The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 548 Loki in action

Chapter 548 Loki in action

Hearing the young man who can drive Agamotto's eye call out his name, Wang was obviously stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Greer for a few seconds before finally pulling out a long and distant memory from his memory. A mage once led two people to visit Karma Taj.

Along the way, he introduced Kama Taj, like a tour guide, and left a deep impression on Wang. One of them seemed to be him, yes, it was this young man.

Since it was the person who was brought to Karma Taj by Master Ancient One, it means that he is not a bad person. Wang put down the weapon in his hand and shouted to the temple behind him: "It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding."

After the alarm was lifted, the king turned his head, and his attention was still on the Eye of Agamotto on Greer's chest. The use of it just now proved that it was not a fake, but the real thing. The doubts became even bigger, the chubby face was full of seriousness, and he said, "Why is it here with you? Where is the Venerable?"

The Eye of Agamotto is the supreme sacred object kept by the supreme mage. This is a well-known thing of Kama Taj, but now it appears in the hands of a young man, and the other party can still use it, which makes Wang feel unbelievable. thought.

"Dormammu attempted to invade the Earth while the Nine Realms overlapped. The Ancient One went deep into the dark dimension to stop him, and entrusted the Eye of Agamotto and the Earth to me."

Greer's words were no less than a thunderclap on the ground, shaking the king almost unsteadily, his eyes widened, and the magic wand in his hand, the Vatum wand, slipped, 'Pa-ta! 'He fell to the ground, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

This made Stephen Strange on the side a little confused, and some didn't understand why Master Wang was frightened into such a state by a single sentence. You must know that Wang is the son of Master Hamel, one of the guardians of the three Kama Taj temples. , since he was a child, he has learned spells from Master Gu Yi, and his strength is definitely among the best in Karma Taj, why is he so scared.

Wang is a generation of mystics. His understanding of the mysterious world far exceeds that of Stephen Strange, who became a monk halfway through. He deeply understands the strength of Dormammu. retreat.

But Mage Gu Yi not only went to the dark dimension to fight against Domamu, but also kept the Eye of Agamotto, which means that Mage Gu Yi knew that there would be ten deaths and no life, so he left the Eye of Agamotto to Descendants, to continue to fight against Domamu, lest the earth lose the Supreme Mage and the Eye of Agamotto at the same time.

"Entrust you with the Earth and the Eye of Agamotto?" Stephen Strange was a little skeptical, and he still hasn't let go of his vigilance. The magic circle on his wrist is still shining.In his opinion, Kama Taj has a lot of mages, guardians of the three major temples, each of which has boundless mana, and a large number of mystics and magic apprentices. Why entrust the Eye of Agamotto to an outsider.

This is like a family business. The chairman does not promote his children, but finds an outsider to be the CEO or general manager. It is incomprehensible. Are you not afraid of frying the pot?Although Stephen Strange has only been in Karma Taj for two years, he also subconsciously felt that 'why give it to this stranger instead of the mage of Karma Taj', the leader generated internally is always better than the one who came from the air It is easier to gain recognition.

Wang stood on the spot for about ten seconds before recovering. He bent down stiffly to pick up the Vatum wand on the ground, opened his mouth, and said in a sleepy voice: "I, I, oh, I'm going to tell the temple guardians The news of the readers, yes, we must tell them quickly."

Wang turned around and wanted to run into the temple, but was stopped by Greer: "Wait a minute, Wang, the overlap of the Nine Realms is not over yet, and it is not the right time to tell them this news."

"Oh, yes, yes, it's not suitable, no, I should tell." Wang's brain was in a mess, the news of the death of Master Gu Yi was too shocking for him, and he couldn't digest the bad news for a while, he said Eye circles are red.

Stephen Strange next to him was also full of sadness. When he had nothing and even his hopes were about to be shattered, he was accepted by the Ancient One Mage, who let him know the real world and taught him magic. The Ancient One Mage is in his eyes. , has always been a kind and kind elder image, but now this elder has left.

Greer raised his head and looked at the sky. The boundaries of the eight "holes" in the blue sky and white clouds, which are high and low, finally began to touch. At this moment, an invisible wave swept across the Nine Realms, and many people strayed into the Nine Realms Creatures in the space channel created by the extrusion of the world were wiped out at this moment.

The iceberg and snow ridge below the hollow in Jotunheim collapsed instantly, and the huge amount of ice and snow seemed to lose gravity and flew upwards slowly. This kind of thing happened not only in Jotunheim, but also in several other unprotected worlds In the void, all the objects below the void began to rise strangely, and then instantly collapsed into powder when passing through the boundary of the void.

Only the earth is as usual, London does not have any non-flying objects flying into the sky, but there are no supplementary creatures from other worlds, which makes the human casualty curve begin to decline.It was just monitoring the satellites above London. At this moment, all the pictures were lost, as if London was blocked. This change caused all countries to quickly adjust the satellite positions in other places so that they could continue to monitor the situation in London.

In Norway, which is across the sea from England, on the edge of a cliff facing the sea, Rocky is wearing a low-key but luxurious navy blue dress, standing on a rock with the gun of eternity, looking at the endless sea and a few kilometers away of a small town.

Standing here, Loki can easily find the artificial and intelligent defense lines that S.H.I.E.L.D. has arranged around the town, which made Loki look very pale, and said to himself, "My brother, this Is it the Midgard that your heart yearns for? Humans are confined to such a small place, and every share is monitored every second. If Odin has a spirit, he will be pissed off by you, dignified Asgard, It has fallen to this point, controlled by humble mortals."

While Loki was talking to himself, a mist-like area glowing with light blue light suddenly appeared in the void on the left, and then the Valkyrie walked out of it with a stinky face. The device with blue light was thrown at Loki.

Loki reached out to catch the enchanted vessel engraved with a large number of symbols and patterns on the surface. The space gem inside was emitting a bright light. After falling into Loki's hands, it dimmed, and the space door that the Valkyrie walked out also dissipated.

The Valkyrie stared at Loki unkindly, and said, "Why did you save the Dark Elf? Haven't you studied history? Dark Elf"

"Dark elves are the common enemy of all life in the Nine Realms. They are greedy and evil. They are always thinking about dyeing the Nine Realms into dark black. By then, all life will end and the Nine Realms will be completely plunged into darkness." Luo Ji said a long description about the dark elves as if reciting a text, and the magic power surged in his hands, and the vessel containing the Rubik's Cube disappeared immediately.

Only then did Loki turn his head, smiled slightly at the Valkyrie, and said, "I've read all the books in the Asgard library, and I can recite the history books that Odin ordered people to write by heart."

"Then you still want to save them?"

Loki didn't answer the Valkyrie's question, but raised his left hand that was just free and pointed to the village where the Asgardians lived in the distance, and said, "Did you see anything?"

Climbing the heights and seeing far away, coupled with her extraordinary eyesight, the Valkyrie can easily see the situation in the coastal town: "Asgardians, they are fishing and drying their nets, is there anything strange?"

"Then do you remember Asgard before you left?"

The Valkyrie was silent for a moment, then nodded. Even though she had lived on Saka for thousands of years, she still couldn't erase her memory of her hometown. The magnificent and magnificent palace and the rainbow beam of light that traversed the Nine Realms belonged to Asgardians. The deepest impression on Asgard.

The corners of Loki's mouth curled up, showing a very sarcastic smile, and said: "But look here again, does it look a little bit like Asgard? I only saw a group of people who are satisfied with a little charity from mortals, and I forgot The countless heroic spirits of Sgard, the glory forged with blood and life, the fishermen who have completely lost their fighting spirit."

The Valkyrie didn't answer, but just stared at the distant town with ecstasy. Most of the people were dressed in mortal's "fantastic clothes", only a few of them were still wearing warrior's armor, but what they held in their hands was not a sword, but a hoe, Plowing the land in front of and behind the house, sowing seeds.

Even if the heroic spirits regenerate, it is impossible to believe that these people are Asgardians, the race full of indomitable and fighting spirit, who will advance resolutely even if there are mountains of swords and seas ahead, the race that defeated the dark elves, flame giants, frost giants and other powerful civilizations one after another. The race that forged the name of Asgard's domain.

"Why did it become like this?" The Valkyrie murmured in a low voice. On Saka, she learned the fact that Asgard was destroyed from Greer and Loki, but she also knew a lot about Asgard. The Germans escaped and ascended to heaven, thinking that when they returned to the Nine Realms, they would see Asgard, which started anew and regained its glory.

Unexpectedly, what she saw was a group of fishermen and farmers. As for the soldiers, she really didn't find many of them. Although most of these people were civilians, every heroic spirit in the Hall of Valor came from civilians. Could it be that when Asgard was destroyed, did the spirit that belonged to the Asgardians also disappear?

"Odin longed for peace, and he didn't want to start another war, so he exiled Hela, who had made great contributions to Asgard, and kept telling Thor the importance of peace, and I, a militant, was naturally rejected by Odin , I once wanted to use the Rainbow Bridge to destroy Asgard's archenemy, the Frost Giants, but Thor and Odin joined forces to stop them, even at the expense of destroying the Rainbow Bridge."

While Loki was remembering, the Valkyrie suddenly interjected, "Then why did you become the king of the Frost Giants?"

"Because I am the Frost Giant, Odin took me away from the battlefield and raised me up, in order to make me the king of the Frost Giant. This is what Odin said himself. After I found out that I would change color, I did it Tell the truth."

The Valkyrie crossed her arms in front of her chest, and looked at Loki with some sympathy. This guy who is full of lies has a complicated life experience. The moment he knew that he was a frost giant, he must have felt like the world was falling apart.

"Are you sure this can stimulate the fighting spirit of the Asgardians?" the Valkyrie said suspiciously.

"Of course," Loki said with certainty, "Asgardians were born for war, but in Midgard, mortals kept them out and made them fishermen and farmers. Enemies, Asgardians are bound to be warriors, and you'll see familiar Asgardians."

The Valkyrie glanced at Loki and said nothing, if she hadn't seen with her own eyes that Loki took the Frost Giants, defeated the Fire Giants and the Dark Elves and sent them to Vanaheim and Alfheim to destroy the Asgardians there She didn't believe that this guy still belonged to Asgard.

After all, she heard about Loki's sloppy behavior from Greer. When Hela attacked, instead of resisting bravely, she even defected to Hela's side. Loki's explanation for this was to fight Enter the enemy's interior to investigate its reality and wait for opportunities to act.

For this reason, he showed the Valkyrie, the Eternal Spear, the Destroyer, and a glazed lamp that Hela seemed to use to command the death army that he had won from Hela, which made the Valkyrie reluctantly believe this guy, and brought Cosmic Rubik's Cube, according to Loki's order, transferred some dark elves to this small town.

Loki's explanation for this operation is that the dark elves still have value, that is, to test the attitude of human beings, and to see how much fighting spirit the Asgardians have left.

Humans have spent a lot of time confining the Asgardians to such a small circle. They must be doing experiments. After all, the Asgardians are much better than humans in all aspects, such as strength, lifespan, neural response speed, etc. , I don’t know how much higher than human beings, such a high-level life race is under the nose, it’s hell if humans don’t want to study it.

Therefore, dark elves appear near the town. If humans want to study dark elves, they must let dark elves kill some Asgardians in order to obtain Asgardian corpses for research. fall out.

And Loki wants to make the Asgardians and humans completely fall out, and lose the last place, just like in Yalfheim and Vanaheim, if Loki comes again as a savior, he can Obtaining the gratitude and loyalty of these Asgardians, the Asgardians in those two places have already recognized Loki, and taking away the Asgardians here, Loki feels that he can prepare for the enthronement ceremony up.

To become the king of the Frost Giants, for Loki, there is no sense of accomplishment. He wants to become the king of the Asgardians, let Odin take a good look, he is the most qualified one, not Thor.

(End of this chapter)

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