The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 540 The Passed Venerable

Chapter 540 The Passed Venerable

"No, I can't, I can't do it well." Greer shook his head endlessly, he couldn't bear such a heavy burden, and he couldn't carry it, let alone have any confidence.

"Then believe that we can do it. The timing does not allow us to make all the preparations. Sometimes we have to break the rules to do better." Ancient One mage said slowly, I don't know if he was saying to Greer, Still saying that absorbing dark power by oneself is an act of breaking the rules.

Greer looked down at the Eye of Agamotto hanging around his neck, the dark golden eyes that were exactly the same as the huge skylights on the top of the three temples, with the Time Stone in his hand, but he felt no joy at all, only fear in his heart and uneasy.

Once the ancient mage passes away, the earth will lose another solid barrier. Without the supreme mage and Asgard, will Thanos still be afraid to move forward?Will it start attacking the earth immediately to seize the soul gem and time gem on the earth.

Thinking of this, Greer panicked. He was never so nervous even in the college entrance examination back then, like a prisoner facing trial, knowing the outcome, but still holding a glimmer of hope, but now the only remaining hope is in one A little bit of loss.

Odin is gone, Asgard is gone, and now the Supreme Mage is also gone. Everything seems to be returning to the original point. The only variable is that Greer holds the first power gem originally obtained by Thanos. If you add the Time Stone, you should be able to fight Thanos.

After all, the ether particles are missing, the space gem is taken away by the fat man Thor, the soul gem needs to be sacrificed, and the soul gem is still on the earth.
"Get the Mind Stone, too." Greer suddenly had this idea, and it became more and more intense. If you have three Infinity Stones, even if Thanos gets the other three gems, three against three is still a five-five. In the open situation, do I still need to be afraid of him?
The more Greer thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, why should he be afraid, why should he be worried, why should he hesitate? Let others not snap their fingers to fight, and even snap their fingers in reverse, and use infinite gems to wipe out Thanos' army.

Why are you afraid, why are you afraid, why are you worried, isn't it because your strength is inferior to others?Only the waste of Zhanwu would be afraid of the shotgun in the farmer's hand. The Saiyan not only wants to laugh, but also presents a light bullet. He is not afraid at all.

Thinking about it, Greer was fascinated by the idea of ​​collecting infinite gems. Greer had never dared to think about it before, but now he thinks, are infinite gems special?Thanos can touch it, but I can't?I already have a third of it in my hand, and if I get the soul gem, I will get half of it. Even if I can't get the rest, but three against three, it is not worth it.

"You are longing for power." Mage Ancient One said suddenly, awakening Greer from his thoughts, only to find that there were several fine lines of blood on the eyebrows of Mage Ancient One, combined into a simple pattern - darkness The mark of the dimension, the symbol of Dormammu believers.

"Yeah!" Greer nodded, and said, "Only a strong force can defeat a strong enemy and protect what you want to protect."

"It's true to desire powerful power, but you must never become a slave to desire. Dormammu lost himself in the growing power and eventually lost himself. Now he is just a dark creature named Dormammu. It's no longer Dormammu."

"Well, I'll pay attention."

The ancient mage moved his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but finally swallowed the words that came to his mouth, turned around, looked behind him, lost the power of the time gem, and the mirror world has returned to normal. The real world outside is nothing.

The surrounding scenery is very ordinary, there are no green mountains and green waters, no strange peaks and steep mountains, just ordinary mountains, ordinary roads, ordinary vegetation and wild flowers, but the ancient master is very nostalgic, looking at the mountains and mountains of the earth with infatuation. Water, plants and trees, said to himself: "I have seen my end time countless times. I should have been ready, but I was so nostalgic. Knowing that my life is limited, I feel that life is too short. , which is the best meaning that death bestows on life.”

At the last syllable exit, the figure of the ancient mage began to dissipate. After two or three breaths of effort, it turned into countless luminous particles, scattered like fireflies, but disappeared completely without flying far away. In the blink of an eye, Greer was the only one left.

"My lord? My lord? My lord." Greer yelled louder and louder. The mirror world was completely silent, without any response. He was left standing alone in the open wilderness, despite the people from the southeast and northwest A cold wind blows.

"My lord!" Greer's eyes were moist, his lips were trembling, his throat seemed to be stuffed with a piece of wood, and he couldn't make any sound.

Is the Supreme Master just gone?Is the Ancient One who guarded mankind for hundreds of years or even longer really gone?Is the earth about to lose a respectable elder?
Greer doesn't want to know the answer, let alone face this cruel fact. From now on, there will be no one to shield you from all powerful enemies from different dimensions, no one to help you when you are confused, and no one to teach you the truth. Industry puzzles.
I don't know how long I stood there before Greer came back to his senses, lowered his head and held Agamotto's Eye, and said in a low voice, "My lord, I will protect the earth."

'Om! '

The closed Eye of Agamotto suddenly opened, exuding a jewel-like emerald green brilliance, reflected in Greer's eyes, it was extremely bright, in an instant, the mirror space began to collapse, the earth turned over, mountains and rivers shattered, like heavy Like the world, everything that Greer can see is broken into countless pieces.

Each fragment is projecting a different image: a child in ragged clothes is carrying a ragged pannier, trekking hard in a snowstorm; the child is wearing a small Kama Taj kimono, learning to perform a simple Magic uses magic to fight against strange-looking life forms. Received the Eye of Agamotto from an old man. Surrounded by powerful enemies, opened the forbidden book, cast the forbidden spell, and wiped out the enemy with a sweeping gesture
On the few fragments closest to Greer, Greer saw the ancient mage with the dark mark between his brows, walking in the army of flame giants all over the mountains and plains, with his arms around the magic circle, and as he waved his hands, flames burst into flames one by one. The giants fell apart, and blood-like magma flowed out, converging into streams, flowing wantonly on the frozen ground.

"It turned out to be you, Venerable." Greer stared at the fragments showing the voice of the ancient mage around him, and said to himself, finally he knew who wiped out the army of flame giants, and also understood why she did this. Knowing that time was running out, she no longer worried about the hidden danger of using dark power, and directly killed the flame giant, which was a great threat to the earth and human beings, as her last protection for the earth.

But immediately, what Greer thought was the "last protection of the ancient mage" became the penultimate time. The light of the Eye of Agamotto on the chest instantly increased by more than ten times, and the surrounding fragments were illuminated in the emerald-like light. , quickly healed and became a whole again.

And the projected image also changed accordingly. There was no green mountains and green waters anymore, but a boundless dark void, colorful light clusters everywhere, the brightness was very low, it looked like a child's graffiti, extremely messy, without any trace of chaos. No beauty.

Under Greer's gaze, the number of these dim light clusters is rapidly decreasing, and the volume is rapidly expanding. Obviously, the "lens" is zooming in. Soon, the dim light clusters turned into gigantic spheres. Or spheroids.

These spheres are a bit like enlarged pictures of viruses and bacteria. There are 'craters' emitting various lights all over the surface. Within the field of vision, there are countless countless spheres, consisting of different thicknesses, like blood vessels. Things, connected to each other, form a whole.

This is Dormam! "The voice suddenly sounded beside Greer, which startled Greer. He turned his head and saw that the ancient mage was suspended beside Greer, and the mage clothes on his body were changed into plain gray. Looking into the boundless void.

"My lord?!" Greer's eyes almost popped out. What's going on? Didn't he leave just now?Why did it appear again?What the hell is this?

But the ancient mage didn't even look at Greer, as if he didn't hear Greer's words, he stared forward and continued to say in a flat tone: "Dormammu is the ruler of the dark dimension, he and the dark The dimensions merge into one, he is the dark dimension, and the dark dimension is him, immortal and immortal.

But because of this, he cannot leave the dark dimension forever, so he is committed to integrating other worlds into the dark dimension and becoming a part of him. His followers are also superstitious about this, thinking that if they integrate into the dark dimension, they can gain eternal life. "

"We are in Dormammu's body?" Greer was a little surprised, feeling like a bacterium in Dormammu's body, maybe even something smaller than bacteria, the planet is the cell, and the river system is the organ , Dormammu is the universe.

But Greer's question was not answered, and the ancient mage seemed unable to see Greer or hear Greer's words, so he said to himself: "The dark dimension is older than time, and Dormammu who rules there Transcend time and use it to seduce people from other worlds.

An existence beyond time, not enslaved by time, not choked by death, achieving immortal eternity, countless people fall into it, willing to run for Dormammu, devour their world, and finally become Dormammu just like these countless planets a part of. "

Greer somewhat understood what was going on. This should be a piece of image left by the ancient mage in Agamotto's eyes. He introduced Dormammu and the Dark Dimension to his successor in case of sudden death, so that his successor would not know Karma The details of Taj's greatest enemy, Dormammu, can be regarded as an insurance measure.

But her words gave Greer a sense of horror. Greer had always thought that Galactus was the biggest villain in Marvel, but he never expected that Dormammu was countless times bigger than him. Looking around , until the end of the field of vision, there are still planets emitting various colors of light, and it is impossible to count how many planets exist here.

How many planets has been devoured by Dormammu, how many lives have been wiped out? With such a huge body, how powerful should it be? No wonder Asgard, who dominates the Nine Realms, just let the earth be Kama Taj's private land. Karma Taj is dealing with such a strong enemy.

It is so strong that any supreme mage must borrow the time gem to repel Dormammu, but cannot destroy Dormammu. It is so strong that the ancient one mage wants to give up his life to interrupt Dormammu's attempt to invade the earth.How desperate it is to risk your life, but you can't do it, and you can only let it give up invading the earth.

When Greer was full of thoughts, Master Ancient One suddenly turned around and said with a serious face: "Dormammu is Kama Taj, human beings, the earth, and the greatest enemy of the universe. As long as he lives , will not give up the idea of ​​integrating the universe into the dark dimension.

Legend has it that the earth is an entrance to the multiverse in this universe, but no one knows where this entrance is and how to open it, but Dormammu will not give up his desire to reach out to other universes, and he will definitely try his best In order to devour the earth, the duty and mission of the supreme mage is to protect the earth. Even if humans are abandoned, the earth cannot be lost, otherwise the entire universe and even the multiverse will be poisoned by Dormammu. "

While speaking, an Ancient One mage wearing orange mage clothes passed between the two of them, and landed on a shining 'planet' not far away, with his back to his hands, looking up at the 'sky', He said, "Dormam, I'm here."

Even though they were far away, the words of Ancient One Mage could be heard clearly in Greer's ears. Turning his head to look, he found that the ancient one in gray clothes had disappeared. Looking down again, Agamotto The light of the eye also changed from scattering around to focusing forward like a projection lamp, 'showing' the event of 'an ancient mage going deep into the dark dimension to find Dormammu' that happened at an unknown time.

But Greer had a vague feeling that all this should have happened just now. The ancient mage waved and wiped out the flame giant, went deep into the dark dimension to meet Dormammu, and at the same time handed the Eye of Agamotto to Ge in the mirror world. Riel, he didn't even have time to explain what happened to Dormammu, so he could only leave this image in the Eye of Agamotto.

When Greer was guessing, the ancient mage who happened in the past raised his hands, and a dark golden magic circle appeared on his wrists. He waved his hand upwards, and a wriggling planet was instantly split into pieces by an invisible attack. The two halves burst apart, and a large amount of substances emitting various colors of light spilled out. The blood vessel-like pipelines connected to the two poles retracted immediately, dragging the cut-in-half planet to hit the next planet, making the two sides merge into one. , the volume of another planet instantly expanded a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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