The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 580 Artificial Sun

Chapter 580 Artificial Sun
"Graduation is two years away, Parker, have you considered our future?" Gwen's words hit Parker's heart directly. Graduation means entering the society. There are no beautiful illusions, only cruel reality.Cars, houses, wives, children, life, all poems and distant places, dreams and ideals, all have to be rolled away, invisible.

"I" Parker really doesn't know what to say, he understands what Gwen means, Harry can give him a lot of things, high position, high salary, and someone in court, what an enviable thing, especially Sergeant George Not much for Parker.

If there is no enviable job with high status and high salary, but an ordinary employee, how could Sergeant George, who has been promoted to the police chief of New York City, agree to marry his daughter? What father in the world does not want his daughter to marry? Well done.

If you think about it in a more philistine place, Sergeant George may have endured until now, maybe because he thinks that Parker knows two rich friends who are close enough to deliver cars. This network will help Parker in the future, otherwise he would have let this The guy who likes to argue with himself is gone.

The car fell into silence again, and Gwen didn't say anything, but turned her head and looked at the bustling night scene outside the window, until the car stopped in front of Gwen's house, neither of them said a word.After sending Gwen to the door, the door was about to be opened, and Parker said in a low voice: "I have thought about it, Gwen, give me some time, okay? I will definitely tell you."

Gwen stopped her hand on the doorknob, turned around, hugged Parker tightly, as if she was afraid that she would fly away if she let go, and whispered, "I just want Dad to agree with you."

"I know, I will do well."

When you are in love, you don’t think about anything, you think that only love is enough, but you want to be with you for a lifetime, how can it be so easy, Gwen wants Parker to join Harry’s company, first, Harry invites him personally, and promises that Parker will help him control the group, This kind of position will definitely not be low; second, the Osborne Group is still in the recovery period and is making friends with politicians from all walks of life. With his father's relationship, Parker's company in Harry will definitely be able to develop better.

The Stark Group is different, it is still just an intern, starting from the bottom, it is too difficult to get promoted, Tony Stark knows too many politicians, and the city police chief is really in front of him. It's nothing, he even dared to buy the general's bar, and then blow it up directly, such a slap in the face, the general can only pierce the villain in his heart.

A young couple hugged at the door for a long, long time before they parted reluctantly. Gwen stood at the door of the house and watched Parker drive away. He didn't enter the house until he couldn't even see the taillights of the car.


In the long-sleeping city of Tieyo, a piece of explosive news suddenly came out. A message was posted on the official website of the almost forgotten Osborne Group: The Osborne Group has completed all the preliminary preparations and preparations for thermonuclear fusion. For the test, a formal thermonuclear fusion experiment will be carried out on another day.

Thermonuclear fusion, this term has entered thousands of households in an instant, from the president, CEO, down to the staff, sweepers, all talking about it, the atmosphere is so enthusiastic, comparable to when Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man and Suddenly 'resurrected' Captain America.

Not only Twisting City, but the newspapers and TV stations of the entire US Empire wrote a big word on the front page: Humanity may enter the age of fusion!

And thermonuclear fusion also became the top search list in just a few minutes. The explanation and interpretation of thermonuclear fusion technology has ushered in millions of times the number of visits in the past. Everyone who reads the relevant news wants to know What exactly is thermonuclear fusion.

The inexhaustible and truly clean energy has caused many well-known scholars, experts and professors to express relevant remarks, evaluating this experiment as one of the most important experiments in human history. In terms of importance, it is comparable to ancient times. People drilled wood to make fire, and Watt invented the steam engine.

The stock of Osborne Group rose against the sound, and it rose by nearly one-tenth that day, while the stocks of companies related to oil and other energy sources soared all the way. Once the news of the successful experiment came out, the stock of Osborne Group Doublings are small, while oil companies' stock breakouts are light.

Twisting City once again became the focus of the world, spies and agents from all walks of life swarmed here, and began to focus on the Osborne Group, which had suffered many disasters and was almost bankrupt. With such a breaking news, countless people want to know whether the news is true and whether the experiment will be successful.

In the Avengers Building, Greer looked up at the news report on the holographic projection screen, without even turning over the magic book in his hand, turned to look at Banner beside him, and asked, "Doctor?"

Dr. Banner frowned and put on a look of contemplation. After a while, he said: "I don't know much about this, but thermonuclear fusion is extremely difficult, and conventional materials can't withstand the effects of thermonuclear fusion." Fragments that require high pressure and high temperature have already collapsed. At present, only the strong magnetic field of the tokamak device can constrain thermonuclear fusion. It seems that the Osborne Group has solved the most critical plasma.”

"Uh" Greer was stunned when he heard it, and all kinds of professional terms came out of his mouth. It sounded quite vague, but I really couldn't understand it. When Osborne Group's thermonuclear fusion is completed, mankind will truly enter the era of clean energy, and all power plants and hydropower plants can be eliminated.

After finally waiting for Banner to finish his name, Greer opened his mouth and asked, "Mr. Stark's Ark reactor, isn't it also nuclear fusion? Then why hasn't human beings entered the era of clean energy?"

Dr. Banner scratched his head in distress, and said, "Actually, I haven't figured out whether the Ark reactor is nuclear fusion or not."

"Ah!" Greer was even more surprised, he always thought it was nuclear fusion, how could it not be?

Banner took off his glasses, rubbed his temples, and said, "Although I don't know much about nuclear fusion, the Ark reactor is not real nuclear fusion. It should be regarded as a simulation. I don't know what it is, but the energy conversion efficiency No worse than nuclear fusion, Mr. Howard is a great man, quite clever, to find another way."

Banner started his tirade again, babbling, praising Mr. Howard's ingenuity, but Greer thought of the Rubik's Cube. Howard Stark had studied the Rubik's Cube for a long time. The Ark Reactor is said to be manufactured according to the principle of the Rubik's Cube, so it seems reasonable to be different from nuclear fusion.

Think about it too, the high temperature and high radiation of nuclear fusion will kill you instantly, not to mention embedded in the chest cavity, maybe this is why the large Ark reactor is clearly placed in the hall of the Stark factory No one has successfully imitated it so far, because it is just a fake, and the real thing is left in the architectural drawings of the Stark Industries Expo organized by Howard.

After finally listening to Banner's long speech, Greer hurriedly asked: "Doctor, you haven't said yet, can this be successful?"

"I don't know!" Dr. Banner spread his hands and said, "There is no shortage of smart people in the world. Maybe the Osborne Group has really solved many problems. I hope it can succeed. In this case, human beings no longer need to worry about Energy is troubled, and environmental pollution can be greatly improved.”


Is there any difference between saying this and not saying it?Apparently not.

"Do you want to witness the arrival of the new era with your own eyes?" Dr. Banner suddenly changed the topic, took out a beautifully decorated red book, and said: "The Osborne Group has sent invitation letters to many well-known scientists, so that Going to visit the nuclear fusion experiment, do you want to go together?"

"Of course, I also want to see with my own eyes what the so-called artificial sun looks like."

"You will definitely be disappointed. The tokamak device is a big, big iron shell. Even if you are next to it, you can't see what's going on inside, let alone the auditorium is so far away." Dr. Banner laughed, like this He has faced this situation more than once, and the difference between imagination and reality is always as big as a street.

"Oh? Really?" Greer remembered that in the movie, the artificial sun made by Doctor Octopus was surrounded by four iron pillars, and the big fireball burned inside, and then it went out of control. Why did Bannabo talk about an iron shell? My son, have you installed the guardrail?

Full of doubts and curiosity, Greer followed Bruce Banner, who hadn't gone out alone for a long time, to the Osborne Group's laboratory by car. Dr. Banner dared to go out because of Greer, in case he Crazy, at least someone stopped it.

Today's Osborn is star-studded. Scientists from all walks of life gathered here to witness this historic moment with their own eyes. There are also more than a dozen cars from the Pentagon. Obviously the military is also extremely interested in this. People outside the group The reporters piled up one layer after another, their guns and short guns almost blocked the road, and they all wanted to send back this earth-shattering report as soon as possible.

Although the experiment has not yet started, the reporter took a lot of photos. Every time a scientist appeared, he would make a big noise. Especially after Banner showed up, he killed countless films in seconds. It was a worthwhile trip, at least Dr. Banner, a member of the Avengers, can report.

After all, Dr. Banner hasn't shown up for a long time, and it was Hulk who showed up a few times before. I didn't expect this experiment to alert him to come here in person, which makes the experiment of the Osborne Group even more earth-shattering.

There were hundreds of auditoriums for this experiment. When Greer and Banner arrived, it was almost full. Everyone was discussing the same topic: Is the experiment real? success?
Harry Osborne, the helm of the Osborne Group, stood on a high place, looking at the crowded crowd inside and outside the building with satisfaction, and then looked at the stock price of the Osborne Group on his mobile phone, and he was even happier. Originally, this plan was A gimmick, a choice of desperation, just to swindle a few investments, so as to give the Osborne Group a breath of life, never expected that Otto Gunther Octavius ​​would actually complete this project Plan, it was the surprise of the surprise.

Once the artificial sun is completed, the Osborne Group will be able to monopolize the world's energy for a long, long time. The market is immeasurably vast, and the profits generated are huge. There is no problem at all in raising the altitude of Manhattan by 100 meters.

He just released the news, and the military representatives who couldn’t ask for it before immediately came to discuss cooperation, the White House also sent people to discuss, and investors flocked here, all wanting a piece of the future. This is what Harry made public. The reason for this experiment, Osborne Group needed a strong project to restore investor confidence.

Facts have proved that his decision is correct. The whole world knows about the Osborne Group, the whole world is talking about the Osborne Group, and the eyes of the whole world are focused on this, which makes Harry feel ecstatic. Like stepping on cotton.

No wonder Stark likes to be in the limelight, it feels so good to have everyone watching you, praising you, and surrounding you.

"Hey, my friend," Ian Quinn shouted at Harry from a distance, opened his arms and gave Harry a big hug, and said with great enthusiasm, "I'm here to congratulate you."

With a smile on his face, Harry also hugged Ian Quinn, and said, "We succeeded, and your investment will return hundreds of times and thousands of times of profit."

"People who are selling Osborne Group shares are all fools now." Ian Quinn said with a smile, Dongdong XZ, who was chased by Coulson's team before, no longer needs to worry, and can continue to enjoy the wealth of the rich. Life.

With full standardized smiles, the two walked towards the laboratory hand in hand. In the laboratory, which is so huge that it can stop an aircraft carrier, the auditorium on both sides is full of people, and the huge iron shell in the middle is surrounded by thick glass. Hundreds of scientists wearing thick anti-radiation suits walked around the big iron shell, and rows of computers displayed the internal situation in real time.

"Sure enough, there is a big difference." Greer sighed. This is not the difference from the movie at 01:30. In the movie, there are only a few people and a few iron pillars. Here, hundreds of people plus various complex The instruments, devices, model four-wheel drive and the gap between formula racing cars are not so big.

At this moment, there was a sound from the loudspeaker, and then a mid-spirited voice came out: "Gentlemen and ladies, you are welcome to witness this moment in human history. Next, I will light a round of sun for human beings, which will illuminate Brighten the way for mankind to enter the new century"

Greer probed and searched, only to find that in the experimental hall below, a fat man was holding a microphone, talking redly about how important this experiment is, how historic this experiment is, and how this experiment will change Humans, and the sponsor of this experiment: the Osborne Group.

Like the host, he thanked a lot before announcing the official start of the experiment. Everyone stopped talking and looked up at the big screen hanging in front of the auditorium, which would broadcast the situation of the laboratory in real time.

(End of this chapter)

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