure?" Greer couldn't believe that Dr. Octopus's invention could surpass Stark's.

"Unless I see all the experimental data, or even redo it many times, and still be successful, I can truly declare that the experiment is successful. The most important thing in a scientific experiment is repeatability," Dr. Banner looked reluctantly at the stoppage below. Experiment, said: "Unfortunately, these experimental data are top secret, and it is impossible to disclose them to anyone."

Greer believes that Stark's steel suit does not leak a single part. The artificial sun means endless clean energy. Whoever controls it will monopolize the energy of the next era. I don't know. How many billionaires can be born, and even the richest man in the world, not to mention the core data, it is impossible to tell you even after the experiment.

The news of the success of the artificial sun quickly spread outside, and the reporters who had been waiting for a long time quickly reported the news back to newspapers and TV stations. Afterwards, everyone knew that the artificial sun project of the Osborne Group had succeeded, and mankind would officially enter the world. In the era of clean energy, I believe that in the near future, the world will no longer need to worry about energy, and the oil war will officially end.

The Osborne Group also immediately released more than ten articles, accompanied by a large number of on-site pictures. Many familiar or unfamiliar senior officials, military representatives, capitalists, journalists and scientists all surrounded Harry and clapped happily. , the atmosphere is extremely warm, and there are all-round, three-dimensional display of the artificial sun experimental device and so on.

Let everyone know that this experiment is open and fair, and it was carried out under the witness of many people. These high-ranking officials, generals, and scientific tycoons also endorsed this experiment invisibly, increasing the credibility of the success of this experiment. .

And people don't think that a large group with a level of hundreds of billions invites a large number of high-ranking officials, scientists, and reporters with such fanfare, just to create a big scam. Obviously this is a fact. The artificial sun is really It worked.

The stock price of the Osborne Group was originally on a gentle slope. After the news came out, it immediately became a dangerous peak of nearly [-] degrees. It increased by one-fifth in just a few minutes, and doubled in an hour. At the close of the night, It is already [-] times that at the opening.

The Osborn Group also opened up the experimental field, allowing people to take pictures of the huge tokamak device from a distance. Dr. Otto introduced the experiment he has studied for most of his life, and how much it will bring to mankind. And a series of subsequent application plans.

In front of countless reporters, he vowed: "If everything goes well, human beings will soon enter the new energy era, just like the emergence of the steam engine and the elimination of hand looms, the artificial sun will eliminate all old IDE power generation device."

The hustle and bustle lasted until the night, and the Osborne Group managed to send off the last batch of reporters. Even so, [-]% of the reporters were eliminated, and only the mainstream media were allowed to come in for interviews and visits.A busy day has made all relevant employees very tired, but all of them have enthusiastic smiles on their faces. They see the bright future of the group, and it is no longer the kind of hopeless company that may go bankrupt at any time.

As the protagonists, Chairman Harry and Dr. Otto stayed at the end, in the artificial sun laboratory comparable to a stadium, and they were the only two left, standing in front of the tokamak device, looking at the cold steel in silence, All the smiles on his face disappeared, leaving endless exhaustion and bewilderment.

The two stood like this, listening to each other's breathing. After a long time, Dr. Otto said dryly, "How do you plan to end it?"

Harry bent over the railing, looking extremely tired, and said without raising his head, "What?"

Dr. Otto finally turned his head and said angrily: "Now the whole world knows that we have created an artificial sun, what are you going to show them?"

Harry finally reacted, raised his head, took out the phone from his pocket, clicked on it a few times, and handed it to Dr. Otto. It was the stock price of Osborne Group when the market closed. Harry looked up , with a smile on his face, said: "I have money for you now, and I continue to experiment. Science, how can it be smooth sailing, isn't it normal to toss for ten or eight years? Stark's Ark reaction The furnace is still his own toy."

"But at least he produced a qualified product." Dr. Otto threw the phone back to Harry, clenched his fists and said, "Damn it, why did I agree, once it gets out, you and I will be ruined."

"Then cover it up," Harry put the phone in with an indifferent attitude, looked at the heavy iron case, and said with a half-smile: "When you asked me to attract investment, didn't you say that the artificial sun is very Will it be done soon? I'm just passing your word on to the world, hoping they will believe it as much as I do."

Dr. Otto was choked up immediately. Whoever pulls the investment will not say it well, a fool will say: I am not very sure to complete this experiment, and your money is likely to be wasted.

Just like Dr. Connors, who presides over the body augmentation potion, he also vowed that his formula is perfect, and he can complete the final experiment with only a small investment of money, and he will soon be able to return ten times and a hundred times. return.

The results are so similar. Dr. Conners is still in the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled, and Dr. Otto has successfully spent hundreds of millions of dollars without producing anything. Therefore, after Harry expressed that he had no money to support After his experiment, the two combined together, and the artificial sun was successful.

The words were not speculative, Harry took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, covering up his exhaustion, and turned into a confident and smiling Chairman Harry, and said to Dr. Otto: " I will transfer the nearby guards, and you should replace the energy battery inside with a new one as soon as possible. The military will send a team of experts to visit here in the next few days. Once you pass their inspection, you will get more funds. Experiment as you like."

"I know!" Dr. Otto said in a low voice. As a scientist, he hates cheating, but in order to continue the experiment that has cost him most of his life, he has no choice but to make excuses. He can only comfort himself with "everything is for tomorrow".

Harry turned around and left, closed the door, and took away the nearby guards. Dr. Otto, who had been struggling for a long time, sighed, took off his white coat, walked to the next door, and entered After verifying the password, fingerprints and irises, the heavy alloy door slowly opened, revealing the energy batteries full inside, and the mechanical tentacles set on the shelf for carrying heavy objects.

The extremely high output power of the artificial sun comes from the energy battery inside. All the data are computer simulations, including the scientists surrounding the device. They think they are controlling the artificial solar device, but they are actually playing a game. Naturally, everything goes well and they can succeed. .

"I'm for science." Dr. Otto said again to himself, walked to the complex mechanical tentacles, turned around, revealing a smooth back, several mechanical arms hanging from the ceiling moved, Help Dr. Otto put on a heavy-lifting mechanical tentacles suit.

Four mechanical tentacles that can reach 13 meters when stretched, an artificial spine that can withstand twelve tons of weight, and matching armor, are very similar to a simple version of a steel battle suit. The four mechanical tentacles can easily grab four heavy weights. One or two tons of energy batteries, stepped into the artificial solar device, removed the batteries that consumed most of the energy, and installed new ones.

This is the second time Dr. Otto has done it, but it is the first time to disassemble and carry it at the same time. He is a little busy. The root cause is that he has been interviewed for too long and there is not enough time. .

(End of this chapter)

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