The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 549 The Destroyer and the Gun of Eternity

Chapter 549 The Destroyer and the Gun of Eternity
The most unconvinced and resentful thing about Loki is that Odin has been denying him all the time, never affirming him.All along, he has been working hard to improve himself. This can be seen from the fact that he has read all the books in the Asgard library and memorized them by heart.

In terms of knowledge reserves, Loki can get rid of Thor by ten roads. Although he is far behind Thor in strength, he diligently learns magic from Frigga to make up for his weak strength, thus becoming the leader in Asgard's magic. Second only to Frigga's mage.

In order to gain Odin's approval and the throne, he put in the best effort, but what he got in return was "No, Loki, this is wrong". This sentence completely shattered everything about Loki and let go Er grabbed his hand and fell into the bottomless abyss.

If it hadn't been for Thanos's subordinate Ebony Maw, who has been paying attention to the Nine Realms, to rescue Loki, I am afraid that Loki would have died in the abyss of the World Tree two and a half years ago, and there would be nothing later.

From that moment on, Loki no longer expects Odin to affirm him. Everything is won by his own efforts, not by others. So he took up the scepter and went to the earth alone to fight for his kingdom
He kept failing, but Rocky never gave up.

Until he returned from Saka, he easily conquered the Frost Giant who had lost Laufey and the elite army with the Eternal Spear and the Destroyer Destroyer Armor. With the blessing of the Frost Giant's bloodline, Loki ascended the throne and became the Frost Giant the new king.

But Loki was not satisfied with Jotunheim who stayed in the ice and snow. He wanted to build a kingdom that would not lose to Asgard, and let Odin's heroic spirit take a good look. king.

For this lofty goal, Loki took great pains and mobilized almost all the combatable soldiers in Jotunheim, but instead of going to Midgard, he went to Vanaheim and Yalfheim, where the A When the Sgardians were attacked by dark elves and fire giants, frost giants fell from the sky.

Wearing a majestic armor with antlers, holding the Eternal Spear, and escorted by the Destroyer, Loki commanded the Frost Giants, encircled the Fire Giants and the Dark Elves, and rescued people from the fire and water. The favorability of the Gardians increased sharply.

Now, in Loki's view, Jotunheim, Yalfheim, and Vanaheim have become his territory, and Muspelheim of the flame giant and Walter Alheim of the dark elves also He will be in his pocket because almost all those who are good at fighting go to Midgard.

Asgard has been destroyed, Heim's Underworld is the kingdom of the undead, Niflheim is no man's land, the Nine Realms has five worlds, and they are all worlds where intelligent life lives. It can be said that the essence of the Nine Realms is in the Under Loki's control, Loki felt that he could almost call himself the King of the Nine Realms.

Loki thought triumphantly, a group of distraught elves with fair skin to no blood came out of a forest next to the seaside town. Keith still hasn't recovered from it, and doesn't understand what happened.

He was commanding the fleet to encircle Thor and the guys he didn't know, when he was suddenly entered into a dark void glowing with blue light, he couldn't see or hear anything, it was as if his five senses were closed, Immediately after his eyes lit up, he had already appeared in the wilderness.

There is white snow under your feet, surrounded by forests with dead branches, and there are hundreds of dark elves beside you. This is the infantry that was originally used to land on Midgard. It is equipped with the most advanced laser guns and individual soldiers thousands of years ago. Mecha, and a small amount of black hole grenades.

"Where is this?" Malekith asked loudly, but no one could answer his question, these dark elf infantry who were staying well came here from the spaceship somehow.

Malekith asked someone to contact the fleet immediately to obtain his location, but after calling for a long time, he still failed to connect to his fleet. This made Malekith have a bad feeling in his heart. The point of convergence is too close to be sucked into other worlds.

But they are obviously in the spaceship, so they should be sucked in together with the spaceship. Why are there only so many people appearing here? He has hundreds of battleships, how come there are only so few people left?

Just when Malekith was very annoyed, the dark elves who went to investigate around sent back news that they found a small town not far away, and there were a large number of Asgardians. He hesitated to order the troops to set off, and at the same time let people continue to contact the fleet, so that after they wiped out the Asgardians, they would come to pick them up.

It wasn't until the dark elves walked out of the woods that the S.H.I.E.L.D. deployed a series of surveillance methods and equipment to discover these uninvited guests dressed in equipment far beyond the earth's technology. The alarm was raised and the agents gathered. Norway found the news of the dark elves and passed them on quickly. go out.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has faced aliens more than once, and has never encountered one whose physical fitness is weaker than that of humans. Even well-trained agents are weak in front of aliens. That's why S.H.I.E.L.D. formed a special force , Use the best weapons and the cruelest training to deal with these uninvited guests.

It’s just that S.H.I.E.L.D. also has no troops to adjust. Most of the special forces are eating sand in the desert, and the rest are also sent to London to stabilize the situation there. They will not be able to support them at all for a while. I want to contact Thor urgently, but there is nothing The electronic components of the communication equipment can resist the lightning on Thor's body, so.
In New Asgard, Heimdall is placing the clansmen who came down from the battlefield to heal and rest. After a great battle, Asgard suffered heavy casualties.Even when Asgard was in its prime, fighting against the flame giants did not take much advantage. The casualties were almost one to one. Even Odin's two brothers fell there. Walk the eternal fire.

And now Asgard is extremely weak, but at this moment, Heimdall's eyes saw a group of dark elves approaching here quickly, and the leader was Malekith, who made Heimdall'ten ! ' stood up at once, raised his hand and pulled out the guardian sword from his back, and shouted loudly: "Enemy attack!"

Before Heimdall finished speaking, a large number of light spots lit up on the top of the hill a thousand meters away, and then dozens of light beams pierced the sky, hitting the walls and roofs of houses, and flames burst into flames. The pillar vacated, 'Boom!boom!boom! 'The sound of explosions is endless.

A large number of building fragments were mixed in the flames, and the windows of half of the town shattered, and houses collapsed one after another, crushing the Asgardians in the houses.But soon, the ruins piled up, and the Asgardians climbed out carrying bricks and rubble in disgrace.

Malekith stood on the hillside, looking at the small town by the sea. It was no longer clean and tidy as it was before. There were flames everywhere. The thick smoke covered the sky, and the dust that was blown up drowned everything in the town. , but soon, Heimdall wearing a blue sportswear and holding a long sword broke out from the dust, with his mouth opened wide, shouting and rushing towards the hundreds of dark elves in front.

Behind him, the Asgardians rushed out one by one, most of them didn't even have time to put on their armor, they rushed out after finding something that could be used as a weapon around them, trying to stop the dark elves from attacking their new homeland. attack.

The target of the Dark Elf's attack immediately shifted to these Asgardians who rushed out, and the laser beams went 'whoosh!Whoosh! ' cut through the air, and some hit the ground, blowing up a lot of dust, while others hit the running Asgardians, knocking them to the ground.

"Hmph, mob." Malekith snorted disdainfully, dismissing the Asgardians. He was so destitute that he didn't even have all the weapons and equipment. What would he use to defeat his heavily armed soldiers? It is believed that Asgard defeated the dark elves only by virtue of the sharpness of their weapons.

After the decline of Asgard, the performance of the Asgardians was not as good as that of the dark elves. Back then, the dark elves were able to take away the elites of the clan, a large number of weapons and equipment, and some space battleships, and fled away, waiting for a comeback.

Now it seems that his decision is correct. When Asgard declines, and Asgard suppresses the blessings of the Nine Realms for a long time, no race will grow stronger. The dark elves will surely conquer the Nine Realms and achieve the Nine Realms The overlord of the world, to reproduce the glory of the year.

While Malekith was imagining the future, Heimdall, relying on his extraordinary eyesight, resisted the artillery fire of the dark elves, and rushed into the formation of the dark elves at the first, cutting left and right with the guardian sword , can split a person with a laser gun in half.

But there was only one Heimdall, and most of the Asgardians fell on the way of charging. The short distance of one kilometer, with the speed of the Asgardians, was 20 seconds. In just 20 seconds, the dark elves' intensive attacks blocked it, but it became a natural moat.

Even though Heimdall caused some confusion to the dark elves, most of the dark elves could continue to roll their names steadily, knocking down the Asgardians who rushed out of the dusty town one by one.

Seeing this, Malekith changed his formation and mobilized more people to besiege Heimdall, trying to wipe out the Asgardians who killed more than a dozen of his warriors in a short while.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound of smashing the ground from behind the dark elf, and the huge impact made the ground under his feet tremble.Malekith turned his head involuntarily, and saw a shadow that was more than three meters high in the dust that was thrown into the sky.

Before he could see the figure of the comer clearly, the black shadow's face lit up, and then two beams of light broke through the falling dust layer, and precisely hit the two soldiers aiming at the two soldiers next to Malekith, In less than a second, a big hole pierced through the dark elf soldier's chest, and the light beam continued to move forward unabated, piercing through more than a dozen dark elves before disappearing.

Malekith was stunned for a moment, the eighteen dark elf soldiers in two rows plopped!thump! At this time, the dust fell, and the attacker finally showed his figure. His whole body was covered with silver-gray metal sheets, and there were rows of spikes on both sides of his body. His eyes were as bright as searchlights, exuding The dazzling light, obviously the two beams of light just now came from his eyes.

"The Destroyer?!" Heimdall recognized this tall 'robot' at first glance, and was almost stunned in surprise. But transferred to the Destroyer.

The stormy waves turned up in my mind, how could the Destroyer appear here?Before the destruction of Asgard, he saw the Destroyer fighting against the army of death near the palace. The last group of Asgardians who withdrew did not carry the Destroyer. They should perish together with Asgard. How could this happen? What about Midgard?And they are still attacking the dark elves, obviously on the side of the Asgardians.

Under Heimdall's suspicious eyes, the Destroyer ran forward while emitting beams of light from his eyes. The dark elves in the back row hurriedly turned their guns and aimed at the Destroyer to attack. Bright sparks splashed from Destroyer's body, making a sound of 'Bang!boom! 'The crisp impact sound, but not even a white spot left.

On the other hand, the Destroyer, when the light beams of his eyes swept over there, a large area of ​​dark elves fell down there, and a single punch and kick could knock a dark elf into the air, and the hit abdomen was even sunken, at least it was a serious injury.The latest technological armor they wore thousands of years ago was no better than paper-made armor in front of the Destroyer.

The entry of the Destroyer completely disrupted the formation of the dark elves. A large number of dark elves hurriedly turned their guns to attack the Destroyer, which greatly weakened the frontal Asgardian offensive, allowing more Asgardians to attack the Destroyer. People rushed in front of the dark elves and began to attack the dark elves with swords in their hands, making more dark elves busy dealing with the enemies around them and having no time to attack the Asgardians rushing out of the town, making more Asgardians People can break through the chasm.

The sudden change in the situation on the field made Malekith unable to recover for a while. Just now, the dark elves slaughtered the Asgardians. How could it be that the dark elves were slaughtered in the blink of an eye?

He was yelling and commanding the dark elves to distance themselves to take advantage of the dark elves' laser guns, but he didn't even see a guy wearing an antler helmet suddenly appearing behind him, 'Pfft! Malekith suffered severe pain in his abdomen, and his eyes were almost popping out. He turned his head and saw a smiling face, his mouth was trembling. Rushing into his body, frantically destroying flesh and blood.

With a wave of his hand, Loki left Malekith still on the ground, raised his foot, stepped on the dying Malekith, raised the eternal gun in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Malekis is dead, resist!" Those who die, those who submit live."

(End of this chapter)

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