The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 541 The only possibility to defeat Dormammu

Chapter 541 The only possibility to defeat Dormammu
It's just that the integration has just been completed, and the invisible offensive of Master Gu Yi has already arrived, 'Shua! With a click, the fused planet was cut in half again, and countless energies emitting various colors of light poured out from the inside, spread out, and disappeared into the dark dimension.

At this moment, countless strange-shaped planets around the Ancient One moved rapidly, colliding with each other and merging together on the way. Such a spectacular scene is more shocking than the rain all over the sky. Hundreds of thousands of planets The planets merged and eventually turned into a huge 'person'.

It was so big that even if Greer was more than a hundred meters away, he still couldn't see the outline of this person, and his vision was already filled by his upper body alone.

The surface of the incomparably huge body is wrapped in colorful flames, or this body is composed of endless flames, even the eyes are like this, the pupils that can clearly see the flames are smaller than the planet under the feet of the ancient one mage Be big.

"Dormamu, here I come." With his hands behind his back, Ancient One mage calmly looked at the desperately huge giant in front of him.

"Ancient One" Domamu opened his mouth, revealing a huge mouth filled with flames, but the surrounding area was still extremely cold. Domamu was similar to the sun, made up of flames, but Domamu's incomparable He is stingy, doesn't even emit a little heat, and even feels that his energy is not enough, his body is not big enough, and he desperately wants to devour more planets and lives.

I don't know how long the battle between the two has been. The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. The second the ancient master saw Domamu, he began to cast the most powerful magic she had mastered. In an instant, more than ten magic skills It was thrown on Dormammu's body, blasting out a mass of flames, but before it bloomed, it was absorbed by Dormammu and became a part of it.

"You are very brave, you dare to come to my dark dimension." Domamu said with a mighty voice, maybe the volume is normal, but for small people, such a voice is really too loud up.

"Didn't you always want to pull me into the dark dimension? Here I am." When Mage Ancient One was speaking, his hands were casting magic quickly, throwing out powerful magic skills one by one, exploding on Dormammu's body All of them, without exception, were absorbed by Dormammu and merged into his own body.

Domamu had no intention of fighting back, or was too lazy to fight back. Despite the magic skills of the ancient mage, he really said coldly: "Why don't you use the Eye of Agamotto? Do you think you can use dark energy to fight back?" hurt me?

Or, have you figured it out and want to be part of a time-out?Look around you, there is no aging, no death here, I have defeated the common enemy of the universe - time, everything is eternal. "

"I can only see silence."

"Haha," Dormammu laughed with his mouth open, staring at the increasingly clear dark mark on the forehead of the ancient master with huge eyes, and said: "But darkness can achieve eternal life, look at yourself, how hypocritical, refuse Darkness, yet using its power."

"Because it can help me fight against you. You think you are the ruler of darkness, but in fact it is darkness that rules you. It's too sad, Domamu." The words of the ancient mage were full of pity, but it sounded very sympathetic. The reason is that Dormammu, who has acquired infinite dark power, has changed from a guardian to a destroyer, and Gu Yi, who also uses dark power, is still guarding. It is clear at a glance who is the slave of power.

"But you will soon become a part of me." Dormammu didn't say anything angry or anything, he was still so calm, no one can leave after entering the dark dimension, especially those who use dark power, It's too easy to assimilate.

Mage Ancient One finally stopped releasing magic skills, and even the magic circles on both wrists dissipated. Looking up at Domamu, who was close at hand but far away in the sky, the dark mark on his forehead became more and more clear, and began to appear Hong Guang came, and said in a flat tone: "Sometimes sacrifice is necessary. Whether you are yourself or someone else, there is nothing you can't give up."

"But what can you get in exchange for giving up? Without the Supreme Mage, the earth is mine." Dormammu leaned forward, and his huge head was almost attached to the planet where the Ancient One Mage was. Facing the sudden The huge ugly face stuck in, Master Gu Yi was still so calm, said: "No, my sacrifice can be exchanged for the safety of the earth."

"In the Dark Dimension, even if you have the Eye of Agamotto, you will not be my opponent." Dormammu said proudly, not at all anxious to eliminate the old enemy. The two of them have been friends for a long time. Old enemy, at this last moment, Dormammu really wanted to know why she came to the dark dimension on her own initiative.

The ancient master smiled for the first time, and said to Domamu: "I found your fatal weakness. You think you are from the dark dimension, but the dark dimension is not you. You, like me, use the power of the dark dimension. Or, it’s just that you control more energy than me.”

"So I am stronger than you, even outside the dark dimension, you are not my opponent."

"But I can snatch the power of darkness with you. When I snatch your dark power, you will lose."

"Do you think you can do it?" Dormammu's smile and contempt finally disappeared, and the Ancient One master caught his pain point. He was just an ordinary human being, but he learned magic, and then relied on the all-encompassing gift of eternity. The eye of knowledge discovered the dark dimension, absorbed the energy inside, and became stronger and stronger until it completely controlled the dark dimension.

Even if he replaces his body with a terrible magic flame, even if he has no human appearance, even if he has transcended time and achieved immortality, none of this can change the fact that 'he is just a user of dark energy'.

It is true that driving a car is much, much faster than a bicycle, and it can easily crush a bicycle, but regardless of the car and bicycle, they are fighting against each other in real life. Control of dark energy.In this kind of spiritual struggle, the amount of energy you control has little effect on victory.

"How will you know the result if you don't try?" Gu Yi mage said, his body suddenly flew up, and rushed towards Domamu. Although Domamu didn't think that a guy who had lived for hundreds of years could beat him, but I also don't want to fight barefoot. If I win, I won't make any money, and if I lose a little, it will be a blood loss.

So Dormammu immediately opened his mouth and spewed magic flames from his mouth, trying to destroy this tiny person, but when he started to gather energy, he found something was wrong, there was a little energy out of his control, and these energies were being It was the energy contained in the magic technique that Master Gu Yi threw on him just now.

"You and I are both users of dark energy. If you can control it, I can control it too." The Ancient One mage said and waved his hand, and the little energy under her control immediately ran away, and the magic flame gathered by Dormammu collapsed.When releasing a magic skill, a slight mistake will cause the magic skill to fail. Now, the little left by Gu Yi has caused a huge amount of Dormammu's magic skills to fail.

"Small mistakes can reverse the whole situation of the battle." The ancient one mage said pointedly, and then the whole person rushed into Domamu, the terrifying magic flame engulfed the ancient one mage in an instant, And the dark imprint on her forehead was even brighter against the flames.

"Merge with me, and you will tell me how to devour the earth." Dormammu said angrily, launching the magic flame, trying to completely burn the ancient one mage.

A smile appeared on the face of the ancient mage, he didn't care about the flames on his body, but looked forward, as if looking at his hometown, and said to himself: "The earth will not become a part of you, I will not let you Things like this happen."

"What are you going to do?" Dormammu suddenly yelled in horror, as if he had discovered something frightening.

"Dormamu, you are too arrogant. I have used hundreds of years of dark energy and studied the dark dimension for hundreds of years. You only care about devouring constantly, and your control over your body is too weak." Ancient One Mage Sighing, the dark energy she released, after being swallowed by Domamu, spread to all parts of Domamu's body, and now summoned by the ancient one mage, started a riot.

These energies are insignificant compared to the vast sea of ​​energy that Dormammu possesses, but it is this extremely tiny 'virus' that causes great damage to Dormammu, rampaging, and wherever it passes, Dormammu Tom's body twisted.

"You actually burned your soul to control these energies." Dormammu's tone was full of shock, this was no longer desperate, but exhausting everything.

"Dormammu, as I said, will never let you go to the earth to act recklessly." The tone of the ancient mage suddenly increased a lot, and his body began to dissipate. At this moment, Greer thought that in the mirror world, the ancient mage is If it dissipated like this, then, she must be fighting Dormammu.

"Do you think you can succeed?" Dormammu roared, his incomparably huge body suddenly exploded, turning into countless tiny particles, which spread towards the surroundings at an extremely fast speed, and the light emitted at this moment , It is countless times brighter than the sun, it is like the big bang of the universe, formatting everything.

The suddenly enhanced light made Greer couldn't help raising his hand to cover his eyes, but just as he raised his hand, the light disappeared, which made Greer stunned, and when he put down his hand, he realized that everything just disappeared, and there was an endless sky in front of him. The wilderness and the city billowing smoke in the distance.

Looking down, the emerald light has disappeared, and Agamotto's eyes have also closed, which makes Greer feel a sense of loss. The picture ends here abruptly. It seems that the ancient mage's desperate blow failed. Failed to snatch control of the Dark Dimension from Dormammu.

Maybe, the ancient mage knew that he couldn't get it, but for the sake of the earth, he still used his life to grab it. At least it would cause a lot of trouble for Dormammu. As a mage, as we all know, the aftereffects of the disintegration of the demons in Dafa are very serious.

"Thank you!" Greer said from the bottom of her heart. The Ancient One Mage sacrificed her life for a period of peace on Earth. No one knew about her feat. She died quietly and left nothing behind, not to mention the body, even the soul. Burn it up for the sake of the earth.

In the city that has just been ravaged by the flame giant, there are raging flames everywhere. The limited firefighting force is extremely powerless in this city full of fire, but the firefighting team is still working hard to put out the fire, exhausting everything method to extinguish the fire.

Surrounded by the flames, people looked desperately at the approaching flames, holding their mobile phones with trembling hands, leaving the last words to their loved ones, and then collapsed on the hot ground, waiting for the approach of death. At this time, water dripped and dripped on people's faces.

Looking up to the top, I saw a small black shadow suspended in the high sky, lightning surrounded him, layers of dark clouds piled up, drops of rain fell from the sky, and the rain became more and more intense. The bigger it gets, the more it takes three or four seconds to turn into a torrential rain, pouring down on the city of flames, pouring water on the desperate hearts, and rekindling hope in people's hearts.

"I saw it, it's Thor." Some people who got the telescope looked into the sky and found Thor holding up the storm axe.

"Thor saved us."

"He can rain?"

"Is the desert going to be a thing of the past?"

The city is boiling, burning even more than when it was full of flames just now. Many people ran to the streets and rooftops in the rain, shouting to the sky, expressing their excitement and gratitude. Those who were robbed of their jobs The firefighters were especially excited.

Human beings are shouting, excited, and happy, while the wounded Asgardian army, supporting each other and carrying the dead, walks into the space gate one by one. On the other side is the seaside town—New Asgard, Gray Er stood by the space door, silently watching the army fighting against the flame giant.

Heimdall walked at the end, walked to Greer, stopped, and said with some guilt: "Asgard can't help you in the rest of the battle." Only this battle, Asgard Germany suffered heavy losses. Even if the warriors were still able to fight, but if all the young and middle-aged were exhausted, Asgard would almost be wiped out.

"This is the earth, and humans will naturally protect it with all their might. You have done enough, leave the rest to me." Greer said flatly.

But Heimdall couldn't help looking at the Eye of Agamotto hanging around Greer's neck, and his eyes widened in surprise: "Have you inherited the title of Supreme Mage?"

Although it was an inquiry, it was affirmative, but Greer shook his head, looked down at the Eye of Agamotto, and said, "I am just keeping it for a while for its owner."

"But Midgard cannot do without the protection of the Mage Supreme."

Before Heimdall could finish speaking, Greer said, "Dormammu has been wounded by the Supreme Mage, and he will not be able to come to Earth for a short time. The Avengers will protect the homeland of mankind."

(End of this chapter)

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