The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 517 Seeing Asgard Again

Chapter 517 Seeing Asgard Again
In the boundless world of ice and snow, the only thing that is not white - the spaceship is quietly moored on the ice of unknown thickness. Greer and Thor, who are shivering from the cold, are sitting on the top of the spaceship with their backs facing each other, drooping listlessly. Pulling his head, he really didn't want to look at the snow and ice.

The two of them had nothing to do, even if they entered the spaceship and bathed in the warm air of the air conditioner, they couldn't feel any warmth at all. Obviously, the cold came from their hearts, so the two of them simply sat on the top of the spaceship, thinking hard. What method is not tried.

Thor tried to fly up, smashing through seventeen or eight layers of frozen clouds in a row, until the aircraft made by Stark almost ran out of fuel, and there were still frozen clouds above his head.Greer also tried to enter the mirror space, but the cold still followed him, and it flew in all directions, and it was also boundless ice and snow, and he couldn't see the second color.

After such a toss, Greer and Thor verified one thing. They should be trapped in an illusion or a dream. As for when they were trapped, Greer guessed that it was when the spaceship landed and opened the gate.Because the cold entangled Greer and Thor from that moment, but the two of them didn't feel a little bit at all, and the transition from reality to dream was completely seamless.

The two who were half frozen to death worked hard for a long time, and they figured out the cause, but they couldn't deal with the consequences. Instead of an enemy who could touch and see, no matter how strong, even if it was Thanos, the two of them could fight against each other. Fighting with each other, but no one has any experience in this illusory illusion or dream, and they don't understand it at all, what to do?
"My head hurts, my head hurts!" Greer couldn't help scratching his head, his head was about to explode, and he couldn't think of any practical solution. Even though he knew that the cold was not real, it was still cold. My limbs are almost numb from the cold, and if this continues, I will really be frozen to death.

"Niflheim, Niflheim" Thor kept repeating "Niflheim" like a repeater, as if he wanted to use this to recall more things about Niflheim, But judging from the two people still sitting still, it is clear that the 'repeater' method is not very reliable.

"Thor, stop talking about it if you can't think of it. My head hurts." Greer said weakly, his upper and lower teeth chattering.

"Do you have a better way?"


".Niflheim, Niflheim"

"But I thought of a problem, that is, if this is not an illusion, but a dream, no matter what we do, it will be useless, because it is only imagined in our minds, and we have not put it into action at all." Gray Hall made a new guess.

In reality, the two of them may be lying in the spaceship, and they did not transform into Kamen Rider at all, did not summon the water space, and did not enter the mirror space. Everything was just Greer's thinking, so they couldn't get rid of the cold.But this is not Inception. The method of falling and waking up is completely inapplicable here. Thor and Greer also tried it as a living horse doctor, but it didn't work at all.

Thor stopped repeating, turned his head, looked at Greer and said, "Then how do you wake up?"

"do not know."

".Niflheim, Niflheim"

"However, I think we should think in reverse. There must be something or a magic circle where the spaceship is parked, which made us enter a dream and destroy her. Wouldn't it wake us up?" Greer said more and more. The method is reliable, anyway, he can't think of other ways for the time being.

Tolton, who was sluggish from the cold, immediately regained his energy and stood up. The huge burly man was curled up in the cold, and tremblingly said: "How can we affect the real world when we are in a dream?"

"This is exactly what we want to solve," Greer couldn't sit still, stood up, folded his arms, and walked back and forth on the top of the spaceship, as if he wanted to gain some warmth by doing this.The two of them didn't have any frost on their bodies, and their faces were quite rosy, but they felt so cold as to die.

As time passed bit by bit, Greer and Thor felt the cold had penetrated into their hearts and spleens. Although their bodies were warm, their limbs were stiff and almost numb.

"Have you thought about it?" Thor's whole body was rolled into a ball. Even though he knew it was useless, he still subconsciously huddled his body tightly. Greer next to him didn't show much in appearance, but he was thin and thin. For him, the balls are not as rounded as Thor.

He also said in a trembling tone: "Too strong thoughts in the subconscious dream can make the body move. Lightning Thor used your electricity and we must be lying in the spaceship. We must have blown up the spaceship with lightning. It can affect the surroundings, maybe you can see something, this is the last... the last way I thought of."

Greer, who was lying on the top of the spaceship, spoke in a lower and lower voice. The extreme cold made every cell in his body think of going to sleep, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.At this time, Greer finally understood what this cold dream was for. No matter how big and powerful Yermungandr's body was, as long as he couldn't get rid of the cold, his brain would give instructions to put his body into a deep sleep , is really a useful method, simple and effective
In the cold where all beings are equal, Thor is also unable to hold on, and his firm belief is useless here, and he can't stop the brain that is slowly stopping, and the thinking that can be done is decreasing, leaving only one thought "lightning" .But there are only a few electric sparks at the fingertips, which is already a great improvement. The former Thor left Thor's Hammer, but he couldn't even make a spark, but for the current situation, this spark is simply a drop in the bucket. A drop in the bucket.

"Lightning. Lightning" Thor's incarnation repeater chanted these two words again, but his voice lowered a little bit until he could no longer hear it. Before closing his eyes, Thor's last thought was: " I can not do it."

"Thor, are you the God of the Hammer?" A very familiar voice suddenly sounded in Thor's ear. The voice was not loud, but it was as loud as a bell. It is a sky full of stars and tall buildings with bright lights, and farther away is a boundless sea. An ice-cast bridge extends from the city to the deep sea, and a golden house at the end of the ice bridge can be vaguely seen.
"Asgard? Asgard!" Thor repeated in a low voice the words he had repeated countless times, and two lines of tears could not help but flow down his face, dripping on the dark golden chest engraved with countless fine lines. on the metal floor.

(End of this chapter)

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